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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 36

by Martha Sweeney

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he says pleasantly.

  I nod indifferently.

  “Still up for scuba?”

  I almost forgot that we scheduled to go over to Molokini Crater today.

  “Mmm hmm,” I reply as I gulp down the last of my drink.

  Joe and I barely talk from our morning greeting until finally boarding the boat. When we arrive at the dock, I notice that Joe commissioned a private charter boat for our excursion instead of the group tour I had booked. I’m all about privacy, but the whole concept of paying a lot more for certain private access to things is weird to me.

  I overhear him using boat lingo with the captain and crew just before the boat launches out into the water. With a beautiful interior living room, and one hundred and eighty degrees of view, Joe, Sadie and I have privacy and a spectacular display of the ocean.

  Poking and jabbing at me a few times with words and his body, Joe threatens to spar with me if I don’t lighten up.

  “Go ahead and try,” I encouragingly nudge. “You won’t win.”

  “Ahh, there’s the Emma I’m looking for,” he playfully responds.

  “What is it with guys like you and the need to have private jets or private this or private that?” I pick.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he chuckles.

  “You know what I mean. We could have done the group tour I booked for where we’re headed.” I mention.

  “This coming from a woman who loves her privacy,” he taunts, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Ohh no you don’t,” I protest as I slip away from his embrace. “Yes. I like my privacy, but this is a little overboard, don’t you think?”

  “No,” he argues, moving closer to me.

  Shaking my head, I turn and look out the window.

  He doesn’t force physical contact, but Joe stands close enough that when the boat sways, our shoulders bump into each other.

  At some point, he places his hand on the small of my back and I allow it. “Thought you might like to know that the boat runs off of all electric motors,” he comments.


  He’s piqued my interest.

  “Yes. I know how important that is to you and I’ve been exploring more stuff about greener technologies across all industries since all of our business conversations,” he states.

  I think he’s trying to impress me. I’m flattered and think it’s cute.

  Extending our witty banter from before, I reply, “So, you were listening?”

  “I always listen,” he informs.

  The boat sways again, knocking me more off balance this time. My body lunges towards Joe, but he catches me effortlessly. Wrapping his arm around my waist, Joe steadies the two of us. I don’t try to get away from his embrace and we end up staying connected until the boat gets closer to our diving destination.

  Once we’re close enough to the reef, Joe and I start stripping down to our bathing suits. Joe’s bare chest is an added view of beauty aside from the crystal water. Our captain and the crew instruct us on how to use the Snuba gear, but I get distracted on occasion when I look at Joe’s half naked body.

  Snuba is different from snorkeling and is more closely related to scuba diving. Instead of carrying the oxygen tanks on our backs, they are attached to a raft that floats on the surface of the water. We’re able to go as far as fifteen feet deep below water level.

  Strapped into our harness and with flippers on our feet, Joe and I head into the water. Sadie joins us for a few minutes, but I signal for her to stay on the boat until Joe and I return. While using the gear, we’re monitored the entire time we’re under water, but Joe and I are the only ones entering. As we begin swimming around, I see why Joe ordered the private charter, other than to impress me and be mindful of the environment with the electric motor, we are free to swim around and there isn’t a crowd of people near us, allowing for more of the marine life to swim closer.

  I’ve seen pictures of aquatic life, but seeing it up close and in person is a completely different feeling. It’s otherworldly. The variety of colors and species is astounding. At some point, a bale of turtles come near us, close enough for us to reach out and touch their shells and bellies. Watching the animals dance around in the current is relaxing and peaceful. I feel the tension from last night and this morning melting away.

  Fifteen minutes left on our tanks, we turn around to head to the boat. Surprisingly, several whale sharks head straight for us. As they approach, I notice that they circle around Joe and me. Staying close together, we watch the gentle giants. Even though I know that they’re vegetarians, the idea of being this close to a shark is still a little unnerving. One circles close enough, allowing Joe and I to reach out and touch it. I’m definitely glad that I didn’t cancel this morning’s adventure.

  Sadie jumps into the water to greet us when Joe and I resurface from our excursion, getting a good laugh from us and the crew. Once we’re back on the boat, Joe, Sadie and I are offered a private lunch off of the bow of the boat. I should have seen this coming. A private boat. A private tour. Of course, we would have a private lunch. I’m starting to wonder if Joe planned this whole thing to be like a second date.

  “So, what’s this all about?” I explore.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “A private boat. A private tour and now a private lunch. I’m starting to think that you are trying to sneak in a second date,” I state the obvious.

  “No,” he bashfully disagrees. “We’re two friends hanging out.”

  “Would you have planned all this with your brother?”

  “Probably,” he answers slyly.

  “Right . . .” I sarcastically reply.

  He tries to hide a smile that forms in the left corner of his mouth. He’s definitely lying.

  “Do you want to stay out here a little longer? Or, did you want to head back?”

  “Now I know you’re lying,” I heckle.

  We decide to jump in the water to cool off before heading back to Maui. Sadie joins us again, happy for the swim.

  Once the boat starts moving back to land, Joe takes me on a little tour, answering my questions about sailing and boats. Several times, Joe tries to get close and kiss me, but I amusingly avoid. A girl needs to make the guy work for it sometimes; we can’t always be that easy.

  While we are in a small, shallow hallway, the boat rocks hard enough, forcing us to collide. Joe steadies us up against the wall, pressing himself into me. We stay connected, drinking in the sight, smell and contact of our bodies. Seeing a chance, Joe kisses me and I willingly accept. As if we have all of the time in the world, our mouths leisurely dance on and around each other's. Softly, carefully, tenderly, we explore with our lips and tongues. His right hand sturdies us while his left caresses my cheek, chin and neck. Altering his feet, Joe pulls away and rests his body against the other wall. We exchange a glance or two before he cajoles me to move closer with his hands on my hips. Missing the closeness, I press myself against him as I run my hands up his chest and around his neck, returning my lips to his. Joe’s hands slide around my waist, drawing me closer.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Covelli,” a voice uncomfortably mutters from my left.

  I immediately break physical contact with Joe.

  “My apologies. I need to get into that room,” one of the boat crew members informs, pointing to a door on the other side of us.

  Shock and surprise swell inside of me like a swarm of bees. I completely forgot where we were. Embarrassed, I rush past the crew member and up a flight of stairs to the deck with Sadie on my heels. Joe finds me a minute later standing on one side of the boat. The soothing touch of his hand up and down my back titillates me at my very core, but does little to relax my stiffness. He sense my uneasiness and settles his hands on my shoulders, massaging them same way he did the other night on the beach.

  Once the boat docks in Maui, we head back to the suite to wash up and change. I hang out with Sadie on the patio un
der the porch and Joe joins us on the other lounge chair as the three of us wait for our friends. We’ve scheduled a private dinner in the suit for our last night, so we read, talk and play with Sadie to pass the time.

  Just as the sun starts to set, all eight of us are relaxing on the patio while the chef and his staff prepare the meal in the kitchenette. We laugh. We joke. We play card games as we eat and drink into the night.

  Nathan purposefully sits next to me the majority of the time, trying to make amends for last night. He repeatedly apologizes, feeling bad at not remember what had all happened since he had so much to drink. I know Nathan loves me and was just kidding around, that’s what he, Jared, Maggie and I do, which is why I can’t stay mad at him for very long. The challenging part for me is when there are other people around. Usually he’s good about it in public, but I can sense that he sees Joe and Henry as part of our circle already, and Jimmy and Allen seem to be adding to the mix as well. I’m not fond of this group getting bigger.

  Nathan knows a good deal about me and my past from Jared; how much from my past, I’m not entirely sure. Jared and him didn’t meet until just before the night Maggie and I lost our virginity, and it took a while before Jared included him in our outings. Nathan wasn’t there for the brunt of my first few years in California like Maggie and Jared, and over time he learned more about me. Nathan is family now, but it took a lot of time. It takes a lot of time for me to let anyone in.

  I head inside to grab more drinks and snacks for everyone and Nathan follows me to assist.

  Almost finished with the drinks, Nathan comments, “You know, you are going to need to open up more for these guys like you did with me.”

  “Why? What are you talking about?”

  I’m not sure where he’s going with that statement.

  “They’re family now, especially with Maggie and Henry getting . . . .”

  Hurt and scared by his words, my voice cracks as I cut him off. “They are not family. You, Jared and Maggie are family. Maggie’s family is family. That’s it. That’s my family. The rest of them are not my family and never will be.” I turn to get away and find Joe entering the dining room. My eyes immediately dart away, not wanting to explain myself. As I circle all the way around to head to my room, I see Maggie already out of the restroom. My heart stops as a knot forms in my throat. I know that Maggie heard me by the look on her face.

  I dash past Maggie slamming my bedroom door behind me. Like last night, I close my room off, not letting anyone in. I’m ashamed that Maggie now knows how I feel. I’m embarrassed by my outburst. I’m humiliated that I just ruined Maggie’s celebration weekend. I’m mortified by it all. Panic, fear and sadness surround my heart and soul. Why did you have to say anything, Emma? Why couldn’t you just not say anything?

  A light knock on the door snaps me from my self-bashing.

  “Emma? Emma, please let me in,” Maggie calmly pleas.

  I can’t face her. I know I can’t face her. Not now.

  “Please, Emma. It’s just me,” she mentions. “I’m going to stand here until you let me in,” she sternly commands.

  She knows how to get to me. I carefully unlock the door and crack it open an inch or two.

  “There you are,” comments a smiling Maggie.

  I look away as a tear falls down my face.

  “Come on. Let me in,” she directs politely.

  Looking beyond her, I check to make sure no one else is lurking. I take a step back, let her enter and lock the door. Before I turn all the way around to face her. Maggie throws her arms around me which catches me off guard.

  “I’m sorry, Emma. I didn’t realize how this would affect you,” she announces.

  “I’m fine. I over reacted and I’m sorry I’m ruining your vacation,” I reply, fighting back tears.

  “You’re not fine. My vacation is not ruined. You didn’t overreact, you’ve kept things bottled up inside, not wanting to hurt me. I know that,” she replies softly in a motherly tone. “I should have known this wouldn’t be easy for you.”

  “I’ve just gotten good hiding it from you,” I openly admit

  Crap. Did I just say that?

  She leads me over to the bed and we lay down facing each other.

  “What else are you hiding from me?”

  “Nothing,” I honestly admit when it comes to the topic of her and me.

  We don’t need to venture into the other topics I’m hiding from her and Jared right now.

  “Do you think Henry and I are moving too fast,” she asks with concern.

  “No. You are moving at your own pace, which suits you and Henry,” I offer honestly.

  This puts a smile back on her face.

  “I know he loves you and he wouldn’t have proposed if he didn’t. You two fit each other perfectly. It’s just a lot and all at once for me,” I share.

  A tear falls from the corner of her eye. “Are you afraid that you are losing me?”

  “A little,” I honestly answer.

  I’m actually surprised that she’s talking to me right now. How can she not be mad at me? I feel like I’m being selfish.

  “Ohh, Emma,” she cries, moving closer to me. “I’m never leaving you. You’re my sister. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I weep.

  She moves closer and we mold into each other’s body.

  Time passes and my tears eventually subside.

  “Give me a minute. I’ll be right back, Okay?” Maggie announces.

  I nod, not sure what she’s doing.

  Maggie opens one of the sliding glass doors just over a foot and Sadie pops through. Maggie heads outside as Sadie and I snuggle on the bed. A minute or two later, Maggie comes back.

  “I’m back,” she announces.

  Maggie leaves the door open slightly before returning to the bed and climbs over me. She lowers, placing her body on top of mine. Stroking my face, Maggie leans in and kisses me. I can immediately feel that she needs this just as much as I do. I should have believed her last night.

  With the lights off and a small breeze flowing in, Maggie and I satisfy each other. After oral and finger stimulation, we both take turns using my dildo and vibrator on the other. After four intense and long overdue orgasms given by someone other than myself, my body becomes lethargic and drunk on well-achieved physical satisfaction. The glorious smell of sex permeates the air. I barely remember Maggie draping the sheets over my naked body as my mind drifts to a deep sleep.

  Twenty Nine

  I wake to sniffing in my ear; Sadie’s hungry. Sitting up, I quickly cover my naked torso when a pair of legs to my left are seen out of the corner of my eye. My heart leaps at the thought of Joe coming into the room at some point last night. Gradually turning my head, I discover that there are actually two bodies, Jared’s and Nathan’s. A sigh of relief escapes my lips. I’m safe.

  The next few hours, I eat, take Sadie for a walk, shower and pack. Jared and Nathan went back to their room sometime while I was not in the suite.

  By about nine in the morning, we are standing outside the stairs of the plane to head home. Losing about three hours of time with our flight, we’re schedule to get back to California between six or seven in the evening.

  The flight back home is long, but peaceful. Everyone bounces around chatting, except me. I’m still a bit quiet after last nights debacle, but I’m more willing to sit and listen to everyone talking. No one asks about what happened after I left the patio, nor do Maggie or I share.

  Jimmy and Allen stay on the plane when we land in Van Nuys. They’re waiting for the plane to refuel before heading all the way back to the East Coast. Jared and Nathan return to Nathan’s in Santa Monica and Maggie, Henry, Joe, Sadie and I head back to Pasadena. After saying farewell to Maggie and Henry, Joe entices me up to the penthouse with the mention that a song is owed to me on the piano.

  “What would you like me to play?” he asks sweetly.

  “What do you know?”

  “A lot,�
�� he says. “I can play an eclectic mix, just like your playlist.”

  His devilish grin makes me laugh. “Play whatever you feel like playing,” I suggest.

  Joe motions for me to sit with him on the piano bench before he begins. Barely taking his eyes off of me, Joe starts with the beautiful Prelude in C Major by J.S. Bach. I watch his fingers dance along the keys. His movements are so graceful like he doesn’t have to think about what he’s doing.

  “I love this song,” I say as I hum along.

  Joe plays several more songs, many that I’m familiar with. There’s even one from the newer Pride and Prejudice movie. Some of them, I can’t name off the top of my head, but their melodies are easily recognized. I lean my head back, close my eyes, and sway to the music.

  Before my eyes open after he finishes the last song, Joe nuzzles into my neck and requests, “Stay tonight.”

  “What?” I return, surprised at his request.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he tempts.

  “I need to get home,” I suggest more than state.

  My body is shouting yes, but my brain is screaming no.

  “Please.” He uses his lips to persuade me. “Please,” he begs again.

  “I can’t,” I decree.

  “Not even just to snuggle,” he coaxes.

  “No,” I return sternly.

  Joe accepts my refusal, but continues to keep our bodies in close proximity.

  Five minutes later, Joe, Sadie and I are in his car. Since he already knows where my apartment is, I direct him to park in the underground lot. There’s an elevator in my building that makes it easier with bags.

  The gentleman that he is, Joe insists on helping Sadie and me all the way up to my door. I have reservations when he crosses the doorstep with two bags in his hands, but I fight the urge to complain. He made it this far when he, Henry and Maggie came to pick me up.

  Placing my bags down in the corner by the door, Joe pulls me into him. He delivers a sex-tingling kiss that makes me melt on impact.

  “Can I come in? Stay for a little?” He playfully nips at my bottom lip.


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