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The Maybe Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 6)

Page 9

by Christina Benjamin

  But of course, like all things in Zander’s life, his happiness was short-lived. He came to a screeching halt as he rounded a corner, almost colliding with Devon and Eggsy. The hound barked and Megan yelped. Zander quickly set her down stumbling over his words as Devon gaped at him in disbelief. Devon must’ve been taking Eggsy for a walk—probably to clear his head. Instead he’d run into Zander on his way to what was obviously a dodgy booty call, like he hadn’t a care in the world that he’d just dropped a bomb on his best mate.

  Seeing Devon’s hurt knocked the wind out of Zander’s sails. And before he had a chance to say anything Devon was tugging Eggsy down the hall away from them, shaking his head as he went.

  Zander barely felt Megan’s hand slip into his as he watched Devon disappear around the corner. He swore under his breath and looked down at Megan’s concerned blue eyes. He wished more than anything he could just drown his sorrows in her tonight, but it wouldn’t be right. The moment had passed.

  “Megan . . .” he started. “I think maybe tonight . . .”

  Her kind smile saved him from having to continue. She seemed to know the moment had passed too. “I know,” she whispered squeezing his hand reassuringly. “It’s okay.”

  “Can I walk ye to yer room?”

  She nodded.

  They walked silently, hand-in-hand, to her door. Zander took his time, not wanting their time together to end. Megan had been a delightful distraction in Zander’s otherwise miserable day.

  They arrived at her bedroom too quickly. Megan smiled at him, standing on her tiptoes to hug him around the neck. He wrapped her up in his arms, holding her tight for as a long as he could bear. As usual, his heart warred against the pull he felt toward her. One voice whispered, ‘You need her,’ while the other hissed, ‘Don’t get attached.’

  Zander finally untangled himself from Megan and took a step back. “I’m sorry about tonight.”

  “I’m not,” she said biting her lip and smiling. Christ! That smile made him want to be a better man. He felt his face fall as he looked away.

  “Hey,” she said, catching his hand. “We’re not in any rush, Zander. I’m not going anywhere.”

  But she was. Her words cut him like a knife.

  Seeming to sense his despair, Megan took a step closer, her pretty floral fragrance enchanting him. “Do you remember my favorite quote?” she asked.

  His eyes cleared with recognition. Of course he did. He’d told her it was his favorite quote too. Zander repeated it softly. “Maybe the stars have a plan for us.”

  She grinned. “That’s right.”

  The moment Zander found out they loved the same quote, had been the moment he’d let Megan in. It was from The Geneva Project, an obscure fantasy series that Zander was shocked to find Megan had read. They’d spent an entire evening debating the heroes and villains from the books.

  Zander had never done that with someone before. He’d always hidden his academic side when he was in school. He was expected to be a jock; popular, tough, unapproachable, and that meant he couldn’t be smart too. But Megan never judged him. She liked all his sides. And he found he liked opening up to her and exploring things like debating films and novels and music with her.

  Megan was an absolute treasure trove of knowledge. And she never made him feel stupid if he didn’t know what book or movie or song she was talking about. In fact she seemed to love getting to tell him everything she loved about it. It was one of the things he adored about her. That, and how she always seemed to know the exact thing to say to make him feel able to breathe.

  Zander met Megan’s sparkling blue eyes. They danced with the brightness of a flame and he couldn’t resist reaching a hand to her cheek.

  She covered his hand with hers. “We have nothing to worry about.”

  “The stars will worry for us,” Zander said completing the quote.

  “Exactly.” Megan reached up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “Goodnight, Zander.”


  Zander walked away from Megan’s room in a trance. He couldn’t shake the feeling that his world was spinning out of control. It had been for a while, but Megan had become Zander’s solace—his refuge from the crushing loneliness he felt in the empty house he now walked through.

  Normally, when he felt this way, he’d call her up and lose himself in their conversations. But now that she was here it had somehow rocked the sturdiness of the foundation they’d built. She was so close—so real. And the temptation was near crippling. Zander was terrified if he gave in to his desire for Megan that he’d ruin her, like he did everything. And then who would be left to save him?

  The thought haunted him as he walked straight past his bedroom knowing he’d not find any relief in sleep. Instead he went to the gym to push himself further toward the cliff that was looming ahead of him.


  Megan spent the night tossing and turning. She hadn’t been able to get Zander out of her mind. Zander kissing her. Zander touching her. Zander carrying her toward certain bliss. Of course it wasn’t meant to be. Their unfortunate run in with Devon had been like being thrown into a cold shower. Megan had felt the change in Zander instantly. She worried for him. Of all the amazing things that had happened between them that night, it was Zander’s wounded look when he’d said goodnight that haunted her most.

  She’d always thought Zander played up the part of the poor little rich boy, but being here with him, Megan was beginning to see it wasn’t an act. As she lay there staring at the twinkling lights above her canopy bed, Megan vowed to help Zander see the light. His life was incredible. He just needed someone to share it with, and Megan was happy to be that someone.

  Of course she’d have to find a way to help patch up the rift between Zander and Devon first. She knew Devon was a level-headed guy. It was one of the reasons he was so good for Sam. She knew honesty was a big thing for Devon, being that it’s almost what tore him and Sam apart when they’d first gotten together. So it was easy to see how he’d been hurt by Zander concealing the truth about Cara. But Megan was sure after a night of sleep Devon would be in a better place. Maybe she would be too if she could ever manage to get any.

  Megan rolled onto her stomach and closed her eyes, forcing herself to write one of her various screen-plays in her mind—her sure-fire trick for falling asleep. Except tonight, every scene was filled with a sad, green-eyed prince, roaming his castle alone.



  Megan ran into Sam in the bathroom the next morning. She looked like she hadn’t gotten much sleep, which made Megan fearful Devon might not have either.

  “Rough night?” Megan asked.

  “You could say that,” Sam admitted drying her face.

  “How’s Devon taking things today?”

  “Not well. He was up all night talking to Cara.”

  “You let him call her?” Megan hissed.

  “I didn’t have much choice. And it’s not like you were here to help.”

  “I didn’t want to intrude.”

  “Yeah right. I know you were with Zander. Devon told me all about running into you two dry-humping in the hall.”

  “Nothing happened with Zander,” Megan argued. “He was actually really upset about Devon.”

  Sam huffed. “I’m sure.”

  Megan rolled her eyes, knowing better than to argue with Sam before coffee. “What did Cara say?” she asked changing tactics.

  “Zander was right. She’s engaged to some hotshot client who lives in Cork. She said it was unexpected, but she’s happy and the kids are happy, and she’s hoping Devon can find a way to be happy for them.”

  “What did he say?”

  Sam shrugged. “What could he say? He was pissed she didn’t tell him, but it’s not like he can be mad at her for falling in love. Even if it is kinda soon.”

  “I know,” Megan said. “But we can’t plan love. When it finds us we just have to jump in with both feet.”

a good way to drown,” Sam muttered.

  “Or to get swept off your feet by Prince Charming,” Megan added with a winning smile.

  Sam rolled her eyes, but a smirk escaped.

  Megan took the opportunity to press the crack in Sam’s grumpy mood. “You know I’m right.”

  “Fine, you can’t hate someone for falling in love,” Sam admitted. “But—”

  “But nothing!” Megan interrupted. “Love wins. Discussion over.”

  “You don’t fight fair,” Sam grumbled. “You and your hopeless romanticism.”

  “Says the girl dating Prince Charming.”

  Sam stuck out her tongue, but there was a smile in her eyes. “He is dreamy,” she admitted with a sigh.

  “The dreamiest.”

  They both erupted into a fit of laughter right as Devon happened to walk into the bathroom. “What’s going on here?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” Sam and Megan sang in unison causing them to laugh harder.

  “Just girl talk,” Megan added.

  Devon’s face reddened and he backed out of the bathroom. “I don’t even want to know.”

  Megan gave Sam a quick hug and whispered in her ear. “Devon will be okay. But let me know if I can do anything to cheer him up today.”

  “Thanks,” Sam said, squeezing Megan tight. “Oh, we’re still getting ready for the gala together, right?”


  “And I want to see everything you got in Dublin yesterday.”

  Megan was beaming. “Fashion show at lunch?”

  “It’s a date.”


  Zander was still on the phone with Cara when a knock rapped on his office door. Devon poked his head in and Zander waved him in.

  “Cara, I’ve gotta go . . . I will . . . Love ye too.”

  Zander hung up the phone while Devon shifted uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck. “Cara sends her love,” Zander said.

  Devon nodded.

  “Look,” Zander started. “I’m sorry about last night.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” Devon interrupted. “I shouldn’t have taken the piss outta ye for something that’s not yer fault.”

  Zander blinked in surprise. “But I should’ve told ye about Cara. And I meant to, but there just never seemed to be the right time.” He sighed. “I just didn’t want to see ye broken up about it. I’m sorry I mucked it up, mate.”

  Devon shrugged. “It’s alright. It was Cara’s news to share anyway.”

  “Yer really alright with it?” Zander asked.

  “It’s sooner than I expected, but it’s not like I thought she’d mourn my Da forever.” Devon sunk down into the chair across from Zander’s desk, the tension leaving his body. “And she sounds happy.”

  “She told me ye spoke.”

  Devon grinned sheepishly. “I sorta called her in a fit last night. Laid into her a bit before she could get a word in.”

  Zander laughed. “I’d have paid to see that.”

  “I can surely say piss and vinegar are a family trait,” Devon added.

  “She dished it right back, did she?”

  “And then some.” Devon smiled his easy smile and shrugged. “It was a bit of a shock, but Cara’s happy, and I’m happy for her. I know the past few years haven’t been easy on her. And it’ll be good for the kids to have a man about the house.”

  “Did she tell ye she’s not able to make the gala tonight?”

  “She did. Said the twins weren’t feeling well. But we made plans to get together next week. Sam and I are gonna drive over to Cork to spend some time with the kids and meet Cara’s new bloke.”

  “That’s what she was calling to tell me,” Zander explained.

  Devon smirked. “I figured she was calling to lay boots to ye for keeping me in the dark.”

  Zander laughed. “She did that too.”

  “So are we good?” Devon asked.

  “I should be the one asking that.”

  Devon held his hand out to Zander. “We’re good, mate.”

  Zander felt a huge weight lift from his shoulders as he shook Devon’s hand.

  “Speaking of good,” Devon said. “Seems like ye and Megs are getting on?”

  Zander flinched recalling how Devon had found them last night. “We are,” Zander said hesitantly, “but maybe it’s not the best idea.”

  Devon held his hands up. “Don’t think ye need to be sneaking about and snogging in the dark on my account, mate.”

  “Ye don’t think I’m daft for pursuing her?”

  Devon laughed. “Seems like she’s pursuing ye right back from what I saw.”

  “Sorry about that,” Zander said sheepishly.

  Devon waved him off. “Don’t worry about me. Sam’s the one who’ll take yer head off if ye muck this up.”

  That didn’t make Zander feel any better. “Sam’s a real ball buster, isn’t she?”

  Devon laughed. “Ye have no idea, mate.”

  “Any advice how to win some points with her?”

  Devon shrugged. “Sometimes I think I’m still figuring her out myself.”

  Zander didn’t like the forlorn look that had settled over Devon. “Things alright with you two?”

  “We’re grand. It’s just Uni that’s getting in the way. Sam’s taken on way too much with adding a double major and I think this study abroad semester might make her snap.”

  “Why’d she agree to do it?”

  “Megs,” Devon said matter-of-factly. “Megan is like a sister to Sam. She knew this trip meant a lot to Megs. They’ve been talking about coming to Ireland together for years. Sam just didn’t have the heart to let her down.”

  Zander was starting to understand why Sam was being so hard on him. If she was making sacrifices to make sure Megan had an amazing time in Ireland, it made sense that she didn’t want Zander to mess it up by toying with Megan’s heart.

  “I don’t have any plans to hurt Megan,” Zander said.

  “I know. But Sam’s the one ye gotta convince. She’s like an overprotective badger mum when it comes to Megs, and rightly so.”

  “What do ye mean, rightly so?”

  Devon shrugged. “Megs doesn’t have the best track record with guys. She falls hard and gets crushed harder.”

  Zander found that hard to believe. Megan was a continual ray of sunshine. He couldn’t imagine her letting a guy crush her. If anything Zander was worried he’d be the one who’d end up crushed.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Zander said glancing at his watch. “Speaking of our troublesome lasses, shall we invite them to lunch?”

  Devon laughed. “Last I saw them they were playing dress up in Megan’s room and ordering pizzas.”

  Zander laughed. “I could go for pizza.”


  “Megan! You can’t wear that to a black and white gala,” Sam scolded.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s pink and short!”

  “So, I like it,” Megan protested.

  “I’m sure it looks adorable on you,” Sam replied stroking the hot pink ruffles on the full skirt of the cocktail dress Megan was holding up. “But everyone is going to be wearing black-tie evening dresses.”

  “What does that even mean?” Megan asked.

  “It means full-length and black.”

  Megan frowned looking at her dress in the mirror. “I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s a dress. I’ll wear it in the evening. Voilà! Evening dress,” she said stroking the satiny fabric.

  “Where did you even get this?” Sam asked snatching the tag still on the dress.

  “I found it at this really cute thrift shop in Dublin.”

  “Thrift shop? What happened to Brown Thomas?”

  “All the dresses there cost more money than my car!” Megan exclaimed.

  “I thought Zander offered to pay?”

  “He did. But he didn’t say I could only shop at the snobby posh stores you like.”

  Sam groaned. “W
hy do I even try?”

  “I can’t help it. You know I’m a vintage vixen. And since when did you become the fashion expert, anyway?” Megan scolded. “You live in scrubs. And as I recall, I was the one giving you fashion advice when Prince Charming was taking you to the ball the last time you were in Ireland.”

  “That was a wedding,” Sam argued. “Not a black tie gala.”

  “Whatever. I dressed you cute and you got the guy.”

  “I’m not saying you’re not gonna look cute,” Sam said. “But this event has a dress code. And if you want to impress Lord Posh, like I know you do, you should stick to it.”

  “Zander’s not as stuck up as you think,” Megan said defensively.

  “Oh please. He probably has three wardrobe changes scheduled for tonight.”

  “He does not!” Megan frowned. Did he? “But if he does it’s only because of the cameras. He has an image to uphold for your company, I might add.”

  “My dad’s company,” Sam corrected.

  Megan jumped at the chance to change the subject. “I wish your dad was coming tonight.”

  Sam sighed. “Me too. I never see him anymore. Stupid Boston weather.”

  Sam’s father had phoned earlier saying his flight had been cancelled because of another snowstorm in Boston.

  “I was really hoping to run some more of my film ideas past him,” Megan admitted.

  “Meg, he loved your proposal. You got the job, you don’t have to keep trying to dazzle him.”

  “But dazzle is what I do best,” Megan said, holding up a sequin scarf she scored at another thrift store.


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