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Tales of the Shareem, Volume 1

Page 9

by Allyson James

  Rio was pissed at the patrollers, but he had to laugh at the way Talan had sent them running. What a sweet, pretty girl. Damn, he’d wanted to fill her. She’d got him all hard and ready. He’d hoped that Rees would invite him along when they went.

  He could plug her from behind while she rode Rees. Or Rees could lick her pussy while Rio was in her backside. Either way, they’d have her screaming in pure pleasure.

  Rio drank his ale and wiped condensation from his fingers. A pretty pussy she’d have, too.

  But Rees hadn’t asked. Rio thought about the way Rees had said, “She’s with me.” Like she was special to him.

  Rio started to chuckle. You’d better watch it, my friend. That girl will break your heart. She’d tear it to bits before Rees even knew it. Rio knew exactly what that felt like.

  “You staying or going, Rio?”

  Judith took the glasses behind the bar and gave Rio an impatient look.

  “What did you think of her?” he asked Judith.

  “Who? Rees’s girl?” She shrugged. “Cute. But with claws. Only, she hasn’t figured out she has the claws yet. She will.”

  “Yeah, she’d have been good in a threesome.” He took another gulp of ale. “Damn good.”

  “That’s all you think about, you know.”

  He laughed. “You were thinking about it too, babe. I saw you looking at Rees. You were wishing he’d ask to make it a foursome.”

  Judith blushed. “OK, maybe.”

  “So how about it? Do a foursome? Just you and me?”

  “Uh, Rio, that would be a twosome.”

  Rio shrugged. “So, we’ll be creative. Come on, Judith. I’m screaming horniness over here, and so are you. I can taste it.”

  Judith opened her mouth to argue, then she shook her head. “Let me close up.”

  Rio watched her come around the bar again and tap the controls on the walls. The storm door slid down, and the lights dimmed.

  “You have a nice ass,” he told her.

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  He met her in the middle of the floor.

  Leather creaked as he yanked open the front of Judith’s coveralls and thrust his hands inside. She was bare underneath, like he’d thought. Too hot out today to be anything else.

  Rio pulled Judith’s body against his and kissed her, hard. She grabbed his arms, fingers sinking into the black leather. He licked her from lips all the way down her throat. Judith leaned her head back, her bare breasts thrusting against his chest. Rio lifted her then, letting her body rub his groin.

  “Not here,” she murmured. “Upstairs.”

  Rio turned and carried her to the door that led to her apartment. She thumbed open the lock, and he started to climb the narrow, cool stairs.

  Rio made it halfway. He kissed her again, then laid her facedown on the stairs.

  Rio yanked Judith’s coverall from her body. There she was, bare-assed, trying to steady herself on the stairs, trying to crawl upward.

  Rio jerked his leggings down, letting his arousal tumble free. Judith looked back at it in panic. Shareem were bigger than normal men, and Rio was damn big, even for a Shareem.

  “Oh gods, Rio.”

  “Too late to pray, babe.”

  He opened her legs and slid himself right into her. She screamed. He pumped.

  Rio thought about Rees pumping himself into pretty Talan. Rees would be hard and excited, his face drawn in concentration. Talan would be squirming, pleading, begging, wet and tight.

  Oh, man, Rees must be having a good time.

  Rio braced himself on the stairs above Judith, surrounding her with himself.

  Her wet sheath squeezed him again and again. She screamed and writhed, coming already, her body rubbing against the stairs.

  Rio took hold of her hair and wrapped it around his hand. He rode her, hips crashing into her backside. She screamed until her voice went raw.

  He came pretty fast because Talan had gotten him so hard. The girl had looked startled when he’d told her she’d wrap his whip around her body and make love to it, but the idea hadn’t frightened her.

  She’d wanted it.

  Better watch it, Rees, he thought. Poor guy.

  He slammed his full length into Judith, and spilled his seed. Judith moaned and whimpered.

  He let go of Judith’s hair, and she collapsed onto the stairs, sliding off his hard cock, which was slick with her juices and his come.

  Rio sat down on the stairs, panting, running his hands through his sweat-soaked hair. Judith turned over and gave him a rueful smile. “Damn, Rio.”

  “I can’t help it. I love your pussy.”

  She laughed breathlessly. She pulled herself up and lifted her coveralls over her legs, but didn’t fasten them again.

  Rio thought she’d be finished playing, but Judith moved down a few steps, sank to her knees and put her mouth over his still hard cock.

  “Sweetheart.” Rio laced his hands through her loosened hair. “You know just how to do it.”

  She took his cock out of her mouth long enough to say, “You taught me.”

  Rio laughed, then groaned as her practiced mouth went all over his cock. He liked Judith, they were friends. He liked being with a woman just because she wanted to be with him.

  He’d stay all night if she wanted. He had his accoutrements with him; he never went far without them. Judith probably had some cream down in the bar. And let’s see, what else?

  Rio removed the thin manacles from inside his jacket and clicked one around Judith’s wrist. She stared at him, mouth open.

  “Ask me to stay, baby,” he said. “We’ll have some fun.”

  She looked up at him, her lips all wet from his cock. He started throbbing again as her pheromones scented the stairwell.

  Judith grinned suddenly, eyes warm. “I’m going to regret this, I know it.”

  Rio grinned back at her. It was going to be a good night.

  Chapter Nine

  Talan’s rear hurt and stung. She’d never felt anything like it.

  She still hung upside down over Rees’s lap, her hair in her face. His hand rested on her ass, cool on her burning skin.

  “No one has ever dared spank me before,” she said breathlessly.



  Rees gave her one more slap, and Talan yelped. He righted her, planted her on his lap, and grinned into her face.

  “That’s because you’ve never been bad before.”

  “Why do you keep saying I’m bad?”

  “Because you are. Telling me you’re going to run off to Rio. I should have spanked you harder.”

  “Oh.” He must be playing another game. That’s what a level-two Shareem did, played games.

  Talan could play, too. “Maybe I will run off with him.”

  Something went dark in Rees’s eyes, and then he smiled again. “Uh-oh, you just said the wrong thing.”

  He flipped her over. He was so strong, he did it before she could stop him. “No, Rees!” She laughed and screamed at the same time.

  Smack, smack, smack. Her butt was going to be raw.

  It hurt, and at the same time it didn’t. It stung, and it was fun. How strange was that?

  Rees rubbed his hand across her ass. “How does that feel?”


  Rees pulled her skirts down and set her on her feet. “Are you going to say bad things to me again?”

  Talan put her finger to her mouth, considering. “Maybe.”

  “You’re so adorable when you do that.”

  Adorable. That wasn’t dignified.

  Rees just sat there and smiled, and Talan’s heart squeezed.

  This was wrong. She shouldn’t be here. Talan should be at home, studying her books, memorizing pithy sayings of philosophers. She should not be playing games with a level-two Shareem in his own house, warming every time he smiled.

  Rees’s face was square and handsome, his eyes so blue. When he smiled she wanted him to t
ake her into his arms and kiss her, just like he had on the street.

  Wouldn’t it be nice if he really wanted her? If he wasn’t just pretending?

  To cover her confused thoughts, Talan walked away from him.

  The room was small. A monitor stood in one corner with a couple of disks lying in front of it. Rees also had a picture disk with a photo of himself, Rio, and Judith in it. Rio had his arm around Judith’s neck, and all three were laughing.

  Talan turned around. “Rees.”

  The way he looked at her made her heart beat faster. His Shareem blue eyes warmed her from across the room.

  “Yeah?” He waited.

  “I think I’m ready.”

  “For what, bad girl, more spanking?”

  “No.” Talan twined her hands together. “For . . . penetration.”

  His smile vanished. “Call it by its right name, Talan.”

  Talan thought about what she’d said to him in the garden, and later in the bathroom. She took a deep breath. “For fucking.” She came closer to him. “I want you to fuck me.”

  Rees stilled. A muscle moved in his face, and that was all.

  Talan put her hands in his broad ones. “Please, Rees.”

  His lashes came down to shield his eyes. “You aren’t ready.”

  “I am.” She began to feel desperate. “I am ready. You showed me how to feel good and how to give you pleasure. Now I want the rest of it. I want you inside me.”

  Rees looked up at her. His eyes were bluer than ever. “You’re not ready for me. If I was a normal man, maybe, but I’m —”

  “Shareem,” she finished. “I know.”

  Talan waited for him to smile, to touch her face, but he just looked at her. “I’m big.”

  “I know.” Talan remembered the taste and feel of his cock in her mouth. “I like it.”

  “And your pussy’s small. It’ll hurt you.”

  Talan wasn’t so sure. “It’s pretty wet already,” she said softly. “Maybe if we go slowly.”

  Rees closed his hands on hers in a crushing grip. “With you, Talan, I won’t be able to go slow.”

  Talan got excited and scared at the same time. “You know,” she gave him a sly look, “I can always go back and ask Rio.”

  That got him. Rees’s grip went tighter. “The hell you will.”

  Her excitement mounted. Talan knew he was increasing her excitement with his voice and his touch, and she didn’t care.

  “Maybe I don’t want to stay with you anymore. Maybe I want to go with him.”

  Rees jerked her close. He breathed hard, his eyes getting darker. “Maybe you need another spanking.”

  She liked this game. She felt her mind go slightly mushy as he used his Shareem technique. “Make me stay with you.”

  Rees pinched her jaw between his thumb and fingers. “Don’t, Talan. I’m not playing.”

  Of course he was. That’s what level twos did. She touched his face. “Make me yours.”

  His skin was hot. His grip tightened. It hurt. “Don’t. Tempt. Me,” he growled.

  Talan smiled.

  “Oh gods,” he said.

  He let go of her and stood up. He was so tall, his shoulders so broad, his arms corded with muscle.

  Something in the back of Talan’s mind told her she should be very afraid of him. But her mind spun with whatever he did to her, and she could only smile hotly.

  “Don’t resist me,” Rees said.

  Talan shook her head. Her loosened hair slid over her shoulders, a sensual feeling. Why had she never noticed that before?

  “Did you bring a change of clothes with you?” Rees asked.

  Talan gave him a puzzled look. “Of course not.”

  “Too bad.” Rees grabbed the neck of her tunic and ripped it open to her waist.

  Talan jumped as the artificially cooled air touched her skin. Her breasts were standing firm and round, her nipples tight.

  “Beautiful,” Rees whispered, gazing down at her, his eyes intense blue. “I knew you’d be beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful, too,” she said in response.

  He was. Rees was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.

  “Don’t try to get on my good side,” Rees said with a warning look.

  Playing was fun, even if a little scary. Lady Ursula had written all about playing with her Shareem.

  “Spank me again,” Talan said.

  “I’ll spank you when I’m good and ready.” Rees grabbed her and crushed a kiss to her lips.

  This time it was not so much a kiss as a ravishing of her mouth. Talan couldn’t breathe. She clutched at Rees’s arms, but he was strong.

  Rees pulled his mouth from her. “Get on the bed.”

  His bed was a bunk built into the wall, surrounded on three sides. Soft lights above it came on when Talan scrambled up onto the mattress.

  The bed was wide and long, but Rees was a large man, after all. Talan faced him on her knees, her tunic ripped, her breath coming fast. Rees pulled off his robes and then his tunic.

  Talan was right, he was beautiful. His chest was hard with muscle, dusted with curls of gold. His stomach was flat, taut past his navel to the thong that rode low on his hips.

  Talan remembered watching him in the holo-block that day, weeks ago, remembered the sun on his bronzed backside, the shadows in the hollows of his lower back.

  “You were the best Shareem they made, weren’t you? The most beautiful and the best.”

  Rees’s eyes went all blue again, and Talan reached for him.

  He shoved her hands away. “Lie down.”

  Whatever he was doing to her mind, he was good at it. Talan plopped onto her back.

  Rees curved his body over hers. He smelled like dust and the tang of sweat.

  “I’ll give you a chance to run,” he said, his voice low.

  Talan thought about it, but her body didn’t want to get up and leave right now. She shivered, every nerve humming.

  “Let me stay.” She tried to smile. “Whatever you are doing to my mind won’t let me leave anyway.”

  “I’m not doing anything to your mind, sweetheart. You’re doing it all yourself.”

  Talan didn’t believe him. Whatever Rees wanted her to do, she would do. She wouldn’t be able to help it.

  “I wish you’d run,” Rees said. “Then I could chase you.”

  A dark flutter stirred in Talan’s stomach. “You’ve already caught me.”

  Rees gave her an odd look and didn’t answer. He leaned over her and put his hands on either side of her head. His tail of blond hair fell over his shoulder and brushed her face, and Talan caught it in her mouth.

  “Hey,” he said, sounding annoyed.

  Talan smiled at him around it.

  Rees twitched the tail out of her mouth. “You’re not doing what you’re supposed to do.”

  “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

  His eyes were midnight blue now, dark flecks in them. “You’re supposed to be afraid of me.”

  Talan touched his lips, satin smooth. “Why?”

  “Because I’m Rees.”

  What was that supposed to mean? “I like you being Rees.”

  Rees looked as though he didn’t quite believe her. There was something behind his eyes Talan didn’t understand.

  His skin was scorching hot and he breathed hard, his cock swelling and rising. “I told you not to try to get on my good side,” he said.

  “Are you trying to frighten me, Shareem?” Talan twined her arms around his neck. “Is that the game we’re playing this time?”

  Rees nipped her lips. “Are you sure it’s only a game?”

  He kissed her. This kiss wasn’t harsh like the last one but slow, deep, and possessive.

  “Are you sure?” he asked again.

  Talan was wet with wanting. “I’m sure I’m with you,” she said. “And that’s exactly where I want to be.”

  He looked down at her for a long time. His arms were taut, ta
king the strain of his weight.

  “Talan, you are so going to pay for being cute and sweet.”

  Talan wasn’t sure what he meant, but anything Rees said now drilled excitement through her.

  “Are we going to fuck?” she said, voice shaking. “Or not?”

  “Oh, you are so going to pay.”

  “When?” she asked.

  “Right now, baby. Spread your legs.”

  Talan spread her thighs, already anticipating his touch. He’s driven her wild this morning with his tongue.

  But he was right. It would hurt, and she should be afraid.

  She put her hand down to her opening, all wet and needy. “Make me not care if it hurts. You can do that, can’t you? With your Shareem . . . whatever it is?”

  Rees gave her a nod. “I can. Or you can run to your clinic and not feel anything.”

  The clinic seemed cold, far away, and foolish. “No. I want you.”

  “I know you want me.” He drew his fingers along her opening. “Your pussy is so slick.”

  “Will you go in, now? Please?” She was wide, begging for him.

  “I told you, I’ll fuck you when I’m good and ready.”

  “Please, Rees, do it now.”

  Rees got off the bed.

  Talan fell back, stunned and suddenly cold. “Rees, don’t go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He opened a cupboard and pulled out a tube of something and also took down a sun blanket. Rolled up, it made a hard, firm cushion.

  He returned to the bed. “This goes under your hips.”

  Deftly, Rees slid his arm around Talan’s back, raised her, and slid the rolled-up blanket beneath her. Talan felt strange on it, her back bending, her hips lifted.

  Rees took off the thong. His cock was long and hard, pushing out from the dark blond curls at its base, rising for her. He knelt on the bed, trickled something from the tube onto his finger, and brushed it over his cock.

  “Spread it on me,” he commanded, tossing the tube aside.

  Talan reached up and touched him. The lubricant was cool, but not cold, and slick and wet. She spread it all over his cock while he knelt above her.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. This will make it go in easier.” His fists were clenched, the sinews standing out in his arms.


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