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Violet Aches for Blake (Encounter Bay)

Page 9

by Emily Bruce

  Those eyes hid nothing.

  “I really love the layout of this place, the master is separated from the rest of the bedrooms, which gives you privacy,” Violet was saying in her realtor voice as she gripped the banister and ascended the stairs.

  Blake’s eyes hadn’t left her ass and he couldn’t even say what color the walls were at this point. They finally reached the top of the huge sweeping mahogany staircase as Violet made a left turn and headed towards the double doors up ahead.

  When she stopped to open the door to the master suite, Blake took a giant step so he was right behind her as she leaned in to turn the knob, his cheek grazing the side of her neck.

  “Why, are you a screamer?” he said in a low husky voice as he watched her physically trembling.

  That put the smirk back on his face.

  She so wanted him.

  Why in the hell was she trying to resist him, then?

  Opening the door, and hurrying in, he watched as Violet stalked to the nearest wall and stood with her back to it.

  Now she could see him coming, the same tactic she had deployed the night of his party.

  Challenge accepted.

  Blake walked around the bedroom and the adjoining wardrobe and bathroom. The bedroom was huge, nearly as big as his bedroom back in LA. He loved that one of the walls was just floor to ceiling windows and that he could see the whole of Encounter Bay from here. The commute up the hill would be a bitch, but the view was totally worth it and he loved how secluded this place was, not many people around, because he would definitely need privacy.

  Yeah, he was so buying this place.

  He had already looked at the photos in the online listing and had fallen in love. And seeing Violet in here, seething at him in his new bedroom, well, that just sealed the deal.

  “Let’s go look out the back,” he said with a smirk and she shot him a ‘don’t even think about touching me’ look as she hurried out of the room in front of him and back down the stairs.

  He really needed to figure out why she was so resistant to the idea of the two of them together.

  He watched as she marched out to the pool area with her head held high.

  Oh yes, Violet was his.

  She turned and said, “I don’t really need to say anything. The place is stunning.” She waved her hand toward the outdoor pool.

  “It is,” Blake replied, not looking at the pool but at her, his eyes running all over her body and totally eye-fucking the shit out of her.

  How much clearer could he get?

  She was not picking up on any of his moves.

  Not that he had any.

  He wasn’t a player.

  It was time to take action.

  Closing the gap between them in four strides, Blake put his arm around Violet’s waist and pulled her to his body.

  She let out a small whimper and put up a fight, pushing her palms against his chest as she struggled to get away from him.

  Oh Violence, you’re going nowhere.

  Having Violet plastered to the length of him made Blake let out a low growl, it felt so right.

  This was where he was meant to be!

  Blake reveled in the feel of Violet’s lush body up against him, but she was still struggling, Blake grabbed her chin with his free hand, forcing her to look at him. The moment her emerald eyes hit him, he was a-goner. He felt it, their connection, the lust. He gently tugged her face to his.

  Yes, that’s right.

  Sweet Violence!

  Playtime is over.

  His lips met her soft pink ones and she opened her mouth, most likely to yell at him, and he just stuck his tongue right in there.

  He was taking a risk.

  Who knew what Violence was going to do?

  She was just as likely to kiss him back as she was to bite off his tongue!

  Chapter 13


  She was having that dream again, the one where Blake grabbed her, held her tight, and kissed the crap out of her, only this wasn’t a dream, it was real life. It was actually happening. Blake Wilson, Hollywood’s hottest actor, was kissing her, Violet Stone, slightly overweight realtor with a severe ice cream addiction. The boy from her teenage years she had loved so fiercely, who had never loved her back, was now kissing her.

  Violet was sure she heard an ovary burst.

  His warm tongue was probing the inside of her mouth while she just stood there, her hands full of his shirt fabric, at first struggling to get out of his vice-like grip but now pulling him closer. She could feel his heart hammering against her palms, the warmth that was radiating off him. She felt his hand searing into her lower back. She was wedged so close to him that she could feel his hardening erection on her stomach.

  All the sensations of him touching her, plus his tongue working its way around her mouth, were too much!

  If she died right now, she would die as one happy lady.

  She had to stop this!!

  Finally coming to her senses, Violet used all her might and pushed against him.

  Dear lord, he must be 200 pounds of pure muscle.

  Finally, Blake took the hint, relented a little, and moved one step back, his chest rising and falling, the lust that was in his eyes now replaced by a confused and wide-eyed look.

  If he thought he could just come back here and make out with her, and that she would just let him, he had another thing coming!!

  “What are you doing?” She yelled in a weird high-pitched voice that was foreign even to her own ears.

  Blake stared at her intently, like she had just grown horns, like he was trying to figure out why she was protesting his hot kisses.

  “Vi… I… I… like you,” he whispered.

  Violet raised an eyebrow, her mouth went dry, and she saw spots. Don’t you dare faint in front of him!! Pull yourself together, Violet!!

  “Why now? And why? Don’t think I don’t know you’ve been with those all those LA bitches! What do you think this is? I just wait around for 13 years, 5 months, and 26 days while you bang models and actresses and then, when you’re done, you can just come back here and I’ll jump into bed with you! You think I have such little self-respect that I would just be okay with all that?” Violet watched as Blake took another step back and gave her a confused look.

  “Violet... I…”

  Violet raised her hand.

  “Save it and get out, we’re done here! If you want to buy the house, talk to Mr Jameson!”

  Violet was as shocked as Blake was.

  Everything she had always wanted, she had just turned down, just like that?

  Was she crazy?

  Blake was certainly looking at her like she was!

  No, she wasn’t crazy, she just had a bit more self-respect then she realized.

  Who did he think he was? Did he honestly believe she would be okay with this? He had no idea how hard it had been for her to see him with all those gorgeous models! All those award ceremonies and red-carpet events when he had some beautiful skinny skank on his arm, smiling into the camera like he had not a care in the world, while she was at home watching it on TV and crying into her ice cream. If he was genuine in his feelings for her, why hadn’t he said something all those years ago?

  Why now?

  Blake was still staring at her, making his best fish face.

  Violet crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow.

  Blake seemed too stunned to talk. His stupid sexy blue eyes bored into her, searching.

  Violet held her head high and narrowed her eyes.

  Blake looked like he was going to say something, but instead he just turned around and marched out of the house.

  Violet leaned against the closest wall before her wobbling knees gave out.

  Had she just turned down the man of her dreams?

  Did the man she had pined for the last 13 years, 5 months, and 26 days finally like her back?

  Did Blake Wilson just stick his tongue down her throat?

Did he seriously think he could just come back here and make out with her and she would have nothing to say?

  Did Blake Wilson even know her at all?

  Sighing, she pushed off from the wall and went about turning off the pool pump and shutting off the lights as she made her way back out of the house.

  When she arrived in the front room, Violet bent down and picked up her handbag. With shaking hands, she pulled out her phone and typed out a 911 text to Sophie.

  This so was an emergency.


  She pulled into a parking space at the front of the tiny realty office, she had been amazed that she had been able to drive and, if she was honest, she couldn’t really remember the drive down the hill to get here. Turning off the car, she leaned her head against the headrest and closed her eyes. She felt an overwhelming need to cry.

  You're being stupid!

  Harden the hell up!

  Violet took a couple of deep breaths. She still had nearly a whole day of work to get through, she was just going to have to forget that she had been pressed up against all that hard, toned muscle… She heard her phone ding and with still trembling hands, she pulled her phone out of her bag and read the message Sophie had sent.

  “Can’t! I have to go to Jamie’s for dinner! Tomorrow lunch?”

  Did she not read the 911 bit?!

  Violet leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, she took a couple of deep breaths and tried to calm her stupid heartbeat, when a sharp knock on the window made her scream.

  “What in the hell is wrong with you, girl? I’m not paying you to sit in your car and take a damned nap!” yelled Mr. Jameson through the window. She shook her head and got out the car.

  “How did the open house go? You’re back awfully quick, you didn’t kick them out again, did you?” he asked her suspiciously.

  “No,” Violet managed to reply as she locked her car.

  “Well, did you sell it?” Mr Jameson asked as they both made their way to the office.

  “It was Blake Wilson… he seemed to like the house,” Violet managed to say.

  “Ah well, I might give him a call and see what he thought,” Mr Jameson said excitedly as he headed to his office. “Not like he doesn’t have the cash to spare!” he added with a huge grin and shut the door, leaving Violet to herself. She managed to walk around the desk and slump into her chair. She couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that Sophie hadn’t taken her message seriously. But she had to remember that Sophie was planning the wedding of the century, so she couldn’t be too mad at her.

  Violet got stuck into her work. She was going to pretend that this morning had never happened. This was way too much excitement for a Monday. Around lunchtime, Mr Jameson handed her another listing to put together. She had never been so excited to get extra work in her life. She was able to put what happened to the back of her mind and concentrate on her work. Before she knew it, it was 5 pm and quitting time. She could finally go home and freak the hell out.


  After arriving home via the store to pick up supplies, Violet was dressed in her sweats and on the couch in no time. Her dinner tonight was a large bag of crisps and a pint of Icy Mountain. Pulling the old grey blanket around her tighter, she felt like she could finally relax and simultaneously freak the hell out.

  She had been kissed by Blake freaking Wilson. What did it mean? Did he like her? What was she supposed to do with that? Violet shook her head. She needed to relax and keep calm. She needed some advice. But since Sophie was too busy, she wasn’t going to sit there jumping to conclusions all night. No, she was going to do what she always did when she was in a pickle…

  Violet got up from her comfy spot and looked around her living room. She always looked to make sure someone wasn’t watching, even though she lived by herself. Making her way to the kitchen, she felt her heart flutter a little, like it always did. She made her way to the sink and looked over her shoulder again. Still nothing. She got on her knees and opened the cupboard door, reached in as far as she could, and then felt her way around the back of the cupboard. Her fingers landed on the bag in there and she felt that little bolt of excitement she always felt when she got out her bag of shame.

  Getting up, she carried the little pink bag full of DVDs back to the lounge room and put it on the coffee table. She did one last check to make sure no one was there, opened the pink bag, shuffled through the wad of Blake Wilson movies, found her favorite, and put it on.

  Okay, she had a problem.

  She may own all of Blake Wilson’s movies and even a documentary on him and his modeling days. And when she was feeling down, she may watch his films. And yes, she may hide them under her sink so that Sophie never saw them, it was her secret shame.

  She would die if Sophie ever caught her.

  Snuggling back into her sofa and wrapping herself back in the cozy old grey blanket, Violet smiled as the movie started.

  She had watched this particular movie so many times that she may have needed to buy another copy, and she may also know it word for word. It was the only romantic comedy Blake ever made, sure it was a little cheesy and he was just starting out as an actor, but she loved it.

  Looking at a younger Blake doing stupid shit to impress a nerdy girl made her heart fill with warmth.

  And maybe just a little hope.

  Half a bag of crisps, one pint of ice cream, half a box of tissues, and half the movie later…

  Violet’s front door opened and slammed against the wall.

  “Okay, I’m here! What’s the emergency?” Sophie asked, looking anxious as she rushed in the door. Violet took in her best friend, looking glamorous as always in a bright blue cocktail dress and matching heels with a large black patent leather handbag dangling off her arm. Sophie turned around and shut the front door that she had nearly slammed through the wall, and hurried the short distance over to Violet on the sofa.

  Violet felt like a deer stuck in the headlights.

  Oh shit!

  Sophie was so going to see the bag of DVDs!

  Violet jumped off the couch, the blanket tangling around her feet as she tried to make a lunge for the bag on the coffee table. She missed and fell to her knees on the floor.

  Sophie looked at Violet on her knees, then at the bag on the table, before Violet could lay a hand on the bag of shame. She watched on in horror as Sophie put one and two together, stooped down, and swiped up the bag.


  “What’s in here??” Sophie asked as Violet got back up and tackled her, trying to get the bag out of her hands. “And, why are you trying to hide it from me?” Sophie laughed as she struggled and managed to keep it out of Violet's grip. How she was able to fight off Violet while holding her black handbag and the bag of shame, Violet would never know.

  Sophie wriggled out of Violet's grip and dashed across the room, stopping in front of the TV when she saw what was playing. “Wait, are you watching that trashy movie starring my ass-hat brother?”

  Violet knew she had to try and get that incriminating bag back, so she lunged at Sophie while she was distracted by the TV, but Sophie had a better grip on the bag of shame than Violet thought and she managed to wrestle it free from Violet and dart into the kitchen.

  How can anyone be that athletic in a pair of 6-inch stilettos?

  “Why don’t you want me to look in the bag?” Sophie asked, putting down her handbag so she could take a better look at the one she was keeping away from Violet. Violet watched on in horror as Sophie looked for the zip.

  “No reason!” She all but shouted.

  “Oh Vi, it’s not a bag of dildos, is it?” Sophie said, wiggling her eyebrows as she looked for the opening.

  “NO!” Violet yelled.


  “Well, then you won’t mind me having a look,” Sophie replied as she opened the bag, turning out of the way of Violet’s last-ditch desperate lunge to get the bag back.

  On second thought, a bag of dildos would be less emba
rrassing then what was actually in there.

  Could this day get any worse?

  Violet looked on helplessly as Sophie opened the bag and she watched her face go from mischievous to shocked.

  “What the shit?” Sophie said as she looked into the bag and pulled out all the DVDs.

  “Violet Stone! What the hell?”


  “So, let me get this straight, you love my brother, you have been pining over him for the last 13 years, 5 months, and 26 days. You creepy-watch his movies and eat ice cream and today he flattened you into the sand and winded you. You thought you were dying and told him you loved him, but he thought you said cake instead of Blake, so now he thinks you’re crazy for cake. Then he showed up at your work and kissed you and you told him to piss off,” Sophie said, holding back her laughter as she sat next to Violet on the sofa. Her stilettos were on the floor and her legs crossed under her cocktail dress as she dug out a chunk of chocolate fudge ice cream with a spoon.

  Yep, Violet's secret was out.

  She was so screwed!

  “Yeah, that about sums it up,” Violet said, her words muffled because she was so embarrassed right now that she had her face stuffed into the sofa.

  “Vi, sit up, I’m not judging you! Okay, well maybe a little. But only because Blake is suuuch a dick!”

  Violet sat up, her face bright red. She was so embarrassed. This was nearly as bad as The Incident. Sophie catching her with a stack of every movie Blake Wilson had ever been in.

  Oh god!

  So awkward!

  “You’ve dated, what was wrong with the other guys?” Sophie asked as she licked her spoon.

  “They weren’t Blake,” Violet whispered, and watched as Sophie cringed.

  “The thought of anyone thinking Blake is hot makes me cringe! So why did you freeze up today?”

  “Because it was everything I wanted, and that scares me. What if I’m just something to pass the time to him? I don’t think I would recover. And what if he wanted to have sex?”

  Violet watched as Sophie cringed again.

  She really did not want to think about her brother’s wiener, and Violet got that.


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