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Tales of the Shareem, Volume 1

Page 36

by Allyson James

  Rio stared at the transport and Nella, and back to Rees, who had a grin on his hard Shareem face. “You arranged all this without letting me in on it?”

  Rees’ grin grew into a wide smile. “We wanted to surprise you.”

  “You asshole.”

  “Yep.” Rees planted his fist gently on Rio’s back. “Now get out of here before some patroller figures it out and shoots you.”

  “Right.” Rio started walking forward, drawn to Nella as though a tether stretched between them, but after two steps turned back. “Thank you.”

  Rees shrugged. “The ladies did it. I’m just the messenger.”

  “Sure. Kiss Talan for me.” He grinned and winked. “I’ll take care of Nella.”

  Rees laughed. Suddenly light of heart, Rio pivoted and ran toward the transport. He was going to miss Rees, but his pull to Nella couldn’t be denied. Maybe Nella could bully the government into letting Rees and Talan—heck, all his Shareem friends—move to Ariel.

  First things first. As Rio crossed the landing bay, no patrollers sprang out of nowhere to arrest him, terminate him, or hang up his body as an example to other Shareem. There was just Nella, waiting for him in the doorway.

  Rio caught her in his arms and pushed her inside, closing his eyes as he pulled her body against his, her scent filling him. Her hood fell back, revealing her brilliant red hair, which glistened in the strong sunlight of Bor Narga before the door shut on them both.

  Rio held her close, his heart thumping with joy and excitement and relief. Nella was crying, tears streaking silently down her beautiful face from her bright green eyes.

  He wiped away the moisture with his thumb. “Hey, baby,” he said, his lips grazing hers. She tasted so damn good. “Miss me?”

  *** *** ***

  They couldn’t kiss as much as Rio wanted, because the captain, a small, rather wizened man, instructed them to sit down in the tiny cabin and ready themselves for takeoff. Nella showed Rio how to secure himself to a chair with protective webbing, her hands and loose hair brushing his body as she clasped the straps around him. Nothing wrong with Rio’s cock now. It was hard and stiff, rising firmly against the leather.

  But he couldn’t do anything about it right this minute. The ship shuddered like it was having an orgasm, then Rio felt the press of the floor into his feet as the ship lifted swiftly from the transport bay.

  “Are you all right?” Nella asked him from her seat. Her accent was as sexy as ever, her Bor Nargan not quite right, but oh-so charming.

  “Sure. Fine.” Rio gripped the arms of the chair, hoping his terror didn’t show on his face. Nella laughed.

  The planet dropped away alarmingly in the view screen, giving Rio vertigo. The jagged edges of Bor Narga, where he’d lived all his life, smoothed out, becoming less threatening and harsh. He could see the grayish blob that was Pas City, and then the cut of canyons far across the desert where Rylan’s home lay.

  Black started to swallow the blue of the desert sky, and stars pricked through. They were leaving the atmosphere, leaving Bor Narga’s pull.

  “Free,” Rio said. The word tasted strange. Free to follow his dreams and the nebulous pull of a Bond that led to the woman beside him.

  “What?” Nella asked him over the roar of engines, smiling her beautiful smile.

  “Nothing,” Rio answered. “Just talking to myself.”

  *** *** ***

  It was another perfect day in Adrina, on Ariel. The Gallery of Light, an ancient hall at the back of the palace, swirled with color, the sun shining through windows of blue, yellow, green, and crimson glass.

  Two days had passed since Nella’s return to Ariel with Rio. She’d come here this afternoon to steal a few minutes away from reporters, and comfort herself with the view of the vast, blooming gardens behind the palace.

  As soon as they’d touched down in Ariel, the palace medics had descended on Rio and hauled him off to check him over for off-planet diseases or other oddities that might affect the population. Every person who wanted citizenship on Ariel had to go through the process, but Nella, aware of what people had done to Rio at DNAmo, worried.

  Would Rio grow angry and want to leave Ariel, to go anywhere they wouldn’t poke things into him? Now that he was free of Bor Narga, maybe he’d want to explore the vast universe and all its wonders. Women of every planet would welcome him with open arms.

  If Rio wanted to leave, Nella thought, forcing herself to be brave, she’d let him. He’d taught her about trust and friendship and even love, and in return, Nella would give Rio the gift of freedom.

  She’d be cool and neutral as she discussed their future, not clinging and emotional. They’d spent many weeks apart, and Rio’s feelings for Nella might have changed. She wouldn’t obligate Rio to her—she would not force the Bond on him if he didn’t wish it.

  Rio could do as he pleased, go where he liked. It was the least she could do.

  “Hey, I like this place,” a deep voice sounded behind her. “Nice and big.”

  Nella turned. Rio stood in the middle of the room in his shining black leather, the sun through the glass bathing him in rainbow colors. His black hair was scraped back from his face, and he wore a smile as warm as sin.

  Nella felt the Bond, sure and strong, stretching between her and him. Giving a cry of joy, Nella dashed across the marble tiles and hurled herself into his arms.

  Cool and neutral? a voice inside her taunted.

  Rio caught her in his strong embrace and spun around with her, the blue of his eyes widening.

  “Are you all right?” Nella babbled. “I didn’t want them to pester you, but the medics have rules, and I worried . . .”

  “Shh.” Rio slid his hands over her form-hugging gold tunic and unerringly found the fastenings. “I’m used to being poked and prodded.” Nella’s tunic loosened and began to slide down her body. “I did it for you, sweetheart. After all, you’re the princess, and I’m the Shareem. You tell me what you want—anything you want—and I’ll do it.” His eyes held a wicked gleam.

  “I want you to stay with me.” Nella kissed him. “And marry me.”

  He pretended to give her a casual look, but he was shaking. “Yeah, I guess I can do that.” Rio threw out the answer, as though unimportant, but his eyes and unsteady voice told her how much the words had meant to him. “But what else do you want?”

  “I want you to teach me, and fuck me, and kiss me, and then teach me some more.”

  Rio laughed. “One thing at a time, beautiful.”

  He covered her mouth with a strong kiss, swiftly pulling her tunic the rest of the way off. Rio caught her breasts in his hands, while Nella returned his frenzied kisses with her own.

  Her leggings came off, and he shoved his own down with one hand, exposing his huge, randy cock. They fell to the cold marble, he raising her hips high, positioning himself with speed and ease.

  “Get ready, sweetheart,” he said, then he entered her.

  Huge and full, Rio went inside Nella, and it was a sweet, sweet stretching. With one hand Rio stroked her until she rocked her hips to him, squeezing his cock and gripping it tight.

  Rio pumped into her, both of them too needy to take it slowly. Slow would come later, when Rio would braid her hair out of the way, then manacle her hands and review what he’d already taught her. She’d gladly bend over the bed for him while he took his strap to her ass, then he’d massage her until she was loose enough to take his cock there.

  But for now, it was hard, fast sex, both of them wanting and needing so much. Too fast, way too fast. Nella came, crying his name, her nails finding purchase in his flesh. Not many seconds later, Rio groaned with his own coming, and his seed shot hot inside her.

  “I love you, Rio,” Nella whispered, barely able to form the words.

  “Love you too, baby,” Rio said, his voice as broken as hers. “I’ve known that a long time.” He grinned. “You know what I didn’t know? I really hate space travel.”

  Nella laughe
d, naked under him, the marble floor cooling her hot skin. He was truly hers, growling, snarky, and laughing and hers.

  “So when do we get married?” Rio asked, nuzzling her cheek. “This Bond thing is telling me to hurry up.”

  “You truly want it?”

  He caught her gaze, his own softening. “Yes.”

  Nella’s heart swelled with warmth, happiness. “Right away. Tomorrow, if you want.”

  “Good. We’ll do it fast, then break it to your mother and father that you Bonded with a Shareem.”

  “They will already know,” Nella said, laughing. “Everything that happens in the Gallery of Light is broadcast throughout the palace. The news of our Bonding will probably be all over the feeds by morning.”

  “Shit,” Rio said, then he grinned. “Good thing I’ve got a great ass.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Glad you like it. Now, is there somewhere a little more private we can go?”

  “My bedroom.”

  He rose with his sinuous grace, and unembarrassed, pulled up his leggings and helped her to her feet. “Sounds good to me, princess,” he said. “Let’s go.”

  *** *** ***

  Much later, when the palace was bathed in darkness, Rio and Nella lay naked on her bed and gazed up through the transparent ceiling to the night sky. Stars pricked the blackness, thick like a swirl of jewels.

  “It’s beautiful,” Rio murmured beside her.

  “I love it.”

  “You made me free, Nella,” he said. “Thank you.”

  “It won’t be easy,” Nella began.

  Rio touched her lips, his callused finger gentle. “Like anything in my life up to now has been easy. We’re together, and we’re staying that way.”

  “That’s one command I don’t mind obeying.”

  Rio raised up on his elbow, his wicked eyes darkening. “Oh? What were you planning to disobey?”

  Nella felt a warm flutter in her abdomen. The sex they’d had since they’d come upstairs had been frantic, but straightforward. No level-three Shareem games, just loving, one-on-one, giddily happy sex.

  “I don’t know yet,” Nella said.

  Rio smiled, slow and hot. “I had to leave most of my accoutrements behind, but I’ve seen things around I can use—like that table in the outer room with the balls and the rings.”

  “You’re supposed to knock as many balls of your color as you can through the rings.”

  “Hmm, I can think of lots of ways that game could be played. I’m hoping we can get plenty of lube from somewhere too.”

  “I bought some oils when I got home,” Nella said. “Nothing like Aiden’s, though.”

  Rio cupped his hand around her breast. “Good enough. And as always, I have manacles, and of course, my whip. Maybe we can pretend I’m a wicked space pirate and you’re my princess captive.”

  Nella smiled up at his hard, handsome face, her heart beating faster. “I thought level two was games and play.”

  “Well, I can steal Rylan’s ideas. I think I’ll make my captive do all kinds of things, including climax when I say, but only when I say. And if she’s bad . . .”

  “What?” Nella asked, her excitement escalating. “What happens?”

  Rio rolled over her, pinning her strong body with his. “She bares her pretty ass and gets spanked. And maybe fucked—if I want to. But you’d always obey me, wouldn’t you?”

  Rio was smiling, his eyes as hot and blue as ever. Nella might love him, she might be Bonded with him, she might make him a man of Ariel, but he was still Rio.

  “Well,” she said, putting a finger to her lips. “Maybe.”

  Rio growled. “Let’s find out, sweetheart.” He leaned over the side of the bed, rummaged in his clothes, and pulled out his thin manacles.

  Nella shivered as the cool metal touched her wrists, the catches clicking. Rio touched his folded leather strap to her lips.

  “Do you want this, Nella?” His breath was hot, smelling of spice, his eyes filling with dark blue. “You have to tell me. It’s your choice. On, or off?”

  Nella gazed up at him, her heart ready to burst with happiness and excitement. Rio was hers, and he wanted her, and he was about to make her completely and wonderfully his.

  “On,” she said, then squealed in delight as he hauled her to him and began to kiss her.


  Aiden and Ky

  Tales of the Shareem

  Book 3

  Chapter One


  The Shareem on the other side of the coffee bar swirled his tongue over the cream at the top of his cup and pulled it into his mouth.

  Brianne d’Aroth went weak in the knees. She sat in a cooled room under cooled robes and still she wanted to melt into a puddle on the questionably clean floor.

  He dipped his tongue again, coating the tip before drawing it into his mouth. He closed his eyes to savor the taste, a little smile on his face.

  Every woman in the coffee bar leaned toward him as he swallowed, the hollow at his collarbone damp with sweat. His loose robes revealed a V of strong chest and light-colored curls licking sun-kissed skin.

  His blond hair was gathered at the base of his neck scraped back from his face to show the entire perfection of it. Perfection wasn’t simply a cliché in this case. The Shareem had been face-sculpted.

  Oblivious of every female growing wet between the legs for him, he licked up another dab of cream. This time a drop lingered on his lips. He slid his tongue out to clean it up.

  This should be outlawed, Brianne thought over the rapid beating of her heart. Maybe she should call the patrol.

  But the Shareem wasn’t actually doing anything. He was sitting alone, sipping his coffee.

  The way he sipped it, that should be outlawed.

  The Shareem raised his head and looked straight at Brianne, deep blue eyes pinning her in place.

  Not that he could see much of her. Brianne had covered herself from head to foot in plain robes so no one would know who she was. She’d taken off her face veil so she could enjoy her coffee but was careful to keep her head down and not reveal her features.

  The Shareem looked directly at her. All over. She might as well be sitting there stark naked.

  His smile widened, as though he knew what she thought. Gods, sitting stark naked in a public place while he did nothing but look at her made her feel …


  Shocked. Of course. Horrified. Amazed at his audacity. She should shield her face from his unwelcome scrutiny, turn her back and walk away in a huff. She should snap her fingers for one of her bodyguards to come and teach the Shareem his place.

  And have him stop looking at me like that?

  Forget it.

  Brianne did the boldest thing she’d ever done in her life. She looked straight back at the Shareem and sent him a little smile


  The Shareem acknowledged her with a sly quirk of his lips. Watching her, he dipped his tongue into the cream again.

  Adrenaline raced through her body, hot sensation pooling at the base of her spine. I’m going to die now.

  With a smile on my face.

  This could go no further. Brianne should not be down in Pas City even if her bodyguards had stationed themselves casually around the back of the coffee bar. She should not be enjoying the surprisingly good coffee in the shabby bar with common workers and—dear gods—a Shareem.

  Shareem were more or less outlawed on Bor Narga, allowed to live if they kept themselves to themselves, if they didn’t try to procreate or leave the planet, and if they subjected themselves to a barrage of inoculations every six months.

  Brianne had popped in here on a whim to try the local coffee. And there he was.

  She’d heard that Shareem could sense when a woman wanted an encounter and contrive to be where she could find him. Brianne wondered which woman in the coffee bar would be lucky enough to take him home today and felt a twinge of envy.

  But she’d go
home and deal with her upcoming wedding to Dranis, who was boring and stuffy but had good DNA. Their children, who would be incubated at the Ministry of Families, would be healthy, look good on the digital feeds and have fairly good IQs—not genius level, but enough intelligence to deal with being part of the ruling family of the planet.

  Brianne had already had her hymen removed in a little celebration when she’d come of age. She’d be spared the embarrassment of sexual encounters because Dranis had no interest in sex, one of the reasons she’d chosen him. They’d give their DNA to the Ministry’s lab and never share a bed.

  Sex was for the lower classes, and even they strove to put their basic urges behind them.

  The warm look in the Shareem’s eyes said It’s not embarrassing, sweetheart. It’s the best thing you’ll have in your life.

  Brianne gave a tiny shake of her head. Maybe other women could indulge, and a few upper-class women did, but not Brianne d’Aroth.

  The Shareem understood her signal. He made the barest shrug as he leaned forward to sip more coffee, as though to say Hey, your loss, sweetheart. It could have been good.

  Probably it would have been very, very good.

  Brianne’s heart was still racing as she sent him another small smile, thanking him for being so utterly gorgeous to look at.

  His answering grin made her body temperature soar again. She needed to get out of there before she gave in to the temptation of him. She was already sweating.

  Brianne pulled her veil over her face, slid from the stool, and hurried from the coffee bar without a backward look.

  As she half-ran along the bazaar shaded with colored canopies she did not notice a detachment of her bodyguard charge in the back way of the coffee bar and arrest the Shareem. Their monitors had registered Brianne’s rise in adrenaline and temperature, then they’d seen her run out faster than they’d ever seen her move before.

  Their orders were to arrest and confine any who dared assault their lady. When they entered the coffee bar they saw the Shareem and—well, everyone knew what Shareem did.


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