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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 42

by Martha Sweeney

  Chris comes close and hugs me. “That settles it. We’ll all go,” he comments, keeping his arms around me and kisses me on the cheek.

  After some decisions are made about who’s wearing which suit and who can and wants to attend the event, Nathan takes Jimmy’s and Allen’s measurements while Mrs. Covelli shops the racks and buys a few pieces. As Nathan and Denise finish taking my measurements, Mr. Covelli insists on taking all of us out to eat to celebrate.

  Nathan, Jimmy and Allen encourage that Sadie and I ride with Chris and I politely don’t argue with them in front of everyone. With four cars, our large group of ten adults plus a dog hit the road following Mr. and Mrs. Covelli in Joe’s Phantom.

  My heart sinks in my chest when we pull up to the valet of Spago. Yes. Spago. The very restaurant Joe took me to for our date where we ran into Chris. God, can this day get any more unnerving?!

  The staff is very amenable to Sadie being a part of our dining crowd as they take us to a very large, round table that easily seats everyone comfortably. Chef Andrews comes out to great us and exchanges pleasantries with Joe, Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs. Covelli. The chef also makes his way over to me, singling me out, but graciously doesn’t mention how we know each other or the night of Joe’s and my date. Jared gives me a questioning glance and I whisper that I’ll fill him in on the whole thing later. I’ll be sure to tell him we stopped in for lunch during an outing to figure out what to do for Henry’s and Maggie’s joint bachelor-bachelorette party.

  As we dine, Joe is practically sitting across from me as Chris, who has deliberately moved his chair several inches closer to mine, is to my right and Jared is to my left. Conversations are light and friendly as usual and my amount of commenting and interaction is limited. I can’t help but glance at Joe on occasion. Every time I look at him, he’s staring right back at me. There are a few times, as Chris leans in and whispers in my ear, I see Joe look away. My eyes have to focus on a spot on the table to make sure I actually hear at least some of what Chris is saying.

  Chris tries to take my hand in his several times, but I’m able to reach for my glass to take a sip at each attempt. Nathan and Jared fill everyone in on how we meet Chris first at Ayana’s opening almost a year ago, and then several more times with the most recent being about three months ago. I’m very grateful when my friends leave out the fact that the second time we saw Chris that he and I had sex — no need for Joe to know that right now.

  After several failed attempts to hold my hand, Chris places his arm along the back of my chair, placing his hand on my left shoulder. It’s confirmed that he’s definitely peacocking right now and I’m starting to get mad.

  “I think your phone is buzzing,” Jared says, leaning towards me.

  I look down at my purse that is sitting on the floor in between our chairs, next to Sadie. The phone is not lit up.

  “Looks like Amy is calling you,” Jared continues with a wink. “She probably has some bridal shower questions for you. You should talk to her.” Jared says his last statement loud enough for everyone at the table to hear.

  “Yes,” I reply, getting the hint that he’s saving me from Chris. “Thank you.”

  I grab my purse after tucking the phone back into its pocket so no one sees the truth. As I stand, Mr. Covelli, Joe, Jimmy and Allen all rise as well. “Please excuse me for a moment,” I request.

  A few feet away from the table, I take out the phone and raise it to my ear as I walk to the front of the restaurant. Aware that I’m not as skillful at pretending to be a person talking on the phone, just in case anyone follows me, I press the button to call my most recent contact. Please pick up, please pick up I coax as I turn the corner just beyond the front doors.

  “Amy here,” Joe’s voice sings with a wicked grin hanging in his tone.

  He’s playing along. Good.

  “Hey,” I eke, feeling embarrassed.

  “So what kind of questions should I be asking you about the bridal shower?” he continues with a hint of amusement.

  “Where are you?” I question, panicked to who might hear him.

  “By the bar. Don’t worry. You secret is safe with me,” he teases.

  “Thanks,” I greet.

  “So, why did you call me?”

  “You were the last person on my most recent,” I admit.

  It’s true. He had texted me earlier in the day.

  “I’m flattered,” he says.

  I don’t say anything for a moment, not sure what to say.

  “You okay?” he searches.

  “I’ll be all right,” I offer, trying to sound confident.

  “You’re a good friend,” he mentions.

  “What do you mean?” I reply confused.

  How am I a good friend by calling him?

  “To do what you are doing for Nathan,” his voice falters a little, implying his true feelings.

  “I’m doing it for Nathan . . . because he’s family. It’s just a business transaction,” I assure.

  I think I’m trying to console both of us. I didn’t realize he’d be affected by this, let alone myself.

  “I know,” Joe agrees without judgment. “I would have done the same if I was in your position.”

  He’s clearly not happy with the idea of me going on a date with Chris and neither am I.

  “Chris can consider it our first and last date . . . not that it will even be a date,” I blurt.

  Joe laughs a little which eases my nerves. With a lightness in his words, he asks, “Can I get the first kiss of the night, then?”

  “Sure,” I agree a little too quickly.

  Joe laughs again at my directness.

  “I might even let you take me home,” I bait, wanting to continue our playfulness.

  I’m so glad that he’s not making this awkward.

  “You have yourself a deal,” he consents.

  “Will that be a challenge for your date?” I press, flirting a little.

  “Won’t have one,” he admits.

  Flattered by his words, my curiosity gets to me and I’m compelled to ask, “Why not?”

  “Never bothered with dates to big events, actually to any event . . . and the one who I’d want as my date is already taken,” he sensually confesses.

  “Joe . . .” I plea.

  I know he’s referring to me.

  “It’s the truth,” he affirms.

  I can’t help but smile as I bite my lip to curb any outward expression.

  “How will your date handle another man taking you home?”

  “Don’t know. Don’t care,” I say without thinking.

  Joe does his best to suppress a laugh.

  “Besides, he’s not going to be picking me up at my place. We’ll meet at Nathaniel’s.”

  “This is a time I’m grateful for your rules,” he openly declares.

  I blush at his forwardness. I’m grateful for my rules too. It’ll make that night be less complicated, stressful and easier to cope — well, at least with Chris.

  “We should head back to the table,” I suggest.

  “You first,” he offers. “I’ll arrive a few minutes later.”

  “Okay,” I agree.

  “Thanks, beautiful,” he sweetly states.

  “For what?”

  “Calling me.”

  “See you in a minute,” I disclose.

  “See you in a minute, beautiful,” he hums.

  Jared helps make things more bearable when I return to the table by placing his arm along the back of my seat before Chris. When he needs a bite of food or a drink, Jared awkwardly reaches with his non-dominate hand. Something he’s had to do a few times in the past for me.

  When lunch concludes, our group bids farewell and Chris gives me a lengthy goodbye, which entails one of his hands on the small of my back while the other holds my face so he can kiss me on the lips. From this action, I have decided that Chris must be put in his place, letting him know exactly how things stand, but in a less public manner — no need to
embarrass the man. Chris is a very good looking guy, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not turned on by him anymore. When he kisses me, it’s like I’m kissing Jared. I guess this is what women equate to as kissing their brother.

  I elect to stay with Jared, Nathan and Pop-Pop at Nathan’s in the spare bedroom. I’ve always left a few items at Jared’s for when I do stay because it’s like my second home, so we stop at his place for me to grab a few things before going straight to Nathan’s.

  Around ten-thirty at night, Sadie and I are on the bed while I work on my iPad. I try to busy myself with work as a distraction from thinking about Chris peacocking and what’s happening with Joe. I wish Joe was with me right now. I need someone to snuggle with.

  “You okay, Kitten?” Jared asks, walking into the room.

  “Yeah. Why?” I reply, trying to brush off where my thoughts might have been.

  “The whole Chris thing. I know it’s not what you really would want to do and I know that you are just being really cool about it for Nathan, which he and I really appreciate,” he consoles while sliding onto the bed, snuggling up next to me.

  “I’ll be fine. Anything to help Nathaniel’s,” I assure unconvincingly.

  “Emma?” he questions with worry.

  “Everything’s fine,” I lie.

  “Emma . . .” he pushes, not believing me.


  “You know you can talk to me,” he offers, taking my iPad from me.

  “I know,” I confirm.

  “What’s really bothering you?” he searches, wrapping his arms around me as I curl into his chest.

  “What are you talking about?” I deny while searching to see what he may have seen.

  “He clearly likes you,” he mentions calmly.

  “Who? Chris? I know that. I’ll deal with him the night of the event. I couldn’t put the man in his place in front of everyone today,” I concur.

  “I know. Chris clearly isn’t taking the hint, but I was referring to Joe.”

  “What about Joe?”

  “You didn’t see his reaction when you agreed to go to the premier with Chris, at lunch, and then when Chris planted a kiss on you to say goodbye?” Jared says with a little shock in his voice.

  “What are you talking about?”

  I know what he’s talking about, but I’ve got to deny anything and everything, even to my best friend.

  “Nothing . . .” he says, trying to end it.

  “What?” I press.

  I need to know what he knows or at least know what he thinks.

  “Nothing . . .” he repeats.

  I drop pushing the subject, though I’m not sure why Jared brought up the topic of Joe’s reaction. What has he seen? What does he know? I might need to back off from being around Joe as much just to throw off my friends. I might have to pretend to want to go out to satisfy my itch. Damn it.

  “I know Nathan might have said a few things that may be leading Chris to believe you’re interested or there’s a chance with you,” Jared comments, changing back to the main topic of discussion.

  I outwardly wince.

  “Nathan means well. He just wants everything to . . .” Jared continues before I cut him off.

  “I know. Nathan’s worried that if Chris doesn’t think there’s a chance with me that he might not wear the suit and then there goes the opportunity of Nathaniel’s getting noticed on the red carpet,” I confirm Nathan’s intentions.

  “Yeah . . . .” Jared confirms.

  “Where’s my favorite person in the world?” Nathan’s voice sings from the living room.

  “In here,” Jared replies.

  “Okay, my second favorite person . . .” Nathan corrects himself as he appears in the doorway.

  Jared and I just glance at him. “Uhh . . . here,” I comment, suspecting he’s referring to me.

  “There you are,” he beams with excitement. “I love you!”

  “I know. I love you too.”

  “No. I really love you. I know how hard this is and will be with Chris and Joe . . . I mean . . .” he adjusts his words.

  I see a look from Jared after Nathan says Joe’s name as he slides onto the bed on his belly.

  “What about Joe . . .” I seek.

  I know there’s something that they aren’t telling me.

  “Nothing . . . I just meant Chris. I know you don’t like him like that and I really appreciate your willingness to . . .” his stops, searching for the right words.

  “Lead Chris on so he won’t back out of the agreement,” I answer for him bluntly.

  “Something like that,” he confirms.

  “I’m doing it for you . . . because I love you and you are family. Plus, it’s a needed business transaction,” I comment.

  “I know, and that’s why I love you,” Nathan repeats, hugging me. Nathan asks, “Please don’t be mad at me for . . . .”

  “For what?”

  “Continuing to lead Chris on,” he admits sheepishly.

  “It’s okay . . .” my voice trails a little. “I’ll do my best to play along and say nothing until that night.”

  Nathan and I don’t really say anything else after our quick verbal airing of the life-size elephant challenge that will be occurring until the premier is over. He stays with Jared and me, petting and playing with Sadie on occasion before giving Jared and I some much-needed friend time.

  Jared hands me back my iPad, but stays with me for a long while. We don’t talk. We just fall back into our old habits of when we used to live together, sitting quietly just being there for the other. Jared runs his fingers through my hair; one of my favorite things he’s always done.

  Needing some fresh air before bed, and still unable to fall asleep at eleven-thirty at night, I take Sadie out for a walk on Ocean Drive. Almost back to Nathan’s, my phone buzzes.

  “Hi,” I answer, trying not to sound too excited.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he returns with his low, husky voice.

  “What’s with the sexy voice?” I ask.

  “What sex voice?” he chuckles.

  “You know what I’m talking about . . . you know what you’re doing.” I reply.

  He laughs. “Do you like it?”

  “No comment . . .” I return playfully.

  “So you do,” he accuses. “I’ll have to make a point to do it again in the future.”

  “How was the rest of your day?” I redirect our conversation.

  “Good. Yours?”


  We don’t say anything. Well, I don’t say anything as I enter Nathan’s condo and head back to my room.

  “What are you up to?” he inquires.

  “Just getting back into Nathan’s,” I whisper, not wanting to be overheard.

  “Took Sadie out?”

  “Yeah. What are you still doing up?” I close the door to the bedroom.

  “Wanted to hear you voice before I fall asleep,” he sweetly admits.

  A weird feeling surfaces in my belly. I’m not sure what it equate it to. Maybe, it’s like the feeling I got as a kid the night before Christmas when my parents were still alive. I’m not sure why, but I like it. It reminds me of happy times and happy feelings that have been long lost.

  “What are you up to?” I peruse.

  “Laying in bed. Thinking of you,” he says, using the sexy voice again.

  “Mmmm,” I hum.

  “Is that for what I said or how I said it . . . or both,” he questions.

  “Hmmm . . . I think I’ll keep that to myself for now,” I taunt.

  “So that’s how you want to be?” he quips.

  “A girl can’t share all her secrets,” I muse.

  He chuckles. “No. I guess not . . . but you are giving me enough.”


  “Yeah, enough to work with,” he devilishly stabs.

  “What do you mean?”

  “A guy can’t share all his secrets,” he returns with his husky voice.

��I see how it is,” I reply with my own provocative tone.

  I’m thoroughly enjoying the banter. It’s turning me on.

  “Keep that up and I’ll be driving over to Nathan’s,” he directs.

  “What?” I feign my actions and words.

  “You’re tempting me to come over and show you, not caring who’s there,” he shares.

  I redden at the thought. Would he really do that? Would I mind? No. Not Really. Okay, maybe part of me for letting people know, but I’m so horny right now that I’m so tempted to provoke him to see if he really does it. Besides, even if he did come over, that doesn’t mean I’d let him in.

  “We need to start using FaceTime,” he declares.


  I know why, but I just want to hear him say it.

  “So I can see your reaction. It’s killing me when you don’t say anything,” he explains.

  “Why? What do you mean?” My brow furrows a little at his statement.

  “I can guess easier at what you’re thinking when I see you compared to this. This is torture, but texting is even worse,” he admits.

  Biting my lip, I can’t help but laugh out loud a little at his words.

  “You know what I’m talking about, and don’t say that you need to have some secrets,” he insists with a hint of defeat.

  “You don’t seem like a man to give up let alone be defeated so easily,” I bait.

  “I’m not giving up . . . especially after seeing your reaction to agreeing to be Chris’ date,” he recalls.

  “Please don’t remind me,” I whine. “Shit. Now the moment is ruined. Why did you have to mention him?”

  “Damn. Sorry,” he quickly apologizes.

  “Now you’ve got to make it up to me,” I entice to get our focus back on our playful banter.

  “Anything . . . name it!” he says, practically jumping through the phone.

  “Hmmm . . .” I try to think about what he could say or do right now. “Say something with your sexy voice,” I direct.

  “For you, beautiful, anything,” his voice delivers perfectly, echoing through my ear and erotically teasing my whole body.

  “Mmmm . . .” I return as my right hand uncontrollably dips down between my legs. I can’t will it to stop. My breathing heightens as my fingers glide up and down my mounds over my underwear. Control yourself, Emma.


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