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Asgar - Drogon General: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 3)

Page 11

by T. J. Quinn

  Chapter Fifteen

  Asgar looked at his mother. “Damn, why do you keep putting me in these impossible situations? Now, she thinks I don’t want her to meet my family.”

  “That what it looks like,” his mother scolded him.

  “But it’s not, and you know that.”

  “Then go after her and tell her what it is. I think it’s time you tell her the truth.”

  He snorted but followed her advice.

  Asgar found her sitting under a tall bush, staring at the small creek that ran through the property. She didn’t look at him when he took a seat next to her on the ground.

  “We need to talk,” he said, in a firm tone.

  “About what?” she asked, oozing sarcasm.

  “About us,” he replied, looking at her.

  She let out a bitter laugh. “There is no ‘us,' so there is nothing to talk about. I hope you made that clear to your mother,” she spurted, trying to control her voice, making it as plain as possible, determined to hide her feelings from him.

  “Is that what you really feel? That there is no ‘us’?” he asked, with a frown.

  “What I feel has no importance here. Since the beginning, I’ve been a simple pawn you and your people play at will to accomplish whatever goals you’ve established,” she retorted, still not looking at him.

  “Things aren’t like that,” he protested.

  “Then, how are they?” This time she turned to look at him, her eyes firing him with all the fury she was holding back.

  “I’m not playing you. I’m aware that the circumstances that brought you into my life aren’t the most idyllic, but if it hadn’t been like that, we would have never met,” he started explaining. “I know you don’t believe in the existence of the soulmates…”

  “How can I believe in it when I’m in…” she interrupted him but didn’t finish her sentence. “Never mind, this is senseless,” she tried to get up, but he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her back to the ground.

  “You’re not running away from this,” he warned her, keeping her hand in his.

  “What’s the point to this whole thing?” she grumbled.

  “If you allow me, I’ll explain.”

  She snorted but didn’t make any other attempt to leave.

  “I’ll start to explain what a soulmate represents to us. Like I told you before, we know the minute we meet the woman meant to be our soulmate she’s the one. This doesn’t happen until she becomes of age, but from that moment on, they both know they are destined to be together,” he said.

  “What a way to kill the romanticism and the pleasure of the conquest,” she snorted.

  He chuckled, “Yes, I guess you’re right, but our women usually play hard to get before they finally accept their destiny. They want the romanticism and the pleasure of being conquered by the man that will spend the rest of their lives with them,” he continued. “When they are both drogons, they have the same instinct that allows them to know who their soul mates are. So far, the idea of an alien mate had been just a legend, something told by our ancestors until we were forced to look for our life companions outside our planet.”

  He made a pause, rubbing his thumb gently over her knuckles.

  “I was one of the most skeptical until I saw Rosalind and Erin. I knew the moment I saw them they were special, and I wasn’t wrong,” he stated. “But the confirmation came when I saw you.”

  She looked at him with a frown. “You mean us, the whole group,” she corrected him.

  “No, I mean you,” he insisted. “The moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew. It was as if I had been hit hard in my abdomen, sucking all of the air out of my lungs.”

  “But… but… that’s impossible,” she protested, but there was no vehemence in her tone.

  “I knew you were the one, and nothing was keeping me away from you,” he confirmed it, but all she could do was shake her head. “When you asked for Eleanor, I decided I had to find her. I could tell she was important for you and your happiness was vital for me.”

  “You never told me…” she cried out, not sure she could believe what she was hearing, though it was the realization of all her dreams.

  “I couldn’t. We were asked not to because all women want to be conquered, to be swept off her feet. You lacked our instinct to tell you who’s your soulmate, so it was my job to awaken you to it,” he explained.

  She pulled her hand from his and started to punch his chest hard. “Do you have any idea how confused I’ve been? Falling for a man I was sure was not my alleged soulmate, fearing the moment you would tell me I had been claimed by a total stranger and being forced to leave you?” she ranted as she kept hitting him, letting out all of the pain she had been welling up.

  He let her, seeing for the first time things from her point of view. “I’m sorry; I didn’t realize you felt like that,” he mumbled, but there was a wide smile on his face

  “Of course you didn’t.”

  “So, you fell for me? Does that mean you fell in love with me?” he asked, with a naughty grin.

  “Oh, you’re impossible,” she pushed him to the ground, but he took her with him, and in just seconds, he had her on top of him, captured in his arms.

  “And still, you love me, just the way I love you,” he said, in a serious tone, determined to let her know he meant every word he was saying. “You’re my other half, the sun that brought light to my darkness, my heart, and my soul, are yours completely and life without you would never be life again.”

  Sasha gasped, momentarily unable to utter a single word. No one had ever told her with all the words how much they loved her. Hearing it from him was overwhelming.

  Tears started rolling down her cheeks, but she didn’t even notice, not until he wiped them with his thumbs.

  “Is this for real? You will kill me if it isn't,” she muttered.

  He got up with her still in his arms, his eyes, locked on hers. “Yes, it’s for real; I would never joke about something this important,” he assured her.

  She threw her arms around his neck, hiding her face on his chest, sobbing for a little while. He comforted her as best as he could, caressing her hair and laying tiny kisses on the top of her head.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were the one?” she asked, taking distance from him, to look at him in the eyes. “I wanted you to fall in love with me and not simply accept me because you were told I was the one for you,” he explained.

  “I can understand that, but your methods leave a lot to be desired,” she grumbled.

  He claimed a kiss from her full lips, sliding his tongue deep into her mouth and delving every single inch of it. “I would do anything to have you with me, anything. And if that means playing dirty, then I will,” he said with a wicked smile. “You’re worth all the effort.”

  She let out a sigh. “What will happen now?” she asked.

  “There is more to our mating than you know, in fact, more than I know, but for now, we’ll go on as we are now, together, getting to know each other and enjoying these days together.

  “You’re on vacations or something? You haven’t left the house.”

  “Yes, you could say that.”

  “What do you do for a living?” she asked, thinking that she should have asked that before.

  “I’m head of the war council.”

  She frowned. “Do you have wars?”

  “Not in our planet, but sometimes we’re hired to help in other planet’s wars. Our abilities to heal make us exceptional warriors,” he explained.

  “So, you’re mercenaries,” she wasn’t sure she was happy with that news. “You fight in other people’s battles for money.”

  “Yes, that’s right. That also shows other species just how powerful we are and make them think twice before considering attacking us.”

  “I guess that makes sense, but do you really need that? Do you need the funds those activities provide you?” she asked, trying to understand. She had never agreed with wars, they
all served a small group’s needs and wants and involved way too many innocents for her liking.

  “No, we don’t. This planet has more than enough resources to last us thousands of rotations.”

  “Then why do it?”

  He shrugged. “It’s what we have been doing since the beginning of times. It’s not so much about getting a profit but to help others fight for what’s right.”

  “Can’t you get killed in a fight?” she asked, suddenly a bit scared.

  “No, it’s very unlikely,” he assured her.

  “But not impossible,” she stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “We’re not immortals, so no, it’s not impossible, but it’s not easy either.”

  “I still don’t like it,” she said, with a frown. “I didn’t cross the whole universe to find you just to lose you in a battle you don’t have to fight.”

  “Now that I have you, things will change. My job is to plan the battles, not fight in them.”

  “But you have been doing it, haven’t you?” she asked, though she knew the answer.

  “Yes, I have. Like hundreds of my men. None is forced to go, but for many, it’s what gives sense to their lives. Remember, most of them have lost hope of finding a woman and making a home with them.”

  She let out a sigh, letting her head fall back to his chest and wrapping her arms around him. “I guess it makes sense, but I still don’t like it.”

  He hugged her and kissed her head. “Things will change for me, I assure you,” he lifted her chin with a finger and kissed her lips once more, showing her all the love he felt for her. There were no more restraints, no more holding back their feelings and soon the passion that burned between them was reignited, arousing them and making them want more.

  In the haze of passion, Asgar laid her on the ground and crouched between her legs, happy she was wearing a tunic instead of a suit. With a mischievous smile, he pulled her tunic up her legs exposing her throbbing pussy.

  She moaned when his hand cupped her pussy and rocked her hips to meet it, eager for more. Pleased, he leaned forward to kiss her again while his other hand opened his own suit, allowing his hard cock to pop out.

  In just seconds, he had her legs wrapped around his waist, and his cock buried deep inside her. The passion burning inside them was eager and hungry, not allowing any time for foreplay. It needed to be satisfied.

  Thrust after thrust, with their lips engaged in a million kisses, they followed the path to paradise where pleasure and bliss awaited for them.

  When passion finally subsided, Asgar slid out of her and collapsed on the ground next to her.

  “God, I can’t believe we just did this in your mother’s garden,” she muttered, with a scowl.

  He chuckled. “I’m sure she would understand.”

  “Why don’t you want me to meet your family?” she asked the question that had been burning inside her for a while.

  “Because I was sure they wouldn’t be able to keep the secret. For the drogons it’s quite easy to know when someone has found their soulmate, especially if they see them together,” he explained. “I just wanted some more time with you, but when I realized my hesitation was hurting you, I decided it was time to let you know the whole truth.”

  “Will you be in trouble with the king again?” she asked, remembering last time she had seen the man.

  “No, I won’t. I warned him this morning I was ready to tell you the truth when I considered it was the right time. He just asked for discretion.”

  She giggled and crawled towards him, laying her head on his chest. “So, I’m not allowed to brag about my soulmate with my friends?” she asked, in an amused tone.

  He laughed out loud. “No, you’re not. At least, not for now.”

  “I think I can live with that.”

  They returned to the house a couple of hours later, and Asgar guided her directly to his room. They needed a bath and clean clothes before they were ready to face his whole family. It was obvious his mother had planned a feast, and they needed to be in tune with it.

  Meeting Asgar’s family was quite an experience. It allowed her to meet two more drogon females, but the presence of males was quite overwhelming. Even so, they had a great time, and Sasha had never felt more welcomed in her whole life.

  It was incredible how her life had changed in just a few weeks’ time, but she wouldn’t change it for nothing in the universe.

  She was happier than ever, and she just wished all her friends were able to know the same bliss Asgar had brought into her life.

  Certainly, she would still have a lot to adjust to, a lot to learn and to find out about what meant being a drogon’s soulmate, but she was more than ready to start, as long as she had him at her side.

  The end

  Excerpt from

  Alien Alliances


  Clarissa Lake


  Meg Casey was running along the shoulder of Sackett Road near where she lived, in her modest ranch style home between two hay fields with a woodlot out back. Running was her favorite way to unwind from her hectic job as a nurse practitioner at the local Family Health Clinic. It was exactly a mile from her house to the crossing of Pine Road with only one other house on that stretch of road. She ran the same route about three times a week, on the evenings she got off work early. The exercise was good for her, and the endorphins gave her a natural uplift.

  She alternated between jogging at a leisurely pace with wind sprints, her long blond ponytail bobbing up and down as she ran. She was fairly tall at five foot eight inches with long, shapely legs, wider at the hips than she would like with a rounded and toned butt. Her C cup breasts were stabilized by snug sports bra to keep them from bouncing too much as she ran. Her stark blue eyes were protected from the bright evening sun by UV blocking sunglasses.

  She was almost to Pine Road when an ordinary SUV slowed and stopped beside her. The man inside looked older, partially bald, and harmless, so she stopped.

  “Can you tell me which way to the main highway? I have gotten myself turned around, and this GPS is no help,” he said.

  “Keep going in this direction. It’s about a mile down this road,” she said and pointed. When she looked back at him, he was pointing a small device that looked like a car remote at her and pressed the button. Meg jerked as though she’d been struck and crumpled to the ground. The man jumped out and opened the back door of his vehicle, picked Meg up from the side of the road, and tossed her in the back seat as though she weighed no more than a small child did. He slammed the door, jumped back into the driver’s seat and sped away.

  That was the last thing she remembered until she woke up lying on a cot hanging from a wall in a nondescript white room with four other women lying on cots like hers wearing only her bra and panties. There was a fresh tattoo on the inside of her wrist, that resembled Cuneiform, which she had only seen in pictures back in school.

  In the center of the room was a pedestal table with benches on each side, all anchored to the floor. There was a small bathroom with a shower and sink that opened off the corner of the room with what looked like a sliding door on the fourth wall opposite the wall with the bathroom opening. A faint line on the white wall seemed to mark a sliding door that Meg assumed was the exit. It remained closed with no apparent way to open it.

  “Does anyone know where we are?” Meg asked the other women in general.

  “We’ve been kidnapped by alien slavers,” said the woman with dark, short hair in the bunk like hers on the other wall.

  Meg laughed out loud. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I wish I was,” the other woman said. “There are about a dozen of us that I saw. I’ve been aboard for about a week. They picked me up when I was walking my dog before work. I woke up as they were shuttling a few of us up to their mother ship.”

  “You’re serious,” Meg gasped.

  “I wish I weren't,” she sighed. “They are taking us to some planet for a slave
auction. All the women I’ve seen are young and fairly attractive. I heard we would probably be sold as pleasure companions.”

  “You mean sex slaves,” Meg shuddered.

  “Yeah.” The other woman sounded as hopeless as Meg felt.

  Even if they were on Earth, escaping human traffickers would be no small feat, but escaping them in space was nearly impossible. Even if they would get out of this cell and find the shuttle that brought them here, she doubted any of them could fly it or would know where to go if they could. They couldn’t even hope for rescue. No one who would miss them would have a clue where to find them.

  “How did you find out their intentions?” Meg asked.

  “The one that comes with the droid cart that brings us food told us. He said the Tenzari have been taking humans from earth for many years because it’s very profitable.”

  “I’m sure it is,” Meg said. “I’m Meg Casey, what’s your name?”

  “Kayla Elliott. Above you are Jane Edwards, and Liz Carson is above me,” said Kayla. “From what I’ve seen, there’s no way out of this before we land---and even then.”

  Meg was about to ask what the aliens were like when the door across the room slid open with a soft whoosh. An automated cart rolled in followed by a hairless bipedal alien with purple wrinkled skin that sort of reminded her of a cartoon character. He was tall and slender with a humanoid face that had large dark round eyes, a flat nose with two nostrils and a wide mouth with thin lips.

  Meg rolled out of the bunk and strode across the room toward the alien. “Who are you people and what right do you have to steal us from our homes? We are human beings, not cattle,” she shouted at him forgetting she was barefoot wearing only her underwear.

  “Because we can,” the alien answered in fluent English. “We are Tenzari. We take what we can. Once we take you from Earth, you belong to us. Your world is not a member of the Alliance of Worlds. They have no recourse.”


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