Book Read Free


Page 7

by LJ Baker

  “I guess you're right. It just sucks to waste the month.”

  “You just got done saying you didn't think she was the wrong choice.”

  “What do I know?” Az shrugged and went to the fridge to pour some orange juice. “Which reminds me, Cupid sent me a text yesterday.”


  “I think he was trying to get information on you, but I haven't answered him.”

  “Do what you want. He’s up to something, but I’m not worried about him.”

  “Maybe you should be.”

  “And why is that?”

  “I know you thought it might have been me that tipped off the police about Ronnie Falcon, but it wasn’t. My guess is that it was Cupid.”

  “I know it wasn't you, Az. And I’ve long suspected that little shit of being the one who called in the tip. I’m still not concerned with him. I have more important things on my mind.”

  He’d gotten Ronnie out of trouble, with help from Az. Whatever Cupid was after, and whatever he was willing to do to get attention, it was going to happen. Luc would deal with Cupid when it came time. Until then, he would keep his focus on getting to know Amanda and making the most of his month with her.


  “The contract is signed.” Amanda dropped a pizza box on the coffee table and tossed a beer to Toby. “Hallelujah.”

  She flopped onto the couch next to Toby and kicked off her shoes. Before he had a chance to even open his beer, she propped her feet on his lap an stretched out.

  “How did you manage that?” He pushed her feet off and popped open his beer. “Oh, this is good. New company?” He read the beer label with a raised brow.

  “Yeah. I’m thinking about carrying them.” She leaned forward and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box. “And you were right. I apologized and he still wanted to do business. God only knows why.”

  She shoved half the slice into her mouth and chewed a few times before swallowing, then shoved in the rest.

  “I usually am right. If only you’d listen to me more often.”

  “Uh huh.” Amanda rolled her eyes.

  “Well it’s true.”

  “If your head gets any bigger it will be too big for my surprise.”

  “Surprise?” Toby took a slice of pizza an nibbled off the tip. “What kind of surprise?”

  “One that you’re gonna like.” She snatched the pizza from him and took a big bite.

  “Pig. How do you eat so much and stay thin?”

  “You ask me that like every day.”

  “It baffles me.”

  “You eat the same food as me.”

  “Half as much, plus I don’t drink anywhere near as many calories as you. Besides, I work out four days a week. When is the last time you went to a gym, or for a run? Middle school?”

  “A gym.” She snorted. “You won’t find me in a gym.”

  “Of course not. There’s half naked men there.”

  “I’m not opposed to half naked men, you know.”

  “No, I don’t know that. So this new customer… Luc, he’s hot.”


  “So? What is wrong with you? Seriously?”

  “You mention how hot he is just about every day now. Get a new line, or ask him out. Now you’re making me not want to tell you my surprise, brat.”

  “Right, the surprise. Is it that when you went over to apologize, that you pushed him into the back room, and took my advice?”

  “What advice?”

  “To blow him.”

  She pressed her lips into a straight line for a long moment before responding. “No surprise for you.”

  Amanda hopped off the couch and went to the kitchen for more beer. She would pace herself tonight. She didn’t need a repeat of the night before. It was nice of Luc to invite her, especially after the way she’d acted, so she knew it was the right thing to show up. But she couldn’t show up drunk, or get drunk there. She had to be on her best behavior. Not that a couple beers at home would ruin that.

  As long as she didn’t have more.

  Toby followed her out to the kitchen and got a glass of water from the tap. “I think you have ethanol in your veins.”

  “Very possible.” She popped off the top and took a quick swig. “So are you going to apologize for being a jerk and beg me to tell you the surprise?”

  “Nah.” He walked back into the living room and flopped on the couch.

  “You’re just lucky you’re my best friend. Oh, and that you let me live in your apartment.”

  “Free for over a year. Don’t forget that part. It makes me sound like a saint.”

  Amanda picked up a throw pillow off the chair and tossed it at Toby’s head. “You really are a jerk.”

  “Yeah. So what’s my surprise?”

  “Luc invited us to the club tonight for some acrobatics show. I thought you’d like to join me.”

  Toby’s eyes lit up. “The Cirque Mystique?”

  “That might be what he said.”

  “Oh my God. They’re amazing and nearly impossible to get tickets for. He just invited you? After you were an awful hag to him?”

  “Careful there buddy, or the next thing I throw at your head won’t be a pillow.”

  “Fine. I take back the hag comment, but only because you are taking me to the most exclusive, and amazing, show on Earth. I officially love you.”

  “You loved me from the moment I showed up at your door.”

  “Meh. I just felt bad for you. You looked like a little street urchin in the pouring rain. So when do we leave? And shouldn’t you put down that beer? We don’t need you getting wasted again. The guy only has so much patience.”

  “We leave in two hours and I’m not getting wasted. You have nothing to worry about.”

  Toby raised an eyebrow. “Nothing to worry about? With you? Honey, you’re a walking disaster.”

  He wasn’t wrong.

  “I can control myself for one night. Don’t worry. I got this.” All she had to do was think about the evening as a business meeting. Even though she did manage to screw up the last business meeting she’d had. That was a onetime thing though. It had to be. Her business was counting on it.


  “Hello cuz.”

  Lucifer spun around at the familiar voice and clutched his fists at his sides. “We are not cousins.”

  “Oh close enough. Family is family.”

  “I don’t consider us family either, Cupid.” Luc grabbed Cupid by the upper arm and dragged him into the back office. The last thing he needed was that idiot wandering around his club starting trouble.

  “We all have the same father, don’t we?”

  “I’m not quite sure. I have a running bet with several of my siblings that you were hatched from an egg, laid from a dragon, conjured up deep from the pits of Hell. No father involved.”

  Cupid waved his comment off. “I’ve been thinking about you lately.”

  “So you decided to show up, unannounced and uninvited?”

  “Oh come on now, Lucifer, it is so bad for me to stop by and see you? It’s not like I interrupted you in a private moment. This is a club and you’ve got a hot act performing tonight. One stone, two birds, so to say.”

  “I’m not a bird.”

  “No, of course not. So how have you been? I heard through the grapevine about your little game. Looking for love, eh?” Cupid meandered around the office, inspecting the artwork on the walls with a slight frown. That was his way though. He operated on a constant state of disapproval. How anyone could consider him some sort of love God was beyond Lucifer’s comprehension.

  “Why is it you always seem to know everyone’s private business? Do you listen in one our cell phones? Have some hidden cameras maybe?”

  Cupid laughed a bit too hearty. “Oh Lucifer, you are a funny one.”

  He wasn’t joking. Spying wasn’t beneath Cupid.

  “What is it you want, Cupid. You always want something. I’m not buying for one second that
this is some sort of family social call.” Luc stepped between Cupid and the vase he was about to pick up.

  “Well, since I heard about your little arrangement, I wanted to offer my services. True love, that is what I do, you know.”

  “Is that what you do? I thought professional twit was your official title.”

  “Ha ha. Such a funny one. Seriously though, I’d like to be of assistance. When I heard that you were ready to settle down and find the right woman for you, I was genuinely thrilled.”

  “I bet you were.”

  “I know we’ve had our differences in the past, but we’re family, Lucifer, and I do care. I can put the pettiness and rocky past behind me, if you can, too?”

  Luc couldn’t.

  Nor did he want to.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I have it covered.”

  “Do you though? I’ve seen the current pick in your silly game and I was starting to think that Harley is just messing with you.”

  Luc clenched his teeth together. It didn’t help that Luc wondered the very same thing himself.

  “I know you two are close, but sometimes it’s those close to us that we need to worry about the most.”

  “I do think that is true, especially for family members.” Luc walked over to the door and stood against the frame. He was ready for Cupid to be gone and if he didn’t wrap it up soon, he’d toss him out himself.

  “Fair enough. I’ve deserved that, in the past, but I’ve changed. Grown up, if you will. Clearly, change is possible. Just look at you, the King of Hell, looking for love. Everyone deserves to find their true love, Lucifer. I wish you’d consider letting me help.”

  “No thank you. Like I said, I have it covered.” It was getting more difficult for Luc to refrain from telling him to get the hell out. He was trying to keep things civil with the idiot. One of those keep your enemies close sort of things, like Harley and Az have been telling him.

  Cupid took one more pass around the room and let out a deep sigh. “Okay, well if you change your mind, you know where to find me.”

  “Indeed, I do. Enjoy the show.” Luc held the door open for Cupid to pass, then let it slam behind him. Seeing that asshole, ruined his whole night. He’d known for some time now, that Cupid was up to something. There was no way he’d come there to offer his services. Cupid didn’t care whether or not Luc was happy. No, that wasn’t true. He did care. He wanted Luc to be miserable, just like him.

  “Lucifer?” Harley stuck her head in the door and waited for Luc to break his moment of thought.


  “Your girl and her friend just showed up. You want me to set them up in VIP? Or should I let them figure out things on their own?”

  “VIP, of course. Make sure they are well taken care of.”

  “Aren’t you going to go out there?” She took a step into the room and frowned.

  “Of course, yes, later. I need to take care of a few things first.”

  “I hope one of those things is finding a way to lock Cupid in the pit, or some other equally evil trick. I saw him leaving your office.”

  Harley hated Cupid as much as Luc and she certainly understood the reasons for Luc’s dislike.

  “Hate to disappoint you, but the pit is currently full and the poor souls in there don’t deserve that kind of torture.”


  “It’s fine, Harley. I have this under control. In fact, I’ve changed my mind. Get Amanda and Toby set up and let them know I’ll be joining them. If they don’t mind, that is. And see if Az would like to sit with us as well.”

  Harley raised one brow and stared at him for a long moment, then nodded. “Okay, boss. Whatever you say.”

  He couldn’t make Amanda like him, or he could, but he wouldn’t. If she couldn’t stand being around him, he wouldn’t push it, but he wasn’t going to just throw in the towel. He would try. Imagining her as his soul mate was sort of in the realm of impossibility at this point, Luc would be damned if he wouldn’t bother to at least get to know the woman. Or try to, because really, that was the best he could do.

  Luc scrubbed his hands over his face and took a deep breath. Women were always interested in him. That was an understatement. They threw themselves at him daily. This one, which of course was the only one who mattered right now, wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Hell, she even enjoyed being with his idiot brother. It made Luc crazy.

  He had to get a hold of himself. It didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. One women, out of well, out of them all, wasn’t a big deal. Clearly she wasn’t his soul mate if she didn’t even want to have a drink with him. So he had nothing to worry about. He would be polite, do his best to get to know her, if she would let him, and when the month was over, he’d move on to the next sin.

  Yes, that was exactly what he’d do.

  He had five sins to go. The odds were in his favor.

  Luc straightened his tie and went to find Amanda.

  “So what you’re saying is that you think Prohibition was a good thing?” Amanda propped her feet up on the glass coffee table and leaned back against the sofa, relaxed.

  “Yes,” Az said and nodded. “Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good drink just as much as the next guy.”

  “Don’t let him fool you,” Luc said, joining the group in the VIP section. “He enjoys drinking more than anyone I’ve ever known.”

  “Then you don’t know Mandy here. Alcohol is like her parasitic twin.” Toby elbowed her in the ribs as she was about to take a sip of her drink, which caused her to spill it down her chin. She scowled at Toby and wiped her face on the back of her hand.

  “What did I miss?” Luc directed the question to Toby, figuring it would be better not to put too much attention on Amanda. Or at least so he didn’t have to see her face if she was only being nice for the sake of their working agreement.

  “Not much, only your brother taking sides with just about everything bad that has ever happened in history… like ever,” Amanda answered and Luc took a peek at her face. There was no sign of irritation, just the same relaxed expression. It suited her well.

  “Now look, you see the negative, but I look for the positives.” Az finished his drink and motioned for another. “I’m optimistic.”

  “Okay, so tell me what the positive of Hitler was?” Amanda sat forward. She was ready for a debate and Luc doubted anyone won when they went up against her.

  “Ah, Hitler. That little shit did a lot of awful things, but if not for him, it would have been someone else. The world was at a breaking point. Tragedy was bound to happen.”

  “I’m still not seeing the positive.” Amanda raised one brow and waited. If she wasn’t his pick of the month for possible soul mates, Luc would have immediately thought she was perfect for Az. Any woman who could stand up to his nonsense and shovel it right back at him had to be perfect for him.

  “Hitler? Don’t you people get drunk and dance like everyone else in this place?”

  Luc looked up, caught off guard, to find Cupid standing over Amanda with a predatory smile on his lips.

  “Hi. I’m Q.” He held a hand toward Amanda, but she only stared at it. “Luc and Az’s cousin.”

  Luc ground his teeth. “We aren’t cousins.”

  Cupid laughed and squeezed onto the sofa between Amanda and Toby. “Cousins, second cousins, who can keep track these days. You must be the beautiful Amanda I’ve heard so much about.”

  Luc glared at Az, hoping to hell that he hadn’t mentioned they’d be there, or gone as far as to invite him over at any point in the evening. Az shrugged, letting Luc know he was innocent in the matter, but that didn’t make Luc any less aggravated.

  “Uh, hi.” Amanda slid over as far as the sofa would allow, to put some space between her and Cupid. Luc was relieved to see by the look on her face, she wasn’t any more happy about Cupid’s interruption than he was.

  No one spoke for a solid two minutes, then Toby cleared his throat and broke the silence.
“So, Q, what is it you do for a living?”

  Luc wanted to laugh, but he kept himself under control.

  “I have a matchmaking business.”

  “Oh? That sounds interesting.” Toby leaned to the side to see Cupid as he spoke.

  “It is. Being able to bring people together, to help the lonely find their true love, it’s what I was born to do.” Cupid turned to Luc and winked.

  If Amanda wasn’t there, Luc might have knocked him out.

  “Do you have an app? Website? How might someone use your services?”

  “I’ve always been more of a hands on kind of guy, but I have been thinking about branching out, putting together more of an online presence.”

  “That’s interesting. I’m a programmer by trade, maybe I could help you out with that. I mean, if you wanted.”

  Cupid looked from Luc to Toby and smiled. “You know, that sounds like a great idea.” He pulled a business card from his pocket and handed it to Toby, and for some odd reason, another to Amanda. “Give me a call and we can work something out.”

  Luc ground his teeth so hard he was sure they would crack. Cupid had no right to involve himself in Luc’s business. He wasn’t wanted and he definitely wasn’t trusted.

  “I’m sure you can find better ways to spend your time,” Luc said to Toby. “Aren’t you working on a new video game?”

  “Yeah, it’s almost done. I can multitask though.” Toby smiled at Cupid and blushed when he winked back.

  Great, now he was flirting with Toby. Did that asshole have no shame?

  “Luc is right, Tob. Maybe you should focus on the game and getting it released. This one is far better than anything you’ve worked on so far. You really have a chance to make it big with this one.” Amanda shifted, inching her thigh against the far side of the sofa, to stay as much away from Cupid as possible. Her discomfort with Cupid kind of made Luc’s night.

  The house lights blinked a few times, signaling the crowd to prepare for the show to start. Luc wanted Amanda to enjoy herself, even if that meant he wouldn’t be there. With Cupid sitting next to her, he knew she would be distracted. He could stay, and have more time with her, and Cupid, or forfeit his time with her, to do what would make her more comfortable.


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