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Anna and Jackson

Page 26

by Tigris Eden

  “That’s it. I’m done. You say one more word, and I’ll bring movers here to pack your shit and put you right back in the last place you want to go. Get me?” He snapped.

  Her face visibly paled. Her eyes were downcast, looking at the floor and her hands were shaking. He wasn’t sure if it was in rage or fear. But she shut up, and didn’t say another word.

  “Y’all have a good day.”

  Jackson turned, walked out of the house, and found Anna and Ava already in the truck.

  Give and Take: Chapter 18

  The picnic with Ava turns out to be a success. Jackson makes her giggle so much that it becomes contagious. I haven’t addressed the incident outside his mother’s house. I don’t know how to approach it. I decide to wait until after we drop little Ava off. She is squealing as Jackson swings her around in circles. He has her stretched over his arms and is making airplane noises as Ava soars in the air.

  “Again, Daddy! Again!”

  “Okay, honey, but this is the last time. I don’t want you losing your lunch.”

  “I can’t lose my lunch. I ate it already.”

  That makes me laugh, and Jackson looks over at me and winks as he spins his little girl around for what seems like the hundredth time. When he finally puts her down, she’s wobbling. She falls at least three times and each time she laughs harder.

  “I’m sooo dizzy,” Ava giggles.

  “That you are, darlin’.” Jackson picks her up and walks her over the blanket where I’m sitting, snacking on strawberries and sugar.

  Ava plops down on the blanket, her long brown hair fans out behind her.

  “You should spin Anna around like a plane, Daddy. Bet she likes it.”

  “You’re probably right.” Jackson says with a smile on his face. It’s good to see him like this. Happy and carefree. He’s always so serious, and with everything going on lately, I know it’s temporarily relieving some of the stress.

  “So we have to decide what color to paint your room, Ava,” I comment, pulling a strawberry from the bowl and dipping it in sugar. I pop it in my mouth and peek over at Jackson, who is watching me intensely.

  “Paint? Like in school?”

  “Yeah, like in school. What do you want to put on your walls at the house?”

  “Whose house?”

  “Mine, baby girl. You need a room at my house for when you sleep over.”

  She looks to me and then to Jackson.

  “Will Margo get a room too?”

  Margo and Ava are close. I know Jackson doesn’t want his daughter to have a nanny now that he’s in the picture, but I have no clue how to respond to her question. I look to Jackson for an answer.

  “Well, honey. Margo is going to go back to her home now.”


  “Because you don’t need a nanny. You have me and your mom now.”

  “That’s not what my mommy said. Margo has to have a room too. She has to, Daddy. What happens when Mommy leaves, who is going to play with me? Margo always plays with me.” Ava starts pouting her little lips and I can see the tears bright in her eyes.

  “Your mom is not leaving.”

  “She’s not?”

  “No. She’s not.”

  “Margo will be sad if she has to leave. I will be too.” Ava has the art of pouting down to a science. She even bats her thick lashes and sticks her thumb in her mouth as she waits for her father to respond.

  “I’m sure she will be sad, Ava. You don’t need Margo; you have me and your mom. Anna is here now, too.”

  “Margo said Anna is going to be my second mom. That she would leave me too when she had big work to do.” Ava says around her thumb.

  “Is that what Margo said?” I ask looking down at Ava. She nods her head yes and then turns on her side and yawns.

  We both knew this was a conversation best had after we dropped Ava off at his mom’s.

  “Well, she’s right, and she’s wrong. Anna won’t be leaving. She won’t be your mom because you already have one. But she will be your friend.”

  “That’s right, Ava. We’ll be the best of friends.”

  It soothes her. She smiles, removing her thumb from her mouth and turns on her stomach, lying on her arms.

  “Okay,” she yawns.

  Five minutes later, she is fast asleep.

  “You think she’s going to be okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, just takes some adjusting. We’re all adjusting.”

  “How did the talk go with Corrine and Vivian?”

  “Not good. They’re both stubborn and think they know what’s best for me.”

  I grunt. No one knows what’s best for Jackson Storme, except Jackson Storme.

  “Sucks to be them.”

  “Sure as shit does, now come over here and give me a hug.”

  I roll closer to Jackson and wrap my arms around him. His scent surrounds me and I think of everything we’ve been through so far, and everything we’d face in the future. Marriage, kids, fights, and all the delicious ways we could pleasure each other. Life can’t get any better than this.

  “What are you thinking about?” His deep voice breaks into my thoughts making me smile.


  “Hmm. What about us?”

  I shrug in his arms and lift my head so I can look at him while I speak.

  “Our life and what it’s going to be like in the future. It’s still all surreal to me at times. I remember when I used to sit and watch you on the field at school. I would drag Joey with me and make her stay late so you’d have to give us a ride home.”

  I frown at that memory. One of those times, he’d taken me home; there had been a pair of panties in the backseat of his car on the floor. Red panties with black lace.

  “From the look of your face it doesn’t sound like it was that good of a memory.”

  “It was, until I remembered the panties in the backseat of your car.”

  He looks confused. Like he doesn’t remember collecting girl’s unmentionables back in the day.

  “Really, Anna, you knew how I was back then.”

  “Yeah, I knew. But the heart wants what the heart wants. Mine wanted yours. There’s never been anyone else, Jackson. It’s always been you.”

  His eyes grow wide and in their depths I see the moment he realizes just how much and how long I’ve loved him. I lean down and kiss him gently on the lips. His hands roam lower until they are on my ass, pulling me on top of him. We make out there on the grass out in the open. No care in the world. Until little Ava coughs and wakes up.

  “That’s our cue,” Jackson whispers against my lips.

  “Sure is. Better clean up and head back. It’s getting late, and we have a date tonight.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Jackson rolls until we’re on our sides. He kisses me quickly, stands, and walks towards Ava who’s watching us. She doesn’t say anything, but raises her arms for her father to pick her up.

  “You ready to go home, Ladybug?”

  She shakes her head no vigorously.

  “I want to stay with you and Anna and play airplanes.”

  “Can’t, darlin'. You have to be back with your mama before dark, and I’m taking Anna out.”

  She pouts again and Jackson kisses her on the forehead. An ache blooms in my chest. I can’t wait to have that with him and our little girl or boy someday.

  “Please, Daddy. Please.” Her eyelashes are fluttering quickly, and I can’t hold back my laugh. She’s adorable, and she’s good at manipulating her father. I can see the indecision clear on Jackson’s face. Does he give in, or does he put his foot down?

  “How about next time? Me, you, and Anna, we’ll have a date night.”

  She sticks her thumb in her mouth and nods slowly before placing her head on his shoulder. I watch as he carries her to the car and puts her in her car seat. I start cleaning up the picnic, putting things back together and thinking one day, Ava is going to have little half brothers and sisters. A part of me think
s it’s too soon, but another part of me is saying that there’s no time like the present. Ava will start school soon and being an only child was no fun for me. It couldn’t be fun for her either. I file the thought away for a later discussion and head toward the truck. Ava’s strapped in and ready to go and Jackson helps load the blanket and the leftovers into the cab.

  “She’s going to be a handful. I can already tell,” Jackson comments on a large exhale.

  I smile and nod in agreement.

  “Daddy’s little girl.”

  “That she is.”

  In the back of my mind, I absently wonder if this is going to be the case for our daughter. Could a father have more than one? Will they all be his favorites? Or is the first child always the one that has the honors? It is a silly thought. I know, but being an only child is my only area of expertise.

  I am finally ready to go to Harry’s. It took me over an hour to get ready and I know Jackson is getting impatient. I made him get ready in the other room. This was date number four. We both agreed the picnic earlier was a day date. We both knew we couldn’t plan our entire life around five outings. It would take multiple times. Countless moments of clarity to get to the thick of it. Jackson was right about one thing– he was it for me, and I was it for him. So we have to start somewhere. He said he wanted heels and a dress. That’s what he got.

  I pull my hair up on top of my head, a string of pearls accenting my neck with matching earrings. It’s a little black dress, with black stiletto heels. It makes my legs look like they go on over forever.

  When I finally open the door, Jackson is on the phone, and the moment our eyes meet, he smiles. It’s a panty-melting smile letting me know he’s more than appreciates the effort I put into getting ready. He’s wearing black slacks and a crisp gray button up with the arms rolled at the sleeve. I had no idea this evening warranted dress pants and a nice shirt. Jackson looks hot in anything he wears. His scruff is trimmed, the stubble still visible, giving him a bad-boy look. His eyes take me in from the top of my head to the tips of my shoes. He’s still on the phone, but whoever he’s talking to doesn’t get an answer. Jackson is too busy checking me out.

  “Come here.” His voice is thick like syrup as he rumbles the command. I go willingly. His eyes are glued to me as I walk over to stand in front of him. “Treat, Anna and I are on our way; get a big table. Yeah, man. Gotta go, my woman is standing right in front of me and I gotta say, I’m one lucky bastard.”

  He sits his cell on the table and wraps me in his arms.

  “Gorgeous is what you are, and all mine.”

  I spin away from him, making sure that I spin enough to let the dress flare out around me. I even do a little curtsy.

  “Damn, it’s hot when you’re in dork mode.”

  “Why, Sheriff, are you making fun of me?”

  “No, ma’am. I would never do that. But what I will do is take you right here in the dining room if we don’t leave now.”

  “It took me more than an hour to dress up. We’re going to the club. Chop, chop. I feel like dancing.”

  “And I feel like watching you dance. We’re taking the Lexus.”

  We are out the door and in the car in record time. Jackson doesn’t drive fast; I can tell he’s thinking about something. Something important. I can’t tell if it's personal or work related. Beauville is a quiet town. He’d get the occasional call, but it was usually handling someone’s dispute. Nothing tragic. But what did I know? It could be nothing at all. Maybe he’s reflecting. I know I was.

  Everyone that I know is at Harry’s tonight. Even my mother, she’s dressed in a pink sundress and has on her hat and dancing shoes. It looks like my entire family is here. Even the Mayor is here. Something is definitely happening. India has a huge smile on her face when we finally make it to the table. Rudy’s there getting our drink orders when he stops and whispers into India’s ear. Her eyes bulge for a second before she turns and ignores him. What that was all about?

  The music is loud and everyone is having a great time. Lo is complaining about the price of alcohol, and Chantelle is doing her best to flirt with Rudy for free drinks. My mother and the Mayor join us at the table and I wonder about the last conversation we had where the Mayor is concerned. He isn’t my father. Treat’s father is. I look across at Treat and Joey; they’re both huddled up close to each other holding hands on top of the table.

  “So we all know why we’re here.” Lola hollers.

  That would be....

  “Yeah, yeah. We’re celebrating.” Jackson’s grab a hold of my hand as he leans over in the booth and whispers in my ear.

  “I’m so proud of you, baby.”

  “Of me? What on earth for?”

  “For stepping out of your comfort zone. For taking a chance on me. For staying.”

  I’m feeling something huge inside at his words. Something big. It’s already clear that I love Jackson, but my heart is making more room. Room for him, for his daughter and for the new adventures and memories we will make together.

  Joey clears her throat and stands. “You all know me and Anna grew up together. Attached at the hip. Even when I moved back up on the hill, she was still a permanent fixture in my life. Then she left.”

  There are boos from some at the table.

  “She left to go out to the big city and make something of herself, and she did. Now she’s back, and she’s staying for good.”

  Now there are cheers from everyone around the table then, making me blush. Joey looks to me, raising her glass of orange juice, and then looks over at India.

  “India here didn’t leave the fold, but she too went out and made something of herself. We’re proud of both our girls. To Anna and India, and to the success of, Event Pics. We wish you the best of luck to your new business. And I’ll say this right now; you’re both planning my baby’s introduction into the universe.”

  Everyone applauds and offers shouts of praise. What the heck am I supposed to say? I am speechless. India chimes in and takes the reigns.

  “Thanks, everyone. This means the world to us. Anna and I both talked everything out and Event Pics was the best choice for us. It was the right move. We don’t know when the studio will officially open, and we’re excited to start on construction.” India looks over at Jackson and winks. “A big thank you to Jackson for his support. Without him this would not have been possible.”

  Treat pounds the table in cheers, and the others follow suit. I lean over, kissing Jackson’s cheek.

  “Thank you, baby.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Alright you two, break that shit up. We’re supposed to be having a good time, not watching you make out.”

  “Hush your mouth, Lola Danvers, before I wash it out with soap.”

  Lola has the good sense to look sheepish. My Aunt Lorraine is no joke.

  The DJ started playing Donell Jones’ “U Know What’s up.” It’s the perfect song to step to. India scoots out of the booth with Lola and Chantelle, both my aunts and uncles take to the floor. And I watch, astonished, as the Mayor and my mother step out as well. I look to Jackson, hope clear as day in my gaze, and pray he comes out on to the floor with me. He doesn’t disappoint.

  Harry is from Chicago, he’d moved here over twenty years ago, and every Friday night is step night. It never fails. I’d learned as a girl and been stepping ever since. To know that Jackson is brave enough to go out on the dance floor with me makes me love him more.

  “You know this is an eight-count right? We don’t have to do any of the fancy turning.”

  “Let me worry about the fancy turning and you just keep up, darlin'.” He winks at me, then takes my hand, and leads me out on the dance floor. Lola and Pooh Bear are already out on the floor doing their thing. They are the step king and queen of Harry’s. The song is a little fast, but if Jackson is confident he can keep up, then I’m good. We start out slow. The eight count, I know Jackson is counting in his head, throws us off beat a couple of times. But by
the second set, we are gliding across the floor. He even spins me out and brings me back in.

  “Go head, Sheriff! Do the damn thing! Holla!” Lola screams, cheering him on, and soon the four of us are switching dance partners. I’d spin out to Pooh Bear and Lola would spin out to Jackson. His hands went to my waist, and he’d turn me over to Lo’s husband and she’d turn towards Jackson. But Lola and her crazy ass is always changing the game. Mid-spin, she snags me by the arm and then the two of us are dancing side by side. But we aren’t stepping any more. She is doing something with her hips that Pooh Bear is interested in. I laugh so hard that I lose count of the beat and have to double step just to catch my bearings. Jackson doesn’t miss a beat. He pulls me close, spins us both around, and then spins me out again. We have so much fun we dance to three more songs before we finally go back to our seats.

  “Damn, Anna.” Treat grins. He’s holding Joey in his arms.


  “You’re a miracle worker.”

  “How’s that?”

  “You got our man here to get out there and cut a fucking rug like it was nobody’s business.”

  I burst out laughing, snorting in the process. Great. That was all kinds of attractive.

  “Dude, she totally is a dork. Love it,” Treat says to Jackson, who is trying his best to hold in his laughter.

  “You told Treat you think I’m a dork.”

  “A sexy dork.” He grins, kissing my lips.

  “You know, Jackson, I don’t remember you saying anything about her being a sexy dork. You must have left that first part off.” Treat jokes.

  I turn in the booth and playfully hit him in the arm. Jackson grabs my face and kisses me again.

  “You are a sexy dork, baby. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “You won’t have anything any way if you keep telling our business.”

  “Ooh you’re in trouble now,” Joey pipes in. She’s getting tired I can see it in her eyes. But she is trying to stay and enjoy the evening.

  “Treat, you need to take Joey home. She’s exhausted,” I advise.


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