by King, C. M
On the final week, I felt a shift. Everything clicked into place, the dance moves were now instant and the lines flowed more easily. Suzanne, my dance tutor, was more than impressed. In fact, she told me that I was more than ready and that didn’t happen a lot in such a small space of time. That compliment helped to seal the deal that things were perfectly slotting into place. I had three days and then I was off to my first tour destination—The Playhouse Theatre in Edinburgh. We would be there for over a week, all accommodations had been booked. I had spent some holidays in Edinburgh before so I kind of knew my way around, though I made a mental note to try to squeeze some time to see Edinburgh Castle. The views were magnificent and the building itself was just amazing. I loved to go and see great historical buildings. The architecture back then was just phenomenal. I could spend my days touring different countries just absorbing it and taking it all in.
I received my train tickets through the post the next morning and stared at them. This was the big reminder it was actually happening. Of course Elijah made a big song and dance about coming ’round to pack my suitcase. He said that he didn’t trust me, and all I’d pack would be sweat pants and Converse. He was probably right. I was scratching my head in wonder when the knock finally came, and in some way, I was relieved that he would take charge. I had so many things going on I needed a break from it all.
Chapter Sixteen
“Hey, Iz.” Elijah beamed, dragging me into a hug. Ruby wasn’t far behind pouncing on him the moment I stepped away.
“And hello to you, princess Ruby, who’s been a good girl?”
“Not her, she dug up all my mother’s plants up that she’d spent time putting in, she was not amused. You’re a bad girl, Ruby.” She almost gave me a shrug, like she didn’t care. She was more interested in the dog treats in Elijah’s pocket. She had become accustomed to him always bringing them and didn’t take long reminding him that she wanted them.
He reached inside and pulled out some dog drops, which she gratefully lapped up almost instantly. She had to inspect the packet several times before she would take the hint that there was none left. You would think she never was fed. I was pretty sure she’d eat all day long if we allowed her to.
After washing his hands, Elijah quickly opened the wardrobe doors taking his time to sum up the contents, as he had personally shopped for the majority of it, he knew it well. He put it into piles of definitely taking, maybe and definitely not. There were a lot of sweat pants in the definitely not pile, but I was determined to sneak some in. After all a girl had to be comfortable.
“Right, where is your case? I need to see what I’m working with here. We need the essentials, of course, but I want to make sure you have some night time clothes in case you go out drinking. You have to prepare for every eventuality.”
He always was on the ball when it came down to this kind of thing, I was glad I had him on hand to takeover because I was beat. I was happy to lounge on the bed watching him pack my case.
“Right, skinny jeans, T-shirts, tops, cardigans, jumpers, that’s your day wear done. Five pair of pyjamas and slippers. Nighttime, we have three dresses, two playsuits, two pairs of heels and a black clutch bag that will go with all the outfits. Anything else?”
“Yes, my sweats, you know I love to be comfy.”
“Oh sweet lord, give them here.”
I tossed over five pairs and he grimaced, scrutinizing each one. He tossed two back. Fair enough, they did have holes in them so I guess I had to relent on that part and agree with him. I knew once he had gone I would add a few more comfortable pieces as well as one of Joel’s T-shirts.
“There we are. Done. Mow I want to spend the next few hours with you doing what we do best.”
“Perving over guys and eating more pizza and Maltesers than our body is capable of?” I asked, smiling.
“You got it, now what are we going to watch?”
I rolled my eyes. “Do you even have to ask?”
“I might cry just at the very thought of it being our last time.” He pouted.
My eyes filled up just at the thought of it. “Don’t. You’ll set me off, and I don’t want to cry. The time will fly by and you’ll come out to see me, I hope.”
“Of course, it’s just not the same as having you ten minutes away.” He sighed and he was right.
“I know, but it’s the best we can do under the present circumstances.”
“I know. Can we order pizza now before I start to cry already?” He did look practically on the verge of tears.
“Coming up, the usual?”
“Of course.”
I smiled, grabbing my mobile phone, ordering our final pizza together.
Suddenly my appetite was gone.
* * *
“Oh sweet lord, every damn time this film gets me. You would think after a million times, I would have built up some kind of immunity to it all but each time I bawl my flipping eyes out.”
“I know, I’m the same.” I blew my nose, quickly swiping the tears away. It had to be The Notebook for our final film. It was like our final swan song. I just wished that it finished on a happier note. It was hard enough suppressing the tears knowing I would finally have to say goodbye.
“I hate to say this, but I need to get home. We have a meal to go to, one of Sam’s friends. I don’t want to go really but you know me, I’ll put on a face to hide my true feelings, the things I do for Sam.” He winked and I laughed, he always was so selfless.
“It’s okay. We’ve had a great day. Let’s end it here before we start to dwell on my imminent departure.” I was starting to already feel overemotional.
“I don’t want to say goodbye, but I guess I have to.” He pouted, walking forward
“We’ll see each other soon, and you can FaceTime me on the iPad after the show. I’ll probably be telling you all about my screw ups on stage.”
“Nonsense, you’ll do great, be the star of the show. I have some auditions lined up next week, so fingers crossed something good comes my way too.” He smiled, looking hopeful.
“You will be amazing, and I know good things are ahead.”
“Hope so, Iz, don’t forget me when you become a big star.” He grinned as I rolled my eyes.
“Well, that’s not going to happen.”
“I hope not, besties till the end.” He winked but I could see the tears that were beginning to build, and I instantly felt my own.
I put on a fixed smile, but I wasn’t quick enough to catch the tear that fell from my eye.
“Hey, you shouldn’t be crying, this is a happy time for you,” he soothed, brushing my tear away.
“I know, just sad to leave you all. I didn’t realise it would be this hard to say goodbye.” This was just the tip of the iceberg.
“It’s not goodbye, it’s so long for a while. I will still be in your life day to day, annoying you.” He winked and another tear escaped as I grabbed him and hugged him hard. We should have been prepared for this. After all, the lifestyle of the job could take us anywhere in the world, but it all felt too much. I guess it might get easier as I went along, but right now, it felt like the hardest thing in the world.
“I have to go before I start bawling too. I’m only just keeping it together myself.”
I held onto him for a few moments longer, not quite ready to let go just yet till I managed to compose myself. I drew back and he kissed me softly on the forehead.
“Go make us proud, Iz.” Elijah’s voice wobbled on the last part, and he walked away without looking back. I think he knew if he did, the situation would be even more emotional and for that I was thankful.
* * *
It was it was my last full day with Joel as I was setting off early to Edinburgh in the morning. He had taken the day off so we could spend every last minute together. We had gone to my mother’s last night for a farewell family meal, Mike and Kara had been there too. It had been nice, just the five of us. Of course, towards the end it had all gone a bit teary, even Mike
had filled up a little, something I never thought capable but it was nice to know that he would miss me too. Kara promised to look after him. I was glad he had found such an amazing girlfriend and that his life was finally one I was proud of. My mother had clucked around me like a mother hen, asking questions about everything that had long been sorted. But I knew she needed this, it was her having to finally let go so I allowed her this, but I appreciated Joel’s hand squeezing mine under the table in a ‘hang in there’ action. I loved that he knew me so well.
My day began with Joel gently rousing me from my sleep. I was going to miss these wake up calls. There was no substitute for Joel’s lips, they were heaven against my skin. I sighed in sadness at the prospect that for the next few months I would be without him, waking up alone.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, looking concerned.
Like he even needed to ask?
“Just sad this is my last day.” I sighed.
“But we’re going to make it a good one.”
I turned to face him, he was smiling, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. If he was trying to put a brave face on about my departure, then I sure as hell could too.
“Today is going to be an amazing day,” I replied, quickly moaning when I felt his fingers begin to stroke me.
“I plan on giving you so many orgasms today that your body is going to need a break from me.” He grinned and I couldn’t help but reciprocate. A day filled with intense, delicious orgasms, I was ready to begin.
* * *
“Oh god, Joel, I can’t take any more.” I panted the words I thought I’d never say, but after bringing me to orgasm twice with his mouth, once with his fingers and twice inside me, I was ready to surrender.
“Lightweight,” he chuckled, pulling me into him so I was resting on his chest.
“I think you’ve made your point, I need to rest. I need this just you and me skin on skin, snuggling together.”
“I think I can do that.”
“But thank you for this morning. You never fail to surprise me just how far you will go.” He always surprised me by taking it to the next level.
“I love to see you come apart in front of me. It’s my favourite part knowing that I do that to you, only me.”
“Joel, it will only ever be you,” I replied breathlessly.
“I know.” He pressed his lips against me, then went to pull away but I cupped his face holding him there a few moments longer. I needed this kiss, to feel his lips against mine. It was almost like I was memorizing every single touch, feeling so that I could remember on those days we were apart.
Eventually my gurgling stomach broke the moment, and Joel sniggered against my lips.
“I think I need to get you some breakfast, growler.”
“Seriously that’s one thing I won’t miss, that flipping nickname,” I ranted. It annoyed me every time.
“You love it really.”
“Trust me, I don’t,” I huffed, shoving back the covers to head for the shower. He quickly chased me and pressed me up against the cold bathroom tiled wall.
“I think we need to have one more go.” He pressed himself into me.
“Joel, how are you even hard, are you a freaking robot?” This was just unbelievable.
“You just have to be naked for me to react, you know that.”
It was true. I barely had to show a little skin and he pounced on me, not that I was complaining, as the orgasms that followed were enough to put a smile on my face.
He leaned over and switched on the shower, keeping his hand there to judge the temperature in between kisses.
“Are you ready to scream some more?” he asked, grinning and I rolled my eyes at his egotistical question, but he soon got my reply minutes later when my voice echoed around the bathroom.
He was good, and boy, did he know it.
* * *
I finished washing the last of the breakfast dishes. After all, Joel had cooked so washing was the least I could do. I could barely move after the fry up, but we had a busy day planned and so needed a hearty breakfast to fuel us for what was ahead.
After the dishes were done, we headed out and picked up Ruby from my mother’s to head for a walk at the park. We had a picnic basket loaded with amazing delicious treats, and of course, plenty to keep Ruby occupied. She was more than happy to see us. She leapt up, almost knocking me over, which seemed to be her specialty. It was a good thing I had great balance from all the training.
So with the sun beating down on us, the three of us headed out to enjoy our last afternoon together. I knew Joel would be here all the time with Ruby as it was her favourite place to be, but it would be minus me and that thought alone made me sad.
Joel unfolded the blanket, spreading it out along the grass, Ruby soon dropped down, taking good of the sun as Joel put up an umbrella to stop us all from catching heat stroke. I quickly emptied out all the food, making sure to give Ruby hers first before she decided to help herself to ours. It was bliss.
We quickly devoured the food, with Joel and Ruby around there was never any waste. I was hoping they would be good company for each other once I had gone. Joel got up a while later to play Frisbee with Ruby. She enjoyed bounding around using all that energy, she became the main attraction amongst a group of kids and was more than pleased to stand there and be petted. She was still a little miss limelight but she had learned that from Elijah. Sometimes I looked at her remembering the little puppy she used to be. So much had happened in this last year. It was unbelievable how fast time had gone and now things were changing, our usual day to day routine would be no more. I hoped she wouldn’t pine too much and that Joel would manage to placate her while I was away. We spoke about FaceTiming with her, but then I worried that she wouldn’t understand and it would distress her even more.
She wandered over a short while later, giving me a hello lick on my cheek, and I chuckled. She was such a sweet dog. I had waited so long to have my own pet. She truly was a blessing, well when she wasn’t trying to chew my shoes. She flopped down and gave me the ‘pet me’ eyes. I tickled her ears, and she soon rolled over with her legs in the air insisting I tickle her stomach too. She was too adorable and would have me tickling her all day long if she could.
Joel dropped down beside me, placing a kiss against my skin. I shivered slightly, his lips still had that effect on me. Ruby shuffled over so Joel could pet her too. He chuckled at the look of delight she gave him, and he kissed her on the head. I quickly took a picture of them both, setting it as my screensaver so I always had something to remind me. Ruby soon fell asleep, leaving Joel and I to curl up together.
“Have you had a nice day?” he asked.
“The best.”
“I love this place, it’s our place.” He sighed.
“I know, when the sun is out, it is the best place to be.” It truly was.
“Do you fancy going out tonight? We could go for a meal,” Joel suggested.
“No, I just want to spend the night like this curled up tight against you, just us, no one interrupting us. This is my perfect night.”
“I’m not arguing. We could get a Chinese.”
“Now you are talking, and order extra prawn crackers. I’m going to veg out, after tonight I’ll be on a strict diet so this is like my final supper.”
“We are definitely going all out then.” He kissed my hair, and I sighed into his chest. Just Joel, Ruby and more Chinese food than what my body could handle.
Chapter Seventeen
“Now make sure you stay in touch and eat well. Performing everyday will be exhausting for your body so get plenty of vitamin C inside of you to fend off all those bugs going around.”
“Yes, Mum.” I rolled my eyes at her non-stop of list of demands, but I knew she meant well.
“I mean it, Izzy, I need to know you’ll look after yourself. I know you’ve long flown the nest moving in with Joel, but I still worry about you daily. Make sure you check in with me at least twice a week, I need
to know you’re okay. Promise me you will,” she insisted, giving me the look.
“I will, I will,” I reassured her.
“Good, because a mother needs to know her child is happy. I know you’re going to be amazing. We’ll be coming to see you soon. We’ll let you know when.”
“Oh, I’m sure Mike will love that,” I scoffed.
Mike pulled a face rolling his eyes. “Ecstatic,” he mumbled sarcastically, pulling me into a hug. “But seriously, sis, I’m so proud, you’re living your dream. Break a leg for me and we’ll see you soon, probably front row if Kara and Mum have their way.”
I laughed and then immediately felt nervous at the thought of all eyes being on me, but it was something I’d get used to. They soon left leaving only Joel and I to have some privacy while we said our final goodbye.
“So your train should be getting in soon. This is it,” Joel said, sighing.
“I don’t want to leave you,” I whispered.
“I don’t want you to go either, but you need this. Once you’re there, surrounded by all the other actors, you’ll feel at home. They’ll welcome you into the group and become your family.”