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Trial And Glory (Book 3)

Page 24

by Joshua P. Simon

  “What does that have to do with Cassus?”

  “The Byzernians are calling the man who led the revolt the Hero of Slaves.”

  Yanasi’s eyes widened more. “Jonrell called Cassus that as a joke.”

  Rygar nodded. “I know. Apparently, it stuck. They speak about Cassus like he’s their savior.”

  Yanasi’s head swam with a hundred questions. “Wait. Stop. Go back and start over. I need to hear the details.”

  “Captain!” a voice called from behind.

  Yanasi turned instinctively at the title. “Yes?”

  “Her Majesty wishes to see you right away.”

  Rygar held out his hand. “Then I guess you won’t mind me starting on that cheese.”

  “That’s what you think.” She grabbed him by the arm. “C’mon. You can recount the tale as we walk.”

  * * *

  “You’re progressing well,” said Nora. “How do you feel?”

  Kroke lowered his shirt gingerly, doing his best to downplay the pain he felt. “Better. But not as good as I would like.”

  “Well, I told you the risks of traveling so soon after the injury. Come see me after dinner, and I’ll work on it a bit more.”

  Kroke nodded. “How much longer before you think I’m at full strength?”

  “A couple of weeks or so.”

  “I had hoped for sooner.”

  Nora shrugged. “Then when we’re not traveling, stay still. That’s all I can tell you.”

  The mage gathered her things and left Kroke leaning against a tree. With Wiqua gone, Nora had become the lead medical advisor for the army. Janik, Lufflin, and others deferred to her when it came to treating most injuries.

  The queen kept constant pressure on the mages to fully heal those soldiers she had not left to defend the High Pass. Elyse would not explain her reasons for pushing so hard to return to the capital.

  He pulled out a whetstone, ready to work on his blades when Yanasi appeared in the corner of his vision. She walked in a daze. Without a word, she plopped next to him beside the tree.

  “What’s eating you? I thought you’d be happy. Rygar told me the news about Cassus.”

  “I am. About that anyway.” She paused. “The queen just offered me Grayer’s old position.”

  Kroke raised an eyebrow. “General? I thought she had Jeldor in charge of her army.”

  “She said that was only temporary until she could ask me. He has his own lands and responsibilities.”

  “Well, she’s a smart woman.”


  “Of course. You’d make a fine general. It’s sometimes hard for me to see it, but you ain’t the skinny little girl Jonrell found anymore. You’ve been Kaz’s second in command for over a year now whether you realize it or not.”

  She blinked. “I never thought of it that way.” She paused. “But I don’t want to fight. The whole reason why Rygar and I left the Hell Patrol was to get away from war.”

  “All the more reason for you to take the job. Elyse needs stability and someone with a head on their shoulders running her army. Not to mention someone she can trust. The last thing she wants is a commander bent on glory in the next conflict. She needs someone who’ll promote peace.”

  “Elyse told me she wants her private forces so well-trained that no one will dare start another uprising out of fear alone.”

  “That’s the way to do it.”

  “But what if fighting breaks out anyway? You know there is always some idiot out there who is too stupid to be scared.”

  “Then you’ll have to lead them.” He paused. “Besides, if war breaks out in Cadonia again, you don’t think it wouldn’t eventually find you? Wouldn’t you rather be calling the shots than following some incompetent noble who doesn’t know his head from his rear?”

  She chuckled. “Rygar said more or less the same thing.”

  “Well, there you go.”

  They sat in silence for a moment, listening to the movements of camp.

  Yanasi cleared her throat. “Have you noticed how much different Elyse is now? She’s stronger. And her eyes . . . She’s reminding me of Jonrell more and more.” She paused. “Almost. She lacks his lightheartedness.”

  Kroke grunted. “She’s lost a lot of people she cares for. Family and friends.” Love. He thought about Kaz. “That’s bound to change anyone.”

  “I think I need more time to consider her offer.”

  “Smart.” He rose to his feet.

  “Where are you going? I passed Nora on my way over here. She said you needed to rest.”

  “I do.”

  “Well, sit. Whatever you need to do, can wait.”

  He thought of how strained his relationship with Elyse had been since he rescued her from Markus’ dungeons. “Some things can’t wait any longer.”

  * * *

  Flames danced around Nareash’s body, slowly burning away his power, then his clothes, and finally his flesh. The High Mage screamed in agony as his skin melted and bubbled from his bones.

  When the fire dissipated, only a blackened skull remained, mouth gaping in the same frozen manner as those he killed before her eyes in Lyrosene.

  Elyse raised her foot, slamming it down on the mage’s bones, pounding each fragment to dust.

  Elyse’s eyes popped open. She sat up from her desk, rubbing her face, and blinking away the sleep.

  One Above, I nodded off again. That’s the third time this evening.

  Her hands cramped from the letters she worked on, yet she refused her bed until each day’s work had been completed.

  When she did close her eyes, she dreamed one of two dreams. One involved imagining the High Mage’s agonizing death. The other, Kaz pushing his way through her tent, taking her in his arms and swearing that he would never leave her again.

  She stretched her neck, sore from the odd position she had been in. She dipped her quill into the inkwell.

  Enough of that.

  The tip of the quill had just touched the paper when Niken called from outside her tent. “Your Majesty, Kroke is here to see you.”

  She hesitated, torn between getting back to her duties and speaking with someone she had hardly acknowledged over the last several months. She set the quill down and stood.

  “Send him in.”

  Kroke ducked inside. He had always been thin, but looked worse with his collarbones protruding through his shirt. The injuries he had endured in the High Pass’ final battle had nearly done him in.

  At least he has his color back.

  “What is it?” she asked, impatient to get back to her work.

  “Yanasi told me about your offer to her.”

  “Are you here to question—”

  “No.” He cut her off. “I think she’s a good choice. A wise choice. I told her she should accept.”

  “Will she?”

  “I believe so.”

  A long breath passed through her lips. Thank the One Above.

  Kroke cocked his head. “What’s wrong?”

  She turned away from him, back to her desk. “Nothing. Thank you for letting me know about Yanasi. Unfortunately, I still have much to do.”

  “Are you expecting to need her when we return to Lyrosene?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Elyse laughed, but knew as soon as the sound escaped her that it rang false.

  “That would explain why Jeldor left with a company of men yesterday, and you’ve been sending out all these letters. You’re calling in troops. What’s going on?”

  “It’s none of your concern. Now—”

  “Is it because of Grin that you don’t trust me?”

  “No. Crusher actually told me the truth before he left. I understand why you did what you did.”

  “Then why not tell me what’s going on? We’ve been through a lot together.”

  She sighed.

  “Kaz thought you might have been keeping something from him. If you really think something might go down, you can’t keep it from us, l
east of all Yanasi.”

  “I wasn’t going to keep it from Yanasi. I just didn’t want to tell her until she accepted. I know it’s awful to trick her in such a way, but she might not accept if she learned the truth.”

  “I doubt it. She looks out for her friends. Just like I do.” He paused and cleared his throat. “And just like I thought you did.”

  She grunted. “That’s cold even for you. But you’re right. I received word that Gauge has not only pushed the limits of the power I granted him, but exceeded it. He’s begun trying and sentencing people in my name while redistributing the spoils of war to those of his choosing.”

  “So, he’s pretending to sit the throne.”

  Elyse chuckled. “I wonder how much pretending is truly involved.”

  “I can see why you’re troubled, but you’re traveling with an experienced force. Gauge can’t possibly hold on to any power he’s trying to cull if that’s what’s going on.”

  “Don’t you think Gauge would realize that? So, he either thinks that he can talk me into agreeing with his decisions or—”

  “Or he has a means to stop you.”

  She nodded. “I’ve gotten word that he’s managed to bring remnants of Bronn’s and Tomalt’s armies to his cause, those Kaz chose not to fold into our ranks.”

  “So, what are you going to do?”

  “I haven’t worked out all the details. I’ve been trying to increase the size of our army with those not already conscripted into service in case it comes down to another confrontation.” She paused. “It hasn’t been easy. Some have agreed to join our forces, mostly minor lords, or those close to our current position. However, Gauge’s influence has already been felt. Many have either feigned ignorance in their responses, or in a couple of rare instances, ignored my orders all together. That’s why I sent Jeldor out yesterday. Hopefully, a show of force will encourage others into action.”

  “Can I do anything to help?”

  “Not yet.” Elyse bit her lip. “But soon, yes.”

  Chapter 21

  Drake paused at the top of a small rise. A warm breeze blew into his face, messing his hair. He scanned the land before him, still finding it hard to believe he strode the ground of yet another country. A couple years ago, he had only known a small tract of farmland on Slum Isle. Since then, he’d traveled most of Cadonia, seeing sights he once only dreamed about. Thurum lay ahead.

  And Hesh after that. Well, I did want to see the world.

  He shook his head and glanced back at the Cataric Mountain range. The large mounds of rock visible on the horizon blurred into one solid mass rising over the land.

  “What’re you daydreaming about, kid?” asked Raker, walking up.

  “I know we’ve only been on the road for a week, but it seems like what we just went through occurred half a lifetime ago.”

  “That’s good. In this line of work, it helps to remember your past, but you sure don’t want to dwell on it. Putting distance between you and the bad memories makes it easier to focus on the good ones.” He spat. “And with the pace Kaz is keeping, we’ll have so much distance between us and that fortress, I won’t remember much about it by the end of the week. A man my age shouldn’t be forced to march like this.”

  Drake smiled, started walking again. “It is pretty impressive watching those Kifzo in action,” he said, gesturing to the ranks in front. Each step fell in an effortless unison. A thin fog of dirt danced around their feet.

  “I ain’t afraid to say it’s a bit scary too.”

  Drake blinked. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I thought Kaz was an anomaly, but seeing them Kifzo up close, and after watching them fight, well, I’m just glad Krytien’s starting to heal up.”

  “Definitely wouldn’t want to face them in a fight.”


  “It makes me respect Kaz even more.”

  “How so?”

  “Because as good as the Kifzo are, he had to be the best of them.”

  Raker nodded. “I know he’s a different man, and they got some understanding worked out between them, but . . .”

  Drake cocked his head. “But what?”

  “I can tell that many still hold a grudge against him. I think some of their fear of him from when he was their warleader is keeping the worst of those grudges from surfacing.”

  “What happens if they do surface?”

  Raker tapped the mace at his side. “Well, then I guess we take up a spot next to him and go down swinging.” He paused. “The good thing is that at least we won’t have to worry about that until we leave here.”


  Raker nodded to Hezen’s forces marching behind the army of Kifzo. “Watch the way them Kifzo eye the others. They got no love for them. These last couple months have been an insult, watching the army fail over and over against us. Kaz might have given them a chance to gain back some pride at the end, but for some I don’t think they had their fill.”

  Drake had noted the tension between the groups as well. Neither side seemed comfortable with the alliance Kaz, Hezen, and Elyse had negotiated.

  “Well, I just hope that if something does happen, they wait until we reach Asantia. That way we’d be able to just retreat to the ships.”

  Raker cleared his throat. “Kid, you make it sound easy.” He spat. “I hope that’s the last thing that happens.”

  Raker walked off, shoulders hunched.

  What did I say?

  * * *

  Krytien sat at the front of the wagon next to Wiqua. Kaz had insisted that he ride as they traveled, hoping the rest would speed his recovery.

  He knew he should be enjoying the time off his feet, taking in sights he hadn’t seen in over a decade. However, the land of Thurum only brought Krytien bad memories.

  And we’re heading to the worst memory of all.

  The army marched toward one of the darkest periods in the Hell Patrol’s history.

  And the man responsible has never paid for that.

  Krytien’s hands balled as he stared at Hezen riding confidently on the back of his mount. He spoke with Kaz, laughing and gesturing without a care in the world. Kaz seemed indifferent to the man, but indifference wasn’t enough to satisfy Krytien’s loathing.

  He deserves worse. Too many good men died because of his betrayal. A few burn scars is not enough.

  A throat cleared, jarring him from his thoughts. He looked to his right where Wiqua stared down at Krytien’s hands. He followed the old Byzernian’s gaze, realizing that small wisps of fire had begun to warp and twist around his fists.

  “You’re supposed to be resting.”

  Krytien calmed himself and the tiny flames disappeared. “I know,” he snapped, harsher than intended.

  “Kaz promised it would all work out.”

  “It better. You weren’t there.”

  “No, but I heard enough about Asantia from Hag. I understand how you must feel.”

  Krytien sighed.

  “Just be patient.”

  “You know that patience can be a struggle for me.”

  Wiqua smiled. “Well, then what a perfect opportunity we have to practice it now.”

  He chuckled. “Another lesson?”

  “Of course.” Wiqua leaned in. “Besides, you should feel glad you’re learning that lesson from a distance.” He gestured. “Watch Kaz for a few moments. You could be in his position.”

  Krytien peeled his eyes from the object of his hate and watched as each annoying laugh of the would-be emperor caused the chords in Kaz’s neck to bunch. The Hell Patrol commander began casually drifting his horse away from Hezen. However, the man seemed oblivious to Kaz’s intentions, steering his mount ever closer.

  Krytien grinned.

  * * *

  A fight broke out among several men under Hezen’s command. Kaz could not be happier as the confrontation allowed him to escape the would-be emperor while his attention diverted.

  He flicked the reins of his mount and set off tow
ard the front of his lines where Itken fielded reports from returning Kifzo scouts.

  Kaz had lifted Itken in rank, hoping that by doing so, he might further ingratiate himself to his fellow Kifzo. Though they might address him as warleader, Kaz knew it would take more than a promise to earn their trust and support.

  I’ve got decades of their memories of me to overcome. And only the word of white foreigners to vouch that I truly am a different person.

  He hoped that when the time came, his actions would give credence to his promises.

  Itken sent the Kifzo scout back out, then looked up as Kaz slowed his approach. “Warleader.”

  Kaz nodded. “Any problems?”

  “None. I would let you know if there were.”

  “Of course. How long until we reach Asantia?”

  “Two weeks.” He looked in disgust toward the fight broken up by Hezen’s captains. “It would be sooner if not for them slowing us down. It was the same on the march to the mountain fortress. I tried to tell Guwan that these pale skins have no skill for war.”

  “True in most cases, but there are exceptions.”

  “Yes. You did well in training the defenders.”

  Kaz grunted. “I didn’t train them all. And I did very little training within the Hell Patrol. If anything, they trained me.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  Kaz stroked his goatee, trying to think of an example. “What did my uncle teach us in regards to our wounded?”

  “That we tend to those who need tending to, and do what we can to move them along.”

  “And do we ever leave them behind?”

  “If it jeopardizes the mission. You know that.”

  Yes, I do, he thought thinking of a man or two he had left to die.

  “Not anymore.”

  “So, you mean they would rather fail than leave behind a man destined to die?”

  “To them, moving on without every man is the failure. Think about it, Itken. As much time as you and I spent together growing up, we should be close.” He gestured over his shoulder. “We all should. Yet, in the dungeon when I brought up your family, you thought that I only meant ill by it. I don’t blame you. Before I came here I would have thought the same.” He shook his head. “That’s not the way things should be.”


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