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First Degree Innocence

Page 7

by Ginger Simpson

  Prison thrived on unfairness. Her mother’s words echoed in Carrie’s head—the phrase quoted right before disappointing news. “Sometimes you have to make the best of things.”

  Carrie chewed a nail, trying to see the logic in it. Lemons to lemonade, a silk purse out of a sow’s ear… the truth will set you free…. Who came up with this crap? Her musing stopped when the main corridor’s cell door squealed on its hinges, announcing someone’s approach. Carrie squared her shoulders, wishing Jet had picked anyone else to be her cellmate.

  Ogden stuck her nose between the bars. “Well, looks like we’re all ready to go.”

  The woman’s taunting voice could peel paper off a wall. Carrie almost laughed aloud at the image of having wall décor in such a dismal place. A little floral print and a matching border would certainly sparkle up the joint.

  “Where have you been? I’m excited to see my new cell.” She had no intention of letting Ogden see her fear. Feeling akin to a hobo, Carrie slung her belongings over her shoulder and slogged through the open cell door into the hallway.

  Another guard waited along the cinder block wall. Her hand grasped her baton as if she prepared to draw down on Wyatt Earp.

  Carrie rolled her eyes. “Relax, you’re not dealing with Charles Manson here. I’m no threat, believe me.”

  The woman’s nametag bore the moniker, Matron Barton. With a nod of her head, she instructed Carrie to follow Ogden.

  Falling into step behind the guard, Carrie chuckled at her comparison to a mass murderer, but did feel a tad dangerous at the need for two people to guard her. She stood tall as they passed all the curious faces pressed against the bars and flashed a peace sign to those she knew.

  Once in C Block, she spied Jet lounging on the bottom bunk as predicted; lower bunks were like prime real estate. When the door squealed open, Jet glanced up from her magazine and smiled. “Hey, cellie. Welcome to my world.”

  A shiver tingled down Carrie’s spine. “Thanks.” It was all she could think to say, although a far cry from what she thought. What lay in store for her in Jet’s world? Carrie had no clue.

  The cell door slammed behind her, and she hefted her pack onto the top mattress. She took a deep breath, rested her elbows against the bed and ran her fingers along her rigid neck muscles. Her gaze roamed the ten-by-twelve enclosure.

  The number of personal photos taped to the wall surprised her. Regulations dictated that inmates have no more than three, but it appeared Jet displayed an album. Brand-name personal care products lined the back of the toilet and sink. Clearly, another breach of the rules. None of them were acquired through the prison commissary. Stepping back, Carrie took stock of Jet’s accommodations. She swallowed her disbelief. “A pillow? You have a pillow? How?”

  Jet tossed her reading material aside and propped herself up. “Christ, you act like it’s a big deal. You want one?” She reached around and tossed an extra to Carrie.

  Carrie crushed the downy softness to her chest and sighed. “Oh, my gosh, I never thought I’d be so thankful for something so simple.” She felt like a child at Christmas, and Santa had just given her the world’s most sought-after toy.

  “I’ll have Ogden get you a clean case for it.”

  Holding it to her nose, Carrie inhaled the mingled aroma of fragrant shampoo and cologne—a far cry from the acrid bleach smell that she’d become accustomed to on her sheets. About to protest the need for a clean cover, she closed her mouth. The thought of Ogden having to fetch it made Carrie smile. So far, Jet’s world seemed to offer much more than what she’d witnessed elsewhere, but Jet still hadn’t answered her question.

  “How did you get a pillow… and the extra pictures and this stuff?” Carrie gestured to the row of various-sized containers on the sink.

  “You just hang with me and life will be a whole lot easier. I scratch the guards’ backs and they scratch mine.” Jet plumped her feathery backrest, laid back, and resumed reading.

  Left wondering, Carrie shook her head, but didn’t push for an answer. She huffed through making her bed then climbed down.

  “Whew, I’m sweating up a storm. I could use a shower.” Carrie flapped her arms to cool her armpits.

  Jet swiveled her legs off the bed and stood. “I can fix that.” She walked toward the “panic” button on the wall, obviously preparing to push it.

  Carrie lunged forward and grabbed her arm. “Don’t! You aren’t supposed to use that except in an emergency.”

  Rigid, Jet turned and cast an icy stare at Carrie’s grasping hand then allowed her gaze to drift upward, a defiant look on her face. “Who said you could touch me?”

  Carrie gulped and dropped her hand to her side. “Sorry. It was just an impulse. Susanna warned me….”

  “Well, Susanna doesn’t live here, so forget everything she told you. Things are different in my cell.” Jet mashed her palm into the button.

  “Can I help you?” A voice sounded through the speaker.

  “Yeah, my new roomie needs a shower. Send someone down with clean towels… and, oh yeah, bring a clean pillow case.”

  Carrie stepped back, giving her cellmate a wide berth back to her bed. Her mouth gaped at what she’d just witnessed. Jet sounded like someone calling for service in a five-star hotel. Not that Carrie had ever been to one, but she imagined it.

  “So… you… you don’t get in trouble for that?”

  “For what?” Jet shrugged. “I need something, I let them know. No big deal. We have an understanding.”

  * * * * *

  In the shower, Carrie let warm water drizzle down her face. For the first time in weeks, her hair smelled like fragrant flowers instead of industrial strength shampoo. If not for the block walls and cold cement floor, she’d feel at home. She arched her back and let the water beat on her chest.

  It seemed strange to shower alone—to see the other four showerheads idle. She’d gotten used to the group concept when it came to hygiene habits. Even using the toilet in front of someone wasn’t nearly as disconcerting to her as it had been. The emptiness of the common area made the splattering water sound much louder than usual.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Carrie spun around, instinctively shielding her naked body with her arms. Jet stood in the doorway with a towel wrapped around her. With an exaggerated swallow, Carrie let her limbs fall free. “You scared me to death.”

  “Sorry. I thought I’d take advantage of some quiet time with my new friend.” Her gaze roamed over Carrie’s body.

  Her heart thudding, Carrie felt discomfort at Jet’s brazen stare. She turned her back and resumed her toilette, lathering with purpose, and summoning back the tranquil feeling she’d had moments ago.

  The shower next to Carrie sputtered and blossomed into a full spray. She watched with peripheral vision as Jet flung her towel across the room and stepped beneath the water. The knot in Carrie’s stomach tightened, but she kept her eyes focused on the wall ahead.

  “Oh, that feels so good.” Jet practically moaned. “So, how do you like the amenities so far?”

  When Carrie glanced in her direction, Jet licked her lips and pushed her sodden hair from her face with slow and exaggerated movements.

  Hadn’t the woman proclaimed she wasn’t a lesbian? Why did her ogling and suggestive behavior indicate otherwise? With her eyes averted, Carrie turned off her nozzle and wrapped herself in terrycloth taken from a hook on the wall.


  Carrie forced herself to look up and address her cellmate. “I have no complaints, but I do have a question.”

  Jet turned, revealing perky breasts and a clean-shaven pubic area. “So ask.”

  Carrie felt a flush creep into her cheeks; she lowered her gaze to the floor. She hadn’t felt such discomfort showering in the presence of other inmates. Jet set her teeth on edge.

  Clearing her throat, Carrie chose her words carefully. “Why me? Of all the inmates, why did you choose me? I just don’t understand. There has to be somethin
g in this for you. I don’t think we even have anything in common.”

  Jet’s full lips curved into a cocky smile. “Oh, we have something in common all right. I have a plan, and you’re going to help me make sure someone gets something she deserves. That’s all I’m going to say.”

  Carrie tensed, but continued drying. She left Jet in the shower and headed back to the cell. Her pounding heart synchronized with the slap of her rubber shoes in the vacant hallway. Questions spun through her mind. What did Jet’s scheme entail? Who had she referred to, and did Carrie even know the person?

  Jet evidently had connections all through the system, so seeking help from the authorities wasn’t an option. Whatever the woman had planned, Carrie would have to wait to find out. She knew Jet wouldn’t share any information with her until the appropriate time.

  Pensive, Carrie slipped into her clean clothes while chewing her bottom lip. It wasn’t enough being wrongfully imprisoned, she had to end up with a kook who had control issues. She shook her head and sighed.

  “You disappeared. What happened?”

  Carrie snapped around at Jet’s voice. “I… I got cold and wanted to get dressed.” It wasn’t a lie. Standing around in the buff wasn’t for the faint of heart. She picked up a brush and ran it through her wet and tangled locks.

  “I thought maybe your feet got cold when I told you my plan.” Jet laughed at her lame attempt at humor. “Cold feet? Get it?”

  Carrie rolled her eyes. “I got it. Would you mind letting me in on the plan? Your details are a bit sketchy.”

  “When I’m ready, I’ll fill you in on everything.” Jet sauntered to her bunk and sat, letting her towel drop free. “Right now you only need to know that the skank in my plans ratted on someone I care for, and she’s gonna pay.”

  What skank? Carrie shuddered at the coldness in Jet’s voice. Who wanted a part in a scheme that resulted in someone getting hurt? That seemed exactly what the woman had in mind.

  Chapter Nine

  Carrie averted her eyes from Jet. Staring seemed perverse. Why would someone take the time to shave their pubic area, and for what purpose? Especially in prison. A warming flush spread across Carrie’s cheeks when Jet stood, strolled over, picked up a pump bottle and lathered her arms and shoulders with lotion. The floral aroma overpowered the confined area but provided a welcome change to the usual musty smell.

  Rather than stare at the naked derrière bending in front of her, Carrie climbed up on her bunk and gazed at the ceiling. Was her new cellmate purposely trying to make her uncomfortable?

  Jet’s threat about getting even with someone flashed through Carrie’s mind. Why did Jet want to involve her? She didn’t know anything about either person involved. At least she didn’t think so. Anyone could be considered a narc, depending on who you told.

  Carrie cleared her throat and struggled to find the right question and the courage to ask it. Rolling over, she propped her head on her palm. “I know you told me you’d give me details later, but can you at least enlighten me as to who pissed you off?”

  Jet, seeming to forget she wore only a sneer, turned and put her hands on her hips. “You’ll find out soon enough. I want to make sure I have everything in place before I reveal the plan.” Her rosebud nipples pebbled in the cool air.

  “Fine.” Carried rolled onto her back and focused on the ceiling tiles again. Geez, put on some clothes already. She didn’t consider herself a prude, but she wasn’t an exhibitionist either. Besides, there were rules about remaining covered in front of the cell cameras. Evidently, Jet enjoyed providing a show for the guards in the “tower” who monitored the film. Seemed rules didn’t apply to Jet.

  Carrie counted the holes in the acoustical panels and cursed the day the judge sentenced her to ten years in hell. She knew there would be challenges, but she certainly never expected to room with a nudist. The dots on the ceiling began to blur after a while.

  At long last, Jet pulled on a clean set of orange peels then ran a brush through her short hair. “It’s almost time for rec.”

  With thoughts hanging on Jet’s threat, Carrie had all but forgotten about their daily break from the cells. She turned to see Jet rubbing her hands together like someone waiting for a turkey drumstick at Thanksgiving. Perhaps the target of her hatred shared their recreation time.

  The thought of spending time with friends eased Carrie’s tension. While mingling, she’d watch for clues leading to the proposed victim. She smiled, stretched, then dropped from the bunk. “So it is. I’m ready for a breath of fresh air.” Who knew? Maybe she’d even see him again. Her breath hitched at the thought. As soon as the barred-door opened, Carrie made a left turn and headed down the hall. The slapping sound of rubber indicated her cellmate wasn’t far behind.

  She had no choice but to enter the rec room with Jet. The woman stuck to her like a piece of gum to her shoe. She paused and scanned the room for her friends and saw Susanna and the others at a nearby table.

  Carrie turned to Jet. “I’m going over and say hi to the girls.” She waited for a reaction, but Jet only nodded and walked toward the door leading outside.

  When Carrie approached the table, all eyes turned to her. Everyone remained silent, but raised brows and smirking smiles demanded a response. She clucked her tongue against her teeth. “What are you all staring at?”

  “Do tell. How’s your new home?” Susanna was the first to speak.

  “I’m not so sure I appreciate your tone.” Carrie squared herself. “It wasn’t my idea, you know?”

  Ruthie reached out and pulled Carrie down on the bench next to her. “Don’t get your panties in a wad. We know that. It’s just that we’re nosy and want to know all the details.”

  “Details?” Carrie rolled her eyes. “I haven’t been gone long enough to do more than shower and make my bed.”

  Susanna leaned on the table and rested her chin in her palms. “Hasn’t she even given you a clue why she was so desperate to get you in her cell? I’m dying to find out.”

  Carrie wanted to share what she knew with Susanna, but not in front of everyone else. She still wasn’t sure who could be trusted and who couldn’t. With nothing much to tell anyhow, she’d wait until she knew the whole plot before seeking Susanna’s opinion.

  After releasing a long breath, Carrie shook her head. “The only thing I’ve gotten out of her so far is her interest in payback. I have no idea about who or why.”

  Everyone turned pensive. Di cupped her chin. “Hmmm, payback? There isn’t a person in here who doesn’t have something against Jet and vice versa. Who could it be?”

  Carrie reached for the deck of cards on the table. She hoped she hadn’t said too much already. “How about we play… and can we please talk about something else? I’m bound to find out who, what and when eventually, and I’ll be sure to share the information.” She wasn’t sure she’d share anything, but it seemed to satisfy their curiosity. Cards were the last thing on her mind, as she doubted she could concentrate enough to play.

  As Susanna shuffled and dealt, Carrie’s gaze kept wandering to the door. Even though Jet was in the outer yard, Carrie longed to take a stroll and see if she happened upon Seth again.

  “It’s your bid.” Susanna tugged Carrie’s attention back to the game. “Where’s your mind? It certainly isn’t on Bridge.”

  Carrie sighed. “I was just thinking how nice it looks outside.” She fanned her cards open and tried to concentrate. The suits blurred together, forming blue eyes that stared back at her. She threw her cards down. “Pass.”

  When everyone else passed, Carrie stood. “Deal me out. I’m not in the mood to play after all. I’m going to get some fresh air.” And maybe see him. Her heart pounded a little harder at the thought.

  Franny appeared happy to take Carrie’s place at the table and quickly slid into the vacant seat.

  Carrie had barely made it through the door when Jet accosted her. “I’m glad you came out. I have something that might provide a little entic
ement for you to help me out with my plan.”

  They walked toward the far fence where the garden lay beyond. Holding her breath, Carrie’s gaze wandered to the left. Her shoulders sagged, seeing no one in the storage area of the men’s yard.

  “You like the garden, don’t you, Lang?” Jet’s voice summoned Carrie’s attention.

  “What? Oh…garden. Yes, I like it a lot. For one thing, it’s on the outside of this horrible fence.” She grabbed hold and shivered the steel barrier.

  “What if I told you I could get you on the garden detail?”

  Carrie widened her eyes. “Me? How?”

  “I have ways. I noticed you seem to be looking for someone. It wouldn’t happen to be one of the male guards would it?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Carrie felt her cheeks heat.

  “C’mon, Lang, nothing is secret around here. I heard you’ve shared a conversation or two with Seth a couple of times. He’s pretty darn cute, isn’t he?”

  Carrie’s mouth gaped. “How did you know that? There wasn’t anyone else around.”

  “The walls have eyes and ears, and they all report back to me.” Jet blew on her fingertips and brushed them against her chest. “I told you the inmates answer to me.”

  But why? The reason remained a mystery. What gave Jet such authority she could promise whatever she wished? Carrie stared beyond the fence at the patch of greenery lost in a sea of endless dirt.

  “So are you interested in my deal? Seth happens to be the guard in charge of the garden squad. I don’t know much about him other than his name.”

  Carrie yearned to scream “yes” but she pulled herself up to her full height and turned to face Jet. “It depends on what I have to do.”

  Jet held up her hand. “No more now. We’ll discuss it back in the cell. I just wanted to give you some food for thought.” She turned and walked away.


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