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Cora (Of Earth or Erda)

Page 17

by Skye, Relina

  “There is nothing we can do.” Rebecca Breeze rolled her eyes. “If there were something, I’m sure someone would have figured it out by now.”

  Bernice pounded her fist into her other hand. “So what you’re saying is that we have to remain virgins for the rest of our lives?” Despite being built like a powerhouse, the woman was pretty sensitive. I could only guess her father was a war god, based on the way she carried herself. Several groans filled the circle from the other demigoddesses who had yet to contribute to today’s session.

  “Or you can get laid and pop out a few sets of kids,” Rebecca smirked while patting her swollen belly.

  I couldn’t believe her nerve. I must have let my mask of tranquility slip because the next thing I knew, she was giving me the stink-eye.

  “I met one of my half-brothers once,” whispered a mousey-looking woman named Melissa Vale. When no one else said anything, she continued to talk. “He told me he has over twenty kids. I couldn’t believe it.” She chewed on a piece of dirty blonde hair.

  “With the same woman?” Rebecca asked.

  Melissa shook her curly locks. “No, seven different women. When I saw him, he was with his friends at a bar, looking for chicks.”

  “What a man whore!” Bernice cried.

  “I know…” Melissa looked down. “He said that the kids were their mothers’ problem, not his.”

  “Okay, so at least some of the demigods don’t care about having a lot of children; and it is already obvious that the gods don’t mind leaving passels of children in their wake. So, we have to figure out this problem.” My plastic chair creaked when I shifted my weight.

  “I wish there was something we could do,” Gwen whispered as she played with a loose thread on her rainbow, patch-patterned skirt.

  “We need better contraceptives,” Bernice muttered.

  “Better contraceptives would be ideal.” I slowly nodded. “Does anyone have an idea how we should go about getting those?”

  They looked at each other as if the answer would magically come to them. I twisted my lips as a thought popped into my head. Could it really be that simple? “Does anyone know a witch or a wizard?”

  “Are you saying that we should use magic as a contraceptive?” Melissa tilted her head as doubt clouded her stormy-grey eyes.

  “Possibly.” I touched the gold ring hanging between my breasts. I wanted them to figure this out. Of course, I had no idea where to get started. But that’s the beauty of working through issues as a group. When one person comes up with an idea, the others provide feedback.

  “Maybe the witches or wizards know of a spell to make stronger condoms?” Bernice suggested as she cracked her neck.

  “Or maybe they could enchant them?” Rebecca grinned.

  “Does anyone know a witch or a wizard who could help us?” I paused for about a minute. “Anyone?”

  “Couldn’t you find someone? You’re the one with all the connections.” Gwen smirked, crossing her arms in front of her large chest.

  “Yeah, Frosty, you should find someone to help us.” Bernice sounded so whiny when she begged.

  I looked around the circle at all of their faces, pleading with me. Damn, I wanted them to do the heavy work. I had enough to deal with between running the Demigoddess Anonymous meetings, counseling various clients, and trying to help my mom out at her office one weekend every month. Not to mention having to deal with Inez.

  “I… I’ll see what I can do.” I did my best to give them an encouraging smile. My stomach twisted into a knot. I had no idea how to go about finding someone to make enchanted condoms, but at least, they were united in this common concern.

  Inez checked the time on her cell phone before casting her amber gaze back at me. She mouthed, “We’ll talk soon.”

  I gave her a slight nod before taking a quick glance at the clock over the door. We still had five minutes.

  Inez’s stilettos clicked on the floor as she made her way to the door. Based on the ample amount of cleavage hanging over her skintight, ruby-red blouse and the strip of fabric covering her legs, I sincerely doubted she was headed to another meeting.

  I closed my eyes for a second to refocus. “Does anyone else have a new topic they would like to discuss?”

  I saw several heads shake.

  “Okay, then let’s say our pledge, and we’ll end a couple of minutes early.”

  Each of the demigoddesses reached for the hands of the women on either side of her.

  During our first session each year, we agree to a new set of rules and a closing pledge. The various rules may differ, along with the pledge, but there is one rule that remains consistent: no one is allowed to state the name of her godly parent. It might not seem like a big deal at first, but believe me, when you have two different war gods’ daughters in the same room, the sparks can fly!

  However, the closing pledge was designed to remind everyone that despite our differences, we are all a part of the same extended family.

  “I pledge to be true to myself. I will do right by my fellow demigoddesses. I will maintain my integrity. I know that I am not alone, and my sisters will look out for me.”

  I gave the demigoddesses one last calming smile. “Good job, everyone. We’ll meet again same time next week.” I stood at the same time as the rest of the girls. The meeting went well, so why was my heart palpitating?

  I really wanted to give the demigoddesses something to work on. Instead, I was the one with the homework assignment. I still didn’t know where to start. Beads of perspiration gathered across my brow as my mind raced.

  Bernice gave me a hard pat on the back. “Can’t wait to hear some good news next week.” She strutted out of the group therapy room with the rest of the half-breeds.

  I flopped my ass back down on the chair. The task ahead weighed me down like nothing else I’d ever tackled in my entire life.

  My head throbbed as a wave of nausea filled my chest. Deep breaths; I needed to take deep breaths. I pressed my eyelids together.

  Sneak Peek: Hailstorm -

  Chapter One


  Whoever said “the best things in life are free” should have been shot. Anger clouded my brain. I don’t know how long I lay there, but it felt like an eternity.

  Panic and fear were the first contenders that tried to consume me, but eventually, the panic gave up and my fear was replaced by anger. I was livid, and not only because I couldn’t open my eyes, or speak, or feel my body. No, what really enraged me was that I actually believed I could enjoy a night out.

  The receptionist at my doctor’s office offered me a set of free tickets to see an off Broadway show. The catch was: the tickets had to be used that night. I thought, Hey, I’m not busy, why not hop a train into the city and see a show? I even invited my cousin, Monica, who was attending medical school and merely a quick subway ride away. However, she canceled at the very last minute. If I had only known she changed her mind, I might have reconsidered going myself.

  The last thing I remember was leaving her a voicemail that let her know I understood. But I recall nothing after that. My mind is a complete and total blank.

  All of the “could haves,” “would haves,” and “should haves” kept rumbling around in my brain, which did not make my situation any easier. In fact, they only made me feel worse.

  Pins and needles slowly began creeping up my fingertips, entering my hands along with my toes and feet. The increasing pain almost made me cry, and I knew if I’d been standing up, I’d surely have fallen flat on my face. Was the paralysis wearing off? One could only hope, right?

  Door hinges squeaked from somewhere nearby, and the ensuing anxiety gnawed away at my bones. My heart rate remained stable, ostensibly due to paralysis, but my mind was a spinning cyclone of churning emotions that had no place else to go.

  Once the door slammed shut, a deep, scratchy, baritone voice spoke. “And here we have the last items in our selection of merchandise.”

  My stomach f
lipped. Merchandise? What in the world was this guy smoking?

  “Feel free to browse. Minimal touching and prodding are acceptable as long as they don’t result in any visible marks.”

  A slick voice, dripping with arrogance, responded. “What about sampling the merchandise?”

  “We charge a separate fee for that.” I could just picture dollar signs floating around the guy’s head.

  “A fee?” he growled. “You said nothing about a fee! After all the money I’ve paid your sorry ass in the past, you should be eagerly offering me one of these blood whores entirely for free!”

  “Yes, I understand how you feel.” The voice took on a more soothing tone. “However, I am running a business here, and sampling of the merchandise can only diminish the condition of my products.”

  “Fine, I’ll pay your stupid fee. My master is very specific about all of his purchases.” Annoyance coated his indignation. Their footsteps and voices grew louder as their conversation continued.

  “Of course, what is several thousand in comparison to several million?”

  “Easy for you to say. The fee will likely come out of my commission,” he grumbled.

  “Ah, here we are. I believe these humans will suit your employer’s needs.”

  Did he just say these humans? What a weirdo! Wait a second. Oh, no. Please don’t tell me that… I wanted to run, hide, scream, cry, and piss my pants all at the same time. Shit! I couldn’t even tell if I were still wearing any pants.

  “How long have they been in stasis?” The creepy guy sounded only a few feet away from my head.

  “Less than a week. They should be completely mobile within minutes of reanimation.”

  The pins and needles sensation continued to move up my limbs. I couldn’t do anything to ease the pain, and tried to focus my attention on what the two sleaze balls were discussing.

  “Excellent. Have their minds been cleansed?”

  The pungent scent of road kill suddenly clogged my nostrils.

  “No, but they are scheduled for reprogramming upon purchase.”

  I felt several odd sensations traveling up and down my body as I strained my ears to listen to more of their conversation.

  The silence impregnated the room. Where were they? What where they doing? Just say something already! Counting the beats of my own heart, several minutes passed before either one of the men spoke.

  “I’ll sample these three.”

  “Commendable choice, sir.”

  A sharp pain pierced my wrist. It coiled up my arm like a boa constrictor squeezing the life out of its prey. Screaming was no option since I couldn’t move. But the pain instantly left.

  “Tastes like citrus.” The deep inhalation of air traveled up my body than ended by my ear. “She even smells like citrus.” Pressure around my right eye forced the lids apart. A pasty-faced man with a pointed chin and a hooked nose loomed in my blurry vision. Seconds later, he removed his hand, allowing my eye to close. “Light blue eyes.” A pause. “Where’s her file?”

  “Right here, sir.” Audible glee filled the merchant’s voice. “She comes highly recommended. Her procurer claims she came from a suburban area...”

  “Yes, yes, it should all be here, correct?” Sheets of paper were being turned. “Has anyone else examined her?”

  “Besides our doctor? No. Our other clients were more interested in a pair of males and several other females with different ethnic backgrounds. You’re the first one to show any interest in her. And there’s another added bonus: she’s listed as pristine.”

  “Excellent.” His voice began to fade as his steps took him away from where I lay. Two more descriptions followed, and he seemed more than a little excited when he announced the next person tasted like “cherries.” I think he said she had navy-colored eyes.

  After several more questions, they moved on to the next item of merchandise. She tasted like apples, which was fine, and had warm, brown eyes. The pasty man was not pleased by the way she tasted, but said that she could fulfill a substitute role for his master adequately enough.

  A sense of dread filled my stomach as the nightmare continued. Pages turned and more questions followed. The buyer wanted to know everything about us: the type of food we ate, any allergies we may have had, and where we currently were on our menstrual cycles. He even asked about our bloodlines, and inquired about the health of our parents and grandparents. When he specifically asked about our siblings, his question was interrupted by an urgent text message.

  “I’m willing to make an offer for all three of them,” the pasty man stated after answering his text.

  “I will seriously consider your offer. We still have several more clients scheduled to inspect the merchandise later tonight.” Great, this guy was going to play hardball with my life! Maybe this was simply a bizarre nightmare. All I had to do was figure out how to wake up. Then I intended to go back to the theater and wait for the show to start.

  “This offer will only be valid for fifteen minutes.” The pasty-faced man’s tone hardened. “If you choose to wait, you will lose my master’s business. And we will shop elsewhere in the future.”

  I could feel the agitation coming from the salesman. “We have struck an accord.”


  “I will have them prepped before transport to our medical facility in Cyniel. Just fill out the form with the information you wish to have programmed into their minds. A suggestion,” he hesitated before adding, “it’s best to give them some sort of background. Otherwise, they can become obsessed with learning their true identities.”

  The pasty guy snorted. “They are toys. Pets, at best. You make it seem like they are one of us.”

  “As I said earlier, the humans have evolved over the past hundred years. They’re not the same ignorant gnats we used to sell to you.”

  “That may be true, but it matters. I want the cherry-flavored one awakened and brought immediately up to my room.”

  “What about the programming?”

  “You can do that after I’ve fed. See that those two are transported directly to the medical facility in Cyniel then to Grayford Manor when they are ready. My master hates to wait long for his new toys to arrive.”

  “And the third purchase?”

  “A three-hundred-and-fifty-year-old transition present from my master. She’s to be my new toy for the time being. Hence, I don’t want her out of my sight.” His voice seemed to move away from where I lay, obviously still on display. The doors squeaked again before they slammed shut. The silence returned, along with my outrage.

  Chapter Two

  At least, I wasn’t alone. Were the other victims conscious? And as livid as I? Or were they completely immobilized? Petrified by their terror?

  Trying to channel my anger, I concentrated on getting my limbs moving once again. The stinging pins and needles finally ended after spreading through every inch of my body. Now, I felt nothing more than a dull ache.

  Taking my first “baby step,” I pressed my fingers onto the cool surface I was lying on. Slowly, I worked every muscle in my body that I could think of without being too obvious. The last thing I needed was for an unobserved, silent guard to notice I was awake. Or perhaps, set off a motion sensor.

  Paranoid? Yeah. Who could blame me?

  The door groaned and I froze. Just think calm happy thoughts, umm… kittens, butterflies, tropical beaches.

  “Percival, take number sixty-seven up to suite two-nineteen. Humfray and Ingram, cart forty-seven and fifty-three to the train.” The clatter of booted feet echoed throughout the room.

  Pausing momentarily, the unfamiliar voice returned, although its direction, its tone, and its volume changed. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, we have a wide range of stock to offer you today, with much diversity in ages, blood types, genders, as well as ethnic backgrounds. You can purchase one for personal use, or select from one of our hourly rentals for your evening meal. This room we are standing in contains our freshest harve
st. Newly arrived from Earth! If you are looking for a permanent pet, we have several available that can sing, dance, and even a few that play musical instruments.”

  I felt my body suddenly jerk forward and back. Wait a second. Am I on a gurney? Did that even matter? A picture formed in my mind. Row after row of the other people from the theater flashed unexpectedly. Maybe we were separated by gender? Or organized by age and ethnic backgrounds? Or perhaps we were classified according to our seat numbers. I guess it didn’t matter anymore, but it gave me something else to focus on besides the imminent threat of becoming a blood whore.

  “Where are those three females going?” asked a man who sounded overly congested.

  “Those have already been purchased.”

  Their voices grew louder as their comments blurred together.

  “A shame; they look quite appetizing,” said a woman with a high-pitched voice.

  “Indeed,” concurred another man.

  Speaking over the crowd, the salesman continued. “Please note, we strongly encourage you to have the memories of your purchases thoroughly scrubbed before taking them home. We happily provide that service at no extra charge.”

  The group laughed.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” asked the woman.

  “I agree, but some clients want their purchases to adore them, which is why we offer that service. We’ve also done some research…”

  A chill on my exposed skin dramatically imbued the voices with a sense of doom as they faded away.

  “Which train are we putting ‘em on?” That was a goofy sounding voice. It reminded me of a character from one of those British sitcoms my mom loves to watch late at night.


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