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Balls for Breakfast

Page 4

by Louise Collins

  “I wanna take you home with me,” Patrick purred by Travis’s ear. “Would you like that?”

  Travis nodded eagerly. “Yeah, I would.”

  “Let’s go.”

  Patrick pulled Travis towards the exit, but Luke sidestepped in the way.

  “You—you sure you’re okay with this?”

  Travis nodded dopily. “More than okay with it.”

  “We—we can get a taxi together.” Amy said.

  Patrick hugged Travis to his side and shook his head. “Not on your life—get your own.”

  Luke held his hands up and backed away. “Okay, then, will do. Me and Amy will see you later, I guess.”

  Travis flashed Luke and Amy a grin, then allowed Patrick to lead him outside.

  He radiated natural authority, and the taxi queue gave way for him, and let him get the front car. Travis climbed inside and shuffled along. Patrick spoke to the driver, then joined Travis in the back. He didn’t speak, or try to touch, he kept his distance, and Travis frowned.

  It was only when Patrick slammed the door shut, did the nerves start to pick up. The car was dark, and he only caught glimpses of Patrick’s expression as the streetlights whizzed past. He was stern faced and watched the street flash by out the window. Travis shuffled and picked at his nails. His heart rate started to rise with dread, and he tried to muffle his shaky breaths.

  Patrick noticed, and slid to the middle seat. He clasped his fingers around the back of Travis’s neck, and turned him into his chest. “Calm down, you’re all right. I won’t let that bastard hurt you. I wanted to smash his face in, but didn’t want to scare you.”

  Travis breathed in the dark, musky scent of Patrick, and settled immediately. Heat poured from him like a furnace, and Travis snuggled his cheek into his chest. Patrick drew circles with his thumb on Travis’s nape and spoke reassurances in his deep, grumbly tone.

  Travis was in heaven.

  Chapter Five

  Travis stood on the path outside their houses while Patrick paid the driver. He glanced at his door, the escape still there in case he wanted to take it, then he looked at Patrick’s house and butterflies fluttered in his chest.

  “You don’t have to come inside if you don’t want to,” Patrick murmured. “I won’t make you.”

  Travis turned in time to see the car disappear down the street. Patrick stood under a lamp, and the light cast sinister shadows on his face. He didn’t move any closer, just waited patiently as Travis turned his attention from house to house.

  With his decision made, he walked up to Patrick’s door, and pressed his back to it. Patrick waited a beat before stepping out of the light. He walked with purpose, chin lifted, chest puffed out. There was a jangle of keys, and then he was close enough to swoop down for a kiss.

  Air caught in Travis’s chest, and he closed his eyes at the first contact. He slacked his lips and let Patrick do as he pleased. He gently sucked Travis’s top lip, then licked a strip along his bottom one. Travis kept as still as he could with his lips slightly parted as Patrick got familiar with his mouth. He licked, he pressed forward with his tongue, and sucked at Travis’s lips. He rattled at the attention, his gasps and moans broke with hitched breaths as Patrick grinded their crotches together.

  He was trapped, pinned to the door by Patrick’s muscular bulk, he squeezed the already lacking air out of Travis’s body and his head spun. He couldn’t resist the urge to roll his hips forward, to brush against Patrick. Nails scratched his scalp, fingers tangling in his hair as Patrick continued to lay claim to his mouth.

  Travis shot his hands up in surprise when he was suddenly moving backwards. He clutched Patrick tight, and opened his eyes in alarm. The door was open, and he was still pressed against it. No longer on the doorstep, but inside Patrick’s home.

  Patrick leaned back and cupped Travis’s face. He swiped his thumb over Travis’s plump bottom lip.

  “You have no idea how enticing you are…”

  Travis frowned, and his open confusion made Patrick laugh.

  “Every time you brought a package to my door, I wanted to pull you inside, and pin you to the wall.”

  “W-why didn’t you?”

  Patrick tilted his head and lifted his thumb to his lip. He closed his eyes as he sucked it, then hummed, a long appreciative hum that rumbled through his body into Travis’s and made him blush.

  “I wouldn’t be able to let you go.”

  Travis shook his head. “I don’t want you to.”

  Patrick grinned toothily, and the look of pure devouring made Travis’s cock jolt in a feeble attempt at escape.

  “Good boy.”

  The effect of the words was immediate, a shot of something good flooded Travis’s mind. His head felt unsteady on his shoulders, and his knees weakened.

  Patrick grinned. “Like me calling you that, huh?”

  “Don’t take the piss.” Travis grumbled, turning his head.

  “I’m not. I like saying it, too, but you’ve been bad, haven’t you?”

  Travis thought about Samson, and his foolishness. He should’ve seen Samson slip something into his glass. He should’ve been more alert, more aware. If Patrick hadn’t been there, the evening would’ve ended in a nightmare.

  “Yes, I’ve been bad.”

  A slow smile spread Patrick’s lips. “That’s right, and I’m gonna take you to my bed and show you what happens when my boy is bad.”

  Patrick knotted their fingers together, then led Travis upstairs. He flicked the switch on inside the bedroom, and Travis looked at the light questioningly.

  “Oh, it’s staying on all right,” Patrick smirked. “I wanna see everything, every bead of sweat, every shudder and line to crease your face when it all gets too much.”

  Travis’s eyes fluttered shut, and a soft sound left his lips. He reopened his eyes to see Patrick looking at him with unmasked want, and heat surged in his veins.

  “Now get on my bed.”

  Travis couldn’t move fast enough. He scrambled across the bed and lay on his back. The mattress depressed like a cloud, releasing Patrick’s dominating scent. The room smelled like him, the duvet and the mattress, too, and soon, Travis would smell like him, and the thought made his cock leak and his balls tighten.

  “Take your shirt, trousers and socks off,” Patrick mumbled.

  Travis attacked his buttons like they had physically insulted him and flung his shirt across the room. He yanked his socks off, then yanked hard at his trousers before throwing them to join the rest of his clothing.

  His boxers left little to the imagination. The outline of his erection was clearly visible, and a damp patch grew under Patrick’s hungry gaze.

  Travis didn’t know where to put his hands, and tentatively placed them on his flat stomach when he lay back down.

  “No, no, no, that won’t do.”

  Patrick climbed onto the bed, and straddled Travis’s hips. He reached for his tie, and slowly undid the knot.

  “Hands above your head.”

  Travis did as he was told, and glanced up to the wooden headboard, then back at Patrick. He slid his tie from around his neck, tested the strength of the material, then smiled.

  “The softest silk,” he mumbled.

  He leaned over Travis, intimidating chest hovering in his face as he bound his wrists to the bedframe. Then he rested back down on his knees, weight pinning Travis easily to the bed.

  “Do you know why you’re bad?”

  Travis nodded, then turned his head to avoid eye contact.

  “Tell me…”

  “I-I wasn’t watching my drink, and Samson spiked it.”

  The bed shifted violently, then Travis’s chin was grasped, and Patrick eased him over. Patrick looked at him sternly and shook his head.

  “No, that’s not why. That wasn’t your fault, understand?”

  Patrick smoothed his hand over Travis’s forehead, brushing his hair back. He repeated the motion several times while staring Travis in the eyes
. His chest tightened at the gesture, and the comfort it brought, and he blinked back the sting in his eyes.

  “You aren’t to blame.” Patrick said, “Daddy should’ve gone over to you first.”

  Travis licked his lips, then asked, “Why didn’t you?”

  Patrick exhaled through his nose and continued to stroke Travis’s hair. “I wanted to see whether you were more suited to someone your age. I wanted to see if it made you happier.”

  Travis shook his head. “It doesn’t.”

  Patrick smirked, then lay a kiss to Travis’s forehead. “Even Daddy makes mistakes, but then I put them right. Here you are, tied up in my bed. Ready to be punished.”

  “But what did I do?”

  Patrick grinned, then shuffled back down the bed. “You ran out of my house, ignored me when I knocked on your door, then rushed off in a taxi when I wanted to talk. All these things made Daddy angry.”

  “I’m sorry—”

  Patrick shushed him. “It’s all right, I know you were scared, but you don’t need to be scared of me. I’ll make you feel good things, comfort, protected, adored, unforgettable pleasure, but today you have to be patient. Understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Patrick looked down at Travis’s body and smiled. He pressed his thumb to the wet patch on Travis’s boxers, then swirled, catching the head of his cock. Travis moaned, and his eyes rolled back in his head.

  “Bet I could make you come like this, just a swirl of my thumb and you’d come in your pants, no control over it whatsoever.”

  Patrick circled his thumb again, and every nerve in Travis body numbed apart from his sensitive cock. He groaned and panted and pleaded with his eyes for Patrick not to be so cruel.

  Patrick smirked, then gripped the waist band of Travis’s boxers, and lifted them to see inside. “My, my … you are wet.”

  Travis tried to rock his hips, but Patrick had him easily pinned. He laughed lightly, then blew on Travis’s leaking cock. The tingles stole his breath, and he panted through the chill that threatened to set him off.

  Patrick snapped the waistband back down, and Travis’s stomach tensed, before falling lax again.

  “I could make you come like that, blowing your wet cock.”

  Travis squirmed, but it was no use—he was helpless.

  “But I’m not ready to let you come yet, for months you’ve teased me, turning up at my door. Big green eyes and thick hair I need to tug. The least you can do is hold on a few minutes while I explore what’s mine.”

  Patrick stroked Travis’s chest with both hands. They roamed the dips and valleys, leaving a comforting warmth that buzzed the skin. He circled both nipples with his nails, then plucked the tips gently.

  Travis moaned, and tossed his head left to right.

  “You’d come like this, too.”

  Patrick rubbed the nubs, and an electric current of pleasure fed from them to Travis’s cock. He whimpered, and Patrick pulled back, letting him recover. He panted wetly, and got himself under control, only to be robbed of it seconds later, when Patrick leaned over and licked his nipple with the flat of his tongue. Travis’s cock lifted, and he scrunched his face hard in his effort not to come.

  “Hold it.” Patrick growled.

  Travis panted, and curled his hands into fists to cling on. Patrick blew his wet nipple and Travis howled and dug his heels into the bed. Travis managed to stop his body giving in, but he lost his sanity, and the ceiling spun. He closed his eyes, but the dizziness didn’t leave him.

  Travis drifted in a bubble, the weight of his body disappearing. His chest shook with each fast beat of his heart, and he panted until his lips dried, and Patrick had to lean over and lick them wet again.

  “My sexy boy.” Patrick mumbled, and a full-on body shiver ran from Travis’s scalp to his toes.

  “I want to taste you.”

  Travis whined, and his cock twitched.

  Patrick laughed lightly. “Not your cock, not right now, but…” He ran a hand up Travis’s thigh, sneaking his fingers up the leg of his boxers to get to his hole. “Here…”

  Patrick stroked his finger over the tight folds of skin. He rubbed, not putting pressure to push inside, but just catching the rim with his nail and making Travis shiver and cry out.

  “Has anyone ever tasted you here?”

  Travis thrashed his head, and gasped a breathless, “No.”

  “That’s right,” Patrick said darkly, “Your cock is mine, your mouth is mine, and this…”

  Travis cried out when Patrick ran the length of his finger across his opening.

  “Is mine.” Patrick finished.

  He removed his finger and tucked his hands under Travis knees. He folded him back and told Travis to hold the position.

  Patrick stretched the leg of the boxers, and the elastic snapped, then he nuzzled down with his face, and Travis saw stars. Sparks of euphoric pleasure that made it hard to breathe swamped him.

  Patrick didn’t drive in with his tongue—he kissed, and burrowed his face against Travis’s hole. His tongue was wet and hot, and lapped against the bunched skin. Travis gasped, but was rendered helpless by the position. He could only endure what Patrick was doing to him. He kissed, and licked, and swirled his tongue at all kinds of sensitive angles, and Travis’s mouth hung open in a never-ending cry of ecstasy.

  He wanted to rock back, and impale himself on Patrick’s tongue, but he couldn’t, and he released a tortured groan. He dared to take a peek, and his cock tingled when he saw Patrick’s feral eyes watching him.

  He pulled back with a wet sound and licked his lips for Travis to see. “My boy tastes good, so fucking good, but don’t be shy, kiss me back…”

  Travis frowned, and whined pitifully. He didn’t understand—Patrick was too far away to kiss.

  Patrick chuckled, and shook his head. “Not with your lips … kiss me down here.”

  He delved back down and resumed his slow make out with Travis’s hole. He flopped back and stared at the ceiling before finally understanding.

  He clenched, and the pressure and tightness made him even more sensitive to Patrick’s tongue. Travis shuddered when he heard Patrick’s ecstatic groan and tightened his muscle again.

  “That’s it, “Patrick growled, “kiss me back.”

  Travis clenched, then relaxed, then shivered as Patrick took him apart. He gripped onto Patrick’s tongue, and he wriggled in response, setting off all the nerve receptors at once.

  “Gonna cum.” Travis gasped.

  Patrick didn’t pull back, he kissed firmer, sloshed firmer, leaving Travis a heaving mess. The sensation was too much, and the simmering heat in his body turned into an unstoppable inferno. He gulped at the air like it was the last breath he would take, and let go.

  Patrick pulled the top of Travis’s boxers down, and his cock sprung free. The cool air was fuel to the orgasm, and Travis came harder than he ever thought possible.

  Cum rained down on his face, and he shuddered through the powerful throbs of his orgasm. Patrick pulled back, and tugged Travis’s knees until his legs were flat on the bed again.

  Travis didn’t attempt to wipe the cum from his face, he let Patrick appreciate the sight of him wrecked and dazed.

  Patrick kneeled his way up the bed, then dove down, and licked the warm drops from Travis’s face. He groaned, and Travis’s eyes fluttered shut.

  “You taste good,” Patrick murmured, “but I’m being greedy, aren’t I? Open up.”

  Travis popped his lips open, and Patrick’s tongue brushed his aside. He didn’t think eating his own come could ever be hot, but when it was fed to him by Patrick’s tongue, he couldn’t get enough.

  Patrick pulled back and licked his lips. “I’ve tried all of you, your ass, your cum, your mouth, but all three together … now that’s something else.”

  They traded heated kisses until the taste of cum faded, and it was just them, Patrick and Travis, an addictive combination.

  “I’ve got to fuck y
ou,” Patrick said while kissing.

  Travis nodded eagerly, unable to detach his mouth.

  Patrick pulled away, and Travis whimpered at the loss of texture and taste.

  “Lube.” Patrick explained, grabbing a bottle from the bedside drawer.

  He untied Travis’s wrists, and raised an eyebrow at the frayed material. “I need to buy some cuffs.”

  “Soft ones,” Travis whispered.

  “Soft ones for when you’re good, harder ones for when your bad.”

  Travis licked his lips and nodded enthusiastically. “Sounds fair.”

  Patrick arranged himself on the bed. He was on his knees, and when Travis tried to straddle him, he shook his head, and gestured with his finger for him to turn around.

  “You’re gonna back onto me.”

  Travis nodded, then kneeled in front. Patrick gripped his ankles and pulled him back until his calves were on either side of Patrick’s knees.

  “You’re gonna be good, and ride me like this, make me cum. Understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Travis panted.

  “But I’ll start you off, then you take over when you’re ready…”

  Travis nodded, then jolted in surprised when Patrick stroked his insides. He used his fingers to widen the channel, and when he brushed Travis’s prostate, he cried out. Patrick kept him steady and hit the same place again and he grew dizzy and detached. More fingers, more lube, until a new pressure registered. Bigger, the sides of Travis’s hole felt pinched, and raw.

  “Breathe…” Patrick said.

  He curled his hand around Travis’s shoulder and held him steady. “I can feel you opening up for me.”

  Travis panted, and whined, and he could feel it, too. His body giving way to something superior and entitled.

  “There we go,” Patrick mumbled.

  Patrick thrust into him, and Travis lost himself to the sensation. He could feel only Patrick, and greedily breathed in his intoxicating scent that had filled the room. A tingling grew within Travis, a deep ache that lessened with each thrust, an ache Patrick was working out of him.

  “You feel so good,” Patrick grunted.

  Travis could feel something building inside him, something powerful, and tingling. He called out Patrick’s name and he chuckled.


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