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Playing Dirty Book 2 of the Action! Series

Page 19

by GA Hauser

  “The first time is the worst. It does get easier.” Carl urged them outside the set door again in preparation for their scene.

  “Mark,” Keith whispered, “turn your back to the cameras.”

  “Yes. I shall.”

  “Carl, let’s undress him that way. There’s no need for the crew to keep getting an eye-full.”

  “I agree.” Carl rubbed Mark’s back warmly in a comforting gesture.

  “Ready, gentlemen?” Charlotte boomed.

  “Yes, Mother!” Carl replied.

  “Threesome scene. Take one. Action!”

  In a silent hiss, Carl asked, “Ready, boys?” and he swung open the door, escorting Mark into the living room. “I cannot wait to get you into bed.” Carl could feel Mark wasn’t nearly as nervous as before.

  Turning Mark so his back was to the cameras, Keith began unraveling Mark’s necktie. “Troy, I am really looking forward to this.”

  “Believe me, Dennis, not as much as I am.” Once again Carl removed Mark’s suit jacket. “You beautiful creature.” Carl smiled at Mark adoringly, tossing the jacket on a chair.

  Mark moaned softly, “Yes, this is my first time as well. I’ve always wondered what making love to two men would be like.”

  Carl was so proud of Mark. It took balls to act on camera, especially with no training that Carl knew of.

  This time Mark helped Keith as he unfastened Mark’s cufflink. Liking the way it worked last time, Carl reached for Mark’s other wrist, doing the same. Mark removed his shirt, setting it with his jacket on a chair.

  It was easier with Mark undressing himself. Carl was able to start on his own clothing. Tapping Keith, he urged them to the bedroom. The clothing was coming off much faster this take. And when Mark’s trousers dropped, he only revealed a back view to the hungry cameras and crew.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before, Troy,” Keith said his line, standing next to Mark, facing the back wall. Keith smoothed his hand over Mark’s shoulder.

  “None of us have.” Carl turned down the bed, climbing in, holding up the sheets to assist Mark in joining him.

  “Come here, gorgeous.” Carl wrapped around Mark to give him a big hug.

  Keith embraced Mark as well, kissing his cheek and neck affectionately as Carl did the same.

  “Oh, I’m in heaven,” Mark moaned, wriggling between them.

  “So are we, beautiful, so are we,” Keith sighed, tilting Mark’s jaw in his direction and kissing him.


  “Nicely done, boys! I don’t see how we could improve on that one.”

  Keith wrapped his legs and arms tighter around Mark. “Thank you for being such a good sport, Mark.”

  “Are you joking? I loved it.”

  “Christ, you always smell so good.” Carl snuffled Mark hungrily.

  The woman with the sheet waited, her arms extended towards the ceiling, yet no one was getting out of the bed.

  Charlotte peeked in. “Still okay?”

  Purring, writhing against Mark, Keith smiled. “We don’t want to get out.”

  “I’d sell my soul to climb in there with you three.”

  “Charlotte!” Carl choked in shock, breaking up with laughter.

  Mark craned his finger at her. “Come on in, sweetie.”

  “Augh! Don’t you dare!” She turned beet red. Keith was astonished. He didn’t think the brazen Charlotte Deavers could blush at anything.

  Keith’s dick went rigid at Mark’s playful teasing. Unable to control himself, he licked Mark’s cheek, leaving a wet trail up his jaw. Mark twisted around and kissed him passionately.

  “Augh! Drop the sheets! Roll! Roll!” Charlotte raced out of the scene, dragging the assistant with the blind with her.

  Lost on Mark’s tongue, Keith felt Carl’s hands finding their way between he and Mark, clamping both their erections together. Keith shivered and reached around Mark to touch his lover. When he felt Carl’s mouth sucking his middle finger Keith went wild. “We can’t do this. We’re on film,” he breathed as quietly as he could.

  “Film? What film?” Mark teased as he rolled on top of Keith and spread his legs.

  “Oh, holy shit,” Carl moaned. “Guys, we can’t do this. They are taping.”

  Mark leaned up on his elbows and turned to look at the crew. When he did, Keith propped up his head to see what Mark saw. Four cameras, twenty assistants,, and Charlotte, all gawking.

  “No. Carl’s quite right. We’ll regret this,” Mark agreed.

  “Charlotte, cut!” Carl ordered.

  “Cut! Cut.” She sighed. “Damn. We really had something special there for a minute, Carl.”

  “When does it stop being a public display and get personal?” Mark asked innocently, sitting up with the blanket around his hips.

  “Good question.” Keith leaned back against the headboard.

  “This better not show up on YouTube.” Carl appeared to be searching the crew carefully.

  “Get up.” Keith panicked at the notion. “Sheet!”

  The woman with the blind raced over.

  “Get dressed,” Keith prodded Mark.

  Mark quickly got out of the bed and found his trousers. “YouTube? What’s that about? Should I be nervous?”

  “No. Carl, stop freaking us out.” Keith zipped his fly. “If it shows up on the net we claim it’s the shoot. We can’t help what they write for us.”

  “I know that. But does the public know that?”

  “What’s all this? You didn’t mention anything going on the Internet.” Mark buttoned his shirt.

  “It won’t. Carl, stop it.” Keith felt sick to have placed Mark in that predicament. The guilt just wouldn’t end.

  “Does the studio do that?” Mark asked. “You know, coming attractions? Trailers?”

  “That’s not what Carl is referring to. Never mind, Mark. There’s no sense getting upset about something that might not happen.” Keith slipped his shoes on.

  “Won’t it?” Carl narrowed his eyes at Keith.

  The woman with the sheet walked away once they were all decent. Carl helped Mark with his cufflinks as Charlotte approached him. “Mark, we need all you information for your paycheck and the tax man.”

  “Yes. Of course.” Mark nodded, thanking Carl for his help.

  “And Adam Lewis is your agent?” she asked.

  Mark exchanged glances with Keith and Carl. “I suppose Jack will find out when he watches the show.”

  “Jack?” Charlotte asked.

  “Never mind. Yes,” Keith said, “Adam is Mark’s agent.”

  “Good. It’s been an absolute delight getting to work with you, Mark. I’ll keep you in mind for my next series. And…there’s always a chance you may return for a guest spot.”

  “Great. Cheers.” Mark shook her hand. When she walked away, Mark checked his watch. “I should get to the office.”

  “Thanks again, Mark.” Keith hugged him.

  “My pleasure. You just remember that.” Mark caressed Keith’s face.

  “See you soon?” Carl reached out his hand.

  Mark took it. “I do hope so. You should come round to Jack and Adam’s place when we have pizza night and show Loveday videos.”

  “Loveday again?” Keith puzzled. “Who the heck is this Loveday guy you all keep mentioning.”

  “If you don’t know,” Mark grinned wickedly, “you ought to find out. Come by and you’ll see what all the fuss is about.”

  “We will,” Carl agreed, waving as Mark left.

  Once he vanished, Charlotte yelled for them to come back and do the next scene. As they did, Keith sighed, “That was a very weird experience.”

  “What isn’t weird in show business?” Carl walked with Keith back to the set.

  Chapter 15

  Keith was completely spent by the time they arrived home from the studio. Scuffing his feet wearily, he followed Carl into their condo and kicked off his shoes, falling back on the sofa with a groan.

nbsp; “What a day.” Carl tossed his keys on the counter. “I’m beat.”

  “Me too. I had no idea that scene with Mark would take it out of me. I thought it would be another fun romp. It was and it wasn’t.”

  Removing his shoes and socks to get comfy in the warm room, Carl raised Keith’s legs, collapsed under them on the cushion, resting them across his lap. “You really felt bad about Mark, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. Come on, Carl. We used him.”

  “He liked it. He even wanted to play submissive.” Carl tugged off Keith’s socks, massaging his feet.

  “Justify it any way you like. I still feel like crap about it.”

  “Even with Mark’s reassurances?”

  “The guy’s too innocent for his own good. He doesn’t even know when he’s being objectified.” Keith closed his eyes. “That feels excellent.”

  Carl pushed Keith’s jeans up his shins, rubbing his ankles and digging under the fabric to his calves. “I think the three-way, and for that matter, the group thing, is over for us.”

  “I agree. It was a thrill, but we’ve done it. I imagine if we make a habit of it, even that will wear on us.”

  “I love you. You and I think so much alike.”

  Opening his eyes, Keith smiled adoringly at him. “It was nice to do things like that together. Share the experiences.”

  “Definitely. It brought us closer.”

  “It did, Carl. It definitely did.”

  “I know.”

  “Marry me.”

  Choking on a laugh, Carl asked, “What?”

  “Marry me. It’s legal here now.”

  “Keith…” Carl fixed Keith’s pant legs, covering his shins again.

  “We can do it secretly.”

  “Then what’s the point?”

  “Huh?” Keith reached for Carl’s hand.

  “I said, what’s the point of a secret ceremony? If we can’t celebrate it with family and friends, why do it?”

  “You want to have a big wedding?”

  Appearing frustrated, Carl rested his head on the back of the couch, staring at the ceiling. “We can’t get married, Keith.”

  “Carl…” Keith placed his feet on the floor and cuddled against Carl’s side. “I love you. I don’t want anyone else but you.”

  “Our careers, Keith. Remember Adam? Deny, deny, deny? How do we deny we’re a couple if we get married?”

  Keith wrapped around Carl and dragged him down on top of him lengthwise on the sofa. He then clasped both of Carl’s hands and crushed them to his chest. “How long do you want to play this stupid game, Carl?”

  “As long as we both have careers in acting, Keith.”

  “No. No way.”

  “Keith, I want to star in movies. And not as the cartoonish fag who lisps and waves his hands around like a queen.”

  Winding his legs around Carl’s, Keith moaned, “Carl…please.”

  Pulling away just enough to talk to him, Carl leaned his elbows on the arm of the couch over Keith’s head and spoke in a serious tone, “I love you, I do. This has got nothing to do with the amount I adore you and want you with me. The answer to that is forever.”

  “Like in Forever Young?” Keith sneered sarcastically.

  “Don’t be glib. You know what I’m talking about here.”

  Dropping one foot to the floor, Keith stamped it in frustration.

  Carl leaned down and kissed Keith’s lips. “I’m sorry, Keith. I want a career.”

  “In secret. A tiny little ceremony with Adam, Jack, Mark, and Steve.”

  “Secret? In Hollywood? Are you joking?”

  “No one will know.”

  “What about wedding rings?” Carl asked, accusing. “Huh, Keith? We suddenly wear rings?”

  “No rings.”

  Carl sat up, pushing away from Keith. “Then what’s the fucking point? Who are we kidding?”

  “Please don’t pull away from me.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest in anger, Carl shook his head.

  “Do you love me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Will you do anything for me?”

  Carl peered over at him. The green of Carl’s irises were paler than Mark’s and had a gold ring around the outer edge. Mesmerizing.


  “Almost anything?”

  “Yes. That’s what I said.”

  Sitting up again to be able to whisper, Keith asked, “You’ll do anything I ask sexually, but you won’t have a commitment ceremony with me. Don’t you think that’s unfair?”

  “I didn’t make the rules. Society did.”

  “And since when do we give a shit what ‘society’ thinks?”

  “I can’t keep going over this with you.” Carl stood abruptly. “I’m taking a shower.”

  When Carl left the room, Keith slumped over his lap rubbing his face in agony. He loved Carl. Why did it matter to anyone?

  The phone rang. It scared the crap out of Keith he was so deep in thought. He hopped up and picked up the cordless. “Hello?”

  “Keith. Charlotte.”

  “Hi. What’s up?”

  “Are you sitting down?”

  “Should I be?” Keith flopped to the couch.


  “I’m sitting.”

  “Is Carl with you?”

  “He’s in the shower. What’s going on, Charlotte?”

  “You and he both have been nominated for Emmys.”

  “Have we? Derek Dixon and Will Markham hinted about it when they spoke to us about the women. Do you know that for sure?”

  “Yes. I just got a phone call from a trusted source, Keith. The show has got six nominations.”

  “Wow. Cool.”

  “Will you two go together? You know, as a couple?”

  “Oh, God. Charlotte.” Keith felt sick, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

  “Please don’t go with those toothpicks. You promised me, Derek, and Will that was finished.”

  “Toothpicks?” Keith asked. “You mean Holly and Jade? They’re not toothpicks, Charlotte. They’re women.”


  “Come on, I don’t need this.”

  “No. You should be popping the champagne corks.”

  “Yeah. Whoopee.”


  “Sorry. Yes. It’s great, Charlotte. I do appreciate the call.”

  “Please don’t worry about coming with Carl. People expect it.”

  “No. They don’t. But nice try.”

  “Keith,” her tone grew more accusatory.

  “See you tomorrow, Charlotte.”

  “Goodbye, Keith.”

  He disconnected the call and stared into space. Though he had waited all his life for this, he didn’t feel happy. Particularly since Carl was petrified to marry him.

  Winding up his arm in a parody of whipping the phone across the room in anger, Keith restrained himself and placed it back in its cradle.

  Entering the bedroom, hearing the water from the shower in their private bath, Keith approached it, stepping into the steamy room.

  Carl’s blurry form was visible through the double glass doors. Gazing at him while he soaped up, Keith instantly felt his cock move in his jeans. Yes, Mark Richfield was pretty, and Steve Miller was macho, but nothing compared to Carl Bronson in his eyes.

  Pushing back the door to peek in, Keith watched him lather up his chest and neck, eyes cast down, his hair sudsy from shampoo. Carl’s young, thirty-year-old, tall, sleek, almost hairless torso made Keith salivate for a taste.

  As if just realizing he had a visitor, Carl glanced up meeting Keith’s eyes. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” Keith crooned, taking off his shirt.

  “Are you joining me?”

  “Is that an invitation?” Keith kicked off his jeans and briefs.

  “Yes,” Carl laughed.

  Pushing back the sliding door, Keith stepped into the blasting torrent. “I think I’m a sex fiend.”

“Yeah?” Carl reached out for Keith and slid his soapy body around on him.

  “Yes. Is that serious? Should I seek help?”

  “Sea kelp?”

  “What?” Keith squiggled against Carl’s slick skin.

  “Nothing. I’m making a joke that you didn’t get.”

  “Hm?” Keith was already lost on Carl’s body. Moving back, using his fingers, Keith pressed their two hard, wet cocks together, rubbing them around each other.


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