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Forbidden Attraction [The Callens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Not wanting to get undressed in front of a man she wasn’t in the middle of kissing seemed a bit odd to her. “I’m modest.”

  “Oh.” He led her to the warm water. “After you.”

  Using the handrail, she stepped in. “It’s hot.”

  She hadn’t meant to state the obvious, but her feet were a bit chilly from being naked in the garage for so long.

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  So as not to hold up the line, she waded in and kept her hands high. When she reached the other side, she sat on one of the benches. Her pussy stung. She hadn’t thought her body would react to the heat like that. The gloriously naked Jackson slipped next to her and smiled.

  When she looked up, her breath caught. Taylor was stepping into the water. His rigid cock lay flat against his rippled abs. Only when Jackson picked up her hand and squeezed, did she realize she was staring.

  Taylor kept his gaze on her as if he were daring her to jump out and run away. It was almost as if he was implying that if she didn’t want to have sex with him in the whirlpool that she needed to leave now.

  No words formed.

  “I think I’ll just relax on the lounge chair.” He stretched out and raised his hands above his head.

  The bubbles thankfully hid his cock and she was able to take another breath. She glanced to Jackson whose smile ate up his whole face. She shifted in her seat so that Taylor couldn’t read her lips. “What?”

  “I’m glad you find him physically attractive. That helps.”


  More heat raced up her face. Maybe she should excuse herself. Jackson might have expected the defection for he scooted halfway off his seat and pulled her onto his lap.

  He nuzzled her neck and the lust returned in a second. He clasped her head and kissed her. While she loved his taste and was thrilled with the affection, having Taylor right behind her seemed odd. She scooted off his lap.

  “Hey, don’t stop on my account.”

  She turned around. Taylor was grinning, too.

  A cell phone vibrated on the table. It wasn’t hers. Her cell would have rung.

  Jackson jumped up. “That’s mine.” He got out of the water and answered it. “Did you call his home? Fine. I’ll be right there.”

  His shoulders slumped. “I’m really sorry. That was work. The bartender is sick. I have to go in.”

  He sounded really sincere, so maybe he hadn’t orchestrated the call. She was about to get out when Jackson held up his hand. “Stay. I’m sure Taylor can drive you home.”

  She didn’t want to look like she was trying to avoid his roommate. “Sure.”

  There was no way she was going to get out of spending the evening with him. Taylor leaned back on the bench and closed his eyes. Maybe he wasn’t interested in being with her. But if that was the case, why did he have a hard-on?

  Jackson left and returned with a few towels. “For you guys.”

  Taylor waved but kept his eyes closed. As long as she was in the wonderful relaxing water, she should take advantage of its therapeutic properties. Between the stress of studying for her exam, working, and trying to sort out her feelings for Jackson and now Taylor, she needed all the help she could get to make her muscles let go.

  “You want to stretch out on the lounger?”

  It was his house. “I’m good.”

  Taylor sat up and moved off the chaise. “Try it.”

  Not wanting to act rude, she moved over to the lounger, keenly aware that as she ducked in the water and moved over there that she was within inches of a naked man. She reclined on the bench and her whole body tingled from the jets. “This is nice.”

  “Told you. Now close your eyes.”

  She wasn’t going to give him free range in the whirlpool. No telling what he’d do. She did shut her lids but listened for his breathing. Too bad the bubbles were so noisy she couldn’t tell where he was. The jets stopped, as did the loud noise. She glanced at him.

  Taylor moved closer and took both her hands in his. “Close your eyes. With my hands secure you can trust I won’t ravage you. If I lean forward you’ll know.”

  In other words, she’d be prepared if he tried to kiss her. She did appreciate he wanted to make her comfortable. She smiled. “Thanks.” For the next few minutes she almost dozed in the safety of the spa. Taylor didn’t move. He just held her hands while she rested. Her body began to itch from the bubbles. “I think I’ve cooked enough.”

  He let go of her hands. “There’s a shower over there. You might want to rinse off.”

  She didn’t want the chemicals to be on her body. “That would be nice.”

  They both stepped out. He picked up a large bath towel. The shower even came with a rack holding liquid soap and liquid shampoo. He held the towel behind his back and spread his arms, looking like a little kid with a cape.

  He turned his back to her. “If you want to get naked, I promise I won’t look. I’ll hold up the towel so you feel like you’re in a real shower. Then I can toss your underwear in the dryer.”

  Why was Taylor being so nice? She could ask to use the house shower, but that might be a bit presumptuous. His offer was too good to pass up. “Thanks.”

  She wanted to test his integrity anyway. She turned on the water, and the heated water came out right away. She stepped under the shower and rinsed her hair since the bottom half was already wet. She soaped up her body, including her underwear, to get clean. After she shampooed and rinsed, she took off her clothes, shut off the water, and plucked the towel from Taylor’s outstretched hands. She wrapped the cloth securely around her. The whole time he’d never turned around.

  She stepped in front of him and spotted his huge erection. Her eyes widened. She didn’t comment, but his lips had a hint of a smile.

  He turned on the water, stepped underneath the flow, and winked. “I don’t mind if you want to watch.”

  Chapter Nine

  Her face heated up. Given she was already flushed, hopefully he couldn’t tell she was blushing. “I’ll just move behind this wall and dry my hair.”

  “The washer and dryer is off the kitchen if you want to toss anything in.”

  That would be helpful to dry her undergarments. “Thanks.”

  She only had one towel and needed to stop the water from dripping down her back. Out of his sight, she unwrapped her towel and dragged it over her head. When she’d absorbed as much water as possible, she rewrapped the towel around her body and went in search of the said dryer. Once she tossed her bra and panties into the machine, she returned to the porch. She picked up her jeans from the table and stepped into them. Her top, however, was too thin to go without a bra, so she kept the towel around her upper body.

  From under the shower, Taylor was whistling as he soaped up his body.

  “Find it?” He didn’t even turn around.


  He returned to his washing routine. She swore he was rubbing every part of his body for an extra long time just to get her hot. Well, it was working.

  What’s wrong with me?

  She’d just had amazing sex less than an hour ago with Jackson, and here she was looking at another man. She was smart enough to understand what was going on. The men were tag-teaming her to see if she’d go for both at the same time. The idea intrigued her, but could she handle her career and them, too? She turned her back to him.

  The water stopped, and Taylor walked over to the table. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he picked up the towel and rubbed down his body. If there had been a magazine at the table, she would have diverted her attention. She tried to look away, but somehow he managed to step into her field of vision.

  He seemed very comfortable with his body as he dried off. When he was finished, he walked right up to her and pulled on his shirt. Then he stepped into his jeans without any underwear and had to stuff his hard-on into his pants. Her pussy moistened watching the erotic scene.

  He looked up at the sky. “It’s not quite
dark enough yet, but I want to show you something very cool about this house.” He held out his hand.

  To not take it would be rude. “Where are we going?” He better not say the bedroom.

  He cocked a brow. “To the most spectacular place in the house. Don’t worry. There’s no bed there.”

  That hadn’t stopped Jackson. Taylor led her up the stairs, turned a corner then went up one more flight. They walked to the end of the hallway. He opened the door, clicked on the room light, and motioned her inside.

  Her breath caught. “I feel like I’ve stepped back in time.”

  “It does have the feel of where Galileo might have spent his time.”

  The round room was walled with books on one half of it and had a desk on the other with a large telescope in the middle. The entire roof was a glass dome. “This is cool.”

  “Let me turn the lights off and you’ll see cool.” He toggled the switch, and the sky seemed to light up.

  She’d never been in a room like this before. Looking up, she studied the constellations. The lack of light pollution made this special.

  Taylor grabbed two pillows off the chair and tossed them on the ground. “You’ll get a better view if you lay down.”

  She debated if this was a tactic to have sex with her, but she decided to trust him. He spread out and patted the carpet beside him. Making sure the towel was secured, she got down on the ground. When she positioned herself next to him, the magnificent view appeared. “This is like having your own planetarium.”

  “I know.” He pointed straight up through the dome. “Do you see the stars that look like someone is on her back with her arms outstretched like so?” He demonstrated.


  “That’s Virgo. Do you know where she got her name?”

  Jenny didn’t know that stars had sexes. “No.”

  “Both the Greeks and Romans thought of Virgo as their goddess of wheat, which then translated to being the goddess of fertility. Some contrarians thought of her as the virgin goddess who was holding scales of justice in her hand, just like Libra, but I personally don’t see any scales. In the northern hemisphere, we never fully see Libra, but it’s just a four-sided figure anyway.”

  She tried to connect the stars in Virgo into different formations, but there was nothing that even remotely could be considered scales. “The only constellation I can identify is Orion, but I don’t see it.”

  “That’s because at this time of year, Orion has disappeared below the horizon. It’s overhead in December.”

  “Wow. You’re really into this stuff.”

  “My father brought me up on the stars. I’ve loved them ever since. Let me find another one.”

  He took his time searching the skies. All she saw were stars upon stars.

  “I got one. Find the Big Dipper.”

  He was testing her. “I know it has a cup on the end.” She couldn’t find it anywhere. “I’m a bit disoriented.”

  He leaned close, as if he wanted to make sure she was aligned with what he was looking at. “There it is. A bit to the west.”

  A thrill raced through her when she spotted it. “I see it!”

  “Further to the west is Leo, or as we commoners say, Leo the lion. And equally distant to the right is Hercules.”

  When he pointed out the second one, she could easily see two legs running, attached to a rectangular body. She couldn’t really see where the head would be.

  “You want to look through the scope? You can really see some amazing things.”

  She couldn’t resist. From the way excitement laced his voice, he wanted to take a peek, too.


  He helped her up. “Let me find something fun for you. I think the moon might be the best to look at since it’s so close.”

  It was only a half moon, but that worked for her. He made some adjustments and motioned she stepped near. With one hand on her towel, she couldn’t reach the eyepiece. “Can you lower it a bit?”

  “Sorry.” He redid the sight. “Try it now.”

  When she looked in the eyepiece, her breath caught. “Wow. I bet if this was pointed at the right spot, I might be able to see the flag that Neil Armstrong left.”

  He chuckled. “It’s not that good, but it’s close. Let me show you something else.” He swung the scope across the sky until something appealed to him. “This is Saturn.”

  When she looked through, she had to blink. “No way. I can see the rings.”

  “Cool, huh?”

  “Oh, my God. This is amazing.” She stepped back, turned around, and faced Taylor.

  She wasn’t sure how it happened, but his lips were on hers in an instant. The wonder of his mouth obliterated his brilliance as she allowed the kiss to sink deep into her soul.

  The words we share batted around in her head. If Jackson was okay with her exploring Taylor, then she was game. It was hard to not be affected when his hand traveled over her shoulders and down her arms. He clasped onto both wrists and raised her arms. It took a second to realize his plan. He stepped closer and kissed her again. The pressure from his body caused the towel to unravel. When he leaned back, the terry cloth dropped to the floor. She had on her jeans, but nothing else. Even though the only light came from the moon through the skylight, her white breasts were like beacons in the night.

  Instead of letting go of her wrists, he lowered her to her knees. “I’ve wanted to taste these since the first time I saw you.”

  Her only comment would have been to deny his allegation since Taylor’s first reaction to her hadn’t seemed positive, at least from her perspective.

  He sat on his haunches and came eye-level to her tits. He leaned over and nipped the already swollen crest. Between Jackson sucking hard on them and the hot whirlpool, the tips were super tender. Even if Taylor had only licked the ends, she would have jerked. He grabbed the nipple between his teeth and sucked hard. A huge blast of erotic pain streaked straight from her breast to her pussy. Dear God, what was wrong with her? How had her urgent desires suddenly spiraled out of control? He’d only kissed her and sucked on one breast.

  Taylor moved closer so that his cock pressed against her stomach. He had to bend over to provide her with another earth-shattering kiss. The moment their lips touched, he pressed in to explore her mouth. The sweet tang of hops flavored his tongue as they tangled. She never would have thought the monster-truck creator and pilot would have been so tentative, for he seemed to wait for her permission before going forward.

  Her premature opinion changed when he pressed her down to the ground and slid on top of her. “I want you.” His fingers made short work of her pants. He slipped them off, and his breath hitched. He dragged a finger down her naked pussy. “I had no idea you’d be this sexy.”

  By now their eyes had adjusted to the semidarkness. While she might not be able to see his pupils change size, she could see every other detail about him, including the slightly opened jaw and the shake of his head. He slid back on his stomach until his head was between her legs. The first tongue probe had her flying high. Her swollen clit and walls would make having sex possibly painful, but she had no desire to stop him. From the way he was expertly licking her pussy, this well-hung man knew his way around a woman’s body. He seemed to be a pleasure machine personified. Maybe it was the fact that he was off limits that she wanted him all the more. Taylor Moore was without a doubt her forbidden attraction.

  Jenny emptied her brain of every excuse why she shouldn’t just grab her towel and run. At the moment nothing mattered but the erotic lust coursing through her. She clasped his broad shoulders and dug her nails into him. His tongue swirled and swirled, building her heated bliss until it turned into molten lava. He seemed determined to drive her crazy. He suctioned his entire mouth onto her pussy and drew her in. My God, but the electric sparks jetting upward were unparalleled. Maybe her overactive need had been fueled by making love with Jackson, but this double assault seemed more intense.

  By the time he
came up for air, she was nearly exhausted from being battered by pleasure. His fingers took over and renewed the frenzied pace. Only when he decided to dedicate himself to playing with her clit did she nearly climax. Coming too soon would make her look like a wimp. Besides, she wanted to see how high he could take her. Right now, she was close to the edge of a tall cliff, ready to plunge into the depths of passion.

  When he dragged her spewing juices up her crack, her body tensed. Her mind had a hard time coming to grips with the ramification of that act. While her sisters didn’t give her many details of their sex lives, Jenny understood how to love two men at once. She wasn’t opposed to the idea. In fact, she looked forward to having two cocks inside her, but when it came to preparing her, she wasn’t so sure she was ready at this moment.

  The pad of his finger circled her anus, as if he was awaiting the green light. “I’ve never had sex in my ass before.”

  The light from the moon glinted off his smile. “Then this will be extra special for you. Don’t worry, I won’t take you in the ass tonight, but I want to show you what it could be like.”

  When he asked so politely, how could she say no? “Okay.”

  He dipped his finger into her pussy again and dragged up more juices to her hole until he slowly eased open the muscles. She knew she wasn’t supposed to clench, but her body had a mind of its own.

  He only played with her for a bit, but it was enough to get her used to the idea of having something back there. He removed his finger and got up. In two steps he pulled open the desk drawer and extracted something shiny.

  Her heart sank. “Do you always bring your women up here?” She hadn’t meant for her voice to quiver.

  “No, I swear to God I’ve never brought another woman to the observatory. Jackson and I discussed bringing you up here, and I thought to be safe, I’d stash a condom.”

  She believed him. “Okay, then get down here and kiss me.”

  He pulled a tissue from a box and wiped his fingers before returning. This time he crawled on top of her and rested on his elbows. He cupped her face and kissed her sweetly. “You are so lovely and so perfect.”


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