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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 59

by Martha Sweeney

  Without any direction, Joe pulses inside me, knowing exactly where to hit to bring me to release. When Joe shifts his right hand down to my ass, an orgasm unexpectedly discharges inside of me, soaking my sex. Wave after wave of glorious spasms flood my body as Joe pumps harder until he slows, indicating that he achieved his own climax.

  He stays on top of me for a long time; kissing me, stroking my face, nuzzling my neck, or staring into my eyes. I find myself getting lost in his gaze and never notice when he removes himself from me until I realize that I need to pee.

  When I get out of the bathroom, I open the door to let Sadie into the bedroom and then climb back under the covers with Joe. I know that he’ll complain if I don’t come back. He’s definitely a cuddler.

  “You excited to go see the place?” Joe asks a few minutes later.

  “Yeah,” I confirm.

  I actually am very excited to go see the facility that will be the official physical home for Raven Media. We’re scheduled to go visit it with his mother and father in less than two weeks.

  “Me too,” he adds, petting Sadie on her head. “Sadie can come along too.”

  “You sure?” I check, not that I doubt him.


  Joe’s phone chirps at some point and I sit up to let him get it.

  “Hey,” he greets the person and shifts closer to me. “I’m out,” he informs.

  Joe’s lips quietly press against my shoulder, but I can’t hear who it is on the other end.

  “Not now. I’m busy,” he states, sounding a little apprehensive.

  I turn more to see his face and I can’t help but smile when he smiles at me. He leans in and softly plants a kiss on my mouth.

  “I’ll be home a little later,” he assures. “Okay. Bye.”

  “Everything okay?” I check after he hangs up.


  “You sure?” I press.

  “Yes. It’s Jimmy,” Joe offers. “He’s not sure if he left something behind. I won’t know until I get home.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Biting his lip, Joe tries to give me a sweet look.

  “What?” I question, knowing the expression.

  “Can I stay a little longer?” he politely requests.

  “I don’t know if I can take another round,” I honestly admit.

  “Me either . . .” he reveals. “I wasn’t expecting any more after the first, and then you . . . .”

  I blush at what he’s referring to with regards to me tying him up.

  “Don’t be embarrassed . . . please don’t,” he professes, guiding me to face him. “I enjoyed it. A lot.” He ravages my mouth several times. “Feel free to do that anytime.”

  “Really?!” I check.

  “Really!” he confirms. “And . . . maybe you’ll let me do that to you.”

  “No!” I playfully counter.

  The idea is exciting a little, but I’ve never been tied up before — not even with Maggie.

  “Yes,” he opposes, laughing.

  I don’t agree or disagree.

  While Joe finishes getting dressed, I return to my office to flip through the photo books.

  “What are those?” Joe questions in my ear, almost scaring me.

  “I made these for Maggie, Henry and their family. They’re custom photo books from the wedding,” I explain as my attention is pulled away by the smell of him.

  “They’re beautiful,” he comments, flipping through the one meant for the Li family. “Are they each different?”

  “Yes,” I answer, showing him the difference with the one in my hand.

  “Which one is for Maggie and Henry?”

  “This one.” I point it out on my desk.

  “Can I see it?”

  Joe seems eager to see the photos.

  “Sure.” I hand him the book.

  He takes the book from me, but also takes my arm with his free hand, guiding me to follow him. Joe sits in the corner of my office couch, directing me to sit next to him. As I lower down, Joe drapes my leg over his. Taking his time, Joe turns each page carefully.

  “Do you have all of the files of the pictures that were taken?” he investigates.

  “Yes,” I reply, not exactly sure why he’s asking. “Why?”

  “I’d like some,” he mentions nonchalantly.

  “I have one for you already,” I explain getting up to get it.

  Joe lets me leave momentarily and directs me to return to my spot when I hand him a white box.

  As he opens the lid, I explain my intentions. “You said that Henry is like a brother . . . so I figured you’d want a framed picture.”

  “I do. Thank you,” he says, kissing me on the lips. “But . . . I want other pictures too. Will you email them to me.”

  “Oh. Okay. Like which ones?” I retort a little concerned. I’m not sure why I’m really surprised. He does have a lot of pictures of his family at his place.

  “Can I see them on your iPad?” he explores.

  “Yes.” I start to get up, but Joe beats me to it.

  Once he sits down, he hands it to me to type in my passcode. He opens my mail program and begins to construct an email to himself, leaving it open to drag and drop photos and I show him the folder marked Maggie & Henry Wedding. My phone suddenly rings, calling my focus away.

  Jared calls to touch base about a variety of things for Naturally Me, so I head back to the desk to access some files, emails and information on my desktop Mac while Joe remains on the couch. About fifteen minutes later, Jared and I hang up. Just as I’m about to get up from my chair, Maggie texts to see if I’m free. The next ten minutes, she’s catching me up on the status with Raven Media, including the social media team from the Covelli hotel who are testing the software. Apparently everything is moving smoothly and they are thoroughly enjoying the easy of the system. From some of their questions and comments, Maggie has the idea to alter or add a few pieces of functionality to the software which I agree will make excellent additions. I give Maggie the go to send an email to Hanna and Brandon, our programmers, to make the changes and tease her again about working while still on her honeymoon.

  “Business sounds good,” Joe comments, not looking up at me as I approach the couch. He reaches his arm up, prompting me to join him.

  “Yes. The staff at your hotel is really enjoying the software and has provided some great feedback,” I describe, sitting down.

  “Terrific,” he states pulling me closer to him. He kisses my cheek when I’m within reach.

  “How’s it going over here?” I ask.

  “Good,” Joe admits with a huge smile, handing me the iPad. “I got all the ones I wanted.”

  “Good,” I affirm.

  Joe scoops up my legs and lays them across his lap as he scoots his body closer to me, holding me tight. “I was thinking I should go before you kick me out.”

  “Oh, okay,” I say a little surprised.

  “Unless you want me to stay?” he searches.

  “Ummm . . . .”

  I’m apprehensive at my response. I’m torn between a yes and no.

  “I’ll go,” he chuckles.

  When I follow Joe to see him out, he asks, “Will you consider coming over tonight? Or tomorrow?”

  “Maybe,” I comment.

  “I can work with maybe,” he confirms with a smile.

  “You can?” I challenge, smirking at his confidence.

  “It’s better than a no.” He kisses me on the nose.

  “I suppose,” I playfully muse.

  Joe says his farewell to Sadie before he explores my mouth one last time. He reluctantly pulls away and I hear him laugh under his breath when my body follows his.

  “See you later, beautiful.”

  “Later, Joe.”

  Fifty Three

  Friday morning I’m able to get a bunch of work done before Kim comes by with Jade for another one of our occasional sleepovers. With business and Maggie’s wedding, my schedule has been so hectic
that the only time I’ve been able to see Jade is when the family gets together. We’ve been doing our little get-togethers since she was three. We haven’t been able to have one recently, the last being just before the Hawaii trip, and since Jade starts Montessori school this upcoming week, I want to end her summer with a bang.

  Typically, Jade and I have our little sleepover for two to three nights every couple of months, however, due to the fact that we haven’t had one for several months, I tell Kim that Jade can stay until Tuesday, giving us four whole nights of fun.

  In the evening, after hiking all afternoon, we pack dinner and head out for Pasadena’s Movie Night in the Park. Jade carries the bag that has our blanket and a few of Sadie’s toys while I carry the cooler that is filled with food and drinks. Once we get settled on the ground, Jade grabs my phone out of my purse when she hears it ringing.

  “It’s Joe!” she exclaims. “Can I answer it?”

  “Sure, sweetie,” I offer.

  “Hi, Joe,” Jade beams eagerly. She’s got a smile from ear to ear. “Emma and I are at the park to see a movie. Do you want to join us?” she innocently asks.

  My heart skips a beat at her request.

  “Great! Here’s Emma, she’ll tell you how to get here.” Jade hands me the phone.

  “Hi,” I greet.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Joe answers. “Where am I to meet you?”

  I pause for a second, trying to collect myself and my thoughts. “We’re at the park across from my apartment,” I inform.

  “Great. Do I need to bring anything?” he checks.


  “Should I walk over?”

  “Yes,” I agree. “You won’t be able to park, even my apartment building is full.”

  “Okay. See you in a few minutes, beautiful,” he states seductively.

  “See you,” my voice fades.

  “He’s coming, right?” Jade verifies.

  “Yes, sweetie. He’s walking over now,” I explain.

  “Yay!” Jade bounces while sitting.

  Five minutes later, as Jade and I wrap up dinner and play with Sadie, my phone chirps again. “I got it,” Jade announces enthusiastically.

  I look down at the screen and see the picture of Joe I have associated with his contact information.

  “Hi! Where are you?” Jade searches.

  “Oh. Ummm . . . chocolate,” she says.

  I look at her quizzically and she bounces more on her knees.

  “Okay, see you in a few minutes. Bye.”

  “What was that?” I inquire.

  “Nothing,” she replies.

  “What did Joe say?”

  “He told me to tell you nothing if you ask,” she answers.

  I shake my head in disbelief — I can’t believe she’s so quick to be a traitor.

  About ten minutes later, my phone buzzes from a text message. “Here,” writes Joe.

  “Is he here?” Jade asks.

  “Yes,” I confirm.

  I text back that Jade and I are sitting in the middle, toward the back of the screen, on a light blue blanket.

  Jade quickly jumps to her feet and scans the crowd. “I don’t see him,” she announces.

  “Keep looking, sweetie. There are a lot of people here,” I instruct.

  “It’s harder to see with it getting darker,” she says.

  “I know, but if we can’t find him, trust me, I know he’ll find us,” I offer.

  “Stand up so he can see you too,” Jade comments. Not giving me the chance to move, Jade quickly pulls me by the arm to stand.

  Sadie darts behind me.

  “Hi, ladies.”

  Jade and I turn and find Joe.

  “Hi!” Jade yells, jumping into his arms. She almost knocks something out of his hands with Sadie seeking attention too.

  “Hello, princess,” he greets. Joe puts what he was carrying down to scoop her up and kiss her on the cheek. Joe looks to me. “Hi, beautiful.”

  “Hi,” I answer as calmly as I can.

  My hormones go instantly into overdrive with him being here.

  Holding onto Jade the whole time, Joe bends down and greets Sadie before picking up his bag and moves closer to the blanket. The three of us sit and Jade places herself between Joe and me before calling Sadie to join her on her lap.

  “What did you bring?” Jade questions.

  “Jade, honey, that’s not polite,” I lovingly correct.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” Joe acknowledges. He opens his bag and hands her a pint of chocolate ice cream.

  I exchange a glance with him that has several hidden meanings. My thoughts ramble; that better not be all for her, you better have two other spoons, thank God he bought organic, I’m not sure I’m going to like the sugar rush that’s going to come from this, and several more thoughts before my mouth has something to say.

  “It’s for all of us,” Joe informs, not giving me a chance to comment.

  “Okay,” Jade eagerly replies, peeling the lid off.

  When Joe’s eyes return to mine, he questions, “What?” He takes out three spoons from the bag and gives Jade one.

  Shaking my head, I state, “You’re lucky I took her hiking this afternoon, or else I’d make you deal with the sugar rush.”

  Joe laughs. “I wouldn’t mind.”

  Knowing Joe, I’m confident with what he means by that statement. He might even have planned the sugar rush as an attempt to join Jade and me back at the apartment. I refrain from announcing my speculation.

  The three of us sit close together to eat the ice cream as the animated movie that was selected for the showing tonight begins. Jade gets a temporary burst of energy from the sweets, but it doesn’t last long. I think her body is burning through it quickly from the long, hot hike we had up in the mountain.

  Joe scoots closer a few times during the movie, Jade doesn’t notice, but I do, especially when he shifts to lean more on his left arm that is now touching my right. Over the course of at least twenty minutes, Jade shifts herself from sitting to laying down in a few odd positions, curling her legs or body over Sadie, Joe or myself. Ultimately, an hour into the movie, Jade falls asleep with her head on my lap and her legs over Joe’s.

  As the night gets darker, Joe gets bold and places his left hand over my right, curling his fingers into my hand that rests on Jade’s back. My eyes dart to him, knowing what he’s doing. Joe’s body shifts, and when I realize that he doesn’t plan on stopping, my head snaps forward toward the movie.

  For some strange reason, after just about a minute or two, I’m compelled to look at him again. Right as my head extends all the way to the side, my head jerks and Joe’s lips brush my cheek.

  “What are you doing?” I snap. I look around to make sure no one heard me and check that I didn’t wake up Jade.

  “What’s wrong?” Joe questions with concern.

  “You just tried to kiss me,” I explain.

  “So?” he challenges.

  “We’re in public,” I remind.

  Joe chuckles to my response.

  After a few minutes, he moves closer to me, placing his left arm behind my back, supporting his weight, and drapes his right hand over mine. He doesn't try to kiss me again, but he does place his nose closer to me and breathes me in.

  “Joe,” I call quietly.

  “What?” he replies.

  “You know what,” I say, trying to move away.

  Joe laughs, clearly amused by how uncomfortable he’s making me.

  “Unless you never want to get laid again . . .” I whisper my threat.

  “Okay, okay,” he assures. “I’ll be good.”

  Once the movie is finished, Joe stays with me while we wait for the crowd to disperse. I leave Jade on the blanket while letting Sadie run around a little before calling it a night. Walking back to my apartment, Joe has Jade in his right arm, with her head slumped on his shoulder and the bag with the blanket in his left — I offer to carry her, but
he insists.

  Back in the apartment, Joe gently lowers Jade onto my bed and helps me get her changed into her pajamas. Once she’s tucked under the covers, Sadie immediately joins Jade, obviously tired as well from the day.

  Joe stays close to me even after I close the bedroom door most of the way, but he doesn’t touch me. I walk him to the front door, and he doesn’t question my actions. After stepping out into the hall, Joe takes my wrist and tugs me to follow. He checks the lock on the door before closing it. Two seconds later, his mouth is exploring mine as he has me pressed against the wall.

  Yanking my mouth to the side, I question, “What was that?”


  “Earlier,” I remind.

  “I was in the moment,” he answers with one of his many persuasive smiles.

  “Excuse me?” I press.

  “You looked beautiful and . . .” he begins, but I cut him off with a glare. “Okay. Okay.” Joe’s lips seize my neck, distracting me. Reluctantly pulling away from my lips once he’s had them for a while, Joe says, “Thanks for letting me join you ladies.”


  Joe presses his mouth against mine for several more kisses.

  “I should get back inside,” I loosely comment.

  “Yeah,” he hesitantly agrees.

  After two lingering pecks, Joe bids, “Goodnight, beautiful.”

  “Goodnight, Joe.”

  Fifty Four

  The next day, Jade and I visit Color Me Mine, where Jade picks a Hello Kitty pottery figure to paint and I select a matching pottery bowl to add to her collection. After our works of art are completed, she and I head back to the apartment for lunch with Sadie before heading over to the Kidspace Children’s Museum for a few hours.

  Back in the apartment, Jade helps me cook dinner before we change into our pajamas for a night of painting our nails, doing clay masks and playing with each other’s hair all while eating popcorn and watching movies. Sadie is a gracious victim of Jade’s, having her nails painted too.

  Sunday, Jared and Pop-Pop join Jade and me early in the morning to head down to Disneyland. Sadie comes with us with her service vest because I don’t want to leave her alone for that long of a time period. Luckily, the staff notice the vest and we get front of the line access to every ride Jade can go on. The crowds aren’t too big with most kids already back to school, but being able to just jump on a ride right away is really nice. I never knew how well Disney treats it’s handicapped customers. In the future, I’ll make sure to have Sadie stay behind with someone. That way we won’t take away from someone more deserving.


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