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Love Conquer

Page 8

by Hart, Cary

  So much for not listening.

  “What the fuck, Nina? You think because you painted someone’s house that you can go on TV and do this for a living? It’s slapping some color on a white-ass wall and saying you gave it a make-over.”

  “It’s more than that,” I tell him.

  “I’m not going to work every day and bust my ass to pay for school for you to learn the color wheel.”

  “But you loved how I decorated our bedroom.” I stand up. “You said I had a real talent for it.”

  He begins to laugh, bending over at the waist. His laughter echoes throughout the room. “I wanted to get laid.”

  “Don’t laugh at me.” I stomp over to Kyle, snatching the sketch out of his hand.

  “Hey, I was looking at that.” He tries to snag it back, but quickly sees I’m not in a playful mood.

  “I wasn’t laughing at you.” He tucks his hands in his pockets.

  “Then what were you laughing at?” I demand.

  I may have taken this shit with Brandon, but now I’m living for me and I refuse to have someone belittle my dreams.

  “Nina…” His face softens. “What made me laugh was that you titled your design ‘Netflix and Chill.’”

  “Oh.” I feel a heat travel from my head to my toes. I’m so embarrassed, and a little ashamed of how I overreacted.

  “I’m sorry,” he says quietly.

  “No, I’m the one who should be sorry. It’s just…” I trail off.

  He’s in front of me, bending his knees to get to eye level. He removes one hand from his pocket and lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Your design is amazing. The attention you paid to details from the colors to textures, that is talent.” His thumb begins to work circles on my bottom jaw, causing my body to go lax. “The question is, who are you hiring to do all this work?”

  “I’m doing it.” I reach up, gently pushing his hand away. “Tonight, I’m going to start painting.”

  “You have a lot of prep work to do—”

  “I do realize what it’s going to take.” I step forward, interrupting.

  “I know you do. I was just going to say, I’m not busy tonight and I can free-hand trim like no one’s business.” His smile is crooked, cautious.

  “I got it covered. Spotlight has some band coming in tonight, so Niki and Gavin won’t be home till late. So, I have plenty of time to knock this out.” I walk around behind Kyle and begin to push him toward the door. “I appreciate your help today and thank you for bandaging me up, but I got this all under control.

  “Alright, but if for some reason you get bored or take a break...” He holds up his phone. “Text me.

  “Will do.” We stand in the doorway, face to face.

  “See you tomorrow.” He leans down and gives me a quick peck on the cheek, turns and leaves.

  Shutting the door, I rest my back against it, looking around. It’s a lot of wall to cover and I could do it on my own, but why should I when I have someone wanting to help?

  Pushing myself off the door, I turn and swing it open. Kyle is still there, unloading my bike. “Care to show me those mad trimming skills?”

  Flashing me one hell of a smile, dimples front and center, he says, “Only if you’re paying in pizza.”

  “Supreme?” I fold my hands together, pleading.

  “It’s the only way.”


  I’m falling into a pretty normal routine. I get up at the butt crack of dawn and eat, drink, and breathe coffee until noon, then work on the house until late in the evening.

  If it wasn’t for Kyle, I would still be working on painting the accent wall, but with his magical trimming brush we were able to knock out most of it on day one and finish up the first coat last night.

  “What has you grinning from ear to ear?” Jen sneaks up behind me, tugging on the back of my apron.

  “Nothing really,” I lie.

  “Since we’re slow, you wanna take your break now?” She grabs a rag and starts wiping down the machines.

  “You go ahead. Kyle is stopping by in a few.”

  Resting my elbows on the counter, I scan the room. I catch myself doing it daily, but so far, nothing. She hasn’t been back since. Maybe I made nothing into something, projecting my experience upon others.

  “Oh?” Jen smacks me on the butt with the towel and rolls it up again for another strike.

  “Don’t you dare,” I warn her.

  “Then tell me the truth. You and Kyle hooking up?” She jumps forward, taking a swipe as I scoot back.

  “No! I promise.” I hold up my hands. “He’s just helping me do a little remodeling. That’s it.”

  “So, why come in on your break?” She raises her eyebrows. “Hmm?”

  “I told him I would buy him a coffee for all the hard work.” Looking down, I fiddle with a string on my apron. “Really, it’s not a big deal.”

  “Kyle and coffee, you don’t say?” She reaches across me, grabbing a danish, her eyes challenging me.

  “Just coffee.”

  “If you say so.” She fills a cup with the filtered water. “I’m going to take a short break since I have to leave early today.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right here…” I pick up the rag and start cleaning, “…wiping down the counter, working.”

  Backing up, she grabs an apple from the fruit bowl and takes a bite, her eyes never leaving mine.

  She’s right. It is something more, but what? We’ve admitted we are attracted to one another, flirted until it was inappropriate, but somehow, I’m stuck in the friend zone.

  Am I ready? I guess that’s the real question.

  “Hey you,” Kyle says as he comes up to the counter.

  “Hey. Jen just went on break, but is only taking a couple minutes.” I begin to make the coffee I promised him.

  “Cool. Do you care if I sit up here until she gets back?” He lowers himself onto a stool.

  “Looks like you already made yourself at home.”

  Winking, he pulls out his phone and punches out a message, before tucking it back in his pocket.

  “I’m back!” Jen comes through the swinging doors. “Go, pay Kyle with coffee.” She looks from me to him, giving him the stare down.

  “Uh, thanks?” I untie my apron, grab our coffees and walk around to the seating area.

  “This okay?” Kyle points to a table by the window. He pulls my chair out, waiting for me to take a seat before he sits.

  “Here’s your coffee I promised you.” I slide his across the table as I take a sip of mine.

  “Thanks.” His smile is there, but weak enough his dimple doesn’t show. “Were you still up when they got home?”

  “I had just gotten out of the shower,” I reply.

  “Looks like I left too soon then.” The dimple is back.

  “You’re crazy.” I lower my head, hiding my face.

  “Don’t do that.” He reaches across the table, lifting my chin. “Your smile makes me smile. Me putting it there makes my day.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just keep smiling.”

  And I do. Until I take another pull of my coffee and he still hasn’t touched his.

  Tilting my cup in his direction, I ask, “Aren’t you going to drink yours?”



  “I don’t even like coffee.”

  “Gasp!” I exclaim in mock horror, eyes wide, hands on chest, as if I feel faint.

  “There are a million beverages beside coffee,” he says.

  “Then why come in every day and why not order something besides this delicious goodness?”

  Leaning across the table, he pushes his cup toward me. “I drink tea. Lipton, not that fruity stuff they have here. Or water.”

  “So, that’s why Jen was acting funny. She knew.” I purse my lips together and look over my shoulder at her, shaking my head.

  “What?” she mouths while shrugging her shoulders.

��I’m confused. Why even come in?”

  He takes my hand in his. His calloused hands are rough, but his touch is soft. “I wanted to see you.”


  He nods. “Go to dinner with me tomorrow night?”


  “You. I’ll pick you up at six.”

  “Not coffee?”

  “Hate coffee.”



  “Okay,” I agree, smiling not just for him, but for myself, too.

  “Okay.” He lifts my hand and rubs his lips against my knuckles, placing a tender kiss on them. “Break’s over.”

  Maybe, but we’ve just begun.


  They were right. Maybe time does heal all wounds. Each day that passes it gets easier, but the days I see Nina, the dark thoughts slowly fade away, healing me.

  I was a good guy, but somewhere down the road, I lost him. Nina makes me believe there’s a reason to move on from the past and hope for a future.

  Nina…she’s definitely not your average girl. Behind those mesmerizing, emerald eyes, there’s a pain. One that runs deep into the soul. I should know, I see the same thing in my reflection every day. The same look that screams to run the other way.

  But today, I have a feeling things are about to change. After just four days, I have the need to know everything about her. I want to be the one who breaks down the walls so I can shield her with my armor.

  This woman makes me want to look forward to tomorrow. Not just Saturday, but every tomorrow after that. Nina Sanders is more than just words. She could very well be the story I was waiting for to be written.

  “Kyle Lewis, I swear if that pansy lookin’ grin is for my sister, I’m going to—”

  “Have my balls?” I look over my shoulder to give Niki my best “I’d like to see you try it” glare, but the look on her face causes my mine to drop. My future flashes before my eyes. There’s scrubs, a scalpel and rope. Lots of rope. Any hope to have a family of my own. Gone.

  “You wanna rethink that?” Niki’s arms are crossed, toe tapping.

  “Oh Lord!” Aubrey comes barreling through the Java Talk door. “I can’t leave you alone for one second.” She grabs hold of Niki’s arm. “Hey, Kyle.”

  “Aubrey.” I nod. “Where are the girls?” I wait for the little rugrats to come busting through any moment.

  “They’re with Drew,” Aubrey says. “He thought it would be good to have some girl time before Clark comes.” She pats her belly.

  “Ah, that’s right.” Drew gave the crew an early weekend while the contract team came in to do the concrete work. Since I’ve been a little late each day, I volunteered to supervise, giving Drew a little extra time with his new family.

  “So that means you should be at work. Not in here trying to sex up my sister,” Niki chimes in.

  Glancing up at the counter, I see Nina watching us, a look of worry on her face. Giving a small little wave, I let her know all is good, or it will be.

  “I’m actually on my way to the site now. The cement truck was running behind.” I walk to the waste bin to throw away the cup from the water Nina gave me after her break was over.

  “See you tomorrow?” Aubrey replies in a sing-song voice.

  “Tomorrow?” I stare at her, eyes wide, racking my brain with what could be going on the same time I’m supposed to be having date night, with Nina.

  “He hasn’t told you? Don’t worry, he’ll call later.” Aubrey pivots, walking off, leaving me alone with her.

  I take a step back, and she takes a step forward. For being so petite, Niki Sanders sure is a force to be reckoned with, but in this moment, right before she speaks, her face softens.

  “Kyle, I’m not sure what your end game is here, but if you think you can treat her like you did Cindy…”

  I throw my head back. “Cindy.” I exhale her name with a deep sigh. “You have no clue when it comes to her. Cindy…that was a mutual decision.” I rub my hands over my face, irritated that one mistake has haunted me for so long.

  “Nina…she’s broken, Kyle.” Niki looks down, pinching the bridge of her nose.

  “Niki, what aren’t you telling me?” I take a step closer, whispering, “What can I do?”

  “I didn’t know.” She shakes her head. “You didn’t see her.”

  “See what?”

  “No…I can’t. It’s not my story to tell, but Kyle…she’s not like the others.”


  “Niki, from the moment I ran into her, I knew she was different and I swear to you, I want nothing more than to piece what is broken back together.”

  “She smiles when she talks about you,” Niki blurts out.

  “Well…” Her confession catches me off guard. “Same here.”

  “I like her smile.”

  “Me too.”

  “You better keep it there.” She narrows her eyes. “Or my original threat still stands.” She pats my chest. “Good talk, Lewis. Good talk.” As she turns, she hollers, “Jen, coffee me!”

  Nina’s head jerks up at the sound of her sister shouting across the room. Her eyes find mine. Pulling my phone out, I point to it, signaling I’m going to text her.

  Nodding once, the tiniest smile escapes as she continues to work. Niki notices and looks back to me. “Thank you,” she mouths.

  What she doesn’t realize is I’m the one who should be thankful.

  Heading out, I tap out a quick message.

  Me: I think she’s warming up to me. TTYL.

  Before I can slide it back into my pocket, I get a text from Drew.

  Drew: I need some help with a surprise for the girls.

  Here it comes.

  Me: Have a date.

  Drew: All day?

  Me: Not till 6.

  Drew: We’ll be done.

  Drew: Nina?

  Me: Yeah.

  Drew: Niki is going to… (knife emoji)

  Noticing the time, I head to the truck, my phone pinging like crazy as I walk.

  Drew: Oh God! Are you at Java Talk?

  Drew: Niki and Aubrey are there. RUN!

  Drew: Are you alive?

  Drew: I’m 10 seconds away from calling for backup.

  Hopping into my truck, I catch up.

  Me: Dude…I was walking to truck, but it’s cool…

  Me: We talked.

  Drew: I’m scared. I have a friend who knows a friend.

  Me: ?????

  Drew: Specializes in making people “disappear”. You can start over.

  Me: Dude? Ye of little faith.

  Drew: LOL

  Me: What time tomorrow?

  Drew: After Doug gets the girls. Around 2-ish?

  Me: What are we doing?

  Drew: Moving a playhouse.

  Me: I’ll be there at noon.

  Drew: Good. Girls are fixing lunch.

  Me: Is this code for show up with a pizza.

  Drew: I wish. Since learning to make tacos we have it every other day.

  Me: LOL

  Drew: I’ll let you go. Buzz me when the job’s done.

  Me: 10-4

  Tossing my phone in the console, I sit back and revel in my win. Tomorrow is a new day.


  “Rise and shine!” I run into Niki’s room. “It’s Saturday!” I yell, jumping up onto the bed with one of Niki’s non-spill stainless steel mugs in hand.

  “For fuck’s sake.” She pulls the cover over her head. “Why does everyone feel the need to pounce on me this morning?”

  “Wha…” I stop jumping and fall into the bed.

  Throwing back the covers, she says, “First Gav…” She nods over to where I landed, giving me a little wink. “And now you.”

  “Ew!” I scramble to get off the bed, but not before Niki snags the mug from my hands, downing the contents like it’s a cold bottle of water.

  “I’m kidding.” She stretches out, blindly searching for the nightstand to set her cup down. “Gav stayed af
ter closing to work with Jake on the quarterly inventory.”

  Crawling across the bed, I grab her mug and set it down.

  “Thanks.” She stretches out. “So, what has you up and going on your day off?” Niki reaches for Gavin’s pillow, hugging it tight as she buries her nose in his scent.

  “Well, I was wondering if you wanted to have a girl’s day?” I wiggle my toes. “They are in desperate need of a pedicure.”

  “Oh hell no!”


  “Pedicures mean shaven legs and shaven legs equals swinging chandelier sex.”

  “Niki!” I fall back on the bed. “You’re unbelievable.” I roll over, now facing her. “It means a touch of colors on my toes during flip-flop season.”

  “Which leads to sex.”

  “I’m twenty-three years old. If I want to have sex on the first date I will, but honestly, it’s just dinner.”

  “Said no woman ever.” She sits up, scooting back against the headboard. “We are programmed to have feelings, make mountains out of molehills. So, please.” She folds her hands together, begging. “For the love of all things holy, please tell me, you did not let his snake, near your hole.” Unclasping her hands, she reaches for the mug, shaking out the leftover droplets into her mouth.

  “Did you seriously just beg for my celibacy?”

  “Dear sister, I just prayed.” She points to the heavens. “I got me some God on my side. Tempt that! I dare you.”

  “Cheese-N-Rice! You’re unbelievable.” I reach behind me, feeling around for my revenge.

  “Nina…come here.” She holds out her arms. “Come give your sister a hug.”

  Stretching out, I lean over, bringing the pillow with me…just in case.

  Wrapping me in her arms, she whispers, “Don’t think I didn’t see that pillow.”


  And before I know what’s happening, her hands are on my shorts, yanking them up, giving me the biggest wedgie.

  “Niki!” I reach around, doing a little dance trying to save my lady bits.

  Jumping out of bed, she grabs the pillow from my hand and hits me once. “Don’t try to out dick the dickster.”


  “Prankster, but it sounds so much better saying, dick. Don’t you think?” She hits me again.


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