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Independence (The Significance Series)

Page 9

by Crane, Shelly

  "I'm honored." I let her hug me to her. "Don't worry about anything," I told her and when I felt her breath catch a little, I realized I had inadvertently brought up the unavoidable future. The vision I saw of Bish and Jen played in both of our minds and I leaned back. I mouthed, 'I'm sorry.'

  She shook her head and mouthed, 'I trust you.'

  'I won't let anything happen to you. Or Bish. I haven't forgotten, I promise.'

  'I know.'

  I saw Gran watching us curiously. Jen wrapped her arm around me and said, "Sister stuff."

  I felt my heart skid a beat or two at that. She squeezed me. "So Fiona and Lynne and you and me. What a pretty bunch of ladies we're going to be," she joked and flipped her hair. "They should rename Saturday Diva Day 'cause that's totally what it's going to be."

  I laughed along with Rachel and Gran, even though I knew she was trying to take her mind off the vision. I took a steadying breath. I refused to let the vision come to fruition. I refused to let something so beautiful and needed for our family and our race end so pointlessly by a jackass with a God complex. That bastard had ruined enough already and I refused to let him take one more thing from me or this family.

  "Did someone tell a knock-knock joke?"

  I turned to find Maria.

  And Bish.

  And my goodness was the man glowing from the inside out.

  I smiled at him and he smiled back. I went to him, expecting him to be different now somehow. Like the way Beck had called me a freak and ran, he would be different since he'd seen me in all my Visionary glory in London and had finally found his way into Jen's life the way he wanted…and now things wouldn't be the same. But I was proven wrong when he lifted me into a bear hug. I sank into it and felt not just relief, but a sense of rightness wash over me.

  I peeked back to see his face, to see if he was feeling the same thing as I was. His face said he was and then I heard him.

  She looks so…happy and…free. I feel kinda terrible about everything I did.

  "You're my brother," I justified. "It would have been weird if you hadn't been worried about me."

  "Yeah, but…all the things I said to Caleb. If you had just given me a couple minutes alone with the guy, I would've laid him out."

  I chuckled. "I have no doubt. But it's over now."

  He touched my cheek. "You have no idea how beautiful you look when you're this happy. I know it's because of him."

  I blushed and pressed my lips in a line. "It is."

  He sighed and moved back. "How was the viewing?"

  "Oh, uh…fine."

  "I'm sorry."

  "It's OK," I hurriedly said and looked back at Gran. "Are you going to go shopping with me? I'm gonna need a new dress."

  "Heck no!" She sized me up. "I'm gonna make you one, pretty girl. And Fiona's and Lynne's, too."

  "There's no way you can make them all in-"

  "Are you doubting me?" She cocked her little eyebrow and waited.

  "N-no, ma'am," I stuttered.

  "Good." She looked past me to Bish. "Out, beefy. The women folk have work to do."

  Bish laughed and pointed to himself. "I'm beefy, I suppose."

  "Well, no one else in this room has his arms stuffed into his sleeves like sausage casings, now do they?"

  He laughed. "No, ma'am." He turned to Jen and I thought he'd do a simple wave and tell her goodbye since he definitely didn't seem like the type for PDA, but he shocked us all when he walked up to her and held her chin as he placed his lips on hers. She smiled softly up at him as he said, "I'll see you in a bit."

  She nodded. He took Maria's hand and turned back to me. "We'll go hang out with Dad. You're coming for supper tonight, right?"

  "Yeah," I answered. "As soon as Caleb's meeting is done. We'll meet you there."

  He nodded once and smiled at us as a whole. "Later, ladies."

  "Bye," Jen said softly and watched him go.

  We all stood around for a few more seconds before moving. When I finally looked over at Jen, she was fighting tears. Rachel took her and hugged her hard. "Mom," Jen whispered. "I don't have to wonder what it feels like to be like you and Daddy anymore. I know."

  "Jenna, I've always hoped you would, baby." She sniffed very ladylike. "I always tried to believe it for you. Bish is…"

  "I know," Jen said and laughed. "He's amazing."

  I felt my nose wrinkle. "OK, let's all try to remember that he's my brother."

  They laughed and then Radioactive by the Imagine Dragons rang out through the room. Rachel took her phone from her pocket and answered it. I gaped at her. "Hey, baby…No, I'm OK. Jenna and I were just talking about…finally being a significant." She smiled at Jen. "Yes, I promise. I'm sorry I scared you." I heard Peter in Rachel's mind as he said something about her 'pretty tush getting it later.' I couldn't stop my gasp. Rachel giggled and then said, "Peter, Maggie's in the room with me." He laughed in a slightly embarrassed way and said to tell Caleb and I to come over tomorrow and that he'd see her later. "Okay. I love you, honey." He said he loved her, too, 'something fierce'. I smiled at her, but looked away. She cleared her throat. "I guess you got that, huh?"

  "Come over tomorrow? Yeah."

  "He was just calling to check on me, said my heartbeat was going crazy."

  "I can imagine," I said dryly.

  Gran interrupted. "All right, enough, you two. I know my son is as McDreamy as they come." Gran smacked me on the butt. I stared at her, open mouthed. "We've got work to do. Strip."

  "Strip for what?"

  "I'm going to measure you for your dress. Strip!"

  Rachel saved me…sort of. "You can do her measurements with her clothes on, Mamma," she chastised.

  "Oh, I know I can." She pointed at me. "But look at her face! Ha! I just wanted to see her face pucker up like that." She continued to cackle at my expense and I let her because Gran was…Gran.

  We spent the next two hours getting measured and looking at dresses online that we liked so Gran could get some semblance of our tastes. She said she'd do Fiona's later. As soon as Caleb came back, we left for Dad's.

  "Come in!" Fiona chimed and swung the door open wide with gusto. I led the way with Caleb's hand on the small of my back. I was pleasantly surprised by the place. Fiona had apparently been putting her own touch on things. "Oh, gosh, Maggie. I swear you get prettier every time I see you."

  "Thanks," I said and tried not to be awkward, so I went right in for a hug. And that's how Dad found us.

  "Baby girl," he sighed. My feet propelled me until I was practically strangling the man. He chuckled a little into my hair. "I'm so glad you're as happy to see me as I am to see you." He leaned back and kissed my forehead. "Bish and Jen are in the den. Hey, that rhymed."

  I laughed. "I'm glad you're still you, Dad."

  "I'm stuck this way now." He smiled and opened one arm to Fiona who went willingly into his side. Maria ran in from the kitchen and took his other arm. He seemed so natural and comfortable with them both. I felt my chest ache with happiness for him. "Thank God."

  "Agreed," I said. "I'm gonna go see Bish and then I'll help in the kitchen."

  "Oh, will you?" she said sweetly. "I'm a horrible cook. Your father told me you're so good with Mac-N-Cheese."

  I laughed. "Then he lied to you."

  She turned to him laughing as we walked out to the den. I opened the hide-a-door and Caleb plowed into my back as I stopped. My eyes bugged. Bish had Jen up on the piano as he stood between her knees. And the man must've been starving because he was devouring her mouth right there on the Baby Grand.

  Chapter 10


  "Yikes," I muttered and turned, gripping my hair in my fists. Dude had my sister up on the piano kissing the sense out of her. Significants or not, she was still my sister. I did not want to see that crap.

  I felt Maggie's hands on my back. She must've turned away from the debauchery, too. I shivered in disgust and tried to think of something else. Maggie giggled, making me
turn to face her. "And just what is so funny?"

  "Oh, come on. It's funny!"

  "Not. Even."

  "You know we're worse," she said and nipped at my chin. "You know it's true."

  "But I devour you in private," I said low.

  "Hey," Bish said and we turned to see his face, full of chagrin. "Sorry. We didn't hear you come in."

  "I'll remember to make more noise next time," Maggie said easily.

  "Definitely more noise," I agreed sardonically.

  Jen laughed softly. "Shut up." She sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear and whispering, "You know how it is."

  "Yeah," I agreed and squeezed Maggie's hand. "I also know what it's like to be the brother and have to watch it though. Bish, I totally understand now, dude."

  "Yeah," Bish said and took a deep breath. "Look, Caleb, I know we started off on the wrong foot. And I know that was my fault. I understand now what it's like to need each other and feel so weird and just…helpless to what's going on inside my skin. I'm sorry I gave you and Maggie such a hard time - especially you. It's no secret that I never liked you."

  "Yeah." I laughed. "Yeah. No sweat, man. I understand now, too."

  "Is everyone ready for supper now?" Fiona peeked her head inside and smiled. "I made pot roast."

  "Yes, ma'am," I answered and towed Maggie to follow me.

  Dinner was easy flowing and natural. The chatter and talk was as normal as ever. You'd never know there were so many people with 'gifts' sitting around the table, let alone the leader of her race and the Champion of the clan. And so many people with gifts on the way. But either way it was normal. It made Maggie smile and be happy to know that things could go back to the way they used to be. For the most part.

  And then she sprung the idea of us all getting married together on them. Fiona sputtered a little about tradition and rules, but eventually came to the conclusion that things needed to change and this was a good way to start. And when she told Fiona that Gran was going to make her dress that sealed the deal. She started to cry. Maggie was thinking how it was good to see her dad comfort Fiona so effortlessly and not worry about us watching. He had always been a good man even with Maggie's mother. She was just too stupid to see what she had.

  When the doorbell rang I assumed it was Kyle and Lynne coming to hang out. Bish said he'd get it and ran to do so, but I sat stunned as I heard the thoughts through Maggie of the person on the other side of the door. She gave her dad a look in the warning before she got up from her chair and made her way in to stare at the woman who has ruined her life.

  Maggie's heartbeat banged like an angry drum. I wrapped my hand around her wrist and my fingers on her pulse kept time with it. She went to meet Bish at the door to confront her mother. Her clueless father still sat at the table, wondering what was going on. I couldn't even imagine the crap that was about to go down when Fiona met Sarah. Or rather, when Sarah met Fiona.

  I held Maggie's hand as we turned the corner. And there she was in all of her home-wrecker glory.

  "What are you doing here?" Maggie asked. No one could mistake the ice in her voice for anything but.

  She lowered her head. "I was coming to see you again and the bus I was on got in an accident. I was in the hospital. The hospital called your father, but he wouldn't come see me!" She blubbered and peeked her eyes open and up to make sure we were watching. It was pretty pathetic. "And he didn't tell you I was there because I know you would have come to see me. So I thought I would come see you for myself."

  "Why do you think I would have come to see you? Or that Dad would have?" Maggie asked.

  "Why wouldn't you?"

  "Oh, I don't know," Maggie started softly. Too softly. "Maybe because you ruined Dad's life and then ruined mine? Maybe because you lied to everyone? And cheated on Dad? And then lied to Haddock about being pregnant."

  Her mom's eyes bulged. And then moved on to the size of lemons when Jim came around the corner with Fiona. He stopped in his tracks, clearly not aware of who it had been at the door. Maggie's mind reminded herself that Jim didn't know about him not being her father and that she needed to rein in her anger before she let something slip.

  He glanced down at Fiona, who was a smart girl and had figured out what was up, and then looked over at Maggie's mom. "Sarah, what are you doing here?" he asked quickly.

  I saw Fiona flinch when he said her name. I winced for them all. This situation was delicate at best. He reached up and touched her arm, rubbing his calm touch into her skin. "Sorry," he whispered.

  "Sorry?" Sarah yelped. "For what? This is my house!"

  "It's not, Mom," Maggie told her. She sighed and her shoulders slumped. She was done before she even started this fight. I moved to her back and put my hand on her side under her shirt. I saw her take a deep breath as my calm hit her. "Mom, you can't just keep showing up here."

  "She's right, Sarah," Jim spoke up and moved to stand in front of Fiona a little when Sarah glared at her. "You don't live here anymore. I put a couple boxes of your stuff out in the garage. You can take them if you want."

  She seethed. "You can't keep me from my own daughter. She's still a minor."

  "Not for long," Maggie muttered under her breath.

  "If Maggie wants to see you that's between y'all, but as far as this house and me, you don't belong here anymore."

  "I thought you weren't seeing anyone," she sulked.

  "I wasn't…you know what? That's none of your business anymore, Sarah." He spoke softly in chastisement. "What are you doing here?"

  "I told you." She flipped her hair and grimaced. "I came to see you because you wouldn't come to see me."She lifted her sleeve to show her arm. "See! I got four stitches in that wreck."

  "Wow," Bish said bitterly. I had almost forgotten he was there. We all turned to look at him. Jen was at her side with both of her hands on his arm. Her lips were pinched in that way they did when she was angry about something. Bish continued with, "Four whole stitches."

  He looked at her angrily for a few dragged out seconds before pulling Jen with him as he left the room. That's exactly what I wanted to do to Maggie. Her heart hurt because of this woman. I squeezed my fingers around her side a little tighter to remind her I was right there.

  "What are you here for?" Jim asked once more.

  Maggie's mom sighed. "Look… I gave Maggie my great aunt's platinum bracelet for Christmas when she was fifteen and I want it. She gave it to me and I think she'd want me to have it."

  Maggie scoffed. Then she left. I closed my eyes and waited. I knew exactly what she was doing as I'm sure they all did. She came back not even seconds later and put it in her mom's waiting palm. "Now leave me alone."

  I did take her from the room that time. I couldn't stand there and watch that anymore. I didn't have to drag her in the slightest as she let me tow her. As soon as we passed the threshold for the kitchen I turned and engulfed her in my arms. "That woman," was all I could say.

  "Yeah," Bish agreed and I swung my gaze to the side to see him sitting at the table with Jen in his lap. She was comforting her significant as I was comforting mine. "That woman."

  Maggie peeked at him. She opened her mouth to say that she was sorry about her, that it wasn't Bish's fault that she didn't speak to him…again. But she closed her mouth and didn't even try.

  "It's OK," he told her and patted Jen's leg asking her to let him up. He came to Maggie and ruffled her hair. "You were always the cute one anyway."

  "I don't understand her," Maggie told him. "It's not you, Bish. It's not."

  "I'm done worrying about it." He stood a little taller and breathed deep. "What about-"

  He stopped talking when a pale Fiona came back into the kitchen. She leaned on the doorjamb like she couldn't hold herself up anymore. My sweet Maggie sprung to action. "Fiona, look." She pulled out the iPhone I bought her and moved her finger around until she found the page she was looking for. "See? Isn't this gorgeous?"

  In her mind I saw it was a website of th
e dresses they'd looked at earlier that day. She was showing Fiona one of them. I blocked it out in case it was the one Maggie was going to wear. Fiona seemed grateful for the distraction, but still noticed when Jim came back in. He didn't pretend that things weren't awkward, he just jumped right into it. "Well, glad that's over. Who's ready for pie?"

  That night on the way home in the truck, Maggie was back to her normal self. She hadn't even thought about that woman in over half an hour. "So it went well with Gran today?"

  She smiled and ticked her finger back and forth. "Uh, uh, uh." I laughed. "How did everything go with you?" But even as she asked, I felt her poking around for the answers, and I let her instead of saying anything.

  She saw Dad and I driving to Kyle's, him fidgeting and freaking out about me taking over, me freaking out and fidgeting because I was taking over, everyone smiling and being weirdly nice to me…because I was taking over.

  Every time someone patted me on the back or gave me that You can do this look, I felt this odd swell in my chest. Everyone believed in me so much. No one was worried that I was going to screw anything up but me.

  So I stood before my family and started the meeting the way every meeting was started, by placing the object on the table before me and calling the meeting to order. The object was what my father had given me at the Reunification in London when he'd been forced to step down. The object was something each Champion of each clan held and kept on him to prove at any time that he was aware, ready and willing to be and do anything necessary to protect his people. Keeping the object on you and calling the meeting to order with it was to serve as a reminder to the Champion of his promise to do all of those things.

  The object for our clan was an old cog wheel.

  Even as she watched it all in my mind, I reached into the pocket of my jeans and rubbed the coarse metal with my fingers. She watched as I took note of all the happenings of the family. All the things they wanted to talk about and discuss. She watched me as I leaned back in my seat and took their ribbing good-naturedly about being the man of my house now, about being the big man on Jacobson campus as soon as I started work at the firm with the rest of the family…the wedding night.


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