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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 18

by Martha Sweeney

  Our hands stay clasped during the entire drive and neither one of us seem to mind. Thankfully, Maggie and Henry don’t turn around enough at any point to catch us hand in hand. As soon as we stop out front of my apartment complex, I immediately let go of Joe’s hand. He accepts the release and doesn’t show disappointment before rushing around to open the door for me.

  We say our farewells at the curb with the knowledge that we’ll all be together again tomorrow with Jared and Nathan. This weekend we’re staying local for our outings; Universal Studios on Saturday and the beach again on Sunday.

  Later that night, Sadie and I hop on the Gold Line and then the Red Line to the Hollywood and Vine exit where Jared picks me up every time I go to visit. Staying the night with him will make it easier for the six of us to get together first thing in the morning to be ready for Universal when the doors open. Nathan and I cook, we eat and relax for the rest of the night. We chat and watch movies on Jared’s bed while Nathan sketches from time to time. Jared and Nathan fall asleep halfway through the second movie, which makes getting them up early in the morning much easier. I turn off the lights and curl up next to Jared with Sadie on my left.


  We have a fantastic day at Universal Studios in Hollywood. The weather is perfect and the crowd is small for an early weekend in April. Maggie, Jared, Nathan and I have been there several times, but it was Henry’s and Joe’s first time. The six of us joke, laugh, scream and shout throughout the day depending on the ride or attraction as we also take lots of pictures with our phones.

  Maggie and Henry, in Henry’s car, follow Jared, Nathan, Joe and myself back to Jared’s apartment in West Hollywood to pick up Sadie and our bags before heading to Nathan’s for the night. Once at Nathan’s, everyone gets settled as I feed Sadie and take her out for a good run on the beach. Joe joins Sadie and me to avoid being left with the two hot and horny couples.

  Heading back up from the beach, I text both Maggie and Jared giving them fair warning that Joe, Sadie and I will be returning in five minutes. Thankfully, everyone has their clothes on when we open the condo door. Within fifteen minutes, we leave to have dinner.

  After dinner, as soon as the door to Nathan’s condo opens, Maggie and Henry rush off to the third bedroom for the night. Nathan turns on the television for a movie, but his main intent is to prevent moaning from being heard. The four of us and Sadie pile onto the couch to watch a movie and in less than fifteen minutes, Jared and Nathan are making out. Before I need to say anything, they excuse themselves for the night, each kissing me on the cheek on their way to bed.

  Joe and I sit quietly during the rest of the movie as we both pet Sadie. Once the movie is over, I wince at the noises we suddenly hear when I turn off the television and catch Joe doing the same thing.

  “Come on,” I instruct him, tilting my head towards my room.

  “You sure?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I answer nodding and rolling my eyes to the moaning and groaning that seems to be getting louder.

  In the bedroom, I make sure both doors to the joining bathroom are closed and turn to see Joe shutting the one behind him. I pull out my Bluetooth speakers and start playing some music on my phone. No need to overhear anything from the adjacent room.

  “Where’s your stuff?”

  “My bags? They’re out there. Why?” Joe returns, unsure of my question.

  “I doubt that you’ll want to go back out there anytime tonight,” I offer.

  Looking confused with a brow lifted, Joe asks, “Are you suggesting that I sleep in here?”

  “Yeah,” I confirm.

  He chuckles, “Wow. I didn’t know that our relationship is that serious.”

  Blankly looking at him, “We aren’t having sex. We’re two adults sharing the same bed. Besides, I know you aren’t a serial killer or rapist.”

  Laughing hard, he teases, “You sure?”

  “Yes. I’m sure.” Shrugging my shoulders, I add, “Even if you did try something, Sadie would have your throat in her jaw before I would even need to defend myself.”

  Joe laughs as he quickly leaves the room to get his bags and darts back in within seconds. Eyes wide, he comments, “It’s gotten louder.”

  We both stand giggling for a minute before getting situated.

  We’ve become friends over the past two months and I feel more comfortable with Joe, more than I have with any straight man. In the past, I deliberately haven’t allowed myself the chance for any kind of a friendship to happen with other men, but our friendship has developed out of necessity when we are the third and fourth wheels to our friends dating. Thankfully our personalities line up and anytime we hang out it’s fun. The sexual tension is still there with Joe — I continue to admit to myself only, to make sure I adhere to my rules, of course. The fact that he’s about to share a bed with me tonight makes me a little jittery and nervous because I desire him — and, I’m horny. I’ve never had the notion not to adhere to my rules in the past when it came to friends of Maggie’s previous boyfriends. It was easy then. They were dumb or annoying, therefore immediately expunging any possibility of desire. Be strong, Emma.

  Returning from the bathroom with his pajamas on, Joe graciously says, “Thanks, Emma.”

  Glancing up from my book, I smile and say, “You’re welcome.”

  I continue reading to avoid watching him get to the other side of the bed and slide in. Placing my book down for a second, I move a pillow longways in the middle of the bed. Sadie shifts up to rest her head in the center. With a book in hand, Joe laughs.

  “What?” I demand.

  “Nothing,” he rebuts with a smile.

  We read in silence for a while, and as I cover a few more pages, I peek from the corner of my left eye at Joe. With my attention back on my book, my left hand caresses Sadie several times before it bumps into something unfamiliar. I immediately look over and see Joe’s hand as I run my fingers back up Sadie’s body — his goes in the opposite direction. He never flinches and continues to read while maintaining his even, fluid strokes. With a mind of its own, my hand heads back down Sadie’s body. Luckily, I’m able to control it enough to stop just short of bumping into Joe’s again. To not draw any attention, I force my eyes back to my book while shifting my hand to Sadie’s head. Joe shows no sign of noticing and I’m relieved.

  A song comes through the speakers that I’m not in the mood to hear, so I pick up my phone to change it. After hitting the shuffle button twice, I decide to let the next song play. Before I know it, Joe snatches the phone from my hand.

  “Hey!” I yell.

  “I just want to see your playlists,” he defends playfully.

  Five seconds later his phone rings. Did he just dial his number? Reaching to grab my phone, I’m a little surprised when he jerks away.

  “You didn’t?”

  His smile gives his intention away. “Yep.”

  Joe finishes punching in something as I place my book down and lunge to get my phone. He switches hands, blocking me with his right arm while using his left thumb on the screen.

  “I don’t want your phone number and I certainly don’t want you having mine.”

  “Why not? You might need to get in touch with me for something,” he argues.

  “Why would I ever need your number?” I push his arm down out of my way to get to my phone as I’m now kneeling on the bed.

  He’s strong enough to keep me at bay. For some reason, I’m kind of enjoying the fight.

  “I know you and Henry have each other’s number.”

  “What does that have to do with you having mine and vice versa?”

  “Emergency. And, we’re friends.”

  “Why would I call you for an emergency?” I protest.

  “The possibilities are endless. And, now you have it.”

  He persists to look at my phone while trying to keep me away. Frustrated and frisky, I decide to brawl. Understanding my actions, Joe shifts and pins me to his chest, my arms are now
locked. I don’t kick or use my legs only because Sadie would get hit and she clearly refuses to move. He’s stronger than I anticipate from the other times we’ve spared. I lower my head to bite his forearm, but he shifts before I can clamp down enough to break free.

  Joe’s chest pulses behind me as he laughs. “Calm down, Kitten,” he heartily harasses.

  Did he just use Jared’s pet name for me?

  “Only Jared and Nathan get to call me that,” I complain.

  I’m able to see what he’s doing with my phone since he needs his left arm to help hold me in place. He’s definitely searching through my playlist. He holds me tighter each time I wiggle and secures my head with his chin since I try to thrust it back several times. He continues to laugh at me like he’s enjoying the situation.

  I finally stop struggling and ask, “What are you doing?”

  I know what he’s doing, but I’m not sure why.

  “Checking out your playlist. You can tell a lot about a person from their music selection.” He continues to scroll through the songs. “You’ve got an eclectic mix here. Don’t worry, you can see mine when I’m done.”

  “I don’t want to see yours,” I dispute.

  He chuckles into my ear, “Of course you do.” He turns off my phone and puts it next to my book, but he doesn’t release me.

  “Let me go,” I demand.

  “Not yet,” he rebuts relaxed.



  I growl which elicits more laughter from him.

  “I’ll let you go once you calm down,” he informs.

  “That might be a while.”

  “Fine by me,” he says tightening his left leg around me.

  As much as I hate being restrained, I know that I could break free if I made Sadie move. Ironically, she has yet to aid in my defense. Tied in his arms, the feel and smell of him starts to get the better of me, and I enjoy his body pressed against mine. Crap, now I’m really horny.

  A few seconds go by before he removes his leg and a few more pass before he slowly lessens his grip on me. Before completely releasing me, he kisses the back of my head. I pause for a second, in shock to his lips touching me, and to make sure I’m really free before springing over to my side of the divider pillow. I refuse to look at him as he chuckles under his breath and hands me his phone.

  Ignoring him, I check my phone to see what he put in it. Under my contacts Joe added his name and wrote, Joseph ‘Blue Eyes’ Covelli and added his phone number and email. Seriously?! I don’t dare delete it because I’ll need to know who’s if he ever does call. Damn it! Damn him!

  I deny the offer of his phone by picking up my book to resume reading. I do want to see what’s on his phone, but I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I do. He slides the phone down the ridge my book and I immediately toss it back to him. He gives up after one more attempt and returns to reading as well.

  After some more time passes, my head jerks to the sound of Joe’s voice. I must have been so focused on my book that I forgot he was even in the room. “Huh?”

  Grinning, Joe repeats himself, “What are you reading?”

  “Oh, sorry. Ask and It Is Given,” I mention as I place my bookmark in the page and hand him the book.

  He takes it eagerly and begins reading the description on the back. “Looks like you’ve read this a few times,” he states, looking up after examining the book closer.

  “Yeah,” I reply. “It’s one of my favorites.”

  Flipping open to a page, he begins studying it further. Realizing that I’m not going to get my book back right away, I reach to investigate what had his attention. “What are you . . . oh, never mind,” I declare.

  It’s the book I gave him yesterday. I’m shocked to find a variety of pages already highlighted with notes in the margins. My heart melts a little when I notice that he’s almost done with chapter three.

  Control yourself and your thoughts, Emma.

  Expecting to get my book back, I regard him as he continues reading and turns a page. I finally request with a smile, “Can I please have my book back?”

  Taking a few seconds to respond he hands it to me. Sheepishly grinning Joe says, “Sure. Sorry. It just seems really interesting.”

  As we swap books, Joe mentions and praises the book I gave him while holding it up, “I wish I had this during the first semester. It’s really insightful and helpful. I can see why you’re successful with your businesses.”

  I blush at his compliment, “Thanks. I’m glad you like it.”

  We resume reading and midnight is abruptly upon us, requiring us to get some sleep. Joe slips underneath the covers as I get up to use the bathroom for a moment. When I return to the bedroom, all of the lights are off except the one on the nightstand on my side of the bed. Before turning off the light, I slide under the covers and adjust the dividing pillow and turn off the music. The condo is silent.

  “Goodnight, Emma,” bids Joe.


  Laying, my eyes stare blankly at the ceiling. What am I doing? What was I thinking? I can’t believe that I’m sharing a bed with Joe. It’s not like I don’t trust him or feel uncomfortable with him. I’ve slept in a bed with Jared, Maggie and Nathan before. So What’s the big deal? It’s just that I’ve never shared a bed with a man before. Okay, I’ve never shared a bed with a man who wasn’t Jared or Nathan before. A man who is heterosexual. A man who I’m attracted to. A man who Maggie says likes me. Focus, Emma. Yes, there is sexual tension. Yes, there is desire. Yes, I am horny. So what? You have rules. Rules that protect you. Just go to sleep.


  My mind stirs before I open my eyes. Laying comfortably in a foggy haze, I comprehend that there are three distinct breaths in the room. I keep my eyes closed and do not move as I relish the warmth around me. The chest that my head rests on is definitely male and the deeper tone in his throat supports the thought.

  Long, steady, strong inhales and exhales gently lift my head up and down. My eyes remain sealed as I lounge quietly and motionless, listening for others noises that will give me an indication of where I am and who I’m with since I’m in no hurry to get up. Nothing.

  I know Sadie’s breathing without a doubt and the second one is mine. But, who is the third? Jared? No. Nathan? No.

  Panic rises inside of me as I’m frozen in place and my eyes fly open. Keeping my body still, my gaze darts around to gain clues. The color of the comforter and decor of the one side of the room verifies that I’m at Nathan’s. I feel my heartbeat regain its relaxed pace. Breathing in through my nose, an arousing aroma fills my nostrils and excites my lady parts. It’s a familiar smell, but it takes a few extra seconds before my waking brain recognizes it — Joe.

  My eyes widen as I discover that my body is pressed up against Joe’s, with my head on his chest, my right arm draped over him and my right leg down the remainder of his body. Why am I sleeping with Joe? Oh yeah — I remember now. Where the hell is the divider pillow? I pull my right arm towards me a little, but am met with resistance when his left hand squeezes to keep hold. Crap. I shift backward somewhat only to find that his other arm is underneath my body and wrapped around me with his right hand cupping my waist. Joe pulls me back into him as I tug to get away. Double crap. I seriously hope that he’s not awake. If he is, this will be utterly awkward and embarrassing.

  Sadie shifts, revealing that she is at the lower right corner of the bed. Her location gives me enough room to wiggle my way out of this situation. I decide to go for one, full, quick roll to face the other side of the bed. As soon as I make it, I’m immediately drawn into Joe’s body as his arm wraps around my upper frame and spoons me. Shit!

  My brain is freaking out as my traitorous body succumbs to the sensation of his. The intoxicating scent of him only makes matters worse and my sex tingles with absolute delight. God, he feels and smells so good. Is this what it feels like to wake up next to a man? A sinfully, delicious man? Joe nuzzles
his face into the crook of my neck, sending mouth-watering shivers down my spine. His hips press forward into my rear and to my surprise, my body curls into him. A craving erupts inside of me that I’ve never felt before and my mind surrenders to the idea that if he wants to have his way with me at this very instant, I’ll let him. No. No. Focus, Emma.

  Sadie nudges my leg with her head, snapping me out of my glorious moment. Okay, Emma. You can do this. I start to inch away from his embrace, but I’m met with another gentle pull and a velvet moan. His face buries into my neck more and I let out a tiny whimper when his lips and warm breath brush my skin. My heart pounds inside of me as the moisture between my legs becomes more apparent. God, I’m so turned on right now that I can smell myself. My own aroma ignites my appetite for him beyond that which I have ever felt for a man.

  All of a sudden, Sadie walks over my legs and begins sniffing under my chin which brings me out of my temporary moment of defeat. I can’t help but laugh at how it tickles.

  My eyes shoot open at the sound of Joe moaning her name, “Saaaadieeee.”

  He’s awake. How long has he been awake to know it’s Sadie?

  Curiously, Joe doesn’t let go of me. “Good morning, beautiful,’ he whispers.

  My heart drops as the temptation returns. I can barely mutter, “Umm . . . Good morning . . . .”

  He doesn’t move. I don’t move. Crap. What am I going to do?

  Searching for something, I ask, “Where’s the pillow?”

  “What pillow?” he returns, still not letting go of me.

  “The one I put between us last night?” I remind.

  He raises his hand and pets Sadie before answering on an exhale, “I don’t know. Why?”

  I’m dumbfounded by his statement and actions, as well as dismayed at my own response when I roll my body into him enough to look at him. What am I doing? Focus, Emma. It takes all the energy I have not to do anything foolish with him as I stare into his hypnotizing, blue eyes.


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