Tales of the Shareem, Volume 1

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Tales of the Shareem, Volume 1 Page 14

by Allyson James

  “You want more?”


  “Say it then. Say, please Rees, whip me some more.”

  Talan squeezed her eyes shut. “Please, Rees, whip me some more.”

  “You got it, babe.”

  The whip hissed through the air five more times. Talan flinched as it came down, sting on top of sting.

  His cock was hurting now. Rees shifted the whip and pulled off his tunic and loincloth. His cock stood straight out, aching and dark.

  Gods, he wanted her pussy. It was wet and lubed and waiting for him.

  “Spread your legs,” he said.

  Talan moved them apart, bare toes gripping the soft floor covering. Rees stepped behind her and rubbed his cock against her waiting opening. He lifted her around the waist, slid her up his body, then down onto his cock.

  Her pussy closed around him. Talan braced herself against the wall, her head thrown back, her bound hair brushing his shoulder. Rees held her with one arm, caressing her with his whip with the other hand. Her pussy sucked him in all the way, big as he was.

  Rees wished he had a mirror so that he could see his engorged cock pushing up into her. He’d see his balls tight and lifted, her red curls brushing him.

  He bent his head and kissed her neck. “You’re sweet, baby. You take my cock good.”

  Talan made a little noise in her throat. Her eyes were closed, her face flushed. Her chains fell against him, cool on his burning flesh.

  Rees was way too hot. His heart was pounding, and sweat dripped down his back.

  He shot his seed into her before he was even close to being ready. “No,” he moaned. “I wanted more of you.”

  Talan made a whimpering sound. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know you are, sweet baby.”

  He slid her off his wet cock. Talan’s knees nearly buckled, but Rees hauled her to her feet with the collar chain. He smoothed the coil of whip under her chin.

  “Do you want more, Talan?”

  Talan drew a breath and nodded.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered into her ear. “You must be hurting.”

  “Yes,” she said. “I want it.”

  Talan did want it, he could feel it. She hadn’t said that just because Rees had told her to.

  Rees steadied her on her feet, brought up his whip, and slapped her with it five more times.

  He was shaking all over, his blood on fire. He could feel her pheromones and her excitement pouring over him, could even sense the hot sting when the whip came down.

  “Had enough, baby?” he asked. Please say no.

  “No, Rees. I want more.”

  “Then more is what you’ll get.” He whipped her six times in a row. Talan flinched at every stroke, her fingers trying to dig into the wall.

  “That must be enough, now,” he said.

  It took her a long time to answer. Rees waited, his cock hurting, still sticky from her come.

  “No, Rees, please. Do some more.” Talan could barely get the words out.

  Rees should stop. She wasn’t used to this. He was going to hurt her.

  To hell with that.

  Rees whipped her another six times. On the last one, she screamed.

  The scream shot through him like a bullet. Rees was breathing too fast, sweating, his cock dying for her.

  Rees had never lost control before. The researchers had always watched him, half in fear, half in excitement, wondering what he’d do if he did. He’d paid them back by never losing control.

  This was different. This was Talan, the woman he’d fallen in love with.

  She’d done to him what all those scientists couldn’t. Rees had lost himself in her. He held the whip, but she held the real power.

  He loved her.

  And he wanted her. He wanted her too much.

  Something inside him snapped.

  “Run from me, Talan,” Rees said, with his last coherence.

  Talan turned to look at him, uncertain, her body damp with perspiration. Her eyes widened when she saw his face.

  “Too late,” he said. He grabbed her chain. “Oh, too late.”


  Rees shoved her down, and Talan dropped to her hands and knees. The silver globe he’d bought her swung between her breasts.

  He got to his knees behind her. Her ass was still slick with lube and he opened her hole with his finger. She squealed in protest.

  “Take it, baby. I’m getting you ready for my cock.”

  Talan looked over her shoulder at him, eyes wide.

  “Don’t move,” Rees said. “Don’t move at all.”

  She looked away, rigid.

  Rees kept on playing with her hole, stroking it and flooding her with soothing endorphins. She finally relaxed and opened, and Rees slid his finger out.

  Talan whimpered. “No, do it some more.”

  “No, sweetheart. What you get is this.”

  He pressed his cock onto her ass and pushed it all the way in.

  The lube made everything slick and easy. But she was tight, tight, tight. Even through the mind-numbing chemicals, she screamed. Rees rode her, pushing his cock into her tight little ass.

  He’d never felt anything like it. Rees lost all thought but the feeling of her squeezing him. His vision went dark, and he couldn’t see anything.

  He could only smell her excited scent, hear her screams, feel her around him. It was like being inside her skin. Rees braced his hands on her back, shoving his cock in as hard as he could.

  Talan squealed and moaned. He heard other moans too, which must be his.

  He wished Rio was there. Rees could watch her suck Rio while Rees fucked her like this. Her mouth would be full of Rio’s cock, and then of his come, and her ass would be full of Rees.

  Rees came, and filled her, but his cock was too tight to want to leave. He pumped some more, ignoring her cries.

  He filled her again, and still he rocked into her, his cock hardening instantly. How much come did he have inside him? He didn’t know.

  Rees was the ultimate Shareem. A level three, times ten. No one had ever known the extent of what he could do.

  He was learning now.

  Rees came a third time. He jerked back, finally letting his cock slide out of Talan. As soon as he released her, she fell to the floor, panting.

  You need to stop, a voice inside him shouted. She’s an innocent, she can’t take it.

  Rees hauled Talan up by the chain, positioned her again.

  “No,” she moaned. “Whip me, Rees, please.”

  That’s what he wanted to hear. Her begging him to do everything to her he wanted to. He kept hold of the chain, dragging Talan her to her feet.

  Rees’s heart beat faster than it ever had in his life. His body was scalding, and he thought he was going to die.

  “Rees?” Talan reached up, chain clinking, and touched his face. “Are you all right?”

  Her hand was ice cold against his skin.

  Rees had whipped her and fucked her ass and made her his slave, and she was concerned about him.

  Don’t worry about me, baby, he wanted to say. An animal-like growl came out of his throat instead.


  He shoved her face-first toward the wall. She put her hands on it obediently and spread her legs. He’d trained her well.

  He whipped her ten times. Talan screamed, loud and shrill.

  Rees couldn’t breathe. He dropped the whip. His body temperature had soared. A normal man, even a Shareem, would be dead by now.

  Rees staggered into the bathroom, and the lights politely came on for him. He looked at the sterilizers, pointless and, well, sterile. No water in sight. Fuck.

  He thought of the cool bathroom in another part of the house, the one laid out like a mountain stream. He needed that, but he’d never make it down there in time. He dropped to his knees.

  Talan came in, the chain making music. “Rees?”

  “Get away from me.”

  She took
a step back, uncertain.

  Rees still wanted her. His cock had tasted her, and he remembered that taste in his mouth. “Let me drink you.”


  He got her on the floor. The tile was cool and looked like marble, cold against his skin, but it couldn’t soothe him.

  Rees spread her thighs and dipped his tongue into her wet pussy. He licked and licked, lapping her come, hot and salty. He loved it.

  Talan was writhing and moaning. Rees needed to stop. He’d die if he didn’t stop. He crawled away from her and rested against the cold pseudo-marble wall.

  Talan sat up, naked and wreathed in chains, her hair coming down. Her breasts moved with her breath, and her nipples were tight and dark. Her eyes were wide, that concern in them back.

  “Get Rio,” he said, voice rasping.


  “Do it. Get him on the com.” Rees used the last control he had to say the words. “If he’s not at home, try Judith’s bar.”

  “Rees . . .” She started to crawl toward him.

  “No.” Rees held out his arms, as though pushing her away. The black chain on his arm was so much colder than his skin that it hissed. “Tell Rio I need him.”

  Talan watched him a moment longer, then she nodded—good girl—got to her feet, and darted back into the sitting room. The door hissed shut, the bathroom set up to give him privacy if he needed to use the necessary. It was a well-bred room.

  Rees lay against the wall, gasping for breath, lonelier than he’d ever been in his enhanced Shareem life.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rio wasn’t home; he was at Judith’s bar. Judith said nothing about the collar around Talan’s throat when she answered, but left to get Rio.

  In a few moments, Rio’s handsome, swarthy face filled the screen. His blue eyes lit when he saw her.

  “Talan. You look gorgeous in chains. I knew you would.”

  Talan knew Rio could only see her in the monitor from the neck up, but she blushed. “Rio,” she said hurriedly. “Rees says he needs you.”

  One dark brow went up. “Did he? Tell him I don’t swing that way.”

  “He isn’t joking.” Talan drew a breath, trying to quell her shaking. Her butt hurt from the whip and Rees coming inside her, but she didn’t care. “Something’s wrong.”

  Rio seemed to catch the seriousness in her voice. “What did he do?”

  “Nothing, but he’s . . . “ She hesitated, then decided to throw everything to the wind. “I found out his real name.”

  Rio stared at her, all amusement gone from his face. “Shit.” He reached for the com switch. “I’ll be right there.”

  The screen went dark. Talan sat still for a moment. Rio was worried, which made Talan more worried.

  Rees had growled at her, his voice losing its Shareem smoothness. His eyes had gone entirely blue, the whites disappearing, and his skin had flushed, becoming as stingingly hot as hers where he’d whipped it.

  She’d felt his heartbeat against her back, so fast she could barely separate each beat. Talan had insisted that Rees was human, but no human could be like this and still be alive.

  It would take Rio about half an hour to reach Lady Pet’s, if he hurried. And then he’d have to convince Metri to let him in.

  Talan called downstairs to Metri and told him to expect another Shareem. She imagined Metri rolling his eyes after she signed off.

  Rio would have to get the door open. Rees had wrenched off the manual override lever, but there was another one on the other side. She should have told him that.

  However, she had no doubt Rio would get in here somehow. Shareem were amazingly resourceful.

  Talan padded back into the sitting room and stared at the bathroom door. It was quiet in there.

  Was Rees all right? With the marble tiles to soothe him and Talan out of immediate reach, was he cooling off, calming down?

  Would he return to playful, smiling Rees? Or even to the Rees who’d whispered that he’d had the whip made specially after he’d met her? She’d started to shake when he’d said that.

  Talan had been away from him maybe fifteen minutes, tracking down Rio and explaining to Metri. She put her ear to the door, but she couldn’t hear anything within.

  Talan chewed on her lip, debating, then she reached out and tapped open the door.

  No Rees. Talan stepped inside anxiously, scanning the creamy white bathroom.

  Rees crashed into her. Talan screamed as they landed on the tile floor, Rees on top of her.

  He hadn’t calmed down at all.

  Talan understood that as Rees forced her legs apart and plunged his cock inside her one more time.

  *** *** ***

  Rio snapped off the com, gathered his things, and slung his pack over his shoulder.

  “Night, babe,” he said to Judith.

  Judith turned from her customers and spoke in a low voice. “What’s wrong?” Her coverall was open to the waist, showing the shadowy curves of her breasts. She always claimed she sold more drinks when she wore it that way.

  “Rees is losing his mind,” Rio answered. “I’m going to help him find it again.”


  Rio nodded. Judith frowned, as though she thought he was joking. “Are you leaving right now?”

  “No time like the present.” Rio was worried. He’d never seen Rees out of control before, but then Rees never put himself in situations in which he’d lose control.

  That was before Talan. Rio had seen the way Rees looked at her. Rees had never looked at a woman like that before, and Rio knew damn well what that meant.

  Rees, that cold-hearted piece of Shareem flesh, had fallen in love.

  She’ll break your heart, boy-o, he said silently.

  “Rio.” Judith waved her hand in front of his face.


  “There’s a sandstorm coming. I was about to shut the doors.”

  Rio grinned and patted Judith on the rear. “I’ll beat the sandstorm.” He touched the mask on his belt. “I have my breather. I’ll make it.” Judith walked him to the door, and Rio chucked her under the chin. “I’ll come back and tell you all about it.”

  Her look turned annoyed. “No, you won’t. I’m still raw from the other day. When will I learn?”

  “You love me, Judith.”

  “Go away, Rio.”

  Rio winked at her and walked off into the night. The air had an extra hot bite to it, and the wind had picked up. It was going to be close.

  *** *** ***

  The sandstorm hit just before Rio reached the gate of Lady Petronella’s mansion. All over Richville, as he termed it, servants and masters were scuttling indoors, pulling down storm doors, shuttering windows.

  The brown cloud of the storm hurtled at him down the wide avenue. Rio slipped his breath mask over his face just as the swirling winds hit.

  He jangled the bell of the mansion, then pounded on the gate. The sand and wind tore at him, trying to dislodge his breather. He hung on to the gate and banged again.

  Come on, no one leaves a man out in the storm.

  The gates opened abruptly, and he fell inside. They swung shut behind him, automatically, and everything went still.

  What the hell?

  Rio slid off his mask and looked up. They had a pressure canopy overhead, a force field that kept out the storm. Must be nice to be rich.

  Rio shook the sand out of his hair and walked through real greenery and trees to the front door. The man who answered it was short, small, and had a trimmed beard. He looked wearily at Rio.

  “You’re the other Shareem?”

  “In the flesh.”

  The majordomo stood aside with poor grace and let Rio into the storm-dimmed house.

  The hall was empty. A staircase climbed gracefully to the upper reaches, and a decorated grill concealed the lift. The majordomo ushered Rio into the lift and tapped the panel to take them up four levels.

  The lift eased to a halt, and the force fi
eld whispered open. “This way, sir,” the man said as he led Rio down a wood-paneled corridor.

  Real wood, Rio realized as he brushed his fingertips over it. Probably brought from some off-world lumberyard.

  At the end of the short hall was an alcove with a door. The door was metal and painted with pleasant geometric designs in pastel shades.

  “Just here, sir.” The man turned to leave, disapproval evident in the set of his shoulders.

  “Wait a minute,” Rio said. “You were made at DNAmo, right? The perfect class of servants.”

  The man stopped. He looked at Rio a moment, then executed a bow. “Majordomo, level five.”

  Rio grinned. “Brothers under the skin. Engineered to serve.”

  The man looked affronted. “I hardly think so.”

  “We were both concocted out of a jar. Me for sex, you to be stuffy.”

  The majordomo looked down his nose. “I turned out rather well, they said. Seven clones were made of me.”

  “Is that so? Good on you.”

  The little man bowed again, stuffiness oozing from him, swiveled on his soft-booted heels, and glided down the hall, leaving Rio to it.

  The locked door didn’t bother Rio. He knew about doors. He figured Rees would have fused it, so he opened the panel and cranked the manual lever, his muscles working. Protesting, the door slid open halfway and then stopped.

  Rio slid sideways around the door and into the room. He found the lever Rees had discarded, stuck it back into place, and wrenched the door closed.

  Outside the recessed window, the storm raged. Inside, the house was quiet, protected.

  He sniffed. People had been having very concentrated sex in these rooms. The air was heavy with it.

  Rio stashed his pack and his breather on the sofa and crossed to the bathroom. He knew they were in there—their pheromones screamed at him through the bathroom door, which opened easily to his touch.

  Rees had Talan on the floor. They were both naked, and Rees was on top of her, face to face, riding her hard.

  Rio’s cock had grown stiff when he’d been hit with their pheromones, and it stiffened more now. Talan’s beautiful face was twisted in pleasure, her pale hips pressing into the floor as Rees slammed into her.

  Rio went down on one knee, leather stretching over his thigh. “Well now,” he said. “What can I do for you, my children?”


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