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The M.D. Courts His Nurse

Page 17

by Meagan Mckinney

  A soft smile touched her lips. She winked at Hazel. “Dr. Saville’s been impossible. At night when we go home he studies every move I make like I was some kind of new amoeba he’d just discovered in his microscope. Certainly, I’m not wishing anything upon you, Hazel, but one of those “flutters” that put us in this state might be pretty welcome right now. The good doctor needs a mysterious illness to get his attention off of—”

  “Dr. Saville! Just the man I wanted to see!” Hazel piped up, her face beaming at the frowning man who had just entered the reception area from his office.

  “Great to see you, Hazel. How are you feeling?” John asked, crooking his arm around his very pregnant wife.

  “Fit as a fiddle,” Hazel answered. “This check-up’s for you. I hear fatherhood’s been wearing you out and you haven’t even got to your first trail ride yet.”

  He released a sexy, tired grin. “Wearing me out? This devil of a woman won’t even let me come with her to the OB. Says I’m too obsessive.”

  Rebecca laughed. “You got that right, doctor. Save it for your own patients.”

  “But his patients are so darned healthy!” Lois added to the ribbing.

  John nodded, exasperated. “She won’t even tell me what we’re having. The decorator came to do the nursery, and Becky wouldn’t let me know if she ordered pink or blue.”

  Rebecca gave Hazel an aside gesture. In a mock whisper, she said, “He couldn’t handle it.”

  John stood behind the two, his arms crossed over his chest. “I’m a physician. I’ve seen everything. I graduated top of my class at the best medical school this side of—”

  Hazel nodded to Rebecca in compliance. “That’s right, Becky. Better use the kid gloves with him. He’s new to this particular game, you know. Go gentle with him.”

  Rebecca felt John’s arms go around her. They were strong and sure, and she knew, despite the teasing, they would see her through the next few days.

  “All I’m asking for is the color of our baby’s nursery. I don’t think that’s out of line given the fact that I was very much involved in the process of making this as-yet-un-color-coded baby,” he grumbled.

  Rebecca grinned. Her hand held his across her stomach as she smoothed over a kick. “Alright. I’ll tell you.” She winked again at Hazel. “Get out the smelling salts, gals, because he’s got to know sooner or later, so I’m telling him now.”

  “And the color is—?” he prompted, nuzzling her.

  “Pink and blue.”

  John stopped. He stared down at his wife in astonishment, his expression radiating his total love.

  “See?” Rebecca shrugged at Hazel.

  Hazel laughed. It was good to know her beloved town of Mystery would grow and flourish. It was even better knowing she had had a hand in the process.

  “Where are you going, Hazel? After all,” Rebecca cried out, laughing at her husband’s overly protective embrace, “this is your fault too, you know.”

  “I take the blame gladly,” Hazel quipped, with a secret smile of her own.

  And she’d do it again, too.

  The first chance she got.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0665-6


  Copyright © 2001 by Ruth Goodman

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  *Matched in Montana




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