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The Men of CLE-FD updated

Page 12

by Unknown

  She cupped his fullness between her hands massaging lightly. She didn’t have to work to arouse him since he was already fully aroused. “Then don’t make me wait. We’ve played cat and mouse too long. I’m ready to be caught.”

  He tore the wrapper to apply a condom, lowering his body atop her. She winced as his weight settled. Supporting himself on his arms, he kissed her nose. “Want to move this to the bedroom?”

  Her hands immediately began to stroke his back and the firm mounds of his buttocks. Lifting her hips, she shook her head. “No. We will go there to sleep for the night. I want you here and now.”

  His eyebrow arched watching her breasts rise and fall beneath him. “Stay for the night?”

  Breathlessly and annoyed he delayed her pleasure, she stopped moving. “Yes. You will stay the night or else we can stop this now.”

  Catching the undercurrent of her voice, he cocked a smile. “I don’t have a problem with staying the night.” Clarifying his status for the night, he lowered his body to cover her completely.

  She kissed his neck and shoulders and obeyed the command of his hands to bend her legs. He attempted to slide his engorged penis inside her tight womanhood without hurting her. He repeated the penetrations until fully embedded.

  “Oh, Orlando, yes,” she moaned into the base of his neck.

  He slowed his gyrations to give her a minute to get used to the invasion of his manhood. The tightness of her body resisted his shallow thrusting causing him to readjust and tilt her pelvis upward to meet him. He inched slowly until her vaginal muscles molded around him letting him begin a rhythm of slow-paced thrusting.

  He lifted to rest his weight on his forearms and sucked a nipple into his mouth. She arched her back upward breathing heavy when he began to thrust harder. He felt her long fingernails digging into his shoulder blades as he rode her.

  He glanced at her face. Her lips were tight and her eyes shut. Her frail body was taking a pounding from him and the hard floor being the cushion for her back.

  Without warning, he withdrew. He dragged over one of the two aluminum chairs sitting in the living room. He lifted her from the floor bending her over the chair. Coming behind her, he spread her legs to enter from behind.

  Her head dropped to the cold metal seat of the chair. Her hands braced against the back to help keep her upright against his hard thrusting. His large hands massaged her soft buttocks, as he pumped harder and deeper. She couldn’t smother the loud moans escaping her throat.

  He held her hips watching his large penis appear and disappear inside her moist womanhood. Whimpers of her cries rang in his ears as her butt slapped against his thighs rhythmically. He knew he was using too much force but could not stop the train wreck once it got in motion.

  He had no idea being celibate would make him lose his mind once he got the cookie again. Her body felt good. Her tightness, the sound of her slick flesh rubbing against the condom drove him nuts. He wanted to rip it off and feel her flesh and juices pool around him.

  His leaned over her, reaching a hand around her hips to finger her engorged nub. Her hand banged on the chair as she began to shake, twist, and grunt loudly under him.

  Orlando whispered in her ear. “Hold it baby. I’m not ready for you to come yet.”

  “I can’t,” she screamed knuckling her fingers around the edge of the chair.

  He continued to thrust hard and deep as her vaginal muscles clenched his penis in a vice-like spasm as she exploded. He switched positions, laying her on the floor, climbing on top of her not letting her recover. She released wail as he pushed into her filling her completely.

  She locked her legs around his waist, keeping him deep in place as he slammed his hips against her pelvic bones, taking no mercy on her body. His heavy sacs tightened with each deep thrust.

  Her thrashing under him caused his orgasm to build painfully. Releasing a powerful guttural moan, oxygen drained from his lungs as he spilled his seed. He was still pumping into her when he looked down at her experiencing another orgasm. He pumped until she stopped moving and lay exhausted under him.

  His heart beat rapidly against her chest as he collapsed on top of her. His mouth was dry and throat scratchy as sandpaper. His arms stretched above her head, as he lay spent and sweating.

  Orlando felt her legs loosen from around his waist and fall to the floor. Her arms also slipped from his shoulders to rest at her sides. He let his head rested to the side of her head.

  With his mouth near her ear, he said in a husky low voice. “Damn, girl, you made me lose control.” He closed his eyes exhausted. If he didn’t move, he would fall asleep. He opened his eyes when she released an uncomfortable moan. Lifting his hips, he withdrew from her body and rolled to the side of her. She rubbed her chest sucking air into her lungs.

  Orlando had done the unexpected and crushed her tiny body with his one hundred eighty-five pound frame. He bent his leg at the knee and rested an arm behind his head looking up at the dark ceiling. This was the hardest part of having sex, the afterward. Couples in love would bask in the afterglow of lovemaking.

  They weren’t in love or a couple. What comes next when you have violated the friendship rule? He had to think of something to say, the silence was deafening, awkward and the floor was hard as hell against his back. “I didn’t mean to crush you. Are you okay?”

  Regan rolled over to rest her head on his chest and snuggled her arm across his waist. “I’m fine. I’m more durable than I look.”

  He caressed her arm lightly with his fingertips. “Regan, I didn’t plan this to happen.”

  She chuckled sweetly and with soft, loving strokes ran her hand down the side of his face. “I know you didn’t and I’m not regretting it. Are you?”

  “Hell no. We’re consenting adults with no one to answer to,” he said thankful the room was dark and she would not see his worried expression. Regan was the most beautiful woman in the world to him both inside and out. She possessed everything he wanted in a woman, strength, independence, and intelligence. He licked his parched lips wondering how he could stop himself from falling in love with this giving, compassionate, sensual woman.

  “Orlando, are you asleep? You got quiet.”

  “Nah, I’m awake. Why don’t you go shower. I’ll get some flashlights from the car,” he said untangling her from around his body and sitting up.

  “That sounds wonderful. When I’m done, I’ll heat the food. You gave me quite an appetite.”

  He patted his stomach. “Yeah, I’m hungry too.”

  Chapter Seven

  They sat on the floor eating quietly. The only light in the room came from the flashlights Orlando had set up. Regan studied his face. He look as if he was worried. She put the spoon in her empty bowl and unfolded her legs leaning back. Her body ached and throbbed when she thought about the mind-blowing sex she’d just had.

  Mark had never caused her to achieve an orgasm to make her breathless. She now understood why women tested the water before marriage. If she had known Orlando or had an opportunity to sleep with him before marriage, Mark and she would never been an item.

  She crossed her feet rocking them back and forth. If the pain shooting up her legs were an indication how her body would feel in the morning, it was worth it. She couldn’t stop smiling but wished Orlando would say something. She wondered what was so heavy on his mind.

  Regan broke the silence. “I think the rain stopped. I wonder when the power will be restored.”

  “I don’t know; probably won’t be much longer. I should have brought my scanner from home so we could hear what is going on in the city. Storms like this are a busy night at the firehouse. We respond to a lot of vehicle accidents or structure fires caused by people being careless with burning candles.”

  “Orlando, do you ever leave work, at work?”

  “Lately, no. I haven’t had a reason to rush home to an empty apartment.”

  “I find it hard to believe a handsome man that is good with his hands, tale
nted in bed and somewhat nice, is not attached to a woman or women if you need more than one.”

  He assumed the same position as Regan on the floor. After his shower, he’d changed into basketball shorts and a tank top. “First, there are plenty of handsome men for women to choose from. Second, I’m going to have to agree with you—I am good with my hands and an expert in the bedroom but, I’m only somewhat nice?”

  She laughed throwing her head back. “Oh my god, I think your head is growing.”

  He grinned boasting his chest. “I had you screaming my name.”

  She pointed her finger at him. “See. That is why I said somewhat nice. But, that’s okay, because when you’re good at something you should brag about it.”

  Orlando stood up. Regan swirled the melting ice in her glass of Diet Pepsi watching him. “Where are you going?”

  He poked a thumb in the direction of the front door. “I’m going in the front yard to shout how I rocked your world. You said I should brag about what I’m good at right?”

  “Ugh…you are working my last nerve,” she said gathering the bowls from the floor. He took her by the elbow drawing her into a kiss. His tongue entered her mouth causing the bowls in her hand to rattle. Regan moaned as his tongue filled her mouth. The flavor of shrimp gumbo was still fresh on their breath.

  He broke the kiss wiping his mouth. “Now am I on your mind as well as your nerves?”

  Her legs numbed from the knees down. “Is there a hidden message in there somewhere?”

  “Look, Regan. I haven’t been interested in being with a woman in years. Maggie pretty much killed my drive to pursue any relationship until you came along.”

  “Why did you give her that power, Orlando?”

  “I didn’t give her the power; I just despised her that much. I had to step away from women and get my head together because if I carried that mentality into another relationship too soon, I would ruin it with that next person.”

  She shook her head going into the kitchen placing the bowls in the sink. “I don’t think you are over that hate you have for her. I witnessed the interaction between you two and it was ugly.”

  “I’m over her but she is acting a fool for some reason. She came to the firehouse the other day and….Regan, she thinks we are dating.”

  “Yeah, I know. We were pretty convincing,” she said rinsing the bowls.

  “You’re a good actress; so good she has threatened to come after you.”

  Her jaw clenched as she pretended not to feel the chill rush over her. “Let her bring it; I’m not afraid of her.”

  “Really, Regan. I can’t imagine you fighting anyone. You are just too cute to ball your fist to hit anyone.”

  She flicked the dripping water from her fingers in his face. “Honey, there is a lot about me you don’t know. Corner me and I turn into a wild cat. All my claws come out if I’m backed against a wall.”

  He wiped his face with his hand. “I do believe Maggie would have her hands full with you.”

  The smile dropped from her face. “Orlando, I was kidding when I said you had to stay the night. If you want to leave, you are free to go.”

  “I don’t have a problem staying. Why do you think I want to leave?”

  “Earlier I watched your emotions change like the weather. You seem uneasy. More so stressed, what is going on?”

  “All right, I will tell you. You are on my mind all the damn time, Regan. My friends at the firehouse want me with someone. I want you. I know you’re supposed to meet Jon’s brother this Friday. I’m not going to ask you to cancel that because it would be too forward and the date was arranged before I expressed my feelings for you.”

  She leaned against the counter crossing her arms. “How did you know about that?”

  “Anthony is my dude. He looks out for me.”

  “Right, he would tell you. Anyhow, that is just friends getting together for a night of dancing and dinner. I don’t expect to get with this guy.”

  “I can’t stop what happens at that dinner, I can only tell you how I feel about you.”

  “Nothing is going to happen, Orlando but I don’t want to push you into anything knowing how you feel about your ex-wife.”

  “Baby, she only wants me because she thinks I’m not available anymore. At best, she will be a pain in my ass and not yours.”

  She sidled next to him biting the edge of her lip. “I’m not worried about her or falling in love with Jon’s brother. But I would like to know if you are a little jealous about my date Friday night.”

  “Should I be?” He asked cupping his hand around the nape of her neck massaging firmly but gently.

  Regan saw the fire in his eyes by way of the bright moonlight filtering inside the kitchen. What was she getting into? He was not Mark with a cell phone attached to his ear talking business. He was a man full of hunger, vigor. The soreness settling in her body was a good indication of that and she was not sure she could handle him. The mood swings he would suffer as result of his job were factors she had not considered also.

  Her throat bobbed with her effort to swallow. His hand on her neck felt possessive. She had only been divorced a year and to jump into a serious relationship without first healing herself and with a man so flawed could spell disaster. Besides that, she’d received a request for an interview for a lead anchor position with a newly formed cable television news show. If she managed to get the job, it meant she would be moving to South Carolina.

  She smiled afraid to tell him her worries. “No, there isn’t anything for you to worry about. We’re just going to Illuminations for drinks and dinner.”

  Regan felt his long fingers threading the hair covering her neck. His eyes never left her face casting a mysterious aura as he spoke. “Okay. I hope you have fun. But until Friday, you belong to me.”

  “Orlando, I’m very attracted to you but I think we should take this slow.”

  “What’s the problem, Regan? I thought we were starting something here.”

  She pulled away from his embrace to put distance between them. “What happened to the speech you gave me on the beach that night? You weren’t looking for romance—why has that changed?”

  “I told you why.”

  “Yes, you did. Orlando, I haven’t been on my own as long as you. I need to find me before I can commit to another person.”

  He slammed his hand on the counter. “Then what the hell was this about, Regan?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Why are you upset? We spent an intimate evening together. I’m not saying I don’t want to spend any time with you.”

  “Then you just want me to drop by once in a while or if I here fixing something for you, take care of you sexually. I’m not that type of guy anymore, Regan.”

  Her anger rose to meet his. “Now hold on! I know you aren’t calling me a….”

  “I’m not calling you anything. I want to call you my girlfriend but obviously you don’t want the title.”

  “I didn’t say that!”

  His voice echoed through the kitchen and open windows. Any neighbors outside or still awake would hear their argument. “And you didn’t agree! You dared me to see you as more than a friend. I finally do and now you have changed your mind. This is bullshit and I want no part of it!”

  “Please let me explain,” she said working to keep her voice steady.

  “There is nothing to explain, Regan.”

  “Yes there is. Because of the lifestyle I had with my ex-husband, I felt like one of his possessions until he did not need me anymore. I didn’t know what freedom was until I divorced him. You are the only man I’ve had sex with besides him. There is so much I want to do before being tied down again.”

  He clapped his hands together slowly. “Good speech, Regan. It could have been touching had you added tears. You didn’t get me to nail you on the beach that night, but you got what you wanted in the end. You got to screw the big stud firefighter and now you can move on to conquer the next task on your bucket list.”<
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  She narrowed her brow brushing past him to enter the living room. “You have a lot of nerve being so condescending of me. The night we met, you made no qualms about not wanting a serious relationship. How dare you act as if your feelings are hurt because I’m suggesting we move things slow.”

  “No, you’re asking if it is okay to keep YOUR options open. I get it you are recently released from the chains that once bound you. You want to spread your wings and do your thing. You have every right to want that, baby.”

  She felt tears filter into her eyes. She had not cried since packing her bags and leaving the only man she’d ever loved. “How did we get here? An hour ago, we were making passionate love and now we are at each other’s throat. How did this happen?”

  “It happened because I undertook the task of upgrading myself from your friend to something more.” He gathered his gym bag from the floor. He brought in the change of clothes from the car with the anticipation of spending the night. “I’m going home. If you have any problems regarding the house, you know where to find me.”

  She watched his tall frame walk out the backdoor and disappear from her view. The familiar roar of the car’s engine and headlights cascaded across the windows as he backed from the driveway. He was gone and probably forever. Regan stood in the dark stunned by her actions. They had bonded and become friends before being lovers and she’d ruined it.

  She flopped in the chair where the pain quickly morphed into fury. She knew he had been hurt in the past and suspected the defensive move and designed to keep women at a distance. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she began to shake. She’d done to him what Mark had done to her—she had broken his heart without even caring.


  The next morning, Regan lay on the massage table unable to relax and let the masseuse work the tension from her body. The tenseness of her muscles was unwilling to yield to the magic hands working her shoulders, back, and legs and it was her keeping it from happening. She deserved to be a ball of knots for the way she treated Orlando. Every muscle, nerve and tendon should snap, crackle and pop until she served her punishment.


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