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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 99

by Martha Sweeney

  “Good,” I reply. “What did you guys do?”

  “I took him down to the gym like you suggested,” Joe explains. “It worked for about forty minutes.”

  I leave the living area and head to the bathroom to check on Jared. “Jared?” I call, opening the door.

  “Yeah,” he replies, sobbing.

  “I’m back,” I say with a smile.

  “Cool,” he answers, wiping his tears.

  “I’ve got your stuff,” I announce.

  “Thanks,” he says.

  “Pop-Pop’s here. I invited him to have dinner with us,” I mention.

  “Cool,” Jared says a little more controlled.

  “Do you need me to stay in here with you?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he returns, turning off the water.

  I don’t say anything right away, but grab a towel for him. After wiping himself down a little, Jared hugs me, needing to be comforted.

  “We’re in the for the night,” I announce. “We can do whatever you’re in the mood to do.”

  Jared nods.

  “Joe said you got some good time in at the gym,” I continue, trying to get him to perk up.

  “Yeah,” he huffs, putting his underwear on.

  “I think he ordered more ice cream,” I say. “That or he had Anna bring some.”

  Jared’s eyes sparkle a little. “Really?” He pulls on his sweatpants.

  “Fairly certain,” I reply.

  “What flavor?” Jared searches.

  “Not sure,” I answer. “We should go find out.”

  Jared rushes to get his shirt on as we leave the bedroom. He hugs Pop-Pop as soon as he sees him, but neither of them say anything about last night. After a second or two, Jared looks to Joe. “Emma said you got more ice cream.”

  “Yes,” Joe answers with a smile.

  “What kind?” Jared asks, walking towards the refrigerator.

  “See for yourself,” Joe instructs.

  Jared pauses after opening the door and I can see a small smile bending into the corners of his mouth. “Chocolate, chocolate chip,” Jared reveals. His hand reaches in and takes out an entire gallon. Without a word, he grabs a large spoon, takes off the lid and settles onto one of the chairs in the living area. Pop-Pop sits on the seat across from Jared on the other side of the coffee table and Joe and I take opposite ends of the couch with Sadie in the middle.

  Everyone looks back and forth at each other for a moment, unsure of where to begin.

  With the spoon still sticking in his mouth, Jared comments, “Why are you two sitting so far apart?”

  Joe and I glance at each other but don’t answer.

  “Seriously?” he questions. “Oh, for the love of God. Pop-Pop, Emma and Joe are dating.”

  “Jared,” I scold.

  “What? He’s known too,” Jared shares.

  I look at Pop-Pop and he smiles and nods confirmation.

  “They’re coming out to everyone tomorrow,” Jared continues as he stuffs his face with more ice cream.

  “Care to tell him why?” I challenge.

  “Nope,” Jared replies as another heap is shoved into his mouth.

  “What are you doing?” I ask in shock, watching Joe.

  Joe’s already standing up and has somehow gotten Sadie to move like he’s planning on sitting next to me. He places his arm along the back of the couch behind me. Sadie jumps back up, lounging across our laps.

  “They know,” Joe presents.


  “So, why not,” he answers, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.

  I pull away, uncomfortable with his forwardness in front of Jared and Pop-Pop. Jared laughs as Joe uses both arms to pull me closer, kissing me several times. As I continue to push Joe away, he holds me tighter and eventually settles me on his lap.

  “You’re not staying here tonight,” I announce, turning my gaze to Joe as I continue to try to break free from his hold.

  “You’re not kicking him out,” Jared argues with a mouth full. “I need him here too.”

  With a chuckle, Joe mentions, “Looks like I win.”

  “Not funny,” I say with my jaw clenched.

  “Win what?” Jared searches.

  “Emma and I had a bet,” Joe reveals. “She threatened me earlier that I would be sleeping alone at my place and I said that you wouldn’t let her kick me out.” Joe kisses my cheek. “Right, beautiful?”

  “So what did you win?” Jared asks with a smirk.

  “Do you want to tell him . . . or should I?” Joe’s eyes lock with mine, waiting for my response.

  I deliberately choose to say nothing — part of it being that I can’t believe what’s happening.

  “She has to call me her boyfriend once everyone knows,” Joe shares, gloating.

  Jared almost chokes on the spoon from laughing so hard.

  Pop-Pop bares a smile.

  “And . . .” Joe continues, “ . . . she has to do the things that couples do in public, like holding hands and kiss.”

  “What if Emma won?” Jared pries, trying to temper himself.

  “Don’t,” I command.

  Joe laughs.

  “Don’t you even think about it,” I repeat.

  “She said that . . .” Joe pauses, laughing as I try to cover his mouth. He manages to subdue my wrists and my body as he continues. “. . . I have to be the one to buy the fuzzy handcuffs and she gets to use them on me first.”

  Jared roars with laughter. “Shit, you are a kinky motherfucker, Joe.”

  Desperate for the torture to end, I say the first thing that comes to mind. “I’m only telling our friends in order to make sure you go tomorrow.”

  “Not cool, Kitten,” Jared comments, becoming completely serious. “Not, cool.”

  “Yeah, and the whole way you just outed us to Pop-Pop was?” I debate.

  “I think it’s sweet,” Pop-Pop comments. “Now you don’t have to hide anymore.”

  The room goes silent. All of us unsure where to pick up from here.

  After what feels like ten minutes, Pop-Pop asks, “Do they have different colors? You know, for the handcuffs?”

  I gape, not sure if I heard Pop-Pop correctly as Joe and Jared laugh.

  “I think they only come in standard police style cuffs with pink fuzz,” Jared comments. “Why?”

  “Just curious,” Pop-Pop states. “Joanna has a pair and . . . .”

  “Ewww . . . gross, Pop-Pop!” Jared yells.

  “What?! You can make comments and ask questions and I can’t?” Pop-Pop challenges. “I’ve only been with your grandmother until Joanna and I’m open to the idea of new things. Besides, I’m considering on doing a whole sex piece for Naturally Me for us older folks.”

  “No. No,” Jared objects.

  “Actually, I think that’s a great idea,” I comment, deliberately wanting to jab at Jared.

  “Then, we should do another one. For our younger audience. And, you can do it,” Jared insists.

  “Fine,” I say. “Then, you’ll do one for the LGBT section.”

  “No,” Jared challenges.

  “If I have to do it, you do too,” I argue.

  Jared’s jaw drops as he studies me carefully. “Let’s see how it goes for Pop-Pop first.”

  We nod agreement, but I can tell we both know it’s not going to happen. There’s no way we’re going to spread our own sex lives and desires across the internet let alone deal with all the personal questions people would ask.

  The new direction of the conversation allows us to chat freely for a while, deliberately avoiding the topics of Jared and Nathan, and Joe and me. Pop-Pop shares some stories from the holidays when he and Joanna were visiting Joanna’s son and the rest of her family. Joanna’s son, Donald, has been married to his wife, Nancy, for almost thirty years. They have two children, a son and a daughter. Joanna’s daughter has a son who’s a few years old than Jared.

  Sometime later, Nathan comes knocking on the door trying to talk
to Jared, but Jared hides in my bedroom. I head out into the hallway to talk with Nathan, but he has trouble speaking since he’s crying half the time.

  “Did you tell him?” Nathan asks between breaths.

  “Tell him what?” I say, confused now as to what can and can’t be shared.

  “That I love him and that I didn’t cheat on him,” Nathan presses.

  “I’ve tried and I’m still trying, Nathan. Anytime I start to bring it up, he plugs his ears and walks away from me. Plus, he gets mad, thinking that I’m taking your side,” I explain.

  “But, you are taking my side. You know the whole story. You know the truth,” he reminds.

  “I know, sweetie, I know. But, I’m trying to tread lightly in order to make sure he comes tomorrow,” I remind.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Nathan agrees, sniffling. “That’s definitely important. Do you think he won’t come?”

  “He will,” I say confidently.

  “How do you know?” he explores.

  “I have my ways,” I declare with a smile, despite not liking the tactic to do so.

  One thing I can count on, regardless of my reservations about coming out to my friends about Joe and me, is the fact that Jared always honors agreements and bets when he’s sober and in a coherent mental state. If he tries to avoid, I’ll do what’s necessary in order to keep him at the event until the end.

  Nathan and I part ways after a few more minutes with me encouraging him to focus on the show. Back in the room, Jared, Joe, Pop-Pop and I hang out, playing card games and chatting until it’s time for dinner. I try to get Jared to agree to go to one of the restaurants, but he refuses to be seen in public. Instead, Anna brings over a meal she was preparing for Joe and myself, expecting us to be at Joe’s place tonight. Thankfully, Anna always makes extra and Joe was able to text her with enough notice to have enough for everyone.

  We eat at the table just off of the kitchenette as Anna serves us. Pop-Pop is the one talking most of the time, discussing what’s been going on with Naturally Me and sharing some additional ideas that he has beyond the sex topic. Jared does perk up a bit, adding some commentary here and there.

  After dessert, Pop-Pop heads back to his room even though he doesn’t really want to leave Jared. Anna is not long to follow, leaving the three of us to ourselves with Sadie. Since Anna fed and walked Sadie while we ate, the four of us are in for the night and trying to decide on what to do. Jared slumps onto the couch, turning on the television. Sadie joins him and I’m quick to sit with them, wanting to see where Jared is emotionally.

  “You okay?” I check.

  “Yeah,” Jared huffs.

  “Did you want to watch a movie?” I ask.

  “Not now,” Jared replies.

  “Come on. We can watch one of your other favorite movies tonight,” I coax.

  Jared shakes his head. “I’m good for now. Go spend some time with your lover.”

  “Jared,” I scold.

  His eyes never leave the television screen.

  “I’m good. Go. Go give Joe some attention. I’ve got Sadie to keep me company,” he informs.

  “Hey, don’t be like that,” I reply. “Come on. We’re going to watch Spaceballs.”

  “Does Joe even know what Spaceballs is?” Jared challenges.

  “Yes,” Joe confirms with a chuckle. “I’ve seen Spaceballs before.”

  Jared turns to look at Joe and studies him for a moment, then suddenly pops up off the couch. “Okay. You had me at Spaceballs. But first, I’m going to need popcorn.”

  One Hundred Eight

  The next morning finds Joe and me in the shower early, hoping to get in some alone time before Jared wakes up. Before washing, we have a little naked frolic over each other’s bodies, bringing ourselves to climax several times. We take our time getting dressed, aware that we still have a few hours until we need to leave for Nathan’s show.

  With some comfortable clothes on, I leave instructions with Joe on how to handle Jared if he wakes while I’m gone checking on Nathan and what still needs to be done. Joe is such a sweetheart, offering to do whatever is necessary to keep Jared in a positive mindset as well as to make sure he doesn’t disappear on us — Jared could freak out while I’m gone and try to get away.

  When I get to back to my hotel room about an hour later, Sadie happily greets me while I hear Joe calling my name from the bedroom.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, nervous by the tone in Joe’s voice. My eyes find Joe holding the handle to the bathroom, using his body weight to keep the door closed as Jared pounds on it, demanding to be let out.

  “He was doing really well,” Joe informs. “Until it came time for him to start getting ready.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “Emma? Is that you?” Jared calls from the bathroom. “Emma, let me out.”

  “He said he wasn’t going,” Joe reveals. “He tried to leave and didn’t like it when I blocked him.”

  “So you trapped him in the bathroom,” I muse with a giggle.

  “Figured it would be safer for him and the room,” Joe adds. His body pulses a little as Jared tries to open the door, yelling my name. “He was a little aggressive when I blocked him and I knew there would be a good chance stuff might get broken. Plus, maybe he would tire enough and just get in the shower.”

  Jared continues to call my name while trying to yank the door free.

  “Good thinking,” I praise. My body presses into Joe, seeking a kiss. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, beautiful,” he shares.

  “Emma. Emma, come on,” Jared continues to call.

  “You’re in a good mood,” Joe comments, “considering that Jared’s trying to break his agreement and that you’re telling our friends about us today.”

  I take a deep breath in. “Don’t remind me.”

  “Hey, don’t be like that,” Joe soothes.

  “I’m okay,” I assure. “Nathan’s good. I have him really focused on the day and what’s planned. The issue between the two of them is a bigger deal than . . . exposing us to our friends.”

  “I’ll be with you the whole time, beautiful,” Joe reassures.

  “I know,” I acknowledge, running my fingers through his hair.

  Joe presses his lips to my temple. “So . . . what should we do about him?”

  “I’ve got to go in there,” I inform. “It might get ugly . . . and . . . it might involve me being naked.”

  “Naked?” Joe asks with a nervous chuckle.

  With a smile, I explain, “I might have to get wet in order to get him in the shower and to stay in there long enough to clean up.” I give Joe a devilish grin. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “With him, no,” Joe admits. “With Maggie, no. With Chris . . . yes.”

  “There you go again, bringing Chris into this,” I tease.

  “Damn. I did it again, didn’t I?” he replies.

  “Emma, come on,” Jared whines. “Please, let me out.”

  My head nods. “There’s no way I’d be naked with Chris,” I soothe. “My body wants you.”

  “Just your body?” Joe asks with a grin.

  “Maybe more,” I comment, unable to stop grinning.

  “It better be more,” Joe muses. “Especially since you agreed to tell our friends about us and . . . .”

  “I know, I know,” I breathe out. “That I have to say you’re my . . . boyfriend.”

  Joe’s smile widens. “See, that wasn’t too bad.”

  “No,” I agree. “Not too bad.” My lips and tongue eagerly taste his, wanting this moment to last for fear of how the rest of the day will be.

  Joe’s free hand slides from my cheek down my back and squeezes my ass. His erection pushes into my belly as he draws my body closer. “The things I want to do to you right now, beautiful,” Joe announces sinfully.

  “Do tell,” I whisper into Joe’s ear, nipping at it and tuning Jared’s pleas out. “And, be as dirty as you can.”
r />   Joe hums into my ear with an exhale. “I want to eat you out until you cum all over my face.”

  My body shivers at the thought.

  “Maybe, I’ll have you so you’re sitting on my face while I do it,” Joe continues.

  “Mmmm,” I reply. “Go on.” My right hand slides up the side of his leg and cups the tent he’s pitched for me.

  “Then, I’ll cuff your hands behind your back and ride you bunny style until you beg me to stop all while spanking you.”

  “Promise?” I check.

  “After that, I’ll make you suck me off before I fuck you to the point where you cum over and over again, making me the only man you crave to please you,” he continues.

  My breath catches in my throat, excited by his words and intent. Doesn’t he know that my body only wants him? Doesn’t he know that I only want him? I am willingly coming out to our friends about us. Why would there be any doubt?

  “You might need to take care of this,” I suggest, stroking my hand over his cock. “While I assist Jared.”

  “I’ll wait, beautiful,” he shares. “Consider it foreplay for later tonight.”

  “I hope that’s not all the foreplay you had planned for today,” I mention.

  “Not . . . at . . . all, beautiful,” he confirms, brushing his lips down my neck.

  “Good,” I affirm. “I plan on us being alone tonight.”

  “Good,” Joe returns. “Me too.”

  Our lips connect several more times until Jared becomes quiet — a little too quiet.

  “I should go in there,” I sigh, breaking my lips from his.

  “Sounds like it,” Joe agrees. “I’m right here if you need me. Okay?”

  My palm brushes Joe’s cheek and my lips taste his one more time. I turn and Joe cracks open the door slowly, making sure that Jared won’t come charging at us. When we see that it’s clear, I make my way into the bathroom.

  “Hey,” I greet as I move closer to Jared who is sitting on the floor with his back against the vanity, crying.

  “I can’t do this, Kitten,” Jared professes. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t do this.”

  “Everything’s going to be fine,” I insist, lowering myself to join him and motioning for him to curl into me.


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