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Playing Dirty Book 2 of the Action! Series

Page 9

by GA Hauser

  “You’re so brave, Dennis. I don’t know if I can do it.”

  Keith smoothed his hand down Carl’s back to his ass, cupping it affectionately. “Do it with me.”

  Carl swung Keith up into his arms, holding him like a baby. Keith wrapped around Carl’s neck, sucking at his mouth as Carl dipped them sensually. When they parted lips, Carl hissed, “For you, I would do anything.”

  “Good. Then it’s settled.”

  Carl carried Keith to their bedroom set.


  Once the scene ended, Carl set Keith on his feet. The moment he did, Keith looked back at the cameras to see Charlotte’s reaction. “Carl. Who are those men?”

  Carl spun to look. “Shit. The producer, Derek Dixon, and co-producer, Will Markham.” Carl reached back and gave Keith’s hand a quick squeeze in support.

  Charlotte went over some corrections for the cameras as the men waited. Keith didn’t catch eyes either of the big wigs. He’d never seen them at a taping before and had a feeling their presence was a direct reaction to the tabloids running the story of his and Carl’s new model girlfriends. Charlotte’s warning rang out in his head.

  “Okay. Again. Get into position.”

  Seeing Charlotte’s pinched expression, Keith knew he and Carl weren’t the only ones under pressure. The buck stopped with Charlotte.

  “Living room scene. First taping. Take one. Action!”


  After two more attempts they had completed the scene to Charlotte’s satisfaction. Keith followed Carl to the refreshment table before anyone could say anything to them. Charlotte was having a private conversation with the two producers behind the cameras.

  “You realize we’re in for another lecture.” Carl sipped from a bottle of water.

  “I do. Carl, you tell me what the right thing to do is.”

  “I have no clue.”

  “I want to come out. I honestly do, Carl. I want us to be able to go to the awards ceremonies hand in hand. I want us to go to gay bars if we want to. I also want to show our support for the gay community. But.”

  “But.” Carl knew, Keith didn’t have to reiterate it.


  Keith spun around. The imposing producers of their show were standing behind them.

  Immediately, Carl reached out his hand for a shake. “Mr. Dixon, Mr. Markham, so nice to see you.”

  Keith had never met them before but he certainly knew them by their reputation. “Sir.” He extended his hand and repeated to each, “Nice to finally meet you.”

  “Can we have a word?” Derek gestured to a private room off of the set.

  Gulping the rest of his juice to get rid of the glass, Keith’s nerves kick in. It felt like a reprimand at school and he was about to get scolded by the principal.

  Carl opened a door to a room Keith had never entered previously. It was pitch dark until Carl lit the overhead light. A table surrounded by chairs filled the space. Once the four of them had entered, Will closed the door for complete privacy.

  “Sit.” Derek gestured.

  Instinctively, Carl and Keith sat next to each other opposite the two older men.

  Derek opened the button of his suit jacket. He was the only one in a business suit. Will wore casual jeans and a cotton shirt.

  “Charlotte told me she’s spoken to you already.” Derek rested his elbows on the table, his hands pressed together as if he were praying.

  “Yes, sir.” Carl nodded.

  Keith knew these men held his and Carl’s acting fates in their hands. He reached for Carl under the table and curled his fingers around Carl’s.

  “We realize when a career is new, a young man will be cautious before being open about his sexuality.”

  Keith kept his mouth sealed shut. He knew what they were going to say. Charlotte already had. Perhaps their director thought they needed more persuasion from the big guns.

  “And neither myself or Will want to tell you what to do.”

  Keith doubted that very much. He felt Carl’s grip tighten on his hand.

  “But saying that,” Derek lowered his tone and allowed his arms to relax on the table in front of him. “Our ratings depend upon perceptions. And I totally understand if you don’t want to come out as gay men. Again, this is your personal decision. My concern is in the overt heterosexual display orchestrated for the tabloids.”

  The grasp on his fingers became painful, but Keith knew this conversation would be murder.

  Will Markham spoke up. “We would prefer it if you didn’t play the tabloid game. Perhaps you could just refrain from verifying their suspicions without flaunting a fake heterosexual relationship in the media.”

  Keith felt the pause in conversation like pain. What did they want him and Carl to say? Yes? Out me? Give you the ratings you deserve at the expense of…what?

  Again Derek expressed, “Do you see where we’re coming from? We have been told by an inside source that this show may be getting six Emmy nominations, and that includes best actor and best supporting actor in a drama series.” He paused before he pointed. “You two.”

  The thrill of a nomination made Keith feel like screaming in joy. Instead he chewed his lip nervously.

  “But,” Derek continued, “public perception can ruin your chances. You could easily sabotage your own careers by rubbing out the sweet reputations you now have with the label of liar. Or fraud.”

  It was obvious to Keith suddenly that both of their producers knew they were a gay couple. There was no getting around that fact.

  Keith looked into the stern expression on Will Markham’s face. The man was very good looking, possibly in his forties, with no wedding ring on his finger. Gay? Keith could only assume. Conservatively dressed and groomed, fifty-something, Derek Dixon wore a gold band. Keith guessed he was married with children.

  “If you come across as dishonest, we will lose out on those awards, and in turn the series will not be as long lived as we would like it to be.” Derek set his gaze on Carl.

  Keith felt Carl’s body tremble under the scrutiny. What these men were asking of them seemed monumental.

  Will cleared his throat to get their attention. “Derek and I hoped to run this series, at the very least, for five years, eager for eight or nine. The kudos we’re getting for our depiction of real gay men has been overwhelming. Think of the contradiction in the media if it comes out you two are faking straight relationships…” he paused as if for effect, then stressed, “and are lovers in real life.”

  A trickle of sweat ran down Keith’s temple in the stuffy room. He dabbed at it discreetly.

  Another protracted pause engulfed them. Finally, seemingly irritated by the silence, Derek asked directly, “Don’t either of you have anything to say for yourselves? Or do all your lines have to be written for you?”

  “Ouch!” Keith choked in surprise. “That’s not very nice.”

  “Then say something. Don’t just sit there like pretty mannequins.” Derek reclined in his chair.

  Keith disengaged his hand from Carl’s and placed his forearms on the table in front of him. “I understand everything you are saying. Both Carl and I do. Do you have any idea how long we have agonized over this?”

  Neither man answered, obviously allowing Keith his chance to vent.

  “We each have agents representing us.” Keith glanced at Carl whose face was stern. “Adam Lewis and Cole Rossi. Both of our agents warned us about coming out to the public. Adam said very clearly that if we did, after your—our show either ended or is cancelled, we’d be left out in the cold.”

  Again Keith didn’t get a response. He looked to Carl for some back up.

  And Carl replied, “Name me one leading man in the film industry that has come out as gay.”

  Keith waited. No one named anyone.

  Derek sighed deeply before he answered. “We’re not asking you to come out.”

  “In a way you are.” Keith leaned closer to them over the table. “If we don’t
deny we’re gay, be seen with women, then by default, because of the characters we play, people will assume we are gay.”

  “Nonsense,” Will scoffed.

  “Are you gay?” Keith asked him boldly.

  “Yes.” Will’s eyes became raw as he glared at them.

  “Is that common knowledge?” Carl replied.

  Derek grew angry. “What the heck does Will’s sexuality have to do with this? He’s not in front of the camera, you are. Stop changing the topic.”

  “Are you out?” Keith insisted.

  “Yes.” Will grimaced slightly at the declaration.

  It took the wind out of Keith’s righteous sails. The point was moot suddenly. Rubbing his tired eyes, Keith stated, “Carl, it’s no use.”

  Derek held their attention once again. “Do you want this show to remain on the air?”

  “Yes,” both Keith and Carl answered in stereo.

  “Fine. If you want Forever Young to be long lasting, and for Troy Wright and Dennis Jason to continue loving and showing the world that gay men are not something to shun, then all we ask is that you drop the het act. I’ll repeat, we don’t expect you to come out and declare yourselves gay. No one would expect that of you. Just stop pretending you have plastic women in your life. Go about your business as usual. Work, socialize, play, just stop manufacturing a relationship that doesn’t exist.”

  Will maintained, “You’re not fooling anyone. On the contrary, you look foolish. It gives you both a ring of deceit that we don’t want tainting a number one show.”

  “Are you guaranteeing we will be in the show until its conclusion?” Keith wanted some reassurances of work. The last thing he needed was to be branded a gay pariah and exiled to the washed-up actor’s unemployment line at the meager age of twenty-six.

  “Yes.” Both Derek and Will nodded confidently. “You two make the damn show. If we cut either one of you, it’s finished. While this show runs, you will have work. Period. No question. We did a Neilson poll and by those stats you two as the gay couple Troy and Dennis are the all-time favorite in nighttime drama. The number was overwhelming.”

  “Wow.” Keith sat back to digest it.

  “Don’t either of you look at the fan sites?” Will asked.

  “We checked out a few. Including that YouTube thing.” Carl adjusted his position on his chair so his leg was against Keith’s.

  “Oh, that.” Will smiled impishly.

  Will’s smug expression gave Keith a sinking sensation. “Did you sanction that clip?”

  Derek and Will exchanged cheeky glances.

  “No!” Carl admonished. “Tell me you did not create that video.”

  “Our dicks showed on that thing!” Keith was not amused.

  “We didn’t create it, but we knew about it.” Will seemed to be trying to wipe the smirk off his amused face.

  “Come on, guys,” Keith pleaded. “Don’t do things like that behind our backs.”

  “Oh?” Derek asked, “Would you have allowed us to put up an x-rated video with your blessing?”

  “Why did you do that?” Carl moaned.

  “I’ll repeat what I already said,” Will sounded hostile suddenly, “do either of you check the internet for feedback?”

  “What are we supposed to be looking for?” Keith fought to hold back his anger. “I’m scared shitless to read what people are saying about us.”

  “That’s a mistake.” Derek loosened his necktie in the warm room. “If you did, you’d see the support for the two of you as a couple.”

  “I feel like I’m on a merry-go-round.” Keith rubbed his forehead as it began to ache.

  “All right.” Will waved his hand. “You get the idea. We don’t have to keep pounding it in.”

  Derek stood, moving out his chair. “It’s not a lot to ask, guys. Just be yourselves.”

  Keith and Carl rose up. Keith was anxious to get out of the close room. “Would you both promise to put in a good word for us if and when this show is cancelled?”

  “If you co-operate, yes.” Will scooted his chair back under the table.

  “Geez, that sounds like blackmail,” Carl said.

  Keith elbowed him to shut up. Luckily, the men had a sense of humor.

  Before the door was opened, Will joked, “Yes, blackmail. Either you come clean or you’re fired.”

  “Ha. Ha.” Keith narrowed his eyes at Will.

  “At least we’re not asking you for sex.” Will met Keith’s eyes directly, “like some sleazy Hollywood agents.”

  “Adam never does that.” Keith felt his skin go red from embarrassment.

  “Oh? Then you know nothing about his deceased business partner, Jack Turner,” Will scoffed.

  “I know about it.” Keith realized he wasn’t the only man in LA battling with his image. “Adam Lewis is straight up. He would never ask for that.”

  “Straight up? Lewis?” Derek laughed. “Tell his gay lawyer boyfriend that.”

  “All right.” Keith had enough.

  “Bottom line, Keith. Who are you willing to take career advice from? A man like Lewis with questionable couch practices, or two powerful television producers with your and the show’s best interest at heart?” Derek opened the door. “Good day, gentlemen. Oh, and by the way, nice job earlier on the taping. You two burn up the screen.”

  “Yes,” Will emphasized, “good work. The two of you play a very convincing gay couple.”

  The look of irony on their faces was killing Keith.

  Carl mumbled goodbye as they left. Once the sound of their footsteps vanished, Carl dropped back down to a chair to recuperate from the meeting.

  Keith sat next to him, cuddling around him. “Why is our life so damn complicated?”

  “I don’t know.” Carl rubbed his eyes with his index finger and thumb.

  “What the hell are we supposed to do now?” Keith leaned his chin on Carl’s arm.

  “You’re asking me?” Carl scoffed at the absurdity. “I feel like taffy! Go straight! Go gay! Come out! Stay in!”

  “I wish we had a crystal ball. I would really like to see what happens to our careers after this series ends.”

  “Yeah, but if we don’t do as they ask, it’ll end very quickly. And to be honest, Keith? I like this show. I don’t want it to end. You do realize we get paid well to kiss and play together on TV. Where the hell are we going to get another job like that?”

  Keith allowed Carl to turn so they were face to face. “I bet it must be nice to get paid for screwing men.”

  “Screwing?” Carl raised his eyebrow.

  “If we’re through in mainstream TV after this show, I could do gay porno movies.”

  Carl cracked up. “I do love you.”

  Keith leaned in for a kiss. “I love you too, handsome.”

  Chapter 8

  Driving back to the condo after the shoot, Carl’s mobile phone rang. Shifting in his seat to get at his pocket, Carl removed it and answered it while Keith watched him from the passenger’s side. “Hello?”

  “Carl? Cole here.”

  “Hiya, Cole.” Carl glanced at Keith quickly. “My agent,” he mouthed silently.

  “I’ve a few offers on my desk for you and I wondered when you would be available for a chat.”

  “Anything good?”

  “Yes. One is for a part in an action film.”

  “Lead?” Carl stopped for a red light.

  “No. Supporting. But a nice size role. Great exposure into the big screen.”

  “Great.” Carl winked at Keith.

  “Ever since that front page in the tabloid press with you holding a woman, it’s like the floodgates have opened.”

  Carl’s smile dropped. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. It’s as if they were all hesitant to hire a gay man, and suddenly with the sight of you and a woman together, they seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief and the offers appeared.”

  Without a sound, Carl mouthed, “Fuck!”

  Keith grabbed his knee in res
ponse to that silent expletive.

  Moving as the light changed, Carl muttered, “When do you want me to come by.”

  “Sooner the better.”

  Carl looked over at Keith. “You mind a detour before we head home?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I can be there in five,” Carl said into the phone.

  “Great. See you then.”

  Carl disconnected and tossed the mobile into the cup holder on the console.

  “What?” Keith asked as Carl rubbed at his jaw stubble.

  “My agent said the minute we were photographed with Jade and Holly, he was flooded with offers.”

  Keith slumped down in the bucket seat and covered his face in agony.

  “Taffy,” Carl sighed. “Fucking salt water taffy.”

  “I don’t fucking believe any of this.” Keith balled up his fists and almost screamed, “Why does who we fuck in the bedroom matter?”

  Carl laughed sadly. “Good question.”

  “Aren’t we still the same men? The same actors?”

  “Hell no. If we’re gay we don’t have testicles and can’t have a romantic part with a woman. How can you be a man if you don’t have any balls between your legs? Don’t you know that? Being gay in Hollywood turns men into eunuchs.”


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