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Taken by Him: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 6

by Measha Stone

  “I would watch my mouth if I were you right now, Kasia,” he warns, curling his fingers into my pubic hairs. With a little tug, he has my attention. “I like this little patch. Don’t shave it. Keep it just like this for me,” he instructs me, and I want to scream at him, but I can’t deny the urges boiling inside me either.

  “What do you want?”

  He quirks an eyebrow. “The same thing I wanted downstairs. I want the truth. What were you looking for and why?”

  “I was just using the office.” I try to sound sincere, but by the look of disappointment on his face I’ve failed.

  “Have it your way,” he says and flips on the vibrator. The humming sound fills the room right away, and my clit reacts to it immediately. Vibrators are not new to me.

  Using two fingers on one hand, he spreads my pussy lips open. The tip of the vibrator touches my clit, just barely, just enough to make my body react. I fist the bedding beneath me. I can’t give in to him. I can’t let him win.

  He presses the vibrator harder against me, and it takes every ounce of energy I have not to buck up at it. I want it, I want it harder and faster and I want to come unglued.

  “It’s nice, right? Having your pussy played with,” he says softly, leaning over until his hot breath washes over my clit. He moves the vibrator lower, until it teases my entrance. “Tell me,” he says looking up the length of my body at me.

  Those eyes, these fucking eyes bore into me.

  I grit my teeth and turn away. If I don’t look it will be easier.


  His tongue touches my clit, rolls around it and then he sucks it into his warm mouth while he pushes the vibrator just inside my pussy.

  I moan, clench my teeth. It’s coming, this buildup of pleasure is mounting and mounting and he’s not stopping. He’s slowly fucking me with the vibrator while he licks and sucks on my clit.

  I’m at the very edge, ready to leap off into an abyss of pleasure, when it all stops.


  He laughs. “Didn’t like that?”

  How badly would he hurt me if I slapped him?

  “Tell me.”

  “There’s nothing to tell,” I say from behind clenched teeth.

  “Okay,” he says and the pleasure ramps up again. The vibrator goes deeper. His tongue flicks faster. Everything is ten times what it was a moment ago. I tense, letting it build, hoping it will all crash down on me before he can notice.

  But I’m wrong.

  “Tell me,” he says again from between my thighs.

  “You already know!” I accuse him. This man doesn’t act without knowledge. He knows damn well what I was doing and why.

  “I do. So just tell me,” he says with a wide grin.

  I turn my gaze up to the ceiling and it all starts again. Only this time, he’s not fucking me with the vibrator. He’s using it on full power on my clit and I’m driven straight to the very end of sanity. It’s too much, everything is going to burst. I can’t do it again; I can’t be so close to heaven only to see it fade into the distance.

  “My dad!” I yell. It’s all I can say. He already knows, he just needs my confirmation.

  “Good girl,” he whispers.

  I’m so close, so fucking close. The very first ripple of an orgasm is right there.

  And everything falls away. All the pleasure, the buildup. It recedes, leaving an agitating hum behind it as it fades away.

  “You said,” I whine. I hate that he makes me sound this way, but I’m desperate and needy and horribly embarrassed.

  He shoves the vibrator into his back pocket, pulls my dress back down over my pussy and climbs off the bed.

  “I never said you’d get to come. I said pleasure could be punishment. And it is.” He wipes the back of his hand across his mouth, where my own juices have wet his lips. Mortification will kill me in this house.

  I snap my legs together, pressing them tightly.

  “You, you...” Words fail me. My brain is broken.

  He laughs. “Be careful. The punishment can continue.”

  I sit up in the bed, pushing myself against the headboard. I want to scratch out his eyes. So easily he’d brought me to the edge. It’s not fair. It’s wrong.

  My stomach aches at my actions.

  “You can spend the rest of the night up here. Think about how you’ll be more honest in the future.” He winks then heads to the door. “Just to be sure you don’t go stealing what’s not yours, the door stays open tonight. One of my men will be sitting just outside to be sure you’re safe.”

  “You’re a horrible man,” I say quietly. I don’t trust myself to say anything else. Tears burn my eyes, but not because I’m left unsated, but because I wanted nothing more than for him to make me come. I wanted his touch, I ached for it. I betrayed myself. And now he knows my father wanted me to find information.

  I’ve betrayed him, too.

  “I can be, yes,” he agrees, his hand on the handle of the door. “I don’t want to be, not with you. But that’s up to you, Kasia.”

  He leaves the door open as he promised, and one of his men walks past the door and sits in a chair. I see his knee bobbing up and down from where I am.

  Punished and put to bed.

  Will the rest of my life be like this?

  Chapter Ten


  Kasia is lost in a book beneath the weeping willow in the yard. She’s settled herself into a lawn chair that had been dragged into the shade. There are no tread marks in the grass.

  “Did you bring this out here by yourself?” I interrupt her reading as soon as I’m in her earshot.

  She looks up from her kindle, shading her eyes with her hand.

  “No. One of your big, strong men did it for me.”

  She’s trying to goad me into an argument, but it won’t work. Not at the moment. We have more important things to discuss.

  “There’s an umbrella on the patio, you don’t have to come all the way over here to sit in the shade.”

  “I like sitting under the trees or in the rose garden. But there’s less shade there though, until after lunch.” I’m surprised by how much she says. It’s been all two or three word answers so far.

  Tommy shows up with another chair in hand and places it beside me. Margaret at his side.

  “Here’s your tea, Kasia.” Margaret waits for Tommy to put the small folding table down beside her then puts down a steaming cup of tea.

  “I would have come in for it...” Kasia sits up straighter in her chair. “Thank you.”

  “It’s no trouble at all. Tommy was looking bored anyway.” Margaret gives me a quick glance. “Would you like something while you’re out here?”

  “No. Thank you,” I say with a small nod.

  “I don’t mean to be any trouble,” Kasia tells me when the pair have walked away.

  “Making a cup of tea isn’t any trouble. I’m sure she’s glad for someone to do things for.” I sit down in the chair Tommy brought out for me, and stare at her for a moment. She’s brushed her hair out and swept it into a side ponytail. The soft pink sundress she’s wearing is a modern cut with a low neckline, but not low enough to show me much more than the curve of her breasts.

  She must sense me staring at her, and tugs down the hem of her dress. It’s a modest dress, even with it hiked up a bit with her legs crossed she’s not giving me a glimpse at anything. After last night I don’t need to see what she has between those sweet thighs of hers. I can still taste her on my tongue.

  “Did you close my bedroom door last night?” she asks.

  I bring my eyes up to hers. “Yes. When I went to bed, I checked in on you then closed it.” She’d burrowed herself so far under the quilt, I had to go up to the bed to be sure it was her hair poking out and not some makeshift dummy. The woman sleeps too heavily. The house could have burned down around her, and she wouldn’t have noticed.

  “Thank you.” She scratches her calf. “For closing it.”

  I no
d. I didn’t think she was thanking me for the spanking. But now that we’re on that subject.

  “How are you today?” I ask, wiggling my finger at her bottom.

  Her cheeks redden in a single heartbeat. “I’m fine.”

  “Come here, Kasia,” I say, sitting back in the iron patio chair and crook my finger.

  “Not out here, Dominik. Please,” she says quietly, frantically looking over my shoulder.

  “I told you, my men know better than to watch what’s not their business. Now come here.”

  She puts her kindle down on the table beside her tea and unfolds her legs. Once on her feet she shuffles the three steps toward me. Prisoners look less concerned while being marched to the execution room.

  I spread my legs, capturing her between them. With a twirl of my finger, I direct her. Her jaw tightens, but she does what she’s told and spins away from me.

  Since she can’t see me, I take a moment to enjoy the curve of her hips. Tenderly, I touch my fingertips to her legs where the hem of her dress touches. I drag my hands upward, pulling the material with me. Her hands twitch at her sides, but she’s being a good girl for me and not fighting me. Maybe she did learn a lesson last night.

  I think she learned something about herself, too.

  “No panties?” I ask, somewhat surprised, but then I see the marks. There’re two long welts crossing both cheeks that would make sitting uncomfortable. A dark purple bruise sits right where her panties would hit.

  “Are you done?” she asks, her hands fisted, and she sounds close to the edge.

  “I have some cream that might help,” I say, poking the welt. She hisses and takes a small step forward. My cock is pressing hard against the zipper of my pants. I grab her hips, pulling her ass toward me. She stumbles back a half step, but I’m holding her, she won’t fall.

  I run my tongue over the largest welt then press my lips to the purple flesh where she probably likely hurts the most. Her ass tenses, but I’m not done. I created each of these marks, and I’ll show them the respect, the care, they deserve.

  “Dominik.” Her voice is soft, more of a caress than a plea. “Don’t, please.”

  “These are mine, Kasia,” I tell her in Polish. “You’re mine.” I kiss the last welt.

  I’m sure she understood me; her legs locked up when I made my claim.

  “We’ll be married by the end of the week,” I say, pulling her down into my lap. Her bare ass hits my thigh. She winces.

  “So soon?” she asks, trying to scramble off. I lock my arm around her waist and shake my head. I don’t want her to go yet, and with the pressure on her ass reminding her of what happens to naughty girls, she stays put.

  “Sooner if I can manage it,” I say, brushing the tip of my nose against her bare shoulder. The dress has thick straps, but the rest of her is exposed. Creamy and untouched by the sun.

  “I don’t want this, Dominik. Doesn’t that mean something?” She folds her hands in her lap and keeps her attention focused on the grass beneath my feet. Her bare feet dangle between my legs. It’s cute the way she fits in my lap so snugly, so perfectly. Like she was made to be right here.

  “Things will be awkward at first. But you’ll get used to me. And I’ll get used to you.” I might be lying, but not with intent.

  “And what you did last night. Will I get used to that too?” There’s a sharpness to her tone, but she softens it by keeping her face turned away from me. I think she’s embarrassed. Something new happened to her last night, and she doesn’t understand it.

  “Which part, Kasia? The part where my belt made you feel so good you couldn’t speak? Or when I punished you by withholding your orgasm?” I scrape my top teeth across the curve of her shoulder. She folds her arms over her stomach, like moving that fraction of an inch will protect her from the sensations I’m giving her. She’s not wearing panties and her ass is on my leg. Her pussy is already wet, making a mess on my pants.

  “Both were punishments in my mind,” she says, finally turning her gaze to me. Her pupils are dilated, nearly overpowering the brown of her eyes.

  “Ah, the first was meant to be a punishment. I was hard on you with my belt, but what you experienced wasn’t a punishment. Have you felt like that before?”

  She bites down on her lip, and she quickly turns away from me again. Not before I see the red tint to her cheeks though.

  “It’s called subspace. Sort of feels relaxing and tense all at once, right? Like you were there, but not really?” A few women in my past have explained it that way.

  She lowers her chin, like she’s trying to fold herself into herself.

  With a knuckle beneath her chin, I nudge her gaze up to meet mine. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to be embarrassed about,” I assure her.

  “It hurt like hell and then it...” She swallows. “Then it didn’t. It’s like I heard you, I felt it, but I wasn’t really there.”

  I run my thumb along her jaw. “You like the pain. It’s good.” I don’t mention how much I enjoy giving it to her.

  “Since you think I enjoyed it, you won’t do it again?” There’s a test in there somewhere. Does she want me to say yes or no?

  “It won’t be punishment, that’s for sure,” I laugh.

  “The other part then, you’ll... do that?” She’s soft in my arms like this. The tension has eased away enough that I loosen my grip around her waist.

  “Definitely.” It’s a vow. “I think it worked well, don’t you? You’re being more cooperative today.”

  She pinches her lips together and for a moment I’m sure she’s going to argue with me.

  “Don’t you have work to do?” she asks, tugging her dress down. It’s too late, her pussy has left a mess on my leg.

  I lean forward and pull her phone from my back pocket. She looks at it with furrowed eyebrows.

  “You took my phone?”

  “Your father is blocked. I don’t want you contacting him.”

  “Because I was in your office.” She takes the phone and swipes through the contacts. He’s been removed, but I’m sure she knows his number.

  “Because he asked you to spy on me. He asked you to do his dirty work for him. I don’t want you put in the middle of this, so I don’t want you talking with him until it’s all sorted out.”

  “He’s my father...” The fire in her words dies quickly.

  “Tell me about your sister.” I sit back against the cushions of the chair and run my fingertips up and down her arm. I don’t want to talk about her father any more than she does; a distraction from the topic will make it easier for her to open up.

  “I don’t like talking about them,” she says, looking at me through a side glance.

  “My mother died when I was in high school,” I tell her. “She was sick for a long time. When she died, my sister, Lena, was only seven. My brother twelve. I was sixteen. She was alone when she passed. We were all at school and my father was away from the house for the day. The nurse was in the next room, getting my mother a glass of water. When she came back into the room...she was gone.” I haven’t spoken of that day in years. But seeing the pain in Kasia’s eyes at the mention of her sister and mother, it’s drawn out of me.

  “I...I didn’t realize your mother was gone,” she says quietly, slightly turning on my lap to see me better. Her thigh brushes my cock, and even with the turn in topic, I want her.

  “When I got home, when I found out she’d died alone, I blamed myself. I was the oldest. I should have stayed home when my father couldn’t be there. I should have been with her.”

  “You couldn’t have known,” she says quickly. When our eyes meet, her shoulders drop.

  “I didn’t like talking about her for a long time because the guilt would hit me hard when I did.” I rub my hand up and down her back. “But you’re right. I couldn’t have known. She suffered a brain aneurism. It was a shock, even with her being so sick.”

  She looks away from my eyes, settling on the top button
of my shirt. “It was my fault my mom and Diana were in that accident,” she announces firmly.

  “How so?”

  “My father told me to pick up my mother from a luncheon she was having at a friend’s house. I was in the middle of a project for school, and Diana was running out to get a new bottle of nail polish, so she offered to do it for me. I should have told her no. I should have done what my father told me to do.”

  Tears well up in her eyes, and I realize just how strong she is. Through everything that’s happened in the past few days, she hasn’t shown one crack in her armor. But now, talking about her sister and her mother and the guilt she carries, it’s there. A hairline fracture, but it’s there.

  “And you think if you had gone there wouldn’t have been an accident?” I finish for her.

  “There wouldn’t have been. Diana picked mom up early so they could go to the store together. If I had gone, we would have been at that intersection later. Or not at all.”

  “There’s a lot of weight on that if,” I say, pressing my lips to her shoulder. “The night I signed the agreement with your father, when you pretended to be Diana. Why didn’t she come down?”

  Now that I have more information, I pull her away from the topic bringing her pain. I don’t like seeing the sadness in her. I fucking hate it, actually.

  “She was scared. She couldn’t stop crying, so I told her I’d go for her.” She blinks a few times and looks away again, probably gathering up her strength again.

  “You were her protector,” I say softly, then tap her phone. “Let me protect you right now. Stay away from your father.”

  She sighs. It’s not a new idea that her father is a son of a bitch. He’s probably been laying on the guilt ever since the accident. From the pictures in his office, it was plain that Diana was his favorite. Did anyone give Kasia the attention she needed? Or is that why she’s built such a strong spine? Out of need to protect her sister and also herself.

  “He’s not a horrible man, Dominik. He’s just...a hard man.” She doesn’t sound convinced, but I’m not going to argue with her.


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