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Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Glenna Mayanrd

  “Talking to him is good.” She says that he can hear me.

  So that is what I do, I pull up a chair next to my brother, and tell him all about the clusterfuck of thoughts that’s running through my head.

  “Kline, I feel so lost and confused. I wish you would wake up so you could tell me to pull my head out of my ass and do the right thing. Because I know the right thing is to walk away from Royce and Parker while never look back. But I love Royce, and I need to believe him. I want so badly for him to be the man that I fell in love with.” My stomach lurches, and I have to dash to the bathroom in order save myself the embarrassment of spewing my coffee all over my comatose brother.

  I really hope I’m not coming down with a stomach bug. That’s the last thing I need on top of everything that is going on right now. My stomach feels swollen and now I remember I missed my appointment with my gynecologist for my birth control shot. I am about to get my period. I don’t know why exactly, but every time I get a period it makes me nauseous, which is why I get the shot, so I don’t have periods anymore. Well not usually, but thanks to this whole mess I have missed my appointment, and now I get to go through the joys of being a woman.

  Chapter 10

  After sitting with Kline a bit longer I go by the grocery store to stock up on tampons, wine, chocolate and Motrin—the PMS essentials. I head over to my mom's house before going home to face Royce.

  I guess I should tell you what happened to my brother. After he won his fight the other night, he got in Royce’s car to drive to meet Charlie so they could pay off the debt and end this shit. Well like the say history repeats itself. Parker tampered with Royce’s car again, and nearly killed my brother. Kline was driving when a car suddenly slammed on the brakes in front of him. He was far enough behind the car that if the brakes were working properly he would have stopped in time based on the tire marks, but the brake lines were cut... now my brother is fighting for his life.

  That’s’ the short version of what mm and Charlie told me.

  My mom has been checking in with the police regularly, and they are doing a full investigation, but they aren’t telling my mom much information right now. Parker probably paid them off. Mom says that Royce saved Kline’s life, that he was following him to the drop off, he pulled my brother from the car, performing CPR on him until the ambulance was near then he fled the scene. He wasn’t sure what to tell the cops. Then he discovered I was gone. He knew Parker had me, and just had to wait for things to unfold.

  “Baby, Royce would do anything for you. That man loves you so much. We told the cops that Kline was driving Royce’s car because the two of you borrowed his truck to go on a romantic camping trip. We felt it best not to bring up your brother’s illegal fight, and Royce says you never know what cops are on the take for the Garretti brothers.”

  “You did the right thing mom. I’m so worried about Kline. He’s my best friend. It’s always been the two of us against the world. I can’t stand just seeing him lying there motionless, unable to communicate with me whatsoever.”

  “Honey, it is probably all the medicine they have him on. He’s going to bounce back, he always does.”

  I leave my mom's house feeling a little better, but I am still confused about Royce and Parker.

  When I return home, Royce is sitting in the same spot waiting to talk to me as promised.

  “I see you are still willing to hear me out.”

  “I am, but first I need wine and chocolate, then you may speak.”

  “Okay.” he laughs softly, but his smile doesn’t quite touch his eyes. His grey eyes bore into mine, and I know that no matter what he says or how much I love him, it won’t be enough to save us from all that has happened. My love for him is the only reason I am allowing him to have his say. We both need the closure.

  Pouring myself a glass of wine, and grabbing my chocolate, I join him in the living room. I sink down on the couch getting comfortable comfortable. I get the feeling this is going to be a hard conversation for the both of us.

  The look of hurt and betrayal in his eyes makes my heart weep.

  “Royce, I’m sorry. I…”

  “Don’t apologize to me. It's okay I don’t like it and thought of you with him is enough to make me want to kill a man. But don’t be sorry. I blame myself. I did this by not being honest. If I had told you everything from the start, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

  “You can’t blame yourself for my poor judgment. Now I want to know Tiffany’s part and if you aren’t going to tell me then…this conversation is through.”

  “I told you it isn’t my place. But if I must tell you I will. Tiffany has a thing with Jake. She was in on the plan. She took your jeep on purpose so she could help stage her being taken. She’s been in a suite at a casino the whole time.” I smooth her hair and wait for her to get angry, to deny that Tiffany would ever do those things, but she doesn’t. Brandi looks at me with love and trust.

  “Go on, I need to know the rest.”

  “Brad and Jake work for Parker. I cut my ties with the mob after Elizabeth died. I do work in security, but only for Johnny Magic. Jake and Brad double crossed me, I don’t know how deep Tiffany was in. You’ll have to talk to her, and make your own judgment.”

  “The guy that does all those illusions?” I ask with a smirk and raised eyebrow. The idea of Royce working for him makes me snicker. I did not see that coming. “That explains so much. I was beginning to believe the magic man had a crush on me. Was it you sending me those tickets to his show?”

  “Yeah laugh it up, I know you want to. I wanted to see you so I sent you tickets to where I’d be. Even if I was working it meant you were near me. Anyway, things are about to get confusing. So if at any point I lose you just tell me to stop.”

  “Okay…” I’m not sure how I can be any more confused than I already am.

  “When you started training to be a Lucky 7 girl, I knew it would only be a matter of time before Parker would see you, and without a doubt see your striking resemblance to Elizabeth. I didn’t want to go through it all again. My heart couldn’t take it. I have been working with the detectives who handled Elizabeth’s death. They have been trying to bust Parker and his family for years. I had to break up with you for the case. I’m sorry. I knew there was a possibility Parker could hurt you. I hope you can forgive me babe.” He grabs my hand and squeezes it so tight.

  “I wanted justice for Elizabeth, and the child I might have raised. The cops assured me nothing bad would happen—that you wouldn’t be hurt. But then things happened with Charlie and Kline that put you in danger, and I had to step in. I couldn’t chance losing you. I saw you and I saw him—Parker watching you that night after Kline fought Killer. It made me angry. I was jealous so I started chasing after you, because I wanted him to know you were mine. All the old feelings came back to me. I got a rush from knowing I had something he wanted. And then everything went to shit. I became blinded with getting back at him. I blame Parker for Elizabeth’s death just as much as he blames me. I’m sorry I used you Brandi, but I mean it when I say that I love you.”

  I jerk my hand back as though he has burned me, because he his words have.

  “But you loved revenge more.” I cock my brow out him daring him to tell me differently. I appreciate his being truthful, but it doesn’t make it any easier to hear it. Jumping up, I need to get away from him. I no longer feel the need to hear the rest. It doesn’t matter who did what. Parker and Royce both played an equal part in this sick and twisted game. I was merely a play thing for both of them, but not anymore.

  “Royce, I would like you to leave now, and I don’t want you to come back. You…Parker, I feel sorry for both of you. If the two of you either come near me I swear to you, I will kill you both. The mob or my brother will be the least of your worries. Tell Parker you both have about a six-month head start, because I can’t answer for what my brother will do once he has recovered.” I am holding the door open for him; it’s the last courtesy I will ev
er show him.


  She doesn’t mean it. She needs time and I will give it to her. I fucked up. Kline was never meant to be hurt in this. Now he is fighting for his life, if he dies I don’t think Brandi could handle it. This time the police will do their job, and Parker will pay for hurting the people I love. I just have to figure how best to proceed from here. I know the first thing I need to do is get all of Brad and Jake’s shit out of my house.

  I get into my rental car feeling broken.

  Brandi will forgive me…she has to.

  I won’t lose her.

  She will move past this in time, she hast to or this was all for nothing.

  Life is twisted and love is ugly, but I’ll fight for her.

  I’ve been fighting for her this whole time, and I will never stop.


  “Damn it!” I beat my hands against the dash of my car. I could have had her before I took her to the hospital. I could see it, she was ready to say she believed me, but then she hesitated. She looked at me the way that Elizabeth looked at me when she told me she slept with Royce, my best friend…

  My head hurts… I miss her… I know what needs to be done. Last time, I fucked up, but this time will be different.

  “Motherfucker!” I watch Royce leave Brandi’s apartment. It’s over he’s gotten to her, and now I’ve lost her again. I smack my chest, fuck it hurts so bad. Royce should be dead right now. I did everything right this time, but shit still didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to. I even took Brandi to make sure she wouldn’t be in his car. Brad and Jake fucked that up too. They were never supposed to hurt her. Then I had to drug her to keep her from waking up too soon.

  If I could have had more time with her she’d be with me. Fucking Royce, he is always in my way. I never should have taken him in. I treated him like family, and he repaid me by fucking my girl. I should be the one holding her—Brandi’s— hand while reassuring her that everything is going to be okay. The cops haven’t come for me yet, but I am sure it is only a matter of time before they make the connection. I can’t buy my way out this time. I never meant to hurt Elizabeth. She wasn’t supposed to leave me. Royce should have died that day, not her and my baby.

  This time Kline got in my way. Why was he in Royce’s car? That motherfucker won’t die. No matter how hard I try, or how well I plan, he won’t fucking die! Maybe if I talk to her one more time she will give me a chance.


  Knock…knock…knock. “Royce, I told you I don’t want to see you again.” I angrily throw my door open expecting to see Royce groveling for another chance, but instead I am face to face with Parker, and the look on his face is scary.

  “Wh-what are you doing here Parker? You shouldn’t be here.” I try to close the door on him, but he shoves his way inside.

  I wish that I hadn’t kicked Royce out. “I needed to see you.” He drops to his knees wrapping his arms around my waist. Oh my, is he crying right now? I don’t know what to do…I just know that I don’t want him here, in my home, touching me.

  “Elizabeth, I’m sorry.” He squeezes me tight and I can’t breathe.

  “My name is Brandi,” I whisper. He’s lost it. Parker thinks I am his dead girlfriend…he needs help.

  “Please tell me you don’t love him. Tell me you never loved Royce... Tell me it was all a misunderstanding. Why did you leave me? Why did you get in his car? I need you.” Tears are leaking from his eyes, and he looks like a lost little boy right now. I hate him for hurting my brother, but this is a man clearly in need of help.

  “Parker, you’re right I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done those things. I never loved him. I was weak that’s all, but now I am going to be strong, for us.” I don’t know what I am doing. I am just hoping to say whatever I need to, to get him calm enough so I can call the police.

  “You killed our baby Elizabeth. I-I killed you and our baby. I’m so sorry baby. I loved you so much I couldn’t let him have you. I loved you…I lost you…I need you...” His confession about brings me to my knees. Royce was telling me the Gods honest truth, and now I am here with this dangerous man.

  “It’s okay.” I stroke his cheek with a shaky hand. “I love you. I forgive you.”

  “You’re a liar and a whore. It’s his baby isn’t it? Tell me…say it… You deserved to die. You are his dirty whore.” Parker punches me in the gut knocking me onto my couch he hits me with so much force.

  He has completely lost it, and he is going to kill me. I know it. I can feel death coming. My phone starts ringing, and Parker seems to snap out of whatever is going on with him.

  “Brandi?” he looks at me like he doesn’t know how he got here. I take advantage of his confusion, and grab my phone. It’s my mom calling me.

  “Hello,” I answer my phone and hold my finger up to a confused Parker. I power walk to my bathroom locking myself inside just in case he snaps again. “Brandi, I need you to come to the hospital. It’s Kline, he’s not good baby.”

  I hang up with my mom not believing what she just said. I had seen my brother earlier. I spoke to the nurse he was getting better. He can’t die. Sobs pour out of me. My chest is burning, I want Royce. I need Royce. I dial his number and he picks up. “Royce, I need you. Parker is here and he is being really weird. He was calling me Elizabeth. My mom just called me and I need to get to the hospital…”

  “Is he still there? I’m coming back; I’m just down the street. I’m calling the police.”

  “I’m in my bathroom, please Royce. I’m so scared.”

  Parker punches the bathroom door with a muffled scream and then he goes quiet.

  A few minutes later, Royce is knocking on my bathroom door. “Baby, open the door it’s me.”

  I unlock the door. Royce takes me in his arms as I melt into him. “Where’s Parker?”

  “I don’t know. When I got here the front door was open and he was gone. The police are on their way. I know you need to get to Kline, but you need to tell the police about Parker. Did he hurt you?”

  “No…my brother I need to get to Kline.” A pain shoots through my chest. I feel like I am having a heart attack.

  “Kline!” I scream out his name, he’s gone, and the pain in my chest just now— that was my bond to my brother ripping apart. I don’t know how I know but I just do. I can’t do this. I faint as the call comes through… I can hear Royce talking to Charlie in the distance as the police come barging into my apartment. My world is crashing down all around me. A half of me just died…Kline… I can see his face in my mind. He looks so peaceful. Is he trying to tell me he is okay? Nothing in my life will ever be okay without him.


  “I understand Charlie. I will keep an eye on her. I’ll bring her over to your place in the morning. The police are here. I need to hang up and answer their questions. I’ll explain everything tomorrow when I bring her over. I’m so sorry about Kline. I can’t believe he’s gone.”

  I look down at my angel lying on the couch. I think she is in shock. She hasn’t uttered a word since she got the call about her brother. I know her and Kline have always shared a unique bond. I can’t imagine what she must be feeling right now. I do my best to answer the detective’s questions.

  I don’t know what cops are on the take. I’m staying vague just in case these guys are on the wrong side. I tell them a crazed stalker broke in on her. It isn’t that far off from the truth.

  Brandi becomes responsive and is able to answer a few questions about Parker. When she tells them what he said and did to her it makes me so angry. She is hurting enough as it is right now without this shit being thrown on top.

  The police are looking for Parker and now with what Brandi has told them and with her brother dying, there is no way he can get away with this twice. I’m just sorry it cost my sweet pea her brother. I don’t know how she will come back from losing him—Kline that is...

  The police leave for now. They are satisfied with the information we have provided. The
y understand that she isn’t in shape to do this properly right now given the circumstances. I try to get her to let me take her to my place in case Parker tries to come back, but she is refusing to leave. She is lying in Kline’s bed right now curled up in one of his shirts. It’s killing me to see her in so much pain, and unable to take it away. I don’t know what to do for her besides just be here. There’s no way I am leaving her alone, even if she doesn’t want me here I am staying.

  After hours of crying Brandi finally passes out from exhaustion. I push the covers d and cover up her. I don’t bother trying to put her in her own bed. I know she needs to feel close to Kline tonight. I lie down next to her wrapping my arms protectively around her. She looks so fragile. Nothing bad will ever touch her again. Not on my watch.

  Early the next morning Brandi’s phone ringing awakens me. I take it upon myself to answer it. One of the detectives from last night is calling to let us know that they have Parker in custody. I curl back up with my girl and rest a little easier knowing that Parker is finally where he belongs. I hope that Elizabeth and Kline get the justice they deserve.


  I can’t believe my brother is gone. All of my life my brother has been my protector. He was always looking out for me. But who was looking out for him? I let him down. My brother is dead and it’s my fault. I can’t eat…I can’t sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see Kline’s face all bloody and battered in the hospital. I didn’t get to say goodbye. His life was cut way too short at the hands of a man who claimed to care about me.

  Parker is in jail and being charged with my brother’s death. They found video evidence of him tampering with Royce’s car. An anonymous witness turned a tape over to the police that showed Parker messing with Royce’s car outside of the warehouse where the fights take place about an hour before my brother wrecked. Our attorney says that Parker is claiming temporary insanity. With his connections and money, he will serve five years at the most and as little as two. The case won’t go to trial for quite a while.


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