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Kissing Cousins

Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  “—the minute you get home, now you’re twenty-one,” I tune in to Ryan, “you’ll be able to come down and check the club out … I hope.”

  “Of course I will.” I reach out and rub his shoulder. “I can’t wait to party at Kenza.”

  “I think we’ll get the male dancers back as a belated birthday party,” Ryan adds, a wicked gleam in his eye.

  “No way.”

  Ryan laughs and turns to Olivia as she asks him something.

  I feel Alexander’s anger and then he cups me, a finger slipping into my panties. He pushes further and rubs between the swollen folds that are wet with arousal.

  His hand trembles and he curses under his breath when my fingertips skate across the bulge behind his zipper … and then his fingers leave me.

  The others start eating the entrée and before I join them I notice Alexander bring his hand up to his face before quickly licking his finger.

  My arousal makes me squirm in my seat.



  Teasing Rachel sure as heck backfired on me, because I now have a raging erection in my pants and I can’t do anything about it. I feel heated and picking up my fork, I try to concentrate on work while I eat, which seems to be working.

  By the time dessert is served my body is under control providing I keep my hands to myself.

  Rachel shoves her plate away, and asks, “What’s everyone doing after dinner?”

  “Sleeping,” Madison, Olivia, and Joshua reply in unison while Jaxon and Ryan reply, “People watching.”

  “You two are so predictable. You mean girl watching,” Rachel grumbles.

  “What about you two?” Olivia asks watching us closely.

  “Bed,” we reply.

  Olivia’s eyes pop wide and Joshua drawls, “Alone of course.”

  Jaxon snaps his gaze to Joshua. “Why the hell would you say that?”

  Joshua pauses and grins. “I’m teasing, geez Jax.”

  “Not funny,” Jaxon comments.

  I’m uncomfortable and feel Rachel pulling away even though she stays sitting.

  “I need some fresh air,” I shove away from the table and head to the nearest exit without looking back.

  “Hold the door,” Olivia shouts racing to catch up. “I can’t move as quickly as you when I’m wearing heels.”

  “You should have stayed with the others,” I grumble wanting to be alone.

  “I would’ve but you’re my brother, and there’s something wrong?” she questions expectantly.

  Moving over to the edge of the veranda, I stand with my hands in my pocket, staring out to the array of lights on the mountain.

  Olivia moves behind me and wraps her arms around my waist, placing her head against my back. “I love you, Alexander … no matter what.”

  I sigh and dip my head. “Why does love have to hurt so much?”

  “It doesn’t have to hurt if you follow your heart.” She sighs.

  I enjoy the silence even though the cold starts to bite. “You must be cold.” I glance at my sister over my shoulder.

  “A bit.” She smiles. “You’re keeping me warm.”

  Tugging her around, I wrap her against me and rest my chin on the top of her head.

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice you changing the subject.”

  “My heart isn’t up for discussion Olivia.”

  She sighs against my chest. “You’re my brother Alex, and I want you happy. It hurts to see you so upset.” She tightens her grip around me. “I know where your heart lies, so if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you, okay?”

  I stay silent.

  She tips her head and looks at me. “Alex, I’m here for you.”

  “I hear you sis.” I kiss her on the forehead and lead her inside, only to find Joshua heading toward us, looking worried.

  He meets my gaze. “Paige was angry with Rachel for some reason, and Rachel ran toward the elevators. I’m presuming she went to her room.”

  My heart sinks. “Do you know what Paige said?”

  He shakes his head. “No idea. Wasn’t in hearing distance.”

  “God, this is turning out to be the worst, best kept secret.” I run my hands through my hair and stare at my sister and cousin.

  Joshua frowns while Olivia shoves me forward. “Go!”

  I don’t need telling twice and jump into the elevator, impatient to find out what is going on between the sisters. Even though I know it’s probably something to do with me, I’m hoping for something else.

  Outside of Rachel’s door, I knock trying not to draw attention to myself. No answer. I knock slightly louder.

  Still no answer.

  Then it clicks.

  Connecting doors.

  Quickly grabbing my keycard, I enter my room and the minute the door closes I only have time to turn and then Rachel throws herself into my arms.

  I wrap her tightly against me and carry her to the bed. No words are spoken as she quietly cries against my neck.

  The bed isn’t really the place to talk, but that’s the most comfortable place I can think of as I lie us down. Rachel tries to get closer but she’s already as close as can be while we’re still fully dressed.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers into my chest.

  “You don’t have any reason to be sorry,” I reassure, not having a clue what she’s apologizing for or how to calm her down. “Tell me why you’re so upset, then I can fix it.” I caress down her back to her waist, leaving my hands there when she pulls back.

  “Paige—” she shakes her head and struggles to sit up. “I can’t tell you this while lying on the bed.”

  “It’s okay.” I tug her to her feet, and keep her in the circle of my arms. “Tell me, Rachel. What did Paige say to you?”

  “She overheard Joshua’s comment about us going to bed alone so after you left she took your seat.” Rachel inhales deeply and lays her head on my chest. “I’m not repeating the whole conversation but it was basically telling me to stay away from you. That everyone would be so angry with us if we dated.”

  She lifts her tear-stained face. “What she said was all about how others would feel, not how we would feel being apart. I got upset and told her to leave me alone.”

  My arms tighten around her. “I never wanted to be the cause of arguing between you and your twin. You know that, right?”

  “I know, but she doesn’t have a say in who I date or who my heart belongs to.” Her small hands slip to my jaw. “You have my heart Alexander, and I just want to be with you.”

  “We’ll stay quiet about us for now, and see what happens, but I’m no longer going to keep my distance.” I kiss her forehead. “I love you, Rachel. No matter what comes at us, remember that.”

  “I will, you remember how much I love you.” She smiles. “You’re really hot when you’re worried.” She winks.

  I raise a brow.

  “You’ve been running your hands through your hair and it’s messy. Sexy messy.”

  Very slowly I back her toward the dressing table in the room and lifting her up, drop her bottom onto it. I step between her spread thighs and tilting her chin upwards, I capture her mouth in a deep kiss. The first taste of her always causes immediate arousal to rush through my body to the point that I throb with an urgent need.

  “Sexy messy, huh?” I nuzzle into her neck, my hands tugging her dress up above her waist. “I think I need to get you all messy.” I slide the straps of her dress over her shoulder and when they fall, I capture a nipple with my wet mouth. When it’s hard and throbbing, I move to her other and give it the same attention.

  Rachel slides a hand over my belly and into my pants, causing my eyes to roll. Her searching fingers tease the head of my dick, and then when they wrap around my rigid length, I nearly come in my pants.

  I gasp for breath and reluctantly remove Rachel’s hand. “I want you naked and under me.”

  “That can be arranged,” she pants, “providing you’re equally as naked.”
  In seconds we’re both naked and Rachel kneels at my feet. “I want you to watch everything … don’t stop me.”

  Her words have me impossibly hard while she reaches out and her thumb lightly caresses over the flared head. She rubs the precum around and then my body quivers when her mouth encloses the tip of my flesh. I feel like my breath is trapped inside of me.

  My cock pops free of her lips, and she says, “You arouse me, Alex.” She cups my balls and holds me against my stomach while her eyes stay fixated on me. “I’m aroused whether you’re clothed or like this, although it’s worse for me when you’re like this because I want to touch and lick you everywhere.

  “Rachel,” I groan. “You’re going to make me come by your words alone.”

  Her eyes dance with amusement. “One day I’d love to watch that, but,” she takes me into her mouth before sucking me off like a Popsicle, “I want to know what it feels like to get you off while I kneel at your feet.”

  My thoughts go haywire while my hands tangle in her hair. I watch as her head bobs back-and-forth, my orgasm slowly rushing forward. I hear, “Hmm,” as the head of my cock is squeezed, and then my release hits me full force.

  My body trembles as I groan through an intense orgasm while Rachel continues sucking. Eventually, I can’t take anymore and I gently cup her cheeks while I pull free.

  “Thank you,” I say, dropping to the bed on my ass.

  I hold my hand out to her and she crawls up and over my body trying to get to the bed, but seeing her like this, I suddenly have an idea.

  “Hold onto the headboard and put your knees on either side of my head,” I suggest, wiggling my eyebrows.

  Rachel blushes while I position her just right.

  My eyes drift closed as I inhale her scent, which starts getting me worked up. When I snap them open and see her arousal coating the lips of her pussy so close to my mouth, my dick goes rock solid.

  “I’m going to make the ache go away,” I say and holding her hips, my tongue licks through her arousal.

  Rachel quivers and gasps.

  Smiling to myself, I bring her closer until my face is buried between her legs. I don’t care if I can’t breathe because the noise she’s making is driving me utterly crazy.

  She whimpers and moans when I flick her little swollen bud with my tongue, but she nearly jumps from me when I shove my tongue inside her. Her pussy is really wet and when she starts riding me my dick pulses and throbs. When she comes apart on my mouth, I can’t hold back and come all over my stomach, and maybe her bottom. Wouldn’t surprise me with how powerful I released.

  “I had no idea—” she climbs from me, dropping to the bed. “I don’t know what to say.”

  I turn my head and find her gaze, my hand finding hers and intertwining our fingers together. “That was amazing.”

  “Is it always like that between two people?” she asks so innocently.

  “I think it’s only that powerful when the two people who are together, love each other the way we do.”

  She smiles and rolls toward me, her eyes widening when she sees the mess on my stomach. She raises a brow. “You came again?” Her fingers slide down my chest and through the stickiness, rubbing it around my navel.

  “You excite me.” I gasp.

  “I think we both need a shower.” She climbs on top of me and rubs her delicious body against my own.

  Placing my hands on her bottom, I squeeze and roll her to her back. Meeting her gaze, the love I see is something I will never forget. I cup her face and lightly brush a kiss across her plump lips.

  “No matter what is said in the family, we’re in this together, Rachel. Promise me?” I need the promise because no matter how close we have become, I’m worried that our family will say something that will turn her against me.

  Burying my face in her neck, I hold her close and she whispers, “I promise you my Alexander. We can do anything when we’re together.”



  The banging on a door wakes me, but I’m too comfortable in Alexander’s arms to move and check out who it is.

  “Is that your room?” Alex mumbles, tightening his arms around me.

  I bury my nose in the hollow of his throat. “Mmm.”

  The noise doesn’t stop then we hear, “Rachel,” hissed loudly.

  Groaning, I snuggle deeper against Alex. “I really don’t want to talk to her tonight, especially now.”

  “I’m not sure she’s going to go away until she’s talked to you.”

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “Rachel, I know you’re in there,” Paige shouts.

  Annoyed, I realize, “I need to shut her up before security come up here, and maybe open my door to check on me.”

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Quickly moving from the bed, my eyes land on a naked Alexander—a very aroused, naked Alexander. He smirks and tosses a white toweling robe at me.

  “Put that on, and,” he tugs me into his arms, “come straight back to me the minute she leaves.” He kisses me quickly on the lips, but I still have time to tease him by pressing my palm along his hard erection.

  He catches his breath, his hips straining toward me.

  “So smooth and silky, yet to hard and thick,” I whisper, my hand wrapping around him and squeezing.

  “If you don’t release me right now, Paige is going to cause even more of a scene.”

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “We’ll carry on soon.” I kiss him on the nose and run for my room.

  I quickly lock the connecting door and hear Alexander do the same on his side. My bed looks too neat and tidy for me to have slept in it, so I quickly dive on top of it and roll around, knocking the pillows loose.

  Standing up, I glance at the now messy bed and decide it will do. I make sure the robe is tightly fastened and after a glance through the peephole, I quickly open the door to my angry sister.

  Paige shoves her way into my room while I shut the door behind her. She isn’t the only one angry especially as I see the time is two-thirty in the morning.

  “What is wrong with you?” I fume. “Do you have any idea of the time? I was sleeping?”

  “I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d come and talk to you.”

  I narrow my gaze. “You thought because you couldn’t sleep, so why should I, and you came to wake me up?”

  “Why are you so angry?” Paige asks.

  My sister is an idiot. “How can you ask that when you woke me up? Of course I’m angry. Why couldn’t whatever you had to say wait until morning.” I run my hands through my messy hair, and correct, “A more reasonable time in the morning.”

  Paige stares at me. “I don’t like the way Alexander looks at you, or the way you look at him.”

  “You’ve already told me that.”

  “You didn’t listen.”

  “I have no intention of listening to anything that involves me staying away from Alex,” I admit and notice the widening of her eyes.

  “He’s our cousin,” she says quietly. “It’s not right.”

  I’m so tired of everything and everyone being against Alex and I being together that I could cry, instead I stay silent.

  “Don’t you have anything to say?”

  “I’m not having this discussion with you or anyone. What I choose to do doesn’t have anything to do with you or anyone else. It’s my business.”

  “I’m not just your sister, Rachel, I’m your twin. That’s supposed to mean something,” Paige says.

  I sigh and just want her to leave. “Look, I love you, but you interfere too much in my life, and were Alexander is concerned, it’s none of your business.”

  “He’s my cousin as well. We’re family.” She moves to stand in front of me, angry.

  “I love him, Paige. My feelings for him are not going to change because you say they should.”

  “You’re being stupid and stubborn,” she hisses. “Why can’t you see what this will do to the family?”

  I stride to the door and opening it, say, “Not once have I ever heard you show concern for Alex and I. It’s always about you and everyone else. Doesn’t it matter to you that it hurts me beyond explanation when I’m not with him? Or that it hurts him?”

  She blinks and stares, probably not listening to a word I’ve said.

  “Please leave.” I stand by the door and wait.

  “I can’t sleep. I want to stay in here with you,” she says, dropping her ass to the bed.

  No way is that going to happen.

  “I’ll see you at breakfast Paige. I want you to leave.”

  “You’re seriously kicking me out?”

  “You have your own room. I have mine. I want my space especially after all of this.” I wave my arms in a wide arc.

  She shows no sign of leaving, which angers me all the more. “I’ll call security if you don’t leave because I’ve really had enough.”

  “You wouldn’t dare?”

  “Try me!”

  She opens her mouth but nothing comes out. “I can’t believe you’re kicking me out.”

  “Stop wasting time. I’m tired and want to get to bed.”

  “Promise me that you won’t spend time alone with Alexander and I will leave,” she smirks, and right now I want to smack it off her face.

  I close my eyes and count to ten—it doesn’t help.

  I grab her arm and lead her outside into the hallway before she knows what’s going on, and then I slam the door in her face, and put the security chain on.

  I sag against the door feeling raw and heartsick.

  Moving slowly, I unlock the connecting door and fall into Alexander’s waiting arms.

  He kisses my face and lips before he wraps me tightly against his warm chest in an embrace I don’t ever want to leave. “I was tempted to join you in there. I’m also sorry that I’ve caused this argument between you both.”

  “No! Please don’t apologize. Neither of us have anything to apologize for. Our hearts chose each other a long time ago.” I smile and glance up at him. “I’m just so glad that you return my feelings. It would have hurt worse if you hadn’t.”


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