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Punishing Her Vampire Master

Page 8

by Anna Santos

  “No pressure, baby. I said I would give you time.”

  “It’s just that I’m afraid of giving my heart to someone else.”

  “I know,” he said, thrusting deeper after entrancing my body with his gentle strokes.

  My thoughts got hazy. I groaned in pleasure. We were making love and our bodies were quivering, incapable of controlling the desire for much longer. It felt like a sacred ritual, our bodies so close, our thrusts meeting half way, our breaths mingling with kisses and soft nibbling of our lips. My hands were caressing his hair, wanting him to move closer, to go deeper, and to take me higher. The thrusts became shorter, our groins rubbing together, the tension reaching its peak and ready to explode. I gave in and opened my mind-link to him. I wasn’t expecting what came next. I had to lace my arms around his neck and I temporarily lost my breath when his craving washed over mine. My heart grew heavy inside my chest, my hands felt sparks of electricity leave them to hit his skin and double the pleasure of our touches. We were energy, a ball of energy, a cocoon of bliss. I rode him high on the pleasure, high on the throbbing of his sex and mine together. I could feel how good it was to be inside me, and how good it was to have him inside. He was feeling the same, I could sense him inside my mind, his thoughts, and his electric impulses of tiny sparks of words. He thought I was special, perfect, and making love to me was the most amazing thing in the world, not even compared to the moon and the stars in the sky. In fact, it was scary to understand that I was his whole world.

  I opened my eyes, gasping with the pleasure and scared by his feelings. The words he had said, the I love you, were pale to what he was showing me right there. He was displaying before me his naked soul, and I was baffled and extremely honored. I felt tears running down my face, right about the time our orgasm exploded, and our bodies started spasming and shuddering against one another. And then all thoughts stopped, and I felt I was floating away of my body. I felt his presence next to me, his light around mine, and I simply lost conscience and fell into the abyss.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Men can be clingy, too

  I SPENT TWO WEEKS flirting with Ewan. We went for long walks around the city or just out for coffee and some small talk. We even went to see a movie, about vampires of course, and he didn’t complain. He was quieter than I remembered and seemed more interested in my life than telling anything about his. But we had long conversations about literature and music. Our discussions also ranged to my studies at the college, and he even gave me amazing advice for my college paper, making it possible for us to talk about vampires and all the mythology around the subject. By then, he thought I was vampire obsessed.

  Sometimes, I was able to feel a second presence watching us in the shadows. Ewan often disappeared for some minutes, and when he came back, the presence would be gone. I supposed that it was Anastasia, but she was careful enough not to be seen. I was happy, because she must be losing her patience. He spent entire days next to me, and when I had explained to him that I had to attend my classes, we went out during the night, sometimes, until the dawn. My plan was working out perfectly. There was only a small problem, Galvin was getting jealous, extremely jealous, and would get really upset when I spent too much time with Ewan.

  I had to confess that it felt nice to be courted by Ewan like he used to do to his mortal lovers. He was being charming and a perfect gentleman, but I knew better. All that beauty and charm was a cover up for the evil and insensible creature that he was. I often thought about what Anastasia would think about all this. She couldn’t be happy, jealous as she was. I began to perceive the constant phone calls, which he didn’t pick up, and the lame excuses that he gave me about them. Besides, he seemed to care little about making an effort to conceal that he was a vampire from me, as if he wanted me to find out.

  From time to time, I had caught him staring at me with indescribable gloomy eyes, as if his thoughts were far, far away. I wondered what that meant. Another weird thing was that he hadn’t tried to kiss me, and, even if we seemed a couple, the truth was that we touched very little. He also started to have strange conversations about how lucky I was to have an exciting life, and that I could get married and have a family after finishing college.


  “When you asked me to go out on a date, I didn’t think it included patrolling the streets at night,” I said, walking beside Galvin under the dimmed lights of the old part of Chicago.

  “We are doing both—dating and patrolling. The vampire is targeting couples. We are a couple,” Galvin explained, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer against his hip. “Besides, it will do you good to get out of Italy for a night. We can’t go out on a date there, anyway.”

  “I would rather go to the theater for a date than here,” I shared, breathing deep while watching the shadows and the substandard conditions that surrounded us. “This place is filthy and dark,” I pointed out the obvious when we passed beside a bum, sleeping in an improvised tent made of cardboard boxes.

  Even from afar I sensed he smelled awful and was drunk. Not an appealing vampire meal unless the vampire was starving. The choice of place was deplorable, unless the vampire enjoyed eating rats and sleeping with the cockroaches.

  “You have plenty of dates with dinners and movies with Ewan.”

  “I don’t know what you are implying, but you know that I don’t enjoy those.”

  “Why not? Because you hate him so much?”

  The sarcasm in his voice bothered me. “Because it’s exhausting to pretend to be someone I’m not. Besides, there are just so many times that I can keep bringing up my vampire obsessed personality.”

  “Wasn’t he helping you with your college work assignment?”

  “It’s done. Now he just takes me to see historical sites and talks about art and music.”

  “He’s been amazingly entertaining,” he grumbled.

  I nestled my cheek against his arm. “I don’t want another of your jealous attacks and ultimatums. I know you think I should just kill him and end this, but my plan is a lot more complicated than that.”

  Galvin breathed deep. “Fine, I promise I won’t bring that up tonight. Unless you need to talk about it.”

  I shrugged, stopping and staring at the top of the apartment buildings. “He may be watching us from afar, or he may have taken the night off from savagely butchering human beings.”

  “This is just a simple assignment so you won’t lose your abilities. Besides, I wanted to spend time with you. I’ve been terribly busy and you’ve been entertained.”

  I couldn’t conceal how annoyed I became with his words. He wasn’t giving it a rest. “Galvin, I can assure you he’s keeping things in the friendly zone. I’m not going to lie and tell you I don’t flirt with him. I do. However, if a kiss happens between us, it’s only part of the plan, not because I want to kiss him. And you said you would wait wouldn’t be jealous.”

  “Just kill him,” he begged near my mouth. “He doesn’t even deserve your hate and Anastasia is a spoiled brat, they are both...”

  “He seems different. I’m confused.”

  He leaned back, unable to conceal his hurting face. “Are you confused about your feelings for him?”

  “No!” I gestured with my hands, understanding that I didn’t fully explain myself. “I’m confused about why he seems different. He doesn’t feel like the Ewan I knew.”

  Galvin sighed deeply. “There are only a certain number of times someone can screw up. Ewan has no right to a second chance and you need to get him out of your system and see past his bullshit.”

  “Hello, lovebirds!” An amused and masculine voice greeted us, and I shivered, completely distracted from my surroundings. “Trouble in paradise? Are you too having a lovers’ quarrel?”

  “That’s none of your business,” Galvin said to the guy, preventing me from turning around. Something was for sure, he was a vampire. I could smell it.

  “No need to be rude. I’m just trying to b
e helpful. I can score you some pot or crystal meth to calm your nerves. What do you say?”

  “We don’t do drugs,” Galvin answered, calm voice and serious face.

  “No, you don’t strike me as a guy that belongs here. You must be just lost or stupid,” the vampire said. “Don’t you know it’s dangerous to walk these streets with a pretty lady by your side?”

  The patronizing tone made me smirk. His warning was also amusing since he was the main reason the place wasn’t safe. But most predators liked to toy with their victims before attacking.

  Galvin grabbed my arm in a clear indication that he didn’t want me to move. Then he played dumb. “We must have made a wrong turn. We were looking for a diner. My girlfriend is hungry.”

  “Yes, I’m hungry too. I could use a bite.”

  Galvin’s face didn’t change with the vampire dark humor.

  “Could you spare me some change?” The vampire asked. “Or a bite?” He chuckled at his joke. The fool probably thought he was the scariest thing around.

  “Alive or dead?” I asked Galvin, hoping that he would let me have him.

  “Definitely dead,” he said and sped away, making my hair swirl against my face. I didn’t need to look back to know that he had already killed him. But I spun around and watched the vampire disintegrating from the inside out as a look of terror washed over his face. Galvin’s hand was buried deep in his chest, glowing with magical fire.

  I scowled. “It was too easy. You didn’t even need my help,” I complained, fixing my hair.

  “You were the bait,” Galvin said, taking out his hand and stepping away. “He likes to kill the guys then rape the women while feeding.”

  “You should have let me kick him in the balls first, then.”

  “It would be a waste of time. Now we have the rest of the night for ourselves.”

  Galvin took a clean handkerchief of the right pocket of his coat and cleaned off the dried blood. His use of magic was a fast way to kill and dispose of the body.

  “Can we find a diner and have a milkshake, then?” I asked in my most juvenile and excited voice.

  Galvin laughed. “You are spending way too much time surrounded by college girls. You are starting to sound like one.”

  “It’s part of my undercover personality. I need to be bubbly and high-spirited.”

  “I like you happy. Though, I would rather see you happy because of me and not him.”

  I walked to him, lacing my arms around his neck, and pulled him down to face me. “I’m pretty sure I’m happy because of the time we spend together.”

  He didn’t even break a smile. “You can’t always use sex to ease my mind. You know that I want us to be more.”

  “We are more. We are best friends and confidants.” I pouted my lips to melt his serious face away and make him become the sweet and caring lover I liked. “However, if you keep brooding and complaining... I don’t think we should continue to be lovers.”

  His hands pressed against my back and prevented me from moving away. Galvin narrowed his eyes in a gloomy expression. I didn’t like to blackmail him, but lately he was ruining our nights with his constant jealousy and inability to trust me. “Then spend more time with me and less time with him.”

  The sweetness and vulnerability in his voice turned me on. I couldn’t resist his pouting lips and, even if he sounded clingy, I liked that he needed me.

  Galvin kissed my forehead. “What do you say? Do you want to go out with me on a real date?”

  “Only if we don’t talk about Ewan or Anastasia.”

  “I hope we don’t. I really just want to be with you and not have anyone else ruining our date. I want to show you things.”

  I laughed. “I like it when you show me things, and I’m not being dirty-minded. I’m talking about other cultures and everything you taught me when I was being trained. Sometimes, I think you forget that we are more than lovers, and I like being with you even when we aren’t having sex or kissing.”

  “I have this stupid fear of losing you...”

  “You need to trust me more.”

  “I would trust you more if you felt for me as strongly as I feel for you.”

  I kissed his lips and caressed his face. “I can’t say what you want me to,” I whispered, resting my forehead against his and closing my eyes. “But you aren’t a fling or a whim. You make me happy.”

  “You make me happy, too.”

  “Sometimes I’m not so sure about that,” I shared, aware that I was probably hurting him more than making him happy.

  “You do,” he assured, kissing my forehead. “Let’s leave this place. I have somewhere a lot nicer to take you. We can go somewhere where it’s day, by the beach, and we can swim or scuba dive.”

  I chuckled, nodding with excitement. “You know how much I like fish.”

  “And maybe you could try and eat fish. What do you say?”

  I shook my head in disgust. “Poor cute colorful things!”

  “I swear that if you hadn’t been a vampire, I would bet you were a vegetarian,” Galvin joked, encircling my waist and making me walk beside him. He waved his hand around and opened a portal for us to jump to another place.

  We stepped outside, at the edge of a cliff with an amazing view over the ocean. I put my hands over my mouth and shriek with fear. “Oh, couldn’t we come out somewhere less high? It’s not like I can fly or anything!”

  Galvin put his arms around my neck, hugging me from behind. “I wanted to show you the view. We’ll have the beach for ourselves. What do you think?”

  “Sounds amazing!”

  My eyes lingered on light-blue of the sea. “I think it’s time to start the second part of my plan.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You want me to spend less time with Ewan. Things aren’t going anywhere. So, I guess it’s time to start the second part of my plan.”

  “And what’s that part?”

  “Ignore him, not answer his texts or phone calls, and don’t go out with him.”

  “I like that plan,” Galvin smirked.

  “We can spend a lot more time together, even if I still have to attend classes because I can’t blow my cover.”

  He nodded and nuzzled his nose against my neck. “Let’s go for a swim!”

  “Yes, please!”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The cat and the mouse

  THE SECOND PART OF MY PLAN was set in motion. I started by talking to Ewan on the phone for brief minutes or even seconds, making up excuses about lots of homework or things to do. Then I began not to pick up the phone or text him back. I refused to go out with him, always having other plans that were in fact real, because I knew that he was going to follow me and watch my every move. I went out to nightclubs and came home late, or to dinners with my other Erasmus friends. I flirted with boys, or I simply spent a couple of hours on my cell, talking to Galvin or going out with him on the other side of the world. It was always nice to have Galvin in my bed and let him please me and relax me. I was becoming dependent on that hot-looking sorcerer. I loved to spend time with him and talk about anything, watch movies or just sleep together. Galvin was great company for any occasion.

  Ignoring Ewan was Galvin’s favorite part of my plan. He also liked when we were together and Ewan sent me messages, asking where I was and why I wasn’t replying to him. It was kind of kinky, I might say, and morally incorrect if Ewan wasn’t a bastard and Galvin wasn’t my—boyfriend. I still wasn’t sure about the word I should use to refer to him. He was no longer my master or my boss or just my friend. I guess boyfriend was the most accurate definition for what he was, rather than a friend with benefits.

  Occasionally, I texted Ewan, asking what he was doing, and then I didn’t answer back for a couple of hours. As I expected, he started to act like a controlling, obsessed, and jealous boyfriend.


  One day, I was coming out from college, happily chatting with Francesca, when I saw Ewan outside, wait
ing for me. He seemed nervous, and I stopped on my heels, taken aback and unsure of what he was doing there.

  Francesca stopped what she was saying and stared at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that there’s someone waiting for me, and it seems we can’t go out after all,” I said, trying to smile at Francesca and to take my eyes off of Ewan. It was quite impossible, since he looked really hot in his black jeans and crisp white sweatshirt. He also looked rather pale, and he hadn’t shaved. He was wearing sunglasses, because vampires’ eyes are extremely sensitive to light, but I was betting that he had tired and baggy eyes. I was really pulling a number on him.

  “Don’t be silly, just bring him with you. The more the merrier,” she insisted, seizing my arms so I wouldn’t leave. “I don’t want to be left alone with Sebastien,” She whispered in my ear, since she didn’t want our other classmates to hear. “I won’t know what to say to him.”

  “Just wait a moment then. I’ll see what my friend says and what his plans are.”

  “Is that the guy you are going out with?” Francesca eyebrows raised in curiosity. I giggled. “He’s hot. A bit pale for my taste, but hot nevertheless.”

  “Yes, I know, dark-haired guys are more your style,” I teased her, winking and noticing how she blushed. Young love was always adorable. “I’ll be right back. Just wait here, then,” I said to Francesca and I crossed the street to meet Ewan. “This is an unexpected surprise,” I declared, kissing him on the cheek, and watching his reaction.

  “I wanted to see you and, since you are so busy all the time, I decided to wait for you after classes,” he explained as I glanced around to watch the surroundings. Some couples chatting, two women walking down the street and my fellow classmates on the other side of the street, talking and making plans to go out that night. Nothing suspicious.


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