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An Eligible Stranger

Page 14

by Tracy Sinclair

  Philippe wasn't alone in the waiting room when Nicole ignored the nurse's order and went to join him. Claudine was there with Justin, which was odd since she'd said she wasn't interested in him any longer.

  "You're a heroine!" Claudine exclaimed when she saw her. "Philippe told me how you saved the day."

  "You look pale, darling." He gazed at Nicole with concern. "Are you all right?"

  "I'm fine," she said, hiding her despair. What more proof did she need that Claudine was the most important woman in Philippe's life? They had an idyllic relationship. All he had to do was tell her he needed her, and she came instantly. "You must have been shocked when Philippe called you about the accident," she said numbly to the other woman.

  "Philippe didn't call me. One of Catherine's friends did. She wanted me to phone and tell her if Catherine was going to be all right. The hospital wouldn't give them any information. I rushed right over, naturally."

  "It was nice of you to come with her," Philippe said to Justin.

  "He's been hiding a lot of good qualities. This might not be the ideal time, but I have to tell you both the big news. Justin and I are getting married!"

  "It's about time you made up your mind." A smile relieved Philippe's stress as he shook the other man's hand. "Claudine was ready to give up on you."

  "That's what did it," Justin said. "When I thought about a life without her I knew it wouldn't hold any joy-"

  Nicole felt slightly light-headed as he and Claudine talked excitedly about their plans. Had Philippe been telling the truth all along? But what about the things she'd seen and heard with her own eyes and ears?

  Finally, he noticed how quiet she was. "Nicole shouldn't be standing here like this. She needs to lie down."

  "Of course," Claudine said with compunction. "I just wanted to check on Catherine and see that you were holding up okay. Take care of Nicole. You're a lucky man!" She hugged her warmly.

  After the other couple had left, Philippe inspected Nicole's pale face closely. "Perhaps I'd better call the nurse."

  "No, I just have to sit down for a minute." She stared at him uncertainly as he led her to a couch and sat beside her. "Are you really happy about Claudine and Justin? I thought you didn't like him."

  "I was annoyed with him because he was making Claudine—and himself—miserable out of sheer pigheadedness. They're mad about each other, but Justin refused to marry her because she's so much wealthier than he."

  "They didn't really act as if they were in love," Nicole said doubtfully. "Claudine seems a lot fonder of you than Justin. She even came right out and told me you'd spoiled her for other men."

  "People have a smoother relationship when they aren't in love." Philippe smiled.

  Nicole wanted to believe him and let it go at that, but she couldn't. "There have been so many indications that you two are a great deal more than friends," she said slowly. "I overlooked them, but the final proof was yesterday when Claudine cried in your arms and said she didn't want to spend her life alone."

  "Is that why you decided to leave?" Philippe exclaimed incredulously.

  "You don't have to explain," Nicole said quietly. "We didn't have a real marriage. I couldn't expect you to be faithful to me."

  "Whether you believe it or not, I have never been unfaithful to you, not with Claudine or any other woman." He gazed into her eyes steadily. "I hoped we could make our marriage work even though you kept reminding me that you only married me because of Robaire."

  "You married me for the same reason. I was always afraid you'd try to get sole custody of him."

  "Do you honestly think I would do anything that cruel?" he asked reproachfully. "You must really hate me."

  Nicole's long lashes fluttered down. "You know I don't," she murmured.

  "I know I can arouse you, but you never really wanted to make love," he said sadly.

  If he only knew how wrong he was! "A lot of things that happened between us were…misunderstandings," she began haltingly. "I guess I misjudged you part of the time, but it's still difficult to believe your relationship with Claudine is strictly platonic. I heard you tell her she wouldn't be alone, that you'd always be there for her."

  "I did say that, but it didn't mean what you think. What advice did I give her?" he prompted.

  "I don't know. You both walked away and I couldn't hear any more. I didn't really want to," Nicole said somberly.

  "That's too bad. You would have heard me tell Claudine that Justin would come around if she stopped trying to convince him to marry her and simply gave him an ultimatum. I figured that would shock him into proposing."

  "You gave her the idea?"

  He shrugged. "She'd tried everything else. If he was stupid enough to let her go, then it was time for her to get on with her life. You simply heard me reminding her that she wouldn't be alone, no matter what Justin decided. True friends are always there for each other."

  Nicole felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her heart. Days and nights of misery could have been avoided if she'd just trusted Philippe!

  "You look tired, chérie." He squeezed her hand gently. "I'll take you home."

  "Not yet. Let's wait until we're sure your mother will be all right. Neither of us would feel comfortable leaving before then."

  Philippe agreed, but he made Nicole lie on the couch in the waiting room even though she assured him that she was fine. He brought her the orange juice she was supposed to drink and was so solicitous that her heart brimmed with joy.

  The doctor finally came out to tell them Catherine's vital signs were good and he expected her to make a full recovery. She'd been given a sedative, so he suggested they leave now and phone later to check on her condition. The inference was clear: the doctor didn't want Catherine to have visitors for a while.

  As Philippe and Nicole walked to his car he said, "I know this has been an ordeal for you. I want to get you home and into bed as soon as possible."

  "You've been trying to do that since I got here."

  "I only meant…" Philippe paused as she grinned mischievously. He chose his next words with care, afraid of saying the wrong thing. "I never made any secret of my feelings, but it didn't do me much good."

  Nicole smiled enchantingly. "I didn't think you'd give up so easily."

  "You'll never know how hard it was! But I thought that's what you wanted."

  "Just tell me one thing. Did you mean it when you said you love me?"

  "More than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone!" He took her in his arms and held her so tightly that he was almost a part of her. "Don't leave me, my dearest one. I'll do anything to make you happy. You don't have to love me, just let me love you. How can I live without you?"

  "I'm not going to let you find out." She gazed up at him with shining eyes. "Darling Philippe, don't you know you're the love of my life?"

  Incredulous joy replaced the strain on his face. His mouth closed over hers for a kiss that held equal parts of yearning, passion and tenderness.

  When he finally released her, she sighed happily. "It's hard to believe that two people who love each other could have so many misunderstandings. We need to have a long talk."

  "We'll get around to that, too." His sultry gaze made her heart soar. "Let's go home, chérie."

  Nicole and Philippe walked up the stairs of the chateau hand in hand. It was like being in a dreamworld. But when they reached her room and he took her in his arms, Philippe's hard body proved unmistakably that he was very real.

  "I've waited so long for this," he groaned, tangling his fingers in her silken hair and tilting her head back so he could string a line of burning kisses down her neck. "I thought it would never happen."

  "I felt the same way," she said faintly. It was difficult to talk with Philippe's plundering mouth trailing a fiery path to the valley between her breasts.

  He had unbuttoned her blouse and was nuzzling the curves that swelled about her lace bra. Nicole's anticipation mounted, as his fingers slipped inside
the wispy garment to stroke her breasts erotically.

  When she closed her eyes and moved sensuously against him, Philippe said huskily, "You're finally going to be my wife in every way."

  He removed her clothes in a matter of seconds, then gazed avidly at her nude body. The naked desire on his face made her legs tremble.

  "Don't be shy with me, darling," he said as her long lashes brushed her flushed cheeks. "I want to know every exquisite inch of you and I want you to know me the same way."

  He removed his own clothing with a complete lack of embarrassment. He had nothing to be self-conscious about, Nicole reflected. Philippe had the lean torso and long, muscular legs of a champion athlete.

  She moved closer and ran her palms over his broad chest, then continued down to his flat stomach. His warm skin felt wonderful under her hands, inviting further exploration. But when she reached his loins and stroked his bursting manhood, Philippe uttered a hoarse cry and pulled her hips tightly against his.

  "I want this to be good for you, but you're testing my staying power," he said, breathing rapidly.

  "We've both waited entirely too long already." She smiled dreamily, swaying her hips suggestively.

  "I couldn't agree more."

  While his tongue parted her lips for a deep, drugging kiss, Philippe swung her into his arms and carried her to the bed. Without letting her out of his arms, he covered her body with his and wound his legs around both of hers.

  Their bodies were almost welded together by the heat they were generating. Nicole's excitement mounted almost unbearably as Philippe's tongue flicked in and out of her mouth while he caressed her intimately.

  "I need you so," she gasped, parting her legs.

  "That's what I wanted to hear!" He entered her, burying himself inside her.

  His deep penetration brought such joy that she cried out his name. Philippe held her close as their bodies pulsated with pleasure. They moved against each other, faster and faster in a dance of delight that spiraled to unbelievable heights.

  When they reached the summit, a cresting wave of sensation rocketed through their taut bodies, relieving the tension. The gentle downward spiral left them feeling drained, yet completely fulfilled, content just to lie in each other's arms.

  Finally, Nicole stirred and gazed at him. "I've always dreamed about what my wedding night would be like, but I couldn't have imagined anything this wonderful," she said softly. "I love you, Philippe."

  His arms tightened convulsively around her. "I'll never get tired of hearing you say it. I thought I'd lost you forever when even Robaire couldn't keep you here."

  "He was the excuse I gave myself for staying-even after he adjusted so nicely. But when things went so wrong between us, I had to admit he would be happy with you even if I wasn't here."

  "We would both have been inconsolable." Philippe stroked her cheek tenderly. "He needs both of us, so why don't we adopt him legally? Are you ready to consider it now?"

  "I think it's a great idea!" Nicole smiled bewitchingly. "I know that's something I'm good at. I have more experience as a mother than I do as a wife."

  "I look forward to remedying that." He trailed sensuous patterns over her bare bottom. "We might even think about giving Robaire a little brother or sister."

  Philippe's child! The thought of it was dazzling. "I'd like at least one of each," she said breathlessly.

  "Then we shouldn't waste any time." His hand slid up the inside of her thigh.

  She drew away with great reluctance. "We have to call the hospital, Philippe."

  His face sobered and he glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "You're right. Mother might be awake by now."

  Philippe picked up the phone and was soon connected to Catherine's room.

  After asking how his mother was feeling and hearing the doctor's report, Philippe was surprised when she asked to speak to Nicole.

  "I want to thank you." Catherine's voice sounded hesitant, not at all the imperious tone she usually used toward Nicole. "The doctor told me what you did for me."

  "It was nothing," Nicole said dismissively. "I just happened to have the right blood type."

  "No, we both know it was an uncommon act of generosity. I don't expect you to forgive me for the inexcusable way I've treated you, but I want to apologize anyway. I just wish I could offer the same apology to your sister."

  "You've been through a bad experience," Nicole said slowly. "We can talk when you're feeling better."

  "You think the sedatives have left me confused, but you're wrong. This accident has made me realize how selfish and narrow-minded I've been. You made my son happy. That's what any normal mother hopes for. I can't ask you to overlook my behavior, but I want you to know I'm sorry—for everything."

  Nicole had a lump in her throat. "Every family has misunderstandings, but they get over them. We have more important things to think about—like Robbie. Philippe and I are going to adopt him. I'll let Philippe tell you about it." She handed over the phone.

  After Catherine and her son had concluded their conversation, he said to Nicole, "She was thrilled by the news."

  Nicole gave him a rather stunned look. "I can't believe she's the same woman."

  Philippe grinned. "An epiphany will do that to you sometimes. At least something good came out of her accident. The doctor says she'll recover nicely, so let's get back to the subject we were discussing." He molded her nude body to his and twined their legs together.

  "I have a feeling it won't be a long conversation." She laughed.

  "There are times when words aren't necessary." Philippe's smile faded as he looked deeply into her eyes. "You must know by now how much I love you."

  Nicole didn't get a chance to voice her own love, but she didn't need to. The kiss they exchanged was a promise neither would ever break.




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