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Death of an Empire aotr-3

Page 9

by Saxon Andrew

  Jingo looked at Trey and saw something in the seven year old that just didn’t seem to fit. His anger was real and he felt no pity for either him or Grang.

  Grang bought his eyes to Trey and he saw the misery on Grang’s face. Trey said, “I’m going to share my Grandfather’s last thoughts with you and you will listen to them.”

  Grang said, “I wasn’t there. I should have been there.”

  “Are you that dense? He would have never allowed you to stay. My father would have made absolutely certain that you and Jingo were not there. He knew how important you are to preserving his vision. Here’s why.” Trey sent his vision and they saw the four Robbins on Bristone.

  They heard Robby say to Dani, “How can we not face what this universe is going to have done to it?” Robby looked at his parents and said, “I’m so sorry. I’ve wanted to tell you so many times.”

  Scotty looked at him with a smile, “I’m so proud that you had the strength to do the right thing. I’ve often wondered what possessed me to step away from the crown but now I know.” Scotty looked at Julie, “These last years with you have filled me with enough love to last a lifetime. This was a gift from the Creator.” Julie came into his embrace and they looked up at the stars in the clear night sky. Scotty smiled, “I’m not going to get to say good bye to Jingo and Grang. I hope they know how much I love them. The Empire is really going to need them now.”

  Julie nodded, “They know, my love. I’m glad TK is on New Hope. She’ll be taken care of by those that love us.” Julie hugged her warrior tighter, “I’ll love you forever, Scotty.”

  Grang and Jingo not only saw the vision but felt it from the first hand view Trey had witnessed. The both felt their pain again but Trey exploded into their consciousness.

  “Now the two of you sit here in your sorrow and ignore the last order my Grandfather gave you. Did you not hear him say that the Empire is going to need the two of you more now than before; yet you sit here and ignore his final request.” Trey walked up close to Grang and grabbed his chin and made him look in his eyes, “I’ve lost my family. They’re all gone. Do you know what I’m going to do about it?” Grang didn’t say anything. “I’m going to grow up and go and kill those that killed my parents. I’m not going to just beam that being that sent the Invaders; I’m going to put my boot on its chest and cut it into pieces with a short sword. Those bastards are going to die and I’m the one that’s going to kill them. I’m shocked that you don’t want to beat me to that moment.”

  Grang saw the rage and listened to Robby’s Grand son’s anger at him.

  Trey released Grang’s chin and looked at Jingo, “However, I don’t know enough to make my dream come true. The two of you are going to prepare me.”

  Grang said, “What do you mean?”

  “You two are the Empire’s greatest warriors and you are going to raise me to be the warrior I need to be. You are now my family. Do you understand!?!” Grang straighten up. “Do you!?!”

  Grang looked at Jingo and saw him starting to get angry. Grang felt Trey’s rage at the Invaders and he felt it grow in him quickly until his anger took him. He stood and screamed at the ceiling and stuck out his hand to Trey, “You will have to be fast to kill it before I do. I will have its heart still beating in my hand.”

  Jingo came over and put his hand on Grang’s shoulder, “You can have it after I cut off its limbs.”

  Trey looked at Jingo, “You are the greatest tactician in the Empire.” He turned to Grang, “You are the best at using all our weapons. You will teach me to be as good as you. I’ll accept nothing less than your best effort. Do we have a deal?”

  Geena watched the three and saw Grang come back alive. Her heart filled with joy as she saw her mate back in the land of the living once more. Grang looked at Jingo and they both put their arms around Trey and hugged each other. Grang said in a low tone as all three looked up, “We will honor your order, my Brother.”

  Cassie watched the three from her room and was amazed at Trey’s determination. Her excitement grew as she knew they would be together in time and he was going to be more powerful than anyone could imagine. What she didn’t tell Trey was that she was also going to be released. She felt the power inside her and knew that the two of them would be formidable. She just had to force herself to be patient. She had much to learn from her father to prepare her for the level of control she would need to use the powers given her. She felt changes in her thought processes from the mental contact with her father and knew he was a unique being that was a gift from the Creative Force.

  Chapter Eight

  Vring, Kreej, and the two Algeans stood on the main floor at the Defense Facility as Alex told them about the problems with developing the power necessary to meet the Invaders head on. “We just can’t handle the heat of a star. Our equipment just melts.”

  Weed said, “You don’t need to handle it if the heat doesn’t touch your devices.”

  Alex paused at the suggestion, “How is that possible?”

  “You have a skin on the ships that is highly reflective. However, how can you ever be sure it will handle what that being can create? You need to go in an entirely new direction.”

  Vring said, “Do you know how many years we’ve committed to this project?”

  Seed said, “As a matter of face we do. However, it doesn’t matter how far advanced that creature is if its ships are thrown into the middle of a star. Nothing can handle that kind of energy.”

  Vring said, “That’s my point.”

  Weed leaned back, “But you don’t have to handle that energy; you just have to able to direct it.”

  Kreej shrugged, “Tell me what you mean.”

  “If you made the power cells on the ship absorb energy and direct it into the dimension inside of it, there would be no need to handle it. You just have to make the hull surface absorb the energy instantly on contact with zero delay. It would simply pass through the skin into storage. Then it’s just a matter of giving the hull access to that energy. There’s room for a galaxy inside the skin of those ships. One star is not much in comparison.”

  “Using that theory, a force field wouldn’t be needed; anything fired at it would just be collected.”

  “Exactly right, Alex.”

  “Then how do you propose a star be collected?”

  Seed leaned forward, “We remove the safety protocols from the teleportation board and teleport the ship into the middle of a star and have the ship vacuum the star into its interior.”

  Vring said, “Just like the Alexander Kosiev did with a dead star.”

  “Exactly like that.”

  There was a long moment of silence until Kreej asked, “So, what’s the first step?”

  Weed said, “We get the hull of the ships converted to the old surface of the Megaships and move the connection to the dimension up to the outer surface.”

  Alex said with sarcasm, “That’s all?”

  “That may not be as difficult as developing material to handle the heat of a star.”

  Vring smiled, “You may be right. Let’s take a look at it.”

  Jingo and Trey were in the community clearing in the forest on Criston dueling with short swords. The swords were made of wood and Trey had been tapped numerous times by Jingo, “No, no, you’re not going with the flow of the blades. You can’t think your way through this; you’ve got to relax and let it flow.”

  Trey’s arms and chest were bruised from Jingo’s hard hits and he hurt all over. He had turned eleven the week before but he wasn’t able to feel the flow Jingo kept referring to. He sat down and heard Cassie say in his mind, “Get angry.”

  Trey heard her and remembered that when he was stressed during his parent’s deaths his telepathy emerged. He thought about it and said, “Once more.”

  Jingo smiled and said, “I think we’ve done enough. I know you’re hurting.”

  Trey said in a stern voice, “Once more.”

  Jingo smiled, “I’ll give you as much as you w

  Trey visualized Jingo as an Invader and felt his anger grow. Jingo started forward and suddenly everything slowed down. Trey saw Jingo’s swords moving in an intricate pattern and he could see each sword moving in slow motion. Jingo was only using two swords instead of the four he was capable of using to make it fair. Trey dropped one of his swords and stepped forward to meet Jingo’s advance. He parried one sword and pushed the other away as he reached through the pattern and tapped Jingo on his forehead.

  Jingo stepped back and rubbed his head, “That was good. That’s what I’m talking about.”

  Jingo advanced again with a determined expression and Trey moved around the clearing keeping Jingo’s swords away from him. After two minutes he started advancing on Jingo and the Cainth Warrior was doing all he could to keep Trey’s single sword at bay. He was unsuccessful and was struck eight times as the young boy kept him on the defensive. Finally Jingo said, “Enough!”

  Trey backed up and the world returned to normal speed.

  “What just happened?”

  Trey smiled, “I think one of my psychic abilities was just revealed.”

  “Let’s try this again.” Jingo picked four swords and advanced again. Time changed to slow motion and Trey only used one sword. Jingo was unable to get through Trey’s defense no matter what he tried and was struck three times during the effort. Jingo saw that Trey was not breathing hard and was moving faster than he could see. He stepped back and said, “This part of your training is over.”

  Trey took a deep breath and lowered his sword, “No, I need to see the patterns you use. I must know the mechanics of swordplay.”

  “I’ll show you but if you can fight this good with one sword, two would be more than you need. How are you doing this?”

  Trey smiled, “It appears I can see things happening at a greatly reduced speed. It allows me enough time to respond.”

  “That means you’re able to move at a greatly increased speed as well.” Trey nodded. “You are developing the powers of the ancient Rulers of the Realm. Your parents would be proud.”

  “Are you proud of me Jingo?”

  Jingo smiled, “More than you know.”

  “That means just as much to me, Father.”

  Jingo still felt his sorrow for Scotty’s death but felt an immense pride in his adopted son, “Thank you, Trey.” Jingo hugged him and began showing him how to move the swords in a two sword pattern. Jingo knew he would treasure this day for the rest of his life.

  Trey thought to Cassie, “Thank you.”

  Cassie smiled and knew there were only a few years remaining. Her heart beat faster anticipating what was to come. She put the headband back on and continued to download the contents of the Defense Database. She wanted to be ready when their time arrived.

  Eighteen year old TK Robbins stood before Emperor Valrico and bowed. Timmy smiled at the beautiful young woman before him and was amazed at how much she reminded him of her Mother, “Please rise Tommie Katherine, what brings you to our home?”

  “It’s really good to see you, Your Majesty. It’s been too long since I’ve come to visit. However, I’m here to make an official request.”

  Timmy nodded, “Go ahead.”

  “The Flyers are losing their edge with the long years of inactivity. They need to be challenged and battle tested to be ready for the future fight against the Invaders. I want to use them to make a difference in other universes.”

  Timmy stared at TK and looked at Virze who was also sharing his concern, “TK, the Invaders don’t know of our existence. If we leave here, there is a risk of them finding us.”

  TK took a deep breath and nodded as she said, “You’re right. I do recognize the problem but we can take steps to minimize the risk to an acceptable level.”

  “How would you do that?”

  “Carter has studied the layout of the universes that the Invaders have conquered and sees a pattern; they are all on the same branch of coordinates separated by just one number. They are moving in a straight line down this branch of universal coordinates. They even destroyed the eight universes they had scouted sequentially. Ours was the last of the eight. This is a printout of the pattern of the branches that are around this universe.” TK handed Timmy a large document with one series highlighted of the universes the Invaders had visited. “Notice that they started on this branch more than a thousand years ago and have continued to follow it to the universe they are currently attacking.”

  Timmy looked at the printout as Virze looked over his shoulder. “It does appear that what you’re saying is accurate. There has been no variance to another path.”

  “What I want to do is go to the third branch over from this one that moves directly away from the one they’re on and send the Flyers into it to see if there is anything going on that violates our principles. The Flyers are restless and we need to keep them at the top of their skills.” TK paused and said, “Please notice that this branch is in the opposite direction from where the Spiders were operating prior to their conversion. It seems to me that the Invaders have deliberately chosen a path as far away from those universes as possible; almost like they were avoiding the domain of the Red Demons. However, this is pure speculation on my part and I have nothing to support my theory. However, if it’s accurate, the universes on these branches have not been cleared of intelligent life ever and it’s almost a certainty that our Flyers can make a difference in them.”

  Timmy reflected a moment and said, “There could be some very advanced civilizations in those universes if they’ve never been attacked. They could also represent a danger to us.”

  “Which is something we need to know, Your Majesty; if there is a danger we should go and take a look. The Flyers could use the experience in dealing with them and we could possibly learn some things to help us in our current situation.”

  “Have you checked with Trey to see if he feels any danger following this path?”

  “I have and he says, and I quote, “The danger level actually goes down.”“

  Timmy looked at Virze and she shrugged. He looked at TK, “Has the leadership of the Flyers been established?”

  “Yes, we’ve broken down the flocks into units of a hundred in the basic formations. The Commanders of ten of these units have selected by Grang and Jingo who share the overall command.”

  “And what is your role in this?”

  “I command ten Commanders; Jingo and Grang also command ten.”

  “Why didn’t Jingo or Grang come and make this request?”

  “They are currently training the Flyers in multi-unit tactics.”

  Virze smiled, “I suspect Trey is right in the middle of that training.”

  TK smiled, “Actually, Trey developed the patterns for them to use. He’s also changed their weapon mix. He has become quite formidable in combat. Grang and Jingo have done an outstanding job in working with him.”

  “I don’t want to lose him.”

  “Your Majesty, you are going to have to allow him to follow his destiny as he sees it. He is already light years ahead of us in what he is able to anticipate and handle. His personal flock of protectors can defeat any other flock in the Flyers. He is going to be something to see as he grows up.”

  “How many Protectors are in his unit?”

  “Vring assigned him a hundred. Trey hand selected them and works with them every day he’s not being trained by his two adopted Fathers. Even our Searchers know they are more deadly than any ship they’ve ever faced. Truth be told, they can take a Zeta ship on and probably win.”

  Timmy furrowed his brow and said, “What is he planning to do with his Protectors?”

  TK smiled, “He told me that, as soon as they’re trained to the level he wants, he’s going to send each of them out to command a Hundred Unit and replace them and start training the new ones. Grang, Jingo, and I are fighting over who can have them.”

  Timmy sat back and said, “You may start leaving to scout those universes.” Timmy leaned
forward and looked TK in the eyes, “You will keep me informed of what you find.”

  TK smiled, “I will, Your Majesty and we will be extremely cautious in making sure we are not found.” TK bowed and turned to leave.

  Virze watched her leave the Throne Room and said, “Has she found anyone?”

  “She hasn’t given any indication, yet.”

  “We need her to marry and have a family.”

  “I know, Love, but that’s not something we can control. If there’s someone, they’ll find each other, if they haven’t already.”

  Virze smiled, “Samuel and June had to help us.”

  Timmy slowly nodded, “I really miss them, Virze.”

  “We all do. Everyone felt their loss deeply; Carrie and Ashley still cry.”

  Timmy signed, “So many gone.”

  Virze nodded as she reached over and took his hand, “We will pay them back for those that died.”

  Timmy looked up at TK as she left the room and knew she was going to have a huge role in making that happen.

  TK left New Hope and jumped to Criston on Malah. They removed their armor ten thousand feet above the forest and Malah caught the afternoon wind in her wings, “Trey, do you have a moment?”

  Trey heard her thought and smiled, “Hello, Aunt Tommie, I’ll always have a moment for you. I’m at the weapons practice center.”

  TK briefly turned on her armor and found the coordinates and Malah turned and dove for a clearing ten miles to the north. Trey had his armor active and saw the large Zord in the skies to the south. He looked at ten of his protectors that were using their armor’s beams to hit small plastic discs that were shooting across the clearing. They were only allowed to fire beams that were smaller than the high speed discs and he saw that they were making excellent progress with their accuracy. It was rare that one made it across the clearing. He turned off his armor and walked over to Malah as she landed, “Hello Aunt Tommie and Malah, It’s good to see you. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”


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