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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 76

by Martha Sweeney

  “Honestly, Miss?” he searches.

  “Yes, honestly.”

  “I love my country and the people in it, but I do not agree with going to war for the reasons our elected officials choose,” he explains. “Too many innocent people on both sides have been killed all for the sake of power and money.”

  My gaze bounces to Taylor and then to Joe. From the look on Joe’s face, I would speculate he knows that this interview is going well. Joe and I have had a number of conversations about politics and religion, among other things, over the past seven months.

  With a wicked grin, I say to Joe, “I expect to seem them ready and downstairs in ten minutes.”

  Joe gives me a questioning look for a second, before comprehending my statement. He moves to talk me out of it, but I’m already halfway down the hall to my room to change.

  The ten of us meet up in the workout room in Joe’s building with Jimmy, Allen and Anna following full of curiosity.

  “What are you doing, Emma?” Allen asks.

  “The next phase of the interview,” I offer with a smile.

  “I don’t get it,” Allen remarks.

  “I do,” Anna comments, taking out her phone.

  She’s probably taking pictures or video.

  Stepping out into the middle of the mat, I call Taylor to join me.

  “I’m not sure I’m understanding what’s going on,” Hunter confesses.

  “If they’re going to protect me,” I explain. “They need to be able to show me that they can protect me better than I can.”

  Catching my drift and eager to prove himself, Taylor gets ready, taking off his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves. “What are the rules?”

  Joe snickers. “There are no rules with Emma when it comes to sparring,” Joe informs him.

  Taylor smirks, nodding his understanding. “How long do we go?”

  “Until one of us taps out,” I inform.

  Taylor nods, and before his head fully rises, I jump in with a lunge and throw a punch, testing boundaries. He barely flinches and deflects my attempt. We dance around the mat for another minute or two, seeing who will strike next. Believing that he’s purposefully waiting for me to attack, exhibiting his self-control and focus, I decide to move in. We take turns striking and deflecting, taking in minimal blows each time as we move around the room for at least five minutes. After a few more minutes, I get bored of toying with him and end up twisting around his body once I’ve knocked him down and secure him into a jiu-jitsu choke hold. Taylor is strong, only weakening slightly under my grip. When his hands clamp on my leg and hits my ticklish spot above my knee, my hands release him. We spin around each other in several different moves as I recover from his hand getting my thigh two more times. Right as I’m about to pin him, Jimmy announces something out loud, completely catching me off guard, allowing Taylor to slam me down on the floor, causing my lungs to choke for air and my head to collide hard with the ground.

  Taylor immediately releases me, giving me room. “I’m sorry ma’am. Miss. You okay?”

  I roll over onto my hands and knees, struggling to stand, targeting my sights on Jimmy as my head rings and throbs. Joe quickly steps in front of me, blocking me from attacking Jimmy while simultaneously stabilizing me from being dizzy and still trying to catch my breath.

  “Babe, you totally messed her up,” announces Allen.

  “What?” Jimmy claims innocence.

  “What the hell was so important Jimmy that you needed everyone’s attention?” Joe inquires, trying to control his anger and irritation.

  “Just ignore it,” I suggest to Joe.

  I know what Jimmy said, because that’s the very reason I became so distracted and the last thing I need is for Joe to hear it.

  “The news today is that Emma and Chris are engaged,” Jimmy explains.

  Joe closes his eyes, trying desperately to control himself, probably for the both of us, as his hands steady on my shoulders. I wonder if he contemplating going after Jimmy himself or letting go of me so I can.

  “You okay?” Joe questions with concern and pain in his eyes.

  “I will be,” I confirm.

  “I’m really sorry, Miss,” Taylor apologies a second time.

  “It’s not your fault,” I encourage.

  “I think we’re done here,” Joe insists. “Let’s head back up and we can go from there. Okay?”

  “Sure,” I agree.

  Up in the penthouse, Hunter and his team resume their duties as Joe and I have lunch with Taylor, Dale, Dylan and Caesar, discussing the procedures and protocols that would work best for all of us. I make arrangements for the four-man team to have two apartments in my complex for easy access and watch. Then, they give me the breakdown of how they do their job and my requirement is to just notify them if and when I leave the building. I let them know what I am and not comfortable with regarding a number of things, including when I’m out with Sadie or friends. I sign contracts with them that day and get them paid to start moving forward. They inform me that they’ll be moved into the apartment by the following day, allowing me to return home. The final order of business before having the guards leave is to have Taylor create a team for Jared and Nathan as well. Based off of our interview, I trust Taylor’s judgment and give him my full permission to finish assembling the four men for the task.

  Joe keeps a watchful eye on me once Taylor and his team leave, claiming that I hit my head pretty good on the mat. I insist that I’m fine, but he continues to hover. He kicks Jimmy and Allen out until after dinner which allows Joe to dote on me until they return. I take a bath to get some of the tension out of my back and head. Joe stays with me the whole time, being a perfect gentleman even while I’m naked. He sits on the floor with Sadie, propping his head on the edge of the tub with his hand while I soak. We talk and joke until my fingers become wrinkly. When I’m finished, Joe sweetly wraps a towel around my body when I stand and stays close by as I finish getting dressed.

  We end up on my bed with Sadie, both working on our computers. I do my best to focus on Raven, but my brain wants to keep looking at all of the tweets about Chris’ and my engagement — and now wedding. Frustrated, I toss the iPad and close my eyes. Joe cuddles more into me, talking to me on occasion, preventing me from falling asleep.

  “Hunter and Taylor have the team over with Jared and Nathan,” Joe offers.

  “Good,” I say. “Stop distracting me.”

  Joe laughs. “I don’t want you to fall asleep.”

  “I do,” I counter.

  Joe’s lips gently press to mine. “I like having you here,” he admits.

  “Hmm,” I hum.

  “I hope Jimmy and Allen go home soon,” he adds.

  “I’ll be going home tomorrow,” I remind.

  “Shhh. Let’s not talk about that right now,” Joe requests, lowering his lips again.

  As tired as I am, my body perks up at his touch, wanting more. My hands slide up his body, drawing him closer. Joe shifts, rolling on top of me, pressing his groin into mine. He doesn’t move much, only using his mouth to coerce me. I whine in protest when Joe stops after some time and rests his head on my chest.

  “What was that?” I complain.


  “Coming at me like that and then just stopping,” I explain.

  Joe chuckles. “Just making sure you stay awake.”

  “Tease,” I claim.

  “Maybe,” he argues. “But, it worked.”

  “Maybe I should kick you out,” I play along.


  “B.O.B. will satisfy me and then let me sleep,” I explain.

  “You’re not getting rid of me,” announces Joe.

  “Fine. You can watch, then.” I move to get up, but he keeps me pinned.

  “As much as I want to watch, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he counters.

  “Are you offering instead, then?”

  “I would say yes, but I wouldn’t want to risk it with
Jimmy and Allen. They can pop back in unexpectedly,” Joe warns.

  I don’t agree or disagree, but I understand his concern.

  “I promise to make it up to you,” Joe sweetly offers.

  My lips curl. “Promise.”

  “Definitely,” he concurs.

  I nod and Joe seals his agreement with a kiss which turns into several more.

  My phone chirps and I unwillingly answer. Jared is calling to update me on everything. Aside from Nathaniel’s being wiped clean the day after the premier, at least a dozen movie stars have called in, making appointments for later in the week to schedule time for custom outfits along with several news channels wanting to do interviews. Naturally Me is still being inundated with emails, especially with the connection of me and Chris. We’ve got a number of news channels looking to do an interview which I decline immediately. Jared reassures that he’s turned down everyone. The one good thing with all of this, other than Nathan’s success, is that our numbers for Naturally Me have risen dramatically with views, click-throughs and watches, spiking our potential earnings rapidly. Jared describes in detail the four-man team that now represents his and Nathan’s bodyguards, commenting on how they’re all hot, hunky men. He tentatively brings up the engagement slash wedding speculations and I confirm my awareness. We have yet to make any statements online and I want to see if everything will just stop within the next week or two.

  Seventy Seven

  By the afternoon on Tuesday, my bodyguards have completely moved into their apartments and I’m back at my place with Joe as my escort. Taylor and the team join us once I get my bags settled in my room. Apparently, they need to inspect my apartment as well as understand the layout just in case there are any emergencies in the future. I debate with them on the point, stating that the layout is the same as their apartments, but they disagree. They insist on knowing where I have key pieces of furniture, if I may have any weapons or anything that could be used as a weapon, as well as which room I sleep in.

  “I’ve never had four guys at the same time before,” I tease, standing in the doorway to my bedroom as Caesar and Taylor look around.

  “What, ma’am?” Taylor replies, nervous from my statement.

  I can’t help but laugh at his serious tone.

  “She’s messing with you,” Joe consoles. “Be nice, Emma.”

  “I’m just having a little fun,” I challenge.

  Joking around is helping calm my own nerves about this whole situation.

  “We’re strictly professional, Miss,” Taylor insists, still slightly skittish.

  “Yeah . . . I said that once too,” I press back, looking to Joe.

  I see Joe’s jaw clench a little, trying to hide a smirk.

  “That is not our intention, Miss,” Taylor offers.

  “Relax, Taylor,” I reassure. “I mean nothing by it. But, if we are going to get along, you’re all going to need to loosen up a little.”

  “Yes, Miss,” Taylor says as his shoulders lower a little. “Besides, we know you’re Mr. Covelli’s lady.”

  My head snaps in Taylor’s direction, not expecting his last statement, unable to look away for a few moments before my eyes journey to Joe. No one says anything and I don’t confirm or deny whether I’m Joe’s or not.

  “Apologies, Miss,” Taylor stutters.

  I nod, but refrain from saying anything more.

  My body stands in fright as Joe ushers my bodyguards out the door.

  “You okay?” Joe tentatively checks.

  “Yeah,” I mumble, turning to face him. It takes a few extra seconds for my eyes to catch up with the rest of my body, scared to look him in the face.

  Joe cautiously takes my hands, gently pulling me closer to him. My body quickly follows, wanting his touch.

  “Joe?” I begin.

  “Yes, beautiful,” he says, holding me tight.

  I breathe out some of the tension in my body, but it does little to relax me or help to form words.

  “Does that bother you?” he inquires.


  “That they know something,” he verifies.

  “A little,” I huff.

  “They’ve all signed contracts. They aren’t allowed to discuss or disclose anything,” he soothes.

  “I know,” I agree. “It’s just . . . .”

  How do I explain my contention?

  Joe stands patiently, waiting for me to gather my thoughts.

  “It’s just odd . . . you know,” I continue.

  “What is, beautiful?”

  “That complete strangers, whom I’ve only just met two days ago, know more than my friends,” I explain.

  Joe kisses my forehead. “What do you propose?”

  “I’m not proposing anything,” I nervously snap.

  Joe chuckles. “What I mean is, what do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know,” I say with my voice shaking a little.

  “Do you want to stop?” he checks with a little plea in his eyes.

  “No,” I mumble.

  Joe’s grin widens. “Good. Neither do I.” He leans forward and kisses me. “Do you want to tell them?”

  “Tell who what?” I check.

  “Your friends? Our friends?” he questions.

  “No,” I blurt.

  I’m conflicted with what’s happening. Do I want it to stop? No. Not at all. The challenge is lying to my friends and having complete strangers know that Joe and I are having sex. The more we see each other, the more I’m scared to tell Maggie or Jared, and I’m not sure why.

  “Okay,” he assures.

  “And, tell your team that I’m not your lady,” I insist. “It’s just sex.”

  Joe laughs.


  “You want me to word it just like that?” he checks with a chuckle.

  I give him a narrowed glare.

  “I’ll make sure they don’t say anything,” he confirms.


  Joe leads me to the couch and has me sit on his lap. Sadie is quick to join us and is practically on top of me. We pet Sadie for a long while until our hands become more occupied by each other’s body as we kiss. My body shifts, straddling Joe. His hands move quickly to remove my shirt, giving his mouth better access to my neck and chest. I’m able to get his dress shirt unbuttoned and pulled out from his pants along with his belt undone before my patience wears thin. As I stand up to take off my slacks, Joe rushes to slide his down to his ankles, kicking them off along with his shoes. Joe reaches forward, getting a firm hold of my hips before I get the chance to remove my bra and panties. I’m about to question if he’s going to rip off my underwear, but fall short when I watch him roll on a condom, shift my panties to the side and angle his cock at the rim of my hole.

  The next thing I know, my body shivers at his penetration and Joe’s mouth is on my nipples. How the hell did he get my bra off that fast without me noticing?

  My body has missed the feeling of him inside me. I immediately notice a difference in sensation from the last time we had sex — in my shower without a single layer between us. I strangely miss it, but I know we have to use protection. This is definitely a day where I’m fertile and the last thing I need or want is to get pregnant.

  Joe pulses up as my hips rock back and forth over him. As the thought pops into my head, Joe’s hand is already circling my nub, bringing me closer to orgasm. Suddenly, Joe stands up, keeping himself inside me as he turns around and kneels on the couch and presses me against the back of it.

  “Make me cum,” I beg into his ear.

  Joe seizes my mouth with his, desperate to taste me as he thrusts inside, over and over again. “Promise to drench me?” he requests.

  “Yes,” I pant as he pushes harder.

  Joe’s pace quickens and my first climax arrives, saturating his penis so much that he almost pops out. As my body shakes from the euphoria, Joe’s mouth slurps up the wetness from between my legs and his hands frantically remove my underwear.
When I think he’s done, Joe’s mouth moves to my clitoris as he lifts my entire body off the couch, draping my legs over his shoulders, carrying me to my bedroom. I’m forced to direct him since he can’t see and almost walks us into the left side of the doorway.

  He gently lowers me down and his mouth moves back up my body, filling me with his cock before our mouths meet once more. Joe continues to pummel into me until another orgasm breaks open with his arriving at the same time.

  “Two,” Joe announces, pulling out of me.

  I whimper at the disconnect of our bodies, wanting more of him.

  “Don’t worry, beautiful,” Joe comments. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  My eyes droop from the intoxicating rush that continues to flood my veins, desperately trying to watch his body move out of the room and back in with another condom already in place.

  With just a few steps, Joe strides back onto the bed and hovers above me. “Ready for more?”

  “Mmm hmmm,” I accept.

  Our mouths unite as his cock slithers back inside. My nails trail down his back, desperate to pull him as close as he can get before he laces our fingers together and pumps into me, this time with a slower, but still firm stride.

  “This is my last one,” he says.

  “What?” I pant.

  “Condom,” he verifies.

  “Damn,” I huff.

  “Is it safe to not use them?” Joe checks.

  “No,” I whimper from disappointment and the oncoming of another orgasm.

  Joe shifts up, stabilizing onto his knees while holding my hips.

  “Don’t . . . stop,” I direct, almost out of breath.

  Joe’s hand tighten around my waist, yanking my body toward him as he shoves his cock into me, stimulating the spot that unleashes my third orgasm. My hoarse throat cries out in ecstasy, gulping for more air when another release surfaces. Joe topples over me, on the verge of his own satisfaction when my fingers dig into his back and my pelvis arches.

  “Fuck, Emma,” Joe grunts into my neck.

  We lay unmoving other than our chests heaving for oxygen.

  “Five,” I barely utter.

  “Huh?” Joe checks.

  “Five,” I repeat, slightly louder.


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