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Destination Pleasure

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by The Wild Rose Press Authors

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  The Wild Rose Press

  Copyright ©2008 by The Wild Rose Press

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  A Wild Rose Press Bouquet

  Desiree Holt

  Eve Savage

  Myla Jackson

  Allie Standifer

  Megan Kerans

  Shayla Kersten

  Layla Chase

  Betty Hanawa

  Brenna Zinn

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Destination Pleasure


  2008 by The Wild Rose Press

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

  Made In Mexico


  2007 by Judith Rochelle

  Wicked In Wales


  2007 by Eve Savage

  Deep Down Under


  2007 by Myla Jackson

  Sultry Saudi Nights


  2007 by Allie Standifer

  Take Me Again, Sam


  2007 by Megan Kerans

  Double Deutsch


  2007 by Shayla Kersten

  Naughty In Norway


  2007 by Layla Chase

  Naked Bluff


  2007 by Elizabeth Hanawa

  Mi Toro


  2007 by Brenna Zinn

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Angela Anderson

  The Wild Rose Press

  PO Box 706

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706

  Visit us at

  Publishing History

  First Scarlet Rose Edition, 2008

  Print ISBN 1-60154-239-9

  Published in the United States of America


  Made in Mexico

  Quintana Roo Jungle, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

  Wicked In Wales


  Wales, UK

  Author's Note

  Deep Down Under


  Australian Outback

  Sultry Saudi Nights


  In a remote portion of Dahna Desert

  Take Me Again, Sam


  Casablanca, Morocco

  Author's note

  Double Deutsch


  Hamburg, Germany

  Naughty in Norway

  Dagali, Norway

  Naked Bluff



  Mi Toro


  Seville, Spain

  * * * *

  Made in Mexico


  Desiree Holt

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Quintana Roo Jungle, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

  They sat on the thermal sheet she'd pulled from her backpack surrounded by the lush foliage of the Mexican jungle, hibiscus in vivid shades of red and yellow and pink like swatches of color from a painter's brush. The sultry air was filled with the symphonic cries of tropical birds as they darted and swooped through the trees. The thick-leafed low-forest trees and giant plants formed a canopy, shutting out the sky and shielding them from the heat of the Mexican sun.

  All that existed at the moment was the cave-like space in the midst of the vegetation where they waited for the helicopter.

  Gaby Rendell stared across the eight inches of space separating her from Luis Aguilar and wondered for the thousandth time why she'd let her old boss talk her into this. But Luis had somehow been surprised by a guard detail from the cartel drug factory he was surveilling and escaped with his life and nothing else. The DEA had managed to locate him through the microchip in his shoulder but had no way to communicate to effect an extraction.

  So here she was, having hiked five miles into the jungle to find him and call in their ride, wondering how she was going to walk away from him again. Trying to pretend that her body didn't want him just as badly as it always had and wishing this whole thing were over.

  If anything, Luis looked better than he had a year ago. Thick black hair hung in a fall to his shoulders, framing a dark face with high cheekbones, a classic nose and full, sensuous lips. Eyelashes, almost too thick to be real, curtained the blackest eyes she'd ever seen. The dark T-shirt and cammo shirt over jeans in no way disguised the lean, fit body beneath them.

  She'd spent a year trying to wipe this image from her mind, and then Dan Roarke's call had opened locked doors. “This is your jungle, darlin'. Do us all a favor and go find him."

  So she'd done it. Now she just had to keep it together for another hour.

  "I must be a little off my game,” Luis said as if reading her mind, one corner of his tempting mouth tilted in a rueful smile. “I barely got away from them alive. Going back for my gear wasn't an option."

  She shrugged. “Not my problem. I told Roarke I'd find you since you lost your comm gear, call for extraction and I did. End of story. Now we just wait for the chopper."

  He reached out a hand and stroked her tanned arm, his fingers doing a sensual dance on her skin that brought back heated memories of other times and other places. It took all her effort not to react.

  "But I am your problem, right, mi amor? You still feel it, just as I do."

  She yanked her arm away. “I feel nothing. Let it go, Luis. I told you before I left. There's no future for us."

  "Is that why you quit your job and ran to hide in this godforsaken place to be a guide? Hiding away in the middle of the Yucatan? El stupido!"

  She bit her tongue to keep from answering. It would just precipitate another argument. “I've wiped every memory of you from my mind."

  His voice dropped. “But have you forgotten this?"

  With the speed of a striking snake, he had her pinned beneath his body, crushing her against the thin sheet of fabric, her breasts compressed against his warm chest. The hardness of his thick erection pressed into her soft belly. His face was so close she could see the golden flecks in his dark eyes.

  No! I won't do this.

  She pushed hard at his chest with no results. “Let me up."

  "No, mi amor. Not until we straighten some things out. You tell me there's nothing between us, but I feel your nipples harden against my chest. I see the pulse beat hard at the hollow of your lovely throat. I'll bet if I slipped my hand into the folds of your cunt, I'd find it dripping, wouldn't I?” He tightened his grip. “Wouldn't I?"

  "Go to hell.” She fought again to push him away from her. “You know why I left. That hasn't changed."

"Hasn't it?” Without warning, he bent his head until his mouth was hovering over hers, his lips close enough to brush hers, his breath a whisper against her skin. “Or are your true feelings what you're really running away from?"

  When her mouth opened on a cry of surprise, his tongue swept inside, touching every inch of her warm, wet cavern. She tried to turn her head away, but he was relentless, and in a moment, the heady pleasure his kisses had always brought curled through her body and she found herself responding.

  His taste was so familiar, even here in the stinking jungle. A heady flavor. All Luis. The more he devoured her mouth, the less she resisted him, her arms pushing up to wind around his neck. Her fingers twisted through the thick, heavy black silk of his hair, tugging him even closer.

  He's right. I can't turn away from him. But...

  Still it was there between them, the thing that had driven her away a year ago.

  "You want me, cara.” His voice was a heated caress. “And what I can give you. Nothing has changed."

  "Nor have you,” she whispered, feeling every inch of his body against her, the hard press of his erection straining at his pants, his muscled thighs bracketing her own. “You still want ... control."

  "Listen to me.” He held her in a tight embrace, one hand slipping down between them to tantalize her breasts through her shirt, fingertips rasping her nipples. “You have it all wrong. A Dominant/submissive relationship is not about control the way you think it is."

  I can't think when he does this to me. This is why I ran away.

  She lay there, feeling his hot, warm breath fan her face. His lips brushed her cheeks, her jaw line, that ultra-sensitive spot just behind her ear. She'd spent a year building a wall around herself, and in seconds he'd smashed it down with barely a whimper from her.

  "You liked the things we did, enamorada." His tongue licked her lips. “I gave you greater orgasms than you'd ever had. And took care of you better than anyone in your life. Admit it."


  "No, no. No buts. The control was always with you. I'm amazed someone with your strength and smarts didn't see it.” His deft fingers moved between them to unbutton her shirt and tug the fabric from her shorts. “Let me see you, Gaby. Let me touch that magical skin."

  When her shirt was open, he pushed her sports bra up to her neck, freeing her beasts. His eyes darkened to bottomless pools as he gazed at them. Gaby felt her nipples harden, and a wave of heat washed over her. He was right, she had liked everything they did. He was a master at giving pleasure. And he'd cared for her better than her own mother. But somehow the fear of total domination—no, not the fear but her unexpected craving for it—had scared the shit out of her and sent her out here to this godforsaken wilderness putting thousands of miles between them.

  And for what? She'd been miserable every day since. Hacking through jungles, giving speeches to tourists about ancient Mayan ruins and lying at night in the cheap room she'd rented didn't seem a very acceptable alternative. And what did he mean about the control being hers?

  Luis bent his head and captured a nipple in his mouth, biting it in the way that had always stimulated her. Liquid soaked her panties, and the flutter of need began deep in her womb. One graceful warm hand cupped a breast, squeezing it gently as he continued to lick and nip.

  "Your body gives you away, mi amor. Don't tell me this doesn't affect you."

  She blew out a breath. “All right, damn you. I do want you. But I can't be a prisoner, Luis, subject to someone's whim."

  "And that's where you made your mistake, Gaby. Submissives, if they have a good Dom, are not prisoners. They have lives, careers, separate activities. But in the privacy of their home, and in their bedroom, the giving over of control to a Dom who never abuses it is a wonderful thing. For both people."

  They'd had this argument so many times, ever since the night he'd taken her to his private club. What she saw was little different from the things they did already, but seeing so many variations of it, so many possibilities, had kindled a dark desire within her. And the craving that swamped her frightened her, so she'd run. From her work. From Luis. From a need she still refused to acknowledge.

  "Oh, Luis..."

  He bit her nipples again, then lifted himself enough to remove her shorts. When he'd maneuvered them down her hips and past her ankles, he wasted no time sliding one hand between her legs and slipping two fingers into her already willing cunt.

  "Wet. Soaking wet. Your mouth tells me one thing, but your body doesn't lie. It wants my fingers, my mouth, my cock.” He flexed his fingers inside her. “Right, bella linda?"

  "Yes, damn you.” She couldn't even find the will to push his hand away. “Does that satisfy your ego? To know that you still make my body respond?"

  He brushed his lips against hers. “But I want more than your body, Gaby. I want your mind and your heart. I will treasure them and care for them forever. Can you believe that?"

  No, I can't.

  She nearly screamed the words. For while she craved the D/s lifestyle he'd shown her, the frightening realization that she could willingly lose herself in it completely kept her from giving him the trust he wanted.

  "Tell me, has another man put his hand to this fine ass of yours? Turned it pink and red and watched the colors spread to your pussy?” His hand was like a feather dancing from shoulder to thigh. “I think not."

  She started to tell him she wouldn't give anyone else that level of trust but clenched her jaw. In the end she hadn't given it to him, either.

  "The first time I spanked you, I saw what a shock it was to you,” he went on. “Then we both saw how it aroused you."

  "Luis,” she started again, but he was doing things to her that stole her breath.

  His hand was resting between the cheeks of her ass, one finger teasing her anus. “Remember the flogger you loved so much? It made such beautiful stripes on that soft skin of yours.” He pressed one finger into her rectum and moved it back and forth. “I miss seeing you chained to our bed, my cock in your ass and a vibrator in your pussy while you screamed my name and your body shook with your climax."

  "Stop!” She was afraid she might come just from the sound of his voice and the things he was saying.

  "We have an hour until they come for us, Gaby. One hour until darkness. We are alone in the jungle in this quiet spot, hidden by the trees and the thick foliage. We are far enough away from the cartel's men. Let me love you, mi amadora. Let me do to you the things you love so much. If you are so determined that this is all we have, then let me give it to you."

  No! screamed her mind.

  Yes! shouted her body.

  "All right,” whispered her voice.

  He gave her no chance to change her mind. Taking the sharp knife from the sheath strapped to his thigh, he cut the thick trailing vine from a nearby plant and bound her hands behind her back. He folded the thermal blanket to make a pillow, placed it on a fallen log and arranged her so she was on her knees, her upper body resting on the log.

  Gaby felt the familiar thrill of forbidden pleasure race through her, the arousing sensation of helplessness. Yet she wasn't completely vulnerable. She knew at any time she could tell Luis and he would release her. It was the illusion of total helplessness that stimulated her so much.

  With a feather-light touch, Luis walked his fingers down her spine and into the cleft of her buttocks. When the pad of one finger rimmed the puckered rosette of her anus and pushed inside, she automatically pressed back against the pressure.

  His laugh was low and thick with passion. “Do you know how many nights I dreamt about fucking that sweet ass of yours? Remembered my cock sliding into that hot, waiting, dark tunnel and feeling it clench around me?” He stroked the globes of her ass. “Just looking at it makes me so hard it hurts."

  The next instant he lifted his hand and brought it down in a controlled slap. Immediately, she felt the streaks of heat radiate from her ass down her thighs and through her cunt. Luis lightly stroked Gab
y's slit with two fingers, making a sound of satisfaction as he brushed their coated surface against her skin. “One touch and already you're creaming for me, mi amor. The scent of your pussy drives me wild, do you know that?"

  He landed a slap on the other cheek and then began to deliver them in a controlled rhythm. Her ass heated, the warmth streaking down to the insides of her thighs and her pussy, her juices following the path of the tendrils of warmth. Already her cunt was stimulated, a tiny throb expanding out from deep inside her.

  When Luis delivered a calculated slap to her labia, a moan burst from her lips. His wicked fingers traced a line the length of her wet slit to her clitoris, which was already demanding attention.

  "Do you see, Gaby?” His voice was low and soft as he slipped two fingers into her cunt and began to work them back and forth. “It is as it has always been. Even the idea of this makes you aroused."

  He pulled his hand away, and she heard the rustle of fabric as he shed his clothes. Then he was standing before her, magnificent in his nakedness, a sleek warrior with his lean, hard-muscled body, the soft pelt of fur on his chest, black hair falling to his shoulders, and his cock jutting from the nest of curls surrounding it. The broad, flat head was a deep shade of purple, and pulsing veins ran like vines along the sides of the thick shaft. Already a pearl of pre-cum glistened from the slit.

  Luis took his shaft in one hand and moved forward until his knees touched the log and his penis brushed Gaby's face. When he spoke, his voice was low and thick. “I have missed your mouth on me, mi amor. Suck me now. Let me feel the softness of your lips and the wet warmth of your mouth. I have missed this so much. Why did you run? Tell me, please."

  "Luis, I..."

  He gripped her head with his hands to steady her and guide her. “I saw you when we went to the club, Gaby.” His breathing was choppy as he watched her wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. “When you saw the subs chained and flogged, when you saw new subs being displayed for the pleasure of their masters and all the things they willingly submitted to, your nipples got hard and your face was flushed. You wanted to see that same pleasure on my face. Admit it."

  He was right. She wanted to see the heated passion in his eyes that only she could ignite. She closed her eyes, unable to look at him as she made her confession. Her voice when she spoke was barely a whisper. “I wanted it too much."


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