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Dire Cravings: Arctic Wolves Series, Book 2

Page 16

by Tigris Eden

  “Hold onto me and let go. Just let go,” Blue said above her as he balanced himself on one arm. “Do you trust me, Olivia?” She couldn’t speak, could only nod her head. “Have I taken you too far to the edge?” Yes. No. Maybe?

  “No, I’m right here with you.”

  “Good.” Then he positioned himself on his knees while still inside her, making her rest her thighs on his. The move was smooth, as if practiced. In the new position, he slid deeper, but he didn’t have to hold himself. One hand went to her waist, gripping her tightly. The other slid up her abdomen, past her breasts, and rested heavily against her throat. Blue’s large hand squeezed lightly, and Olivia’s breaths faltered. Panic threatened to take hold of her, but as she stared into Blue’s eyes, the only thing she could see there was lust. “Trust me, Olivia, trust me to take care of you.” Then his hand tightened, and his thrusts grew intense. “Take a deep breath, beautiful, and hold steady.”

  Olivia did as she was told, and that place, that dark place filled with just enough light, exploded as Blue’s grip tightened. The orgasm punched through her gut, and if she’d been able to scream, she would have. But her mouth opened as her throat constricted. Her thigh muscles tightened as the walls of her pussy milked Blue’s cock. She was splintering apart, and the pieces of her heart were no longer her own. Her eyes closed on their own. But it was his voice that kept her grounded. He spoke to her the entire time, praising her trust. Soothing away any fear she felt she should feel. Her body heated, and her ears felt ready to pop, and then his hand was gone, replaced by his lips as he kissed her reverently. Blue thrust deep once, twice, three times before he let out a roar. His hand on her waist dug painfully into her hip as he held her steady.

  Speechless, Olivia lay beneath Blue, his massive form engulfing her completely. Their breaths coming in soft pants created more heat between them. Olivia’s skin tingled, and she tried to focus on one single thing but found that she couldn’t. The temperature in the room dropped. Or was that her body. She began to shake. Her skin felt icy yet warm at the same time, but the one thing she felt acutely was the deep thrusting of Blue’s cock. He was still lodged inside her, she knew this. But in her mind, it was as if the act itself were still happening. Phantom thrusts made her feel liquid. Large hands rubbed circles along her arms and back. Her body felt light, and exhaustion started to set in.

  “You’re going to be okay.” Blue’s voice was a tether to a reality she didn’t want any part of. She wanted to reside where she felt oblivious, but he wouldn’t let her. His large hands somehow maneuvered her onto his lap. How and when it had happened, she wasn’t sure. One moment, she was underneath him; and the next, she sat atop him, her hands free of their restraints. His hands ran over her back in soothing circles that calmed her. Olivia used his chest as a pillow and remained there for a long time. “You did well, Olivia. You responded beautifully. I’m going to run you a warm bath, call Taylor and tell him we need another hour, and then we’ll take care of business.”

  Olivia heard the words but didn’t respond. Her limbs felt heavy but at the same time light. A wave of euphoria passed through her body like a cold chill right before something exciting happened. Blue pulled back her comforter, tucked her in, and did exactly what he’d told her he would do. He ran her bath water, bathed her, washed her hair, and fed her. He knew exactly what she needed. When Taylor arrived, she felt like Olivia again. Like herself.


  Olivia’s response to Blue floored him. He’d been with plenty of women. None had reacted as quickly and profoundly as she had. Her willingness to trust her body to him tightened his chest. Warmth and affection settled over him like a warm blanket, and his heart beat fiercely. Acceptance. She’d fully taken him in just as he was. She’d seen him at his worst and still gave of herself. Blue cursed low under his breath. How had Adriano gotten ahold of a piece of his armor? Why were the twins no longer seeing to matters at Red’s? All were questions he needed answers to.

  Filled with agitation, Blue slid into the back seat of Taylor’s car with Olivia.

  “Taylor, when were you going to tell me that Callum and Will are no longer taking care of the club? We have monthly phone calls.”

  Taylor’s dark brown eyes met his in the rearview mirror. “I was under the impression that Red had given you the details.”

  “None were given. She just told me now that things had changed. What happened?”

  “Red gave membership to a Hunter.”

  That brought Blue up short.

  “Excuse me?”

  He couldn’t have heard that right.

  “Red gave membership to a Hunter. A young girl, who looked to be in her early years of the change.”

  “We don’t give membership to Hunters,” Blue growled.

  “Red argued that if humans could gain access to the club, a Hunter could, as well. The child was ill, Red gave her refuge, and the twins disagreed.”

  “Where are the twins now?”

  “No one knows, sir.”

  That couldn’t be right. Nothing had changed with his money transfers or even his property. He’d even received an email from Callum a few weeks back about a new investment opportunity.

  “As soon as we get to Red’s, Taylor, I need you to find the twins and have them meet me at my residence in Manhattan.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Olivia’s head rested on his shoulder. Blue used the opportunity to thread his fingers gently through her hair. She smelled like him now. Even after their bath, she still held his scent. Mixed with her own, it was an appealing combination.

  The car stopped abruptly in front of Red’s Den.

  “Olivia, we’re here.” Blue woke her gently.

  “All right.”

  He liked the agreeable Olivia.

  Red’s looked the same as it always had. A huge, red, non-descript door sat on the corner of a quiet street in Brooklyn, an area bustling with humans but no wolves. Interesting. He was older than most, but his senses were sharper for it. Blue pulled in a deep breath, trying to catch the faintest scent of his kind. Nothing.

  “The neighborhood’s changed, Taylor,” Blue remarked, taking Olivia’s hand in his. Bending to her ear, he whispered, “Stay close, something’s wrong.”

  Olivia squeezed his hand but otherwise said nothing. Blue pulled the link from his armor out of his pocket and placed it in the back pocket of her jeans. He knew something was wrong, and if the link from his armor was discovered on him, it wouldn’t serve him at all. He’d have to explain the details of the link later. Taylor opened the door, ushering them inside. He had to let whatever was about to happen play out. He didn’t know how he knew, but the events about to unfold would lead him closer to the truth.

  The inside of the club was dark. Jazz music floated from the sound system wired throughout the walls. Blue’s muscles tightened at the heavy scent of blood in the air. Taylor walked behind the bar and into the storage room. As if on autopilot, the other man said nothing.

  “It’s so good to see you again, Bödvar,” purred a familiar voice.

  Blue turned to greet his longtime friend. He needed answers, but the questions died on his lips when he took in Red’s appearance. She didn’t look a day over thirty.

  “Why?” Blue asked, already knowing the answer. Red had been in love with the idea of immortality. He’d tried many times to explain to her the consequences of becoming made. The lack of emotion, the coldness that would consume her over time as she continued to succumb to the thirst.

  “Why not? You left, said you couldn’t change me.”

  “Because I can’t. I’m not a Hunter.”

  “Point taken, Bödvar, but you could have pointed me in the right direction.”

  Taylor must have known, but why hadn’t he said anything.

  “And Taylor?” Blue asked cautiously.

  “Taylor is just my puppet. He sees only what I allow him to see. Vampires and werewolves are real. Naturally, I figured witches must be, too. I
went about searching for one. And for the right price, you can get just about anything. Found one living in New Rochelle and made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.” Red laughed to herself. “Listen to me, sounding like one of Roman’s men.”

  “Is that how Adriano knew where to find me?”

  Red took a step closer.

  “Introduce me to this beautiful Latina beauty. She’s very exotic-looking. No wonder you’re so taken with her,” Red said, observing Olivia from head to toe.

  “I asked you a question, Red,” Blue growled.

  “I never said I would respond, Bödvar. Besides, all your questions will be answered soon enough. You want to know how Adriano found you, ask the girl. She knows.”

  “I don’t know shit, lady.”

  “Ah, precious, but you do. You may not remember, but you agreed to help. You agreed to act as bait. The witch told us of your connection to the wolves, and we knew you’d be given the Arrow. But what we didn’t know, child, was that Blue would bond with you so easily. You reek of him.”

  “You’re delusional. I didn’t agree to anything.” Olivia looked up at him with her hazel eyes. “Blue, it’s not true. I promise I had nothing to do with any of this.”

  “She’s right, you know,” Red said with a seriousness that sat heavy on his mind. “She doesn’t know anything, at least not yet. But she will.” Red looked at the bar and called out, “Taylor, I need you to call Francesca. Tell her the girl and the Berserker are here. We can begin now.” Red gazed off into the distance as if remembering some memory. “Where is Adriano?” she asked.


  “Too bad, he was one of my favorites.”

  Blue made a move to reach out for Red. He’d kill her slowly, but after he got his answers. His claws were unsheathed, but as he lunged for her, he found that he couldn’t move.

  “You didn’t think you could come into my house and try to harm me did you, Bödvar?”

  “This is my establishment,” he growled.

  “Not anymore. You left it in my keeping as a gift remember? You named the club after me. I kept things running smoothly while you were away. Took only what I needed. But you’ve funded our entire operation, Blue. From start to finish. You’re the reason your side will lose the fight. Funny how we’ve come full circle. You were part of the guard once, killing your own kind. Welcome back to the fold.”

  Witches were real. Werewolves were real. Vampires-slash-Hunters were real, and Taylor was a puppet. Mind control was a real thing too. Olivia had awoken that morning and had the best sex ever, possibly the greatest of all time. Definitely something to compare all others to. What she hadn’t expected was to be labeled a traitor. Nothing made sense. Red, whose real name was Tilly, kept Olivia separated from Blue. A magical hex had been placed on the club. Anyone who wished to harm Red became incapacitated. Blue had become enraged at being powerless, and Olivia stood helpless. Whatever power the Arrow had, it either currently slept on the job or didn’t work within the confines of the club. She guessed the latter.

  She’d been moved to one of the back rooms. A large, king-sized bed sat in the corner, the end sticking out diagonally. A bench and a cross were set against the wall opposite the bed, and the oddest chair with holes in it was next to an end table.

  “I’m sorry if this room is not to your liking,” Red said. Her tone held no inflection. Earlier, when she spoke with Blue, there’d been a slight purring sound. When speaking with Olivia, her voice flattened. “You can’t possibly satisfy Blue. You’re too ballsy. He doesn’t want an independent woman. He wants someone he can control. Someone who’ll heel.”

  Olivia refused to respond.

  Red walked a tight circle around the chair Olivia sat on. The woman in front of her should look like a sixty-year-old woman. Red appeared to be in her early thirties.

  “Why did you do this to Blue? Betray him this way?”

  Red smiled, flashing fangs. “Honey, I have no intention of dying. Ever. Blue couldn’t offer me eternal life. The newly made hunter could. She introduced me to Roman himself. In my book, that’s a no-brainer.”

  “What do I have to do with this?”

  “Everything, child. Everything. You and Bödvar are destined mates. It took a while, but when my witch, Francesca found you, we made sure you ended up right where you were meant to be.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t find it odd at all that a girl like you”—Red sniffed—“ended up here in New York, working for one of the top underwriting companies in the country? How about when your firm had you meet with Roman? You don’t think you did that all on your own, do you? The fancy apartment, the overpaid salary. Sweetheart, Blue funded your entire life. He just didn’t know it.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Am I?” Red teased. “You grew up in Echo park, your mother was addicted to meth, and your father, well, you may not know about him, but we sure do. You were told he died mysteriously before you were born. I wasn’t there for that, it was before I was brought in, but I’m in the know now. This was always meant to happen, and there was nothing you or Blue could do to stop it.”

  “If what you say is true, I never had a chance.”

  Red gave her a tight smile before nodding. “Exactly. Don’t put up a fight, and there won’t be any trouble. You serve a purpose, nothing more.”

  Olivia refused to believe that she had no options.

  “Taylor will be in here to watch you. Don’t get any ideas. This entire club is spelled, and I have yet to feed him. He may get a bit testy if pushed too far. I’ve left you a gift of sorts.” Red walked over to the door, caressing the frame when she made eye contact with Olivia again.

  The door shut, and the lights dimmed before a wide-screen television on the wall lit up with a video of Blue standing in front of four women who knelt on the floor, their backs straight, their legs spread shoulder-width apart, splaying themselves with their heads bent forward. This version of Blue on the television fit her earlier assessment of him. Arrogant and refined. Dressed in a pair of jeans, he was barefoot and without a shirt. All his muscles were on display for anyone to look their fill. His eyes held warmth, the same kind he’d shown to many when they were back in Alaska. His voice came through the sound system in the room. His accent was more defined, but his voice was still honey-coated with a hint of spice as he spoke to the women in front of him.

  “Offer yourselves to me.” In synchronized movements, the women adjusted slightly, wrists crossed in front of them, their thighs repositioned, their faces calm and devoid of any emotion except tranquility. “You are here because you wish to be here. Not because you were forced or coerced into coming. You consented. You will address me as Master Blue going forward during your training, and if, at any time, you wish to be released, all you need to say is, guard down. Then, everything stops. If you find something uncomfortable, say yellow, and I will stop the exercise and discuss what’s bothering you. Is that understood?”

  In a breathy tone, they all said, “Yes, Master Blue.”

  Olivia knew he was into kinky shit. He’d restrained her earlier in the morning. But everything she currently witnessed on video told her that the life Blue intended for them wasn’t one she would agree to. These women wanted twenty-four-hour, around the clock dominance. Blue hadn’t said anything about spanking, being tied up, or even laying out her clothing for the day. But he showed you. He’d laid out her clothes, dressed her, and tried to direct her.

  When they got out of this situation, she and Blue were going to have a long discussion.


  Things were bad. Blue could feel the shift in the air. Everything was working against him. The tension in his shoulders relaxed when a woman with a short pixie cut walked in. She didn’t look like a witch, but it wasn’t like they went around advertising what they were. Tattoos covered both of her arms, she had a nose piercing and multiple studs along her ears. When their eyes collided, she let out a short gasp before walking up to him an
d placing her hand on his chest. If he could have moved, he would have.

  “Blue, it is an honor to meet one of the guard,” she said reverently. She kept her hand on his chest, her amber-colored eyes wide as she whispered something in a language he couldn’t understand. “For the safety of your mate, I ask that you go along with whatever happens in the next couple of minutes.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Francesca Rose, but all my friends call me Frankie.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “Because I know you, and believe it or not, I’m here to help. I’ve only got a minute before Tilly comes back here to gloat. But, bottom line, I was forced to find your Liv. You couldn’t have changed the outcome. But I’m on your side. If you promise to help me, I’ll help you.”

  His choices were limited, so Blue gave a sharp nod.

  “You will take me with you and Olivia when we bust out of this nuthouse. Then I’ll tell you everything, and I mean everything you need to know. I know you don’t trust me, you have no reason to, but I promise you, the odds are in your favor.” Francesca gave a slight giggle before saying, “Dude, if my friends could see me now.”

  Blue’s body tensed. His muscles strained against the witch’s touch. His skin tingled, and fire swept through his body, burning his skin. What the fuck? Francesca smiled up at him and winked before stepping back.

  “Francesca, were you going to tell me you arrived?” Red asked, walking over to a red velvet sofa and taking a seat. Betrayal tasted like shit, looked like shit, and sat elegantly on the sofa as if she owned his shit. He would give Red no second chances.

  “I just got here, Mistress. I wanted to see the new pet. Never been up close and personal with a real, live Berserker before.”

  “Well, now’s your chance. He can’t harm you. You’ve seen to that.”

  “Yes, Mistress, I did. Bottled the beast up tight. He won’t be unleashing his wolf at all.” The girl spun in a circle before taking an exaggerated bow.


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