Tales of the Shareem, Volume 1

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Tales of the Shareem, Volume 1 Page 15

by Allyson James

  *** *** ***

  Talan heard Rio, but she couldn’t open her eyes.

  Rees was digging into her, full length, his body pinning her to the cold floor. She braced her hands on his shoulders and loved his breath on her face, the heat of his body on her.

  But there was still something very wrong with him.

  Rio’s voice seemed to snap something into Rees. He raised his head, saw Rio, and withdrew from Talan. He lay half on, half off her, breathing heavily.

  Rio had sand in his hair, and his blue eyes sparkled. He reached one muscular hand toward Talan.

  Rees snarled. He covered Talan with his body and glared up at Rio like a lion protecting his kill.

  Rio lifted his hand in a sign of surrender. “Easy there. I won’t touch her. Not unless you give me permission.”

  “Mine,” Rees growled.

  “Oh, so you remember how to talk.” Rio’s blue irises widened in the Shareem way. “Looks like those people pumped you with an excess of adrenaline. They were probably trying to trigger it with the experiments you told me about. And Talan finally did it.”

  Rees cocked his head, as though he were trying to understand Rio’s words.

  Talan said, “He’s not so bad if I hold him.”

  She demonstrated by running her hands up and down his hot arms. Rees turned to her, the blue in his eyes receding the slightest bit.

  “Rio,” he said, voice broken and harsh. “Don’t let me hurt her.”

  “I won’t,” Rio promised.

  “I want her.”

  “I can see that. You’ve been fucking her all over the place.”

  “Control me,” Rees said. “Tell me what to do.”

  Rio grinned, his eyes lighting. “Now that does sound like fun. Vicarious fucking. I love it.”

  Rees’s eyes darkened again. “Don’t touch her.”

  “Calm down, partner. She’s all yours. But you have to let me work.”

  Rees hesitated, his breathing still fast. His muscles tightened beneath Talan’s fingers. Slowly, reluctantly, he gave Rio a brief nod.

  Rio moved fast. One minute, Rees lay on Talan’s body, the next, he was on his back with heavy manacles pinning his hands. Rees snarled and swung his manacled fists at Rio, while Rio grabbed Talan around the waist and dragged her out of the way.

  “Mine.” Rees reached for her, but the chain between the manacles kept him from lifting his arms very far.

  Rio let Talan go. She sat back against the cool pseudo-marble wall and drew her knees to her chest, her chain whispering.

  Rio bound up Rees’s bare ankles. Rees lay on his back, growling, trying to pull his hands out of the manacles.

  Rio shrugged off his leather top, his muscles shadowed in the artificial light. The thin black chain around his biceps was identical to Rees’s.

  “Have you seen him like this before?” Talan asked. She forgot to be shy in her worry for Rees.

  Rio shook his head. “No. Usually he’s Mr. Ice. Looks like you broke him.”

  Talan’s heart pounded. “I did that?”

  “You must have. Let’s see if I can get him back.”

  Rees lay still on the marble, his cock stiff and standing straight out. Now he laid his fists on his chest, as though realizing he couldn’t break free. He watched the ceiling, his eyes still filled with blue, his breath coming rapidly.

  “Rio,” she said softly. “I love him.”

  Rio looked at her. “You poor kid.”

  “Make him better.”

  “Are you willing to do whatever it takes?” Rio asked.

  Talan nodded. She couldn’t think what could be worse than having Rees die.

  “All right then.” Rio turned to Rees. “You hear that, my old friend? She loves you.”

  Rees lifted his head.

  “You want her?” Rio asked.

  Rees let his gaze rest on Talan. His hands and feet were bound, chains holding him, but just barely. “Yes.”

  “You can have her then,” Rio said. “But only if you behave yourself.”

  Rees looked at him, gave a nod.

  “OK, Talan. Go to him.”

  Talan looked at Rio, hesitating.

  “He’ll only do what I tell him,” Rio said. “Go on.”

  Talan gathered the slim chain in her hands and moved across the floor to Rees. Rees reached for her.

  “No,” Rio said sharply. “Don’t touch.”

  Rees dropped his hands back to his chest, but he scowled.

  “Touch him, Talan,” Rio said. “Give him a little massage.”

  Talan placed her palm on Rees’s chest. His skin was slick with sweat, his heart hammering. She traced his muscles, moving her fingers over his sculpted pectorals and his wide shoulders. Rees swallowed, his Adam’s apple moving as she worked. He was tense beneath her fingers. Rigid. Waiting.

  Talan moved her hands down his arms, the black Shareem chain catching her fingers. She slid her hands around his wrists, his skin tight around the manacles.

  “Touch his cock,” Rio said. “Make him take it.”

  Talan’s body quivered in excitement. She glided her fingers around Rees’s cock, which was stiff and hot.

  Rees jerked. He clenched his fists, but held himself still.

  Talan skimmed her fingers up to the head, which was engorged and dull red, the tip hard. Rees made a noise in his throat.

  “Hold still,” Rio instructed. “Let her stroke you.”

  Rees closed his eyes. His whole body was erect, his arms and legs stiff.

  Talan played with his cock, sliding her fingers up and down. She touched his tight balls, the soft skin catching on her fingers.

  She’d thought she’d feel funny with Rio watching, but she didn’t. Talan almost wanted Rio to see how she’d learned how to stroke Rees, how to make him groan with pleasure.

  Rees had taught her how to suckle him, and Talan leaned down and did it now. She laced her tongue around him, tasting him, sucking, teasing his balls with her fingers. Rees moved under her, thrusting a little bit into her mouth.

  She heard Rio make a soft groan behind her, but she tightened her grip on Rees. A few seconds later, Rees came into her mouth.

  Talan was used to his seed by now. She swallowed it and wiped her mouth with her fingers.

  “Gods, you’re beautiful, Talan,” Rio said. His irises had widened, and his face was soft.

  “Mine,” Rees growled.

  Rio laughed. “I know, my friend. I’m just admiring.” He went to Rees then and carefully removed one of Rees’s manacles. “Now, it’s your turn. Touch her, with just your hand. Remember, she loves you.”

  Rees flexed and clenched his hand once, then he reached out and put his fingers on Talan’s arm.

  His hand was hot, and it shook. But he drew it down Talan’s arm, gently, then stroked up the inside of her arm and moved his fingers to her breast.

  Talan’s nipples tightened and rose. Rees traced the tip of one nipple, flicking it with his finger.

  Rees wasn’t anywhere near calm. His breath still came fast, and his body was tight. But he held himself back, touching Talan with utmost gentleness.

  “That’s it,” Rio said. “Feel how pretty she is.”

  Rees cupped her breast in his hand, closing his eyes.

  “Remember who she is,” Rio said, his voice low and Shareem-smooth. “And how you feel about her.”

  Rees opened his eyes. His breath slowed the slightest bit.

  “That’s it,” Rio said.

  Rees traced his fingers over Talan’s breasts and moved up to her face, gliding his touch across her cheekbone.

  “Play with her pussy if you want,” Rio went on. “Show her how you feel.”

  Talan spread her knees where she knelt, inviting him. She kissed Rees’s fingers as he traced her lips, then he slid his hand down her body and between her thighs.

  Rees closed his eyes again as he dipped his finger into her. He softly played, and Talan shivered, though her body was hot.

  “You like that, Talan?” Rio asked.

  “Yes.” Talan closed her eyes and let her head drop back, enjoying it.

  Rees rubbed her clit then slid two fingers inside her. Her body took over, squeezing his fingers, remembering its lessons of the past few days.

  “Come for me.” It was Rees talking now, his voice still broken. “Come for me, Talan.”

  He could turn her on just by touching her and saying her name. Talan spiraled into climax, arching onto his hand. “Yes, Rees, please.”

  “Nice,” Rio said.

  The compliment sent her higher. “Rees,” she sobbed. “Rio.”

  Rio chuckled. “Hey, she remembered I was in the room.”

  She turned to him, still rubbing herself on Rees’s hand. “Rio,” she said again. “Thank you.”

  *** *** ***

  Rees heard her. His hand was full of Talan’s sweet cream, and he didn’t care who she thanked. He wanted to thank Rio, too.

  The red haze had receded from his brain. Rees knew what he’d been doing to her, but it hadn’t registered completely.

  He’d come and come and so had she. Rees had been lost in it, unable to think or see or hear. He’d been in a black pit of desire, unable to climb out.

  All he could think of was wanting Talan, and fucking her until he died. But he didn’t want to take her with him.

  Rio had said, Remember how you feel about her, and that had saved them both.

  Rio knew. Rio understood Rees better than anyone. The smart-ass would gloat about it, but oh well.

  Talan’s pussy closed around Rees’s fingers. Gods, he loved her pussy. It had never been touched by anyone but him.

  He withdrew his hand, and Talan whimpered. Rees licked his fingers, enjoying her taste. He didn’t need to wait for Rio’s instruction for that.

  Rio chuckled again. “You’re getting the hang of it, my friends.” He moved to Rees and undid manacle on his other wrist. “You’ve graduated to two hands.”

  Rio himself was worked up. His body temperature had climbed, and his cock was obviously hard against his leather leggings.

  But he moved aside and told Rees to go ahead. Rio was holding back, letting Rees have everything.

  Rees appreciated that. He also appreciated Talan’s bare and soft breasts, her pussy wet again for him.

  Rio told Rees to use both hands. Rees did, skimming them over Talan’s body. He loved Talan’s body.

  Rees knew how he felt about her. The idea that Shareem could not love was being shot down for the ridiculous myth it was.

  He thought about how much he loved Talan as he touched her body, teased her nipples, rubbed his fingers over her pussy, and brought her to climax again. Rio made an appreciative audience. He said the words that Rees didn’t have the voice to say, how beautiful Talan was and how lucky Rees was. Well, duh.

  Rio told Talan to get on her hands and knees, instructed Rees to have fun with her ass. As long as he was nice, Rio said.

  Rees asked for lube, and Rio handed it to him. Rees rubbed her ass with it, opening her with his fingers. He’d done this earlier tonight, but then he’d been crazed, everything hazy. Now he was fully alert and enjoying it.

  He probably could send Rio away now, but he wasn’t comfortable alone with Talan, not yet. Rees was too worried he’d go crazy again.

  He eased two fingers into her ass, and with his other hand, pressed two fingers into her pussy. Talan groaned with it, wriggling around his fingers.

  “Do you like it, Talan?” Rio asked from his vantage point. “Almost like having two cocks inside you.”

  Talan’s answer was a moan. Rees pressed a little harder. He was on his knees now, and he leaned down and kissed her smooth back.

  “Rees,” she whispered.

  “I’m here, baby,” he said.

  He pushed a third finger into each of her holes. Talan let out a little cry, then settled down to enjoy it.

  “That’s it, Talan,” Rio said from across the room. “Feel it.”

  She was. Talan pulsed around Rees’s fingers, squeezing them hard. She threw her head back, and came, her body writhing with it.

  Rees slowly withdrew his fingers, his cock hot. “Let me,” he whispered. He wasn’t asking Talan—he was asking Rio.

  “Slowly,” Rio said. “Remember how you feel about her,” he repeated.

  Rees nodded. He knew damn well how he felt about her.

  Talan wanted him. Still sobbing with her release, she lifted herself on hands and knees. “Please, Rees,” she begged.

  Rees set his hands on her soft, lovely hips, and pushed the tip of his cock inside her pussy. He stayed there for a moment, feeling her sweet pussy surround him and pull him in.

  He let himself inside, inch by slow inch. Talan wriggled and groaned and begged for him.

  Rio moved closer so that he could watch Rees’s cock slide into her and see her face while she took him. But Rio didn’t touch. He sat with his arms folded, his eyes alone taking all the pleasure.

  Rees buried himself to the end of his cock, closing his eyes and feeling her. Talan was beautiful, tight, and wet, and his.

  How did Rees feel about her? Tender, and excited, and for the first time in his life, happy. He knew it couldn’t last, but he could enjoy it now. The mindlessness of it receded, and he let himself enjoy loving Talan.

  “She’s beautiful, Rees,” Rio said.

  “I know.” Rees moved himself inside her, love spreading through his heart. “I know.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Talan thought she’d die of joy. She came, pulsing around Rees, feeling him press still harder into her. His hands on her back were hot but no longer burning.

  Rio watched her, his eyes intense. Talan remembered how she’d fantasized about him watching her and Rees in the bathroom at Judith’s bar.

  Fantasy or premonition?

  Whatever it had been, they were all three enjoying it—Rees slowly pumping her, Talan squeezing him, Rio watching it all. The air held a tang of sex, sweat, and leather. Talan wished the night could go on forever.

  Rees spilled his seed into her, groaning with the pleasure of it. Then he laid Talan gently down on the floor and withdrew.

  Talan sank down onto her belly, exhausted, but she didn’t close her eyes. As tired as she was, she didn’t want to fall asleep, not with Rees there to pleasure her. She wanted to be awake for every minute of it.

  She loved Rees. The feeling didn’t come from Shareem tricks with her mind—Talan loved him. She’d explain it to him when they were finished, when they were calm. She loved him, and that was all there was to it.

  Rees sat next to her, raking his hands through his damp hair. “Damn, Rio, I want her again.”

  “Of course you do.” Rio came to him and removed the chains from Rees’s ankles. “Let her ride you.”

  Rees smiled. Talan loved his smile.

  Rees wrapped his arms around her and lifted her tired body, then he lay down on his back and positioned her to straddle him. Talan was exhausted, but happy to be surrounded by his arms. Rees guided her hips down, setting her on the tip of his cock.

  “You take it from here,” he said.

  Rees’s fever had gone. He was smiling, a softness in his Shareem-blue eyes, looking as he had when she’d first met him.

  Talan was tender now, but she still wanted to feel him. She slowly lowered herself on his cock, letting her knees and thighs take her weight.

  The tendrils of her loosened hair brushed her shoulders, sensuous as his touch. She lowered herself farther, farther, wanting all of him.

  Talan finally settled fully on his cock. Rees lifted his hips, sending it deep inside her.

  Talan rocked, feeling his cock, and she curled her fingers against his chest. She loved him inside her, wanted nothing more than this. He excited her and intrigued her and made her feel so happy. She understood now what Lady Pet had tried to explain, and what Lady Ursula had meant in her diary.

  There was no feeli
ng in the world like being in the arms of someone you loved. That feeling wasn’t wrong, shameful, or restricting—it was freeing, joyous, and wonderful.

  Talan rocked on him, and Rees held her steady with his hands. He smiled at her, his eyes calm and loving.


  Rees said her name in his Shareem voice, restored to its warm tones. Talan leaned down and kissed him.

  Rees pulled her to him by her collar chain. He held her, kissing her, moving inside her. Then he smiled at her, and Talan laid her head on his strong shoulder.

  Rees’s hands roved her back. He soothed her with his Shareem touch, his skill reasserting itself. She smiled happily as his fingers moved to her ass, and he spread her a little.

  “Rio,” he said.

  Talan lifted her head and looked at Rees in surprise.

  Rio quickly pulled off his leather pants and his loincloth, and stood up, naked. “Thought you’d never ask.”

  Before Talan could grasp what would happen, Rio was behind her. She felt his fingers on her ass, cool with lube.

  She stared at Rees. Rees smiled. “It’s all right, baby.” He touched her hair, and she suddenly knew it was all right.

  Rio tossed the tube of lube aside. His touch was as soothing, his voice as mesmerizing, as Rees’s. “Don’t worry, Talan,” he said. “I’m just taking my reward.”

  Talan thought she’d be afraid, thought it would hurt. Rees held her steadily, spreading her.

  When Rio pressed the tip of his cock against her ass, Talan tensed. The two of them touched her and murmured to her, calming her down. Talan relaxed, laying her head on Rees’s chest, loosening herself, trusting them.

  Rees was still inside her, still hard, and Rio’s cock started its slow journey in. He was hard and firm, excited from watching and anticipating.

  Rio moved in slowly, soothing Talan with his hands. Talan kept still, feeling every inch of him as he slid, slick with lube, inside her.

  Rees stroked Talan’s hair and murmured her name. Rio took his time, his thighs closing around her, the heat of his body covering her back.

  And then he was in. Gods, he was all the way in. Both of them were, spreading her, filling her. Talan cried out.

  “Shhh, baby,” Rees whispered.


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