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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 54

by Martha Sweeney

  Forty Six

  I wake with the most unpleasant pain in my lower abdomen. The need to pee.

  My eyes are heavy, unable to open. I hear the breath of another person in the room. It’s not Sadie. Who is it? Maggie? Jared?

  My eyes open into slits so I can try to see where I am. It’s too dark, even with the small bit of light to tell where I am.

  The room smells of sex. Glorious, steaming hot, sinfully delicious sex. Yum. Wait! Where am I? Who is that next to me? Memories quickly flood my brain. I’m not dreaming. It wasn’t a dream.

  My eyes spring to life. Shit! Did I fall asleep? I look for a clock in the room. It’s two twenty-two in the morning. Shit! I did fall asleep. I never fall asleep. I always leave. Shit. Shit. Shit!

  Sliding to the edge of the bed, I feel Joe pull me back into him. He groans with disapproval. “Where you going?”

  “I need to pee,” I whisper.

  I don’t think he’s actually awake. He’s was like this a few times in the past when we’ve shared a bed. If you talk to him, he’ll talk to you, but he’s not actually conscious.

  “You comin’ back?” he mumbles.

  “Mmm hmm . . .” I lie.

  “K . . .” he utters before kissing me on the head and releasing his grip.

  I rush to the bathroom. As much as I don’t want him waking up to find me leaving, I really do need to pee. I can’t hold it.

  When I’m finished in the bathroom, I close the door more behind me to prevent most of the light from coming through. As much as I need the light to see, I don’t want to wake Joe. On my hands and knees, I scour the floor for my clothes after I get my purse off the dresser. I find my shoes and the dress but nothing else. Shit. Damn it!

  Not wanting to take any more time, let alone deal with trying to get the dress on just to get across to my room, I grab Joe’s white button down shirt and shrug it on. This will have to do. I hold it closed in front of me as I pick up my things. I tiptoe to the door, carefully undoing the security lock, and slowly lower the door handle until it clicks open. I open the door just wide enough for me to get through it sideways. I watch the room, making sure Joe doesn’t get up. Once I have the door closed, I wince at not thinking about checking the hallway. I listen before I look. No one is there. I’m safe.

  My hand trembles as I search for the room key in my purse. Come on. Come on. I know it’s just a matter of time when he wakes up. Careful to not let the door slam, I spin flicking on the light surveying my options.

  Panic engulfs my chest. I quickly text Jared that I’m heading home, unable to sleep and wanting to sleep in my own bed. I grab my bags, change my clothes and stuff the dress in. No need to worry about it getting wrinkled now. I dart to the bathroom to check my appearance. No need to look like a complete and utter mess, giving away to anyone I see that I just had sex. I brush my hair, wash my face and then stuff my bathroom things into the toiletry bag.

  I press the button on the room phone. After a pleasant greeting, I inform the receptionist that I need to have a cab waiting for me downstairs. The woman from the front desk informs me I’ll have to wait about fifteen minutes. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I chide myself for not calling first.

  With my knee vigorously shaking, all I can do is sit and wait for the desk to call me back to let me know that the cab has arrived. The minutes click by painstakingly slow. I swear that time is traveling backward just to spite me.

  I dart out the door before getting the call that the cab has arrived. I’m hoping it will be there waiting by the time I get to the lobby.

  As quickly and quietly as I can, I hurry down the hallway to the elevators. I push the button several times, hoping that it will coming faster. What is taking so long? Everyone should be asleep. The elevator should be here by now.

  What feels like five minutes later, the elevator dings and gradually opens. Getting myself situated, I take a deep breath, hoping it will calm my nerves, and then I press the button for the lobby. The doors don’t close right away. I press the button that is supposed to make the doors close sooner, but nothing happens. I try again.

  The sound of knocking on a door down the hall gently echoes into the elevator. My eyes fly wide open and I don’t blink.

  A voice whispers followed by the knock again. “Emma?” the voice says a little louder this time.

  Close damn it. Close! Why is this elevator not closing?

  I don’t tip my head to the left when I hear my name called slightly louder a third time.

  Ding. The elevator door begins to slide closed at what feels like five seconds per centimeter.

  My phone chirps at half volume in my purse. My body freezes, unable to move.

  The doors seal shut.

  I hurry across the lobby to the front doors where I’m greeted by the cab driver who just arrived and offers to take my bags. There’s no need to check out since I did that over the phone with the desk and left my room key on the dresser in the room.

  The cabbie politely opens the back door for me before he takes my bags to the trunk. Just as the driver turns the car on, I swear I hear my name being called. Not looking back, I instruct the drive where to take me.

  Right as the vehicle pulls away from the St. Regis, my phone chirps again. Don’t look back, Emma. Don’t look back. When the car reaches the end of the circle driveway that leads out onto the main road, I continue to fight the urge to look back. My phone chirps again. Pulling it out of my purse, my eyes confirm that it’s Joe calling. Unable to deal with the situation, I turn my phone off.

  An ugly feeling stirs in the pit of my stomach. A feeling I’ve never felt before. I feel nauseous. On top of the nausea, there’s a tightening pain forming in my chest that is making it hard to breathe. What the hell is happening? A single tear trickles down my right cheek and I quickly wipe it away. My mouth feels like it’s getting dryer by the second as moisture builds up in my eyes. No. No tears. No crying. What the hell is happening to me?

  Breathe, Emma. Just breathe.

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  Breathe Out


  (book #2)

  Forty Seven

  As I wake from unrestful slumber, the memories of last night flood my brain, temporarily dulling the pain in my head and sinfully exciting my sex. My eyes open just a tiny little bit as my body staggers to the bathroom from the throbbing need to pee. The very sensation of relieving myself stimulates my clitoris, reminding me of Joe’s tongue swirling over it last night. God — I want him. I want him even more now than I did before last night.

  Strolling back into my bedroom, my eyes try to focus on the clock. It’s just after eight in the morning, indicating that it’s not too early to text Anna that I’ll come and get Sadie. Taking out my phone, I momentarily panic, not sure why it isn’t working. Oh, yeah — I remember now. I turned it off in the cab when Joe tried to call me for the third time after I left his hotel room in a hurry at two in the morning.

  Once my phone turns on, it rapidly buzzes at me, alerting that there are multiple text and voicemail messages. Ignoring them, I text Anna. “I’m home. Let me know when you’re free and I’ll come get Sadie.”

  Scared to confront my actions from last night, I decide to only see who contacted me. Jared hasn’t written back to my message from two twenty-nine saying that
I was going home. However, there are three texts messages, six missed calls and two voice messages from Joe. My finger hovers over the text message icon, but I can’t will myself to look — even though I want to.

  It takes Anna five minutes to write back that she’s about to run some errands, so she’ll stop by in a few minutes with Sadie. I don’t have enough time to shower, to really shower before Anna gets here, so I decide to wash my face, brush my hair and teeth and change. I’m not interested in looking like a person who just had a hot, erotic, mind-blowing night of sex and didn’t bother to rinse off before having visitors.

  The sex — God — was it good. It was better than good. It was — there are no words to describe it, because I’ve never had sex like that before. Is that even possible? It can’t be. It must have been a fluke — a first-time luck kind of thing. My curiosity is peaked. I definitely need to fuck Joe again to find out. Will he want to? I mean — maybe it wasn’t that good for him. Maybe I’m just left wondering and will never know. Is this what it’s like for some of the men I’ve slept with only once? Is that why Chris is the way he is with me? This is torture — sheer torture!

  The apartment buzzer goes off right as I’m in the middle of unpacking the bags I took with me for Maggie’s and Henry’s wedding weekend.

  “Hi, Anna. It’s open. Just come right in when you get up here,” I instruct with my finger on the intercom button.

  The sound of Sadie’s paws running across the wooden floor energizes me as I finish checking myself in the bathroom. Sadie and I eagerly greet each other at the base of my bed.

  “Hey, pretty girl!” My hands rub Sadie in all her favorite places as she bangs into my body, almost making me fall from my squatting position. “I missed you too, sweetie!”

  Sadie follows me the few steps out to the living room as I go to meet Anna. My eyes deliberately blink a second and third time when I don’t see Anna in my apartment — I see Joe.

  “Hey . . .” my voice weakly greets.

  “Hi . . .” Joe returns, sounding shaky and tired.

  “Where’s Anna? Is she okay?” I ask.

  I’m not sure why he came instead.

  “She’s fine. I offered to bring Sadie. I . . . .” He’s trying to sound like himself, but I hear a slight difference in his voice.

  “What are you doing home?” I stupidly inquire.

  “Couldn’t sleep.”

  “Yeah . . . .” I say, glancing down for a second, embarrassed — I know the feeling.

  “Did I . . .” he pauses like he’s search for the right words. “Did I . . . do . . . something wrong?” Joe’s lack of sleep is suddenly more apparent on his face.

  “What do you mean?” I reply, confused by his implication.

  “Last night . . .” his voice trails and his head slumps down.

  “No,” I offer quickly. I find myself within an inch of his body. “Why would you think . . . .”

  “You left,” he says cutting me off, sounding defeated.

  Barely a second after hearing Joe’s words, my lips take his. My body has the uncontrollable need to comfort him — and probably myself too, but I’m not sure why. I’m surprised when only his lips move, chasing mine slightly when I pull away.

  “I never stay,” I meekly utter. “I . . . It’s . . . .”

  A tiny, nervous chuckle escapes his throat. “I forgot about that rule,” he admits, tentatively lifting his hand to my face.

  Leaning into his palm, I reply, “Yeah.”

  Joe finally lifts his gaze back up to mine, but he doesn’t say a word. He glides his thumb back and forth over my cheek and I revel his touch.

  “I was a little nervous about breaking two rules at the same time in one night,” I try to joke lightly.

  “Yeah . . .” he answers, placing his other hand on my hip.

  “Sorry,” I sincerely admit.

  “Don’t be . . .” he consoles, pressing his forehead to mine.

  My nose registers a faint smell. At first, I’m not sure if it’s him or me. It doesn’t matter because it’s an enjoyable smell. It’s the smell of sweat and sex. One of my favorite smells, especially now after last night with him. I like it. I want more of it.

  My eyes look closer at his face and I see his morning stubble and enjoy feeling it tickle my palm. “You didn’t shower,” I state more than question.

  “No. Sorry . . . I came right home . . . I didn’t want to . . .” he reveals before my lips seize his again. Joe pulls me in closer as he returns the kiss. “Sorry, if I smell.”

  “You smell good,” I admit, keeping my lips glued to his.

  “So do you,” he replies, consuming more of my mouth.

  Our mouths, in a controlled yet desperate state, explore each other’s. Wanting more of him, my hands slide down and start to pull up my shirt. Joe ceases my movement halfway, causing the collar of my shirt to stop just under my nose. I can’t see and he’s preventing my arms from moving. His body guides me back a few steps until I’m against a wall. Before I get the chance to question what he’s doing, Joe’s lips brush over mine. He teases me, taunts me, as he just barely lets me get a taste of him. My nipples harden and liquid forms between my legs, enjoying the game that he’s playing.

  Joe delivers his lips to my jaw, causing me to groan. As his mouth slowly explore my chin and neck, Joe’s free hand tickles my ribs and stomach as they continue further down, gliding over my shorts and cup my sex. The heat from his hand warms the moisture that has leaked past my folds.

  “You’re so wet,” he announces in a gruff tone.

  “Mmm hmm,” I verify.

  I’m a little surprised by my openness as well as that he can feel it, but then again, I am wearing stretchy workout shorts.

  “Wet . . . for me?” His fingers continue to rub my sex.

  “Yes . . .” I pant.

  I can’t believe that I just admitted to him why I’m so horny. God, I’m so turned on right now.

  Before I finish answering him, Joe’s mouth abducts mine. He tastes even more delicious, especially as his fingers slip under my clothes and caress my bald lips. A loud moan frees itself from my throat as his fingers slip inside. Teasing me, Joe gives me either his mouth or his fingers — never offering me both sensations at the same time.

  “More . . .” I demand on a sharp exhale.

  Joe adds at least another finger and they resume their sensual assault on my mounds, bringing me closer to orgasm. My hips thrust into his hand, needing his fingers as deep as they can go. As my climax approaches, Joe’s mouth finally returns to my body — kissing, licking, nipping at my neck — causing my release to arrive.

  Joe sweetly kisses my mouth as I finish spurting my cum all over his hand. I whine when his fingers leave my sex but purr my delight when he lifts his hand to my mouth, allowing me to taste it with him. Together, we lick every last drop before he releases my arms and eyes from their cage.

  Pressing himself harder against me, Joe proceeds to devour my mouth. I can feel his hot, hard erection twitching against my belly. My hands travel to the ends of his shirt, wanting to witness his naked body again.

  In no time, we are both topless and on my bed. Taking command this time, I use a jiu-jitsu move to get out from under Joe and have him positioned under me — he easily surrenders. Determined to return the titillating pleasure he gave me, I slither down his body, licking and kissing his skin all the way to the top of his shorts. My fingers curl beneath the edge of his underwear, gradually releasing his erection as my mouth salivates, hungry to taste him. I don’t bother to remove his clothing all the way. Instead, I use one of my hands to firmly hold his cock as my mouth surrounds it whole. I take my time with him, building him up, waiting for the moment where he gets really close and then purposefully change tactics.

  “Fuuuuuuck . . . Emma,” he groans as I deny him climax.

  I flick my tongue on the tip of his penis a few times before swallowing him again. Keen on tasting his release, I regain suction. I repeat the flutte
ring of my tongue in a particular spot which sets him over the edge. Joe quickly shudders his fluids into my throat. This time, I’m able to swallow every single drop.

  Before I know it, we are both naked and Joe has a condom on. His entire body is radiantly sexy, even more so now in better lighting. As he crawls over me, my sex yearns to be filled by him, needing to take him deep until he makes me cum over and over.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m having sex with Joe — again. We’re having sex — in my apartment no less. Shit. Another rule broken. Well, technically I don’t have a rule that says no sexy with men at my place — but I do have a rule that they don’t know where I live — and no guys allowed at my place. Does that count? No. It doesn’t count. Joe’s been here a bunch of times — but this time we’re going to have sex. Holy crap!

  To my surprise, Joe shifts us, putting me on top and in control again. Unable to wait for him, I slip his cock inside me in one, quick movement. Sounds erupt from our throats in satisfaction as I relish the feeling of being filled. Joe takes command of my neck, kissing and licking the perfect spots as I ride him. Back and forth my body rocks, enjoying the build up. Releasing his hand from my face, Joe caresses my body all the way down to my nipples, squeezing them prior to his fingers find my clit. My left hand clasps his hair as I get closer to climax. Joe shifts slightly to steady us better on the bed which causes the tip of his head to rub in just the right place back in the depths of my cave, prompting an orgasm to explode within me.

  Joe gradually guides us back down on the bed as my body continues to shake from its release. Hovering close to Joe’s body, my lips enjoy the flavor of his tongue and neck. My nipples take pleasure in the sensation of brushing over his chest. As if knowing I’m ready for the next round, Joe’s hands take hold of my hips and he begins thrusting upward. My forearms help to support my body as my legs widen over his torso, causing him to strike the innermost depths of me from a different angle.


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