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Cora (Of Earth or Erda)

Page 4

by Skye, Relina

  Several more minutes passed. A small group of coeds wearing university t-shirts, sweatshirts, and all sorts of spirit wear flowed onto the train in a drunken haze. A family with more kids than the parents could handle soon followed. Random adults took seats wherever they could find space, but the more people that boarded the train, the more often they were overlooked by the exasperated conductor.

  Glancing out the window, I noticed Swift, who just checked my car, conversing with three more men in uniform. They all shared several of the same facial characteristics and mannerisms.

  My vision clouded as I looked at them on a deeper level. The life forces of the humans, who sat around me, burned with a dull white to gray, and a few even had black glows. However, the Swift brothers’ auras were brighter. Their silhouettes appeared to shine in a range of various shades of gray. Ribbons of blues and greens wove around and through the officers, creating a unique pattern.

  All four shared the same two dominant, elemental powers. Blue for water-based powers, and green for powers of the Earth. They were definitely wizards.

  The one with his back to me wore several tattered ribbons: red for fire and yellow for air elemental powers, However, they did not fit well with his aura, nor did they blend and interweave with his innate powers. The stolen magic had its own unique energy. It hung loosely against his body in some places, while in others, it was awkwardly stretched.

  As if he sensed someone staring at him, he turned to scan the inside of the train. I pretended to fix my hair and adjust my boobs in the glass reflection before turning away.

  The distraction must have worked; several seconds later, the train started to move, leaving the police officers on the platform.

  Pulling my knees to my chest, I settled in for the duration of the train ride. I wasn't sure how long it would take to reach the stop on my ticket, but I hoped my power reserves would hold out that long to keep the masking spell in place. The last thing I needed was to suddenly shift appearances in public.

  A deep weariness spread across my limbs. I couldn't stop myself. Resting my head on my knees, my eyes shut despite my efforts to stay awake.

  Warm, spring winds whipped through my hair while caressing my flesh. Music drifted though the young leaves on the nearby trees in the open field where we used to play as children. It was festival day. And as the sun’s orange glow fell deeper, it fought hopelessly against the ebony veil of the evening sky.

  I wasn't alone.

  My peers, girls of the same age as myself, stood at either side of me. Some I had known since infancy. The others lived at a different household, and I saw them only sparingly. Those whom I did not know were from our allies’ covens.

  Each of us wore a fancy mask that honored and celebrated the fertility goddess. Tonight was special. We were to leave our childhoods behind to become full-fledged members of our covens.

  Was I ready? I wanted to say yes, but I wasn't sure. I prepared for this day my entire life. That morning, I was a child still living with my mother; but tomorrow, I'd be living in my own suite in the Waxing wing for the next nine months, if I were lucky. And if I weren't, I'd be sent to the Waning wing, relegated to sharing a dorm room with another unfortunate woman. At least, that's what the Elders told us. Some were blessed with the ability to see new life right after it gestated in our wombs. It was an honor for anyone to be chosen to carry the next generation, and also a gift from the fertility goddess.

  Not to mention, tonight was the only night of the year we were allowed to fornicate with the man of our choosing. Sure, the goddess was supposed to decide the fathers of our children, but most of my peers pre-planned their coupling with secret boyfriends.

  Why the Elders never said anything about that, I hadn't a clue. However, I sincerely doubted this was anything new, or that we came up with it all on our own.

  Whatever. I mentally shrugged. Not everyone had a boyfriend. And when I say not everyone, I mean just me. The strong-headed one. The girl who experimented with her spells and practiced them instead of flirting with the opposite sex. The dumb girl who thought she'd impress the boys with her talents. Instead, she totally intimidated them.

  It didn't matter. There were men participating in tonight's ceremony, too. And not just men from our coven, but from our allies’ too. According to rumor, my father was a member of one of our allied covens. That's the reason I turned out so strange. Or at least, that's what the other girls used to say to each other before they discovered I had superior senses and could hear their whispers from across the room.

  Most witches possessed one special ability or power, and several minor ones, depending on the purity of their bloodlines, and how close their ties were to the gods and goddesses. As the mixed descendants of the Olympians, Aeiser, Vanier, Tuatha De Danann, to name a few, we were sometimes even more powerful than their first generation demigod offspring. Heck, if our parents were demigods, that made us even more desirable.

  Couplings were often arranged by the Elders to strengthen bloodlines. But since the gods rarely visited Earth, the Elders just used that as an excuse to control us. At least, that's what I believed.

  We weren't allowed to marry until our thirty-first year. By that point, we were expected to have already bred at least three times.

  A large coven was a strong coven. Ours numbered over a thousand members and was spread out across the entire northeastern United States. We lived in smaller households to keep things manageable. Our household held over three hundred. The Elders comprised the majority, since witches lived extremely long lives. But for some, the older they grew, the weaker their powers became. Once a witch or wizard lost his or her powers, they were hexed in order to make them forget their days of living with us. Then, they were exiled to live among the humans. Tragic, if you ask me. But I certainly did not complain when Donald's great, great, great, great grandmother was sent away.

  If I were High Priestess, I’d change all of that. I'd honor our Elders, not discard them! But it was practically sacrilegious for me to think like that. I had no right to dream of holding that position. Only the most blessed and powerful were chosen. A dumb girl like me should have only prayed for a good position among my peers. Becoming a priestess, teacher, spell caster, potion maker, healer, transfiguration, astronomer, runes and charms maker, divination arts practitioner, herbalist, and animal trainer were the most sought after careers. Knowing my luck, I’d end up with the title of janitor.

  “Ladies.” The High Priestess graced us with her presence. She did not live in our household. The Maiden, who acted as her understudy, lived with us. If you asked me, she was a waste of space. The woman was a total flake, but she could brew amazing potions. “Tonight you participate in your first Beltane. Let the goddess guide you to your partners. There is no shame if she does not bless you, for you will participate in many High Holiday rituals in the future. And if you are still feeling apprehensive, just know that no one will make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

  We traveled in a straight line toward the blaze of the bonfire. Over a thousand masked faces milled about, and we stopped when a nearby horn blew. This year, our household held the rights for the members whose ages ranged from twenty-one to thirty-one. Other households supported the elder members, the younger girls, and the boys. This year, our adults, who were older than thirty-one, and still single, were visiting one of our ally covens. Music, both sung and played on traditional instruments, was provided for us by the seniors under the supervision of our Bard.

  Most of it was a blur. The High Priestess performed a sacrifice ceremony, tossing various products into the flames. Seniors performed cleansing rituals by burning sage, cedar, and sweetgrass, while the Priestess class cast spells on the wine.

  At midnight, the wine was poured into silver chalices. My peers and I were each given one.

  The liquid sloshed in my chalice. Spirals of magic swirled into visions of flowers blooming and fruit ripening on extended tree branches.

  Across the flames, the
young men, wearing masks of the forest god, were given chalices as well. Many worked their bodies in the fields, hoping to strengthen their muscles and attract as many women as possible to celebrate their induction into adulthood.

  We held our vessels up to the moon while the Priestess spoke a blessing in a language I wasn't privy to learn.

  We chugged down the wine, drinking every drop. Not one would be left behind.

  A lower priestess collected our chalices, while another refilled them. The onlookers were now given a chance to drink if they wanted to.

  Whatever was in it hit me all of a sudden. I wanted to dance. Up until now, the music accompanied the ceremonies we were celebrating functioned as background noise. But now that everything was wrapping up, it started to crescendo in pitch and intensity.

  A second horn rang though the air, signaling everyone to disrobe. Members of the priesthood pulled on their masks before tossing their robes into a pile. Everyone else just dropped their robes where they stood.

  Additional wine was available for anyone who wanted it, but most started to dance, or began looking for their preferred partners. Overall, the festival was meant to be anonymous, but when each adult could be identified by his or her own unique set of tattoos, it was hard to keep it that way. At least, for everyone else but us first years. Our skin was still free of all ink and piercings.

  Several men made their way over to a cluster of my peers. They were standing together guzzling wine like it was the nectar of the gods. They giggled and squealed and leaned in to hear what the older men were saying to them. Other girls hurried toward their boyfriends. Hand-in-hand, they rushed to the treeline, or any other distant part of the field that remained cloaked in darkness.

  Swaying, I blocked the others out and danced in the moonlight as if I were the only one there. Wherever the goddess pulled me, I followed.

  The music continued to grow wilder as a chorus of human voices shifted from laughter to moans and groans.

  It felt perfect. Natural and free. No boundaries, no fear, just being.

  My dancing took me further and further away from the scalding flames of the bonfire. A cool breeze felt good on my slick skin, and as I turned about in a full circle with my arms above my head, I crashed into someone.

  "Whoa, there! Are you okay?" The masculine voice sounded on the verge of laughter.

  "Never better," I answered. The first thing I noticed about him was his intense stare as his eyes drifted down my body. Since he was checking me out, I decided to do the same to him. Broad muscular shoulders with thick muscles carved out his torso. Good thing I was wearing the mask, because I could feel the heat blistering my cheeks, and it wasn’t from any bonfire.

  Tattoos of waves and Celtic symbols crisscrossed his abdomen. The tiny part of my brain that was still working checked two of my preferred partner's boxes. One: he was definitely at least five or more years older than me; and two: he was from a different coven. Ours was more earth-based, and why we chose to live in the mountains instead of the coast.

  "You don't have time for this," whispered another man's voice.

  My eyes shot straight up from admiring his masculinity. Three more men stood nearby, harboring similar tattoos. They stared at the one I bumped into. Now, at this point, my mind was totally ready to follow wherever the fertility goddess wanted it to go, but taking on four my very first time? No!

  Giving the man who first stole my attention one last glance, I turned to dance away.

  "Twenty minutes," I heard him say to the others.

  "Ten," retorted another one.

  "Come on, he only needs five," a third one laughed.

  "Fifteen,” he countered.

  "Fine, fifteen. But we're doing this with or without you," added the second man.

  My steps took me closer to the bonfire, but I kept my ears tuned into their exchange.

  I gasped, then laughed when my feet suddenly lifted off the ground. Strong arms supported my weight under my knees and behind my back. This was happening. It was actually happening! To me, of all people.

  Not saying a word, his steps hastened toward the playground behind the main house.

  "What's the rush?” I asked. "We have all night." My fingers trailed the side of his face, then down his throat toward his muscular chest.

  His head dipped to brush his lips against mine. I froze. But once he added a little more pressure, my mouth melded with his, and I eagerly pulled my lips apart so his tongue could play with mine.

  My head spun from the unfamiliar sensations cascading down my core. Every nerve ending tightened and ached with a need I did not know existed.

  When he lifted his mouth from mine, we started to move again.

  "No one will see us here,” I gasped. "We're not really supposed to come over here during the festival. You wouldn't know that, though, since you're not part of our coven. The Elders consider it insulting to the goddess that protects the children for adults to couple where they play."

  I couldn't see his eyes, but I knew they were staring at me again. "How do you know I'm not of your coven?"

  Running fingers across the waves on his chest, I grinned. "You're from… the Silver Isles Coven? They're our only water-based allies who are in attendance tonight."

  A grin crossed his lips as he lay me on the ground. "You're sure about that? Maybe I just like the sea."

  "Maybe." I returned his grin. "Either way, I'm feeling at one with the goddess.” I dragged my bare foot across the side of his leg to show him that I was ready for him.

  "Just promise me one thing." His voice grew serious as he eased his body over mine.

  "And that is?" My back arched and his hand caressed one of my breasts.

  "Rest here when we're done. Wait a while before rejoining the festival."

  It was an odd request. One that I didn't get a chance to respond to, or think more about. Between the spelled wine and the euphoria of it being my first time, my brain shut down and my enhanced senses took over. Touch never felt so liberating. Electric sparks burst across my nerve endings, building in intensity until they exploded into a conflagration, leaving my throat sore from screaming while tears steamed into my mask.

  At least, that's what I thought at first. While he still moved inside me, I heard several more screams from nearby. Others had to be enjoying themselves. But then I realized the tone was off. Turning my head toward the bonfire, I saw sparks of blue and green magic striking each other.

  A grunt rumbled in my ears as a tsunami of warmth filled my core.

  The screams continued. Tuning out my partner, I heard chants that sounded defensive in nature. And so wrong for the festival.

  As he finished, his body went slack on top of mine while he caught his breath.

  "Get off me!" I screamed before punching him with a fist load of green energy. Flying through the air, he landed on his side several feet away. "You're not from the Silver Isles, are you?"

  He sat there a moment, stunned. He didn't have anything to say for himself. Rolling his fist up with an uppercut of blue magic, he sent it straight at me, but I deflected it with a shield of water magic of my own. It was usually much weaker than my earth-based magic, but in doing so I discovered a new unique ability—I could absorb my partner's water magic from intercourse! It revitalized me with a boost of energy.

  Channeling the yellow air magic of my father's clan, I crafted it into electricity and sent it back at him before he could react.

  Unfortunately, my aim still needed work. It knocked his mask off while searing the side of his face. His body convulsed as if he were just hit by a taser, causing him to temporarily pass out.

  Whatever, I thought. Charging back toward the screams of hysterical, drunken witches, I drew on the yellow magic once more. My vision glazed over, causing me to see nothing but pinpoints of color. Each person's power wrapped around them in intricate ribbons. Some were thicker than others, while a few covered more of their souls than the rest. I focused in on the blue ones. Two varying sha
des of blue were spreading throughout the festival.

  Rotating my vision back toward my fallen partner, I noticed the color of his power before seeking the similar auras.

  Gasping for air, I finally reached the rim of the main battle. One of the men from my coven knelt over a woman without an aura. "She's dead."

  His gaze lifted to me as her body turned to dust.

  "Look for the dark blue power ribbons. They're the intruders. The light blue ones are our allies."

  His jaw dropped about an inch as he shook his head at me. "I... I can't. I can't tell the difference."

  "Then search out the men who have Celtic-like waves on their chests."

  A nod was given before I turned my attention to the mass of energy in front of me. Green lights continued to fizzle out faster than the blink of a lightning bug’s butt.

  Lightning bolt after lightning bolt burst from my fingertips. I even had to absorb some green earth magic from a few idiots who thought I was batting for the other team. I could only guess that we were distantly related, hence my ability to absorb some of their magic.

  By the time the rays of dawn broke through the veil of night, more than half of my household turned to dust, with about as many of our allies. The enemy was in full retreat, taking their wounded with them.

  Chapter Five

  "Miss?” a voice bellowed in my ear.

  My brows knitted together as visions of dead witches and wizards caused my chest to ache.

  "Miss, I need your ticket," the conductor grumbled. "I've passed you several times already. Either get it out or you'll have to leave the train at the next stop."

  "Ticket?" I rubbed my tearful eyes with the base of my palm. "Right. One second." After pulling it out of my pocket, I handed it to him. "Sorry about that."

  "Good thing I woke you. You're actually getting off at the next stop anyway." He punched a couple of holes in it before sliding it into the metal lip at the top of my seat.


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