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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 134

by Martha Sweeney

  “Sure,” I sigh, slightly disappointed.

  “What’s wrong?” he checks.

  “Nothing,” I lie. “Just feeling a little tired. I ate a lot.”

  “Are you okay?” he asks a little worried.

  “I’m fine, really,” I affirm. “Are we heading home or did you have something else planned?”

  “I may have something planned,” Joe comments with his usual devious grin.

  “Really?!” I say excitedly.

  “Depends, though,” he chuckles.

  “On what?”

  “On how good you are,” he teases.

  “You and I both know that I’m seldom good . . . besides, you like it when I’m naughty,” I goad, pressing into him more after he helps me up.

  “That I do, beautiful,” he confirms and then kisses me.

  “So where are we going?” I inspect.

  “You’ll see,” Joe replies, picking up the basket and taking my hand.

  After the things are packed into the trunk of the car, I move to the door, patiently waiting for Joe or one of our bodyguards to open it — none of them do.

  “We’re not leaving yet, Emma,” Joe chuckles. “What I have planned is in walking distance.”

  I study Joe for a moment. “I’m too big to try to sneak into an alleyway to get a little freaky with you,” I say playfully.

  “God, do I love your dirty mind. But, that’s not what I had planned,” Joe shares.

  I pout.

  “Don’t pout, beautiful,” Joe coaxes.

  “Why, is it working this time?” I check as I wiggle my eyebrows.

  Joe laughs. “Maybe a little.”


  “Yes, but that’ll have to wait until we’re home,” he states.

  “Fine,” I pretend to whine.

  “You would, wouldn’t you?” Joe searches.

  “Maybe,” I tease. “Are you going to blindfold me? I’m not sure I can handle walking while being this big and being blindfolded. You can blindfold me when we get home.”

  “No blindfolds . . . not yet,” Joe muses.

  We leisurely stroll the streets with Sadie as we have two bodyguards in front of us and two behind. The people on the sidewalk pay us no attention as we pass. When we get to the corner where the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA resides, Sadie gets excited since that’s where I adopted her and where she had some of her training. Plus, she and I have shopped at their store for a few items on occasion over the years.

  “Why don’t we pop in,” Joe says. “See if there’s anything Sadie might like today.”

  “Sure,” I agree.

  There have been a number of times this past year where Joe and I have visited with Sadie before or after one of our jogs or just because. We’ve even been to a few of their fundraisers to support as well as make donations — something I’ve done ever since I adopted Sadie.

  The staff greets us warmly as we make our way through the shop and let Sadie roam around and meet everyone who passes her. As we near the interior grassy area, we notice that the dogs are out for some exercise. Joe and I comment on each of the dogs, noticing different traits and what we would call them if we adopted any. I tell him that I’d name the big Saint Bernard Duke in honor of his previous dog.

  “What about that little guy over there,” Joe states, pointing to a grey and white pit bull puppy. “What would you name him?”

  I study the dog who looks to only be a few months old. When I inquire to one of the staff members, I’m informed that the puppy was born just twelve weeks ago. His brothers and sisters have all been adopted except for him since he’s the runt of the litter. Apparently his mother and siblings were malnourished and mistreated and picked up about a month ago.

  “I’m not sure,” I answer, almost on the verge of crying for the puppy. Damn these hormones.

  “What about Jasper?” Joe inquires.

  “Jasper,” I repeat, letting the name linger. “I think that fits.”

  “Yeah?” Joe checks.

  “Yeah,” I confirm a little more confidently.

  “Good,” Joe says flatly. “Jasper it is.”

  It takes a moment for me to register Joe’s words. “What?”

  “It goes well with Joe, doesn’t it?” Joe continues to look through the metal fence, refusing to make eye contact with me.

  “Joseph?” I call.

  “He’ll be perfect,” Joe continues. “Sadie could use a friend and Joe Jr.’s going to need his own little body guard too.”

  “Joseph,” I repeat.

  “Sadie’s great with him,” Joe says, continuing the conversation as if he doesn’t hear me. “They’ve met a few times when I’ve come into town with her while you were sleeping. It took a little coaxing to get her to leave you. I even had to carry her the first time, but by the third time, I think she knew where we were going.”

  “Joseph,” I press.

  Joe turns to look at me with a smile that spreads across his entire face and shrugs his shoulders.

  “I already have two people I take care of with a third on the way,” I protest mildly.

  “Who?” Joe replies with a hint of mocking to his tone.

  “You,” I say, “for starters. And, Sadie.”

  “We’ve got Anna and a staff of eight working for us,” Joe challenges.


  “So, we’ll be fine,” Joe counters.


  “Yes, we.”

  “Are you going to get up in the middle of the night when he’s wide awake?”

  “Sure,” Joe agrees. “Besides, Sadie will help and we’ve got staff.”

  “You can’t expect the staff to do everything,” I whine. “The dog would be confused as to who the alpha dog is.”

  “I’m sure we both know who would be taking that roll,” Joe muses.

  “Me,” I direct.

  “Why not me?” Joe asks as if he’s hurt by my words.

  I glare at him. “I’m the one who wears the pants in the relationship.”

  “No, you don’t,” Joe chuckles.

  “Sadie listens to me, not you,” I challenge.

  “Oregon,” Joe presents.


  “All I’m going to say is Oregon, remember?” he laughs.

  “No,” I lie. “Stop laughing.”

  Joe ignores my request.

  “I don’t want another body to have to clean, feed and be up with,” I debate, but I know in my heart that Jasper will be coming home with us.

  How can I say no to that face, especially since one of the volunteers just brought him over to us and how he’s just hanging out in Joe’s arms. God damn it. God damn him.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful?” Joe asks, batting his eyes while pouting and holding Jasper closer to his face.

  “You don’t fight fair,” I complain.

  “Since when was this a fight?”

  “You know what I mean,” I reply.

  “Look at him, Emma,” Joe coaxes, holding Jasper closer to me.

  Jasper licks my cheek.

  “This is so not fair,” I whine.

  “He loves you. I love you. Sadie loves you,” Joe offers with a smile.

  I let out a sigh in defeat. “What else do we need to do before taking him home?” I ask.

  “Nothing,” Joe boasts with pride. “I took care of his fees and everything the last time I was here. Anna’s had his bed, toys and other little stuff hidden, waiting for when we came to get him.”


  Joe smiles more. “I love you.”

  “Anna’s in trouble for conspiring with you,” I mention. “And, so are you.”

  “Enough for us to still use the blindfold?” Joe chuckles.

  “And handcuffs. And some other stuff that won’t be revealed until it’s happening,” I confirm.

  “Can’t wait,” Joe beams.

  “I bet,” I huff.

  One Hundred Fifty

  Sex at eight months p
regnant is interesting — tricky, yet still interesting. You’re horny as can be, wanting it several times a day and your panties prove it with how much moisture collects on them. I’m wetter than a crocodile in a swamp. Joe and I, I swear, have invented some new positions — one’s you wouldn’t even find in a kama sutra book.

  Joe got me out this morning to do some more shopping for the house. I try to get him to take me baby shopping, saying we need to look at our options, to see if there’s anything we want instead of what I’ve already bought online. Unfortunately, this is the one time I can’t get Joe to cave.

  Before heading home, we stop and get some lunch. Once at the house, I eagerly rush to get inside, wanting to change into my bathing suit and go swimming. Joe slows me down, not moving as quickly as I do through the garage and into the kitchen, which is odd since I’m the one who is pregnant and he’s usually having to wait for me.

  “Surprise!” voices shout as I round the corner into the living room area.

  I darn near piss myself. “Holy Shit!”

  “Hey,” Maggie greets, rushing up to me with Gabby in her arms.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “It’s your baby shower,” Joe answers from behind me.

  “Sneaky,” I comment, eyeing him and Maggie.

  “You really didn’t know it was today?” Maggie checks.

  “No,” I confirm. “I should have known though when Joe wouldn’t go baby shopping.”

  “We did need to look at furniture for the house, beautiful,” Joe reminds.

  “I know,” I agree.

  Joe and I make our way through the crowd of bodies, greeting everyone and thanking them for joining us. After I manage to at least say hello, I use the bathroom since Joe Jr. has been pushing on my bladder for the past fifteen minutes. The staff serve drinks and food once I return to the ladies.

  “Are you staying, Joseph?” Mrs. Covelli inquires.

  “I was hoping to. Why? Am I not allowed?” Joe checks with a little concern that he’ll be kicked out.

  “You can stay,” Maggie offers. “Most men don’t stay . . . or do they now? I don’t know. Henry didn’t stay.”

  “Many fathers partake in the baby shower now too,” Vanessa, one of Naturally Me’s staff members, states. “It’s a new trend. What they do at the baby shower is up to them . . . some men even have their own little games or side party in the same location while the women focus on the main part.”

  “Interesting,” Mrs. Covelli comments.

  “A few of my girlfriends in New York had their husbands attend,” Charlotte shares.

  “Definitely,” Isabella confirms. “Men only attend depending on the father.”

  “I was going to attend no matter what,” Nathan shares.

  “We’re gay,” Jimmy reminds. “It’s kind of a given that we attend, especially if it’s one of our sisters or close female friends having the baby.”

  “Definitely,” agrees Allen.

  “Why do you have to be gay in order to validate your attendance?” Joe inspects. “I think that’s discrimination.”

  “Well, regardless, we’re here, Kitten,” Jared announces.

  The games Maggie and the girls have us partake in are fun, but crazy and tiring to say the least. Joe seems to really enjoy them, even more than me on several occasions. The food that Anna and the staff prepared is fantastic and I’m glad that they had the party at our house. I’m not sure if I could handle getting in a car and driving home after the hours we’ve spent chatting all while I opened endless boxes and bags of goodies for Joe Jr.. A few of the girls were sneaky, treating me to some cute pregnancy and non-pregnancy lingerie. Joe perks up immediately until his mother starts commenting on the pieces, as if Joe’s not in the room and it’s just us girls.

  Joe and I skip dinner, too full from everything we ate and drank at the party that lasted until five. We make our way up to our bedroom once everyone who isn’t staying with us has left, leaving Joe’s mom, Isabella, Emily and Charlotte directing the staff where to put everything for us.

  While Joe uses the bathroom, I hurry as best as I can and slip on one of the pieces of lingerie that I got from the party. Since Joe can’t see me from the bathroom, I tip-toe from the walk-in closet to the bed and lounge across it, trying to be as sexy as I can be considering my enormous size.

  “What’s this?” Joe asks, stopping in his tracks with a widening grin.

  “What?” I say, pretending I don’t notice.

  Joe doesn’t say anything and disappears back into the bathroom.

  What the hell is he doing?

  As Joe returns, he turns off all of the lights, except the low, recessed lighting we have scattered in a few different places. He crawls across the bed with something in one of his hands while sporting a devious smile.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You look hot,” Joe presents.


  “Really,” he confirms.

  “I don’t know,” I tease.

  “It’s sexy,” he states, kissing my legs from my ankles all the way up to my inner thigh.

  “This old thing?” I play.

  “Yes, and it’s new,” Joe reminds.

  “Oh,” I sigh.

  Joe uses the nozzle of the bottle he’s holding and sprays my right leg. “How about a massage?”

  “Sure,” I accept happily.

  “Maybe . . . if you’re good,” Joe begins, “it just might end with a special surprise.”

  “I like surprises,” I say.

  Joe laughs. “No you don’t,” he challenges.

  “These kinds of surprises . . . yes, I do,” I rebut.

  “How do you know what I have planned?” His fingers press firmly into my foot.

  I let out a whimper. “By the look in your eye,” I share.

  “What kind of look is that?” Joe asks.

  “The kind of look that says you’re debating on whether or not to rip these off of me,” I giggle when he hits a ticklish spot.

  “No,” Joe disagrees. “I wouldn’t dare rip them off.”

  “No?” I ask with a little disappointment in my voice.

  “Not unless I knew exactly where to buy more first and had them already ordered,” Joe replies.

  “I like the sound of that,” I muse.

  “I bet you do,” Joe returns, moving his hands higher on my thighs.

  “Mmmm,” I hum. “Yes.”

  “Don’t worry beautiful,” Joe consoles. “I’ve got some wicked things planned for you tonight.”


  “Yes,” he confirms, kissing my neck. “I’m going to make you call out my name each time I have you cumming.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I agree.

  Joe suddenly shifts off the bed.

  “Hey,” I whine.

  “Don’t worry, beautiful,” Joe soothes, returning from the closet. “I’ve only just begun with you.”

  My eyes drift down to the red silk scarf hanging from his left hand. “Do tell,” I reply.

  “I’d rather show you,” Joe answers.

  “Okay,” I agree.

  Joe walks over to the bed and reaches out his hand for me to take it. My brow lifts as my tummy sputters with excitement for what he’s planning. Taking short, slow steps backward, Joe guides me into the closet.

  “I’m too big for you to hoist me up against the wall,” I comment.

  Joe smiles, but refrains from speaking. Once we’re in the middle of the closet, Joe prompts me to place my hand on the middle dresser for support as he secures the red silk around my eyes. My body trembles excitedly in anticipation as he carefully guides me to another location. The sensation of cool silk wrapping around my wrists is felt before their hoisted up above my head. My arms move a little, seeing how much support and restriction I have, taking note that the fabric is wrapped around a hook.

  “You ready?” Joe hums into my ear as his fingers tease the skin of my thighs.

what?” I inquire.

  “For what I have planned,” Joe presents.

  “And, what is that?”

  One of Joe’s hands slides up my right arm, revealing that my arms are locked in place even though there is a little slack. “Do you trust me?” he asks sweetly.

  “Yes,” I confirm.

  Joe’s fingers dance back down my arms and then suddenly leave my body. I don’t hear him for a few seconds, but then there is a faint sound, like drawers being opened and maybe something be dragged across the carpet.

  “You have control,” Joe states.

  “I do?!”

  “Yes,” he chuckles. “If you want me to stop or keep going, all you have to do is tell me.”

  “And, how do I do that?”

  “By begging,” he muses.

  My chest begins to pulse. “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “It seems like I’m going to have all the fun,” I say with a smirk.

  “Trust me, beautiful. This is fun for me,” Joe returns.


  “I get off watching and hearing you get off, honey,” he reveals softly. “Besides, there’s plenty of time for me to get my needs filled . . . but, pleasuring you certainly helps.”

  I swallow hard, excited and eager to begin.

  “Pick a safe word,” Joe directs.


  “A safe word,” he repeats. “Just in case.”

  “I don’t know,” I reply.

  “I said a word, not a sentence,” Joe teases.

  “Like what?”

  “Like anything that is odd and neither one of use would ever think about or say during sex,” Joe says.

  “Um . . . .” My brain scrambles for a word — any word. “Flamingo.” I laugh at myself.

  “Flamingo,” Joe repeats with a chuckle. “That works . . . not unless you wanted me to do the two-headed, fiery flamingo to you . . . then, we’d have a challenge.”

  “What the fuck is that?” I search.

  Joe laughs. “Nothing . . . I made it up. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if something from tonight gets called that.”

  “Freak,” I giggle.

  “You like it,” Joe whispers in my ear and then nips at it. His fingers tickle my ass, breasts and outer thighs.

  “Yes,” I agree happily.

  Without a word, Joe gently pushes up my top, exposing my breasts and then removes my bottoms completely. He nudges my legs open a little wider as he stands behind me with his naked chest grazing my back. “You ready?”


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