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Generation Gap

Page 2

by Carl Hamlin

  “You know how much I love your butt, don’t you?”

  “Of course! I’ve always caught you gazing at it like it’s a crystal ball.”

  Brandon continued the bottom massage, but soon began concentrating on the center of her bottom. Finally, his hand came to rest squarely in the middle. He leaned down as he patted his wife’s fanny. “Ready?”

  Patty took a deep breath. “Yes…I think so, but I feel nervous. And I have this feeling of butterflies inside me.”

  Brandon patted her several more times. “Butterflies in the stomach?”

  Patty giggled. “Not just the stomach. Lots of butterflies, lots of places, but go ahead.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, Mr. Dutton. I am ready to be spanked. My poor, helpless ass is at your mercy.”

  Brandon treated his wife to a few more seconds of massage, and then as she held her breath, he raised his hand and returned it to her bottom with a loud smack. Her body jerked and Brandon heard her giggle.

  He resumed the massage and leaned toward her. “Okay?”

  Patty responded by wiggling her bottom. “I’m very, very fine.”

  Brandon again brought his hand down, but this time with a harder smack. He heard Patty suck in her breath, but she simply placed her head down to rest on her forearms.

  Another loud smack caused her to cry out, but was followed by a minute of gentle massage, and that brought about smiles and more wiggles of appreciation as Patty looked back.

  Patty was surprised by three more cracks, spaced just a few seconds apart. Brandon resumed the massage, but was now becoming more thorough. He suddenly applied another whack, then after a few seconds of massage, landed yet another.

  His fingers crept around Patty’s entire midsection, and he could feel and see her shuddering. His attention once again returned to circle the center of her bottom. One more smack landed, one hard enough to generate a squeal of discomfort. That was when Brandon set about to fulfill his promise to Patty, and he spent the next several minutes concentrating on the rights touches, the right pressures in the right places, until she moaned in surrender to a full climax. Brandon watched in love and enjoyment at the writhing of her body and the clenching of her toes.

  As the orgasm concluded, Patty was now on top of her husband. She was kissing him passionately as he reached down and massaged the bottom he had just subjected to several stinging whacks.

  When she finally became still, she whispered to her husband: “That was… that was okay. More than okay. I really liked that. I mean, it hurt. It actually hurt a lot. But it was it was a real rush.” She laughed. “I guess it was like this naughty mischief.”

  She nuzzled her husband’s neck. “Thanks for all of it. You are quite good at this.”

  She placed her head on his chest and looked over the length of his body. She kissed his chest and murmured, “Gee…I have no idea of what I can do for you.” She arched her eyebrows teasingly, and then blew on her fingertips.

  A month passed, and neither had again broached the subject of spanking. They had made love a number of times, but there had been an air of tension as Patty had lapsed into some impulsive spending decisions once again, and their monthly contribution to their “down payment savings account” was compromised. At Patty’s own suggestion, they established personal spending limits each could enjoy without consulting the other. It was her theory that doing so would remove questions of judgment, as the designated amount of money in her allowance was hers to spend without reservation or justification.

  They had dinner on a Saturday night at one of their favorite restaurants. They had chosen the dinner as a way to celebrate the halfway point in their summer classes.

  It was the most relaxed evening they had spent together for a month. There was no talk of money, tuition bills, and down payments. After dinner, they simply drove home to watch a movie they had rented. All through the day they had exchanged flirtatious glances and teasing comments, and each suspected they might not see the end of the movie.

  They did not turn on any lights in the living room as they started the film. However, several minutes after they had started watching, they were wrapped in an embrace on the sofa. Patty reached for the remote control and turned the television off, leaving the room in the minimal light that still crept in around the closed blinds and draperies at the end of a summer day of extended sunlight.

  They made out on the sofa, and neither made any moves to change locations, although the bedroom door was just a few feet away. Brandon removed Patty’s glasses and placed them on the coffee table next to the remote. He was being driven to distraction by seeing his wife in the short white flowered sundress that was his favorite of all her outfits.

  Patty began to giggle. “When was the last time we made out on the sofa? I feel like a bad girl tonight.” She tilted her head and smiled. “Of course, bad girls get spanked. Right?”

  Brandon nodded in emphatic agreement. “I think that can be arranged.”

  Patty wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Oh, it can, can it?”

  Brandon nodded in silence, and then gave her a firm pat on the bottom.

  Patty kissed him again. “Then prove it, mister.”

  “Okay, you asked for it. Did you like it more the last time?”

  Patty nodded her head in silence. “But I’ve had this fantasy lately.”

  Brandon grinned. “I think that whenever you have a fantasy, we end up having a good time.” He could see that Patty was blushing.

  “Well, it’s been going through my mind and I wonder… I wonder what it would be like to just get spanked for a while, then make love with my bottom all warm and tender.”

  Her husband leaned down and kissed her. “One way to find out.”

  Brandon gently took her by the shoulder and eased her across his knees. He placed his hand on the fabric that covered and fell around and between the alluring curves of her bottom. His hands easily glided the silky fabric of the sundress over the similarly silky panties. The soft stimulation made Patty raise her bottom to meet the surface of his hand, and he could hear a moan, then a quiet purr emanating from her throat.

  He began circling the center of her bottom, and then the hand came to rest. In her third session across Brandon’s knees, Patty knew what that meant, and she giggled and whispered, “Uh-oh.”

  The hand rose and fell rapidly, the sound of the solid smack eerily sharp in the otherwise silent room. The only reaction Brandon could detect was a murmured, “Hhuumm.” He massaged the stinging spot for a moment, and then landed a duplicate strike on top of it.

  He rubbed the area was that was now in even more discomfort, then smacked the same place, eliciting a soft yelp from his wife. Without foretelling another smack with any soothing caresses, Brandon brought his palm down on the lower sections of her cheeks, then several seconds later another fell, followed by five more in a more rapid pattern. The petite and lovely lady across his knees was beginning to squirm, move her legs, and mildly kick her feet on the sofa cushion as the sting intensified.

  He brushed the short dress up onto the small of her back, and rubbed the seat of the white satin panties. The comforting was short-lived, as he began a set of ten smacks, delivered at a steady but slow pace. Several of them brought about an utterance of “Ouch,” or “Yeow!”

  The massage resumed, and Brandon spoke quietly. “How are we doing?”

  Patty looked back and winked, but her eyes appeared to be teary. She arched her eyes. “Wow….wow….wow. Fire in the ass and loving it. But…” she reached back with both hands and began to lower her panties, “the best is yet to come.”

  Brandon took hold of the waistband and lowered them the rest of the way, then tossed them onto the floor.

  He began to massage the sore bottom, and then patted it several times. He landed a stinging smack that caused Patty to draw her legs up in response, but she immediately lowered them to await the next spank, a firm one that came just a few seconds later. Ano
ther followed with more force, then another, and before he could continue, Patty had turned over and was pulling his shirt upward to take it off.

  In a frenzy of chaotic energy, they finished disrobing and in spite of the soreness in her backside, Patty eagerly welcomed Brandon onto her. Patty’s libido was in high gear from the erotic spanking, and this time Brandon had been highly charged by providing it. They finally found themselves sated and exhausted, side by side on the sofa.

  They caressed and kissed for a while, and then Patty laughed and asked if they should try to finish the movie. They got up slowly and went into the bedroom. Brandon put on his pajamas, and Patty simply put her panties back on and pulled one of her husband’s jogging tee shirts over her head.

  After trips to the bathroom and the refrigerator for cans of beer, they were once again cuddled up on the sofa. Brandon reached down and patted his wife on the hip. “How are my favorite buttocks?”

  Patty nearly spit out a sip of beer in laughter. “You can have such a way with words. My buttocks are quite warm, very sore… and very much in love.”

  They sat the beers on the coffee table, and the kissing and stroking resumed for several minutes.

  Brandon touched his finger to the tip of her nose. “Looks like we’ve found a new source of… fun.”

  Patty giggled. “I never told you what Maureen told me that Ted and Cathy do to come up with ideas. For their spanking fun, I mean.”


  “Cathy writes up little role-play scenarios. She puts them in a jar, and when a spanking sounds good to her, she has Ted pull one of the slips out of the box.”

  Brandon began to chuckle. “I’ve done role-playing in psychology classes. But if you ever want to try that, I’m game.”

  Patty smiled in response. “And I took an acting class.”

  Brandon laughed. “By the way…how did Cathy find out she liked being spanked in the first place?”

  “I understand that it was her birthday. It was a Saturday morning and they were watching television and started fooling around. Ted thought it would be funny to give her a birthday spanking. So, Cathy decided to be a good sport and she crawled across his knees. Then, when he was done, she looked back and asked if she could have the one for next year, too. She pulled up her nightshirt, and pushed her panties down, and told him to make this one count. And that was all it took.”

  Both laughed. They kissed and finally turned back toward the dark television. Patty was holding the remote control in preparation for turning the television back on. However, after several attempts, it failed to operate.

  Brandon laughed and shook his head. “I hope it’s just the batteries or the remote. We can’t afford a new set right now.”

  Patty placed her head against his chest. “Are you sure? We could look for a sale.”

  Brandon shook his head. “If we have to, I can bring that older set in from the garage. We have to keep up on our saving. By the end of this month, we should have around $15,000 set aside for the down payment on our future home.”

  A soft voice whispered, “Brandon, we may not be there after all.”

  Perplexed, he looked down at Patty. “No, after I put the next deposit in next week, we’ll be there.”

  Patty drew away and took a deep breath. “You remember how much I wanted a new stereo for the patio room?”

  Brandon sighed.

  The diminutive woman began to slowly inch away from her unhappy husband. “It was forty per cent off… a really good sale.”

  Patty could hear the change in the voice that broke the tense silence. “Forty percent of how much originally?”

  “Brandon…Honey, it can be hooked up for a home theater, too.”

  Brandon leaned back and rubbed his hands across his cheeks. “Patty, how much was it?”

  Patty took a deep breath. “Around four hundred.”

  Brandon’s head sank. “How close to four hundred?”

  Patty seemed to become even shorter as she looked down before answering. “Um, ninety- five more than four hundred,” she finally responded.

  Brandon would not allow himself to look at Patty, but she was now leaning over in front of him to get his attention. “Honey, please say something. Talk to me.”

  The husband just leaned his elbows on his knees and shook his head. He began to speak, but as he sat with outstretched arms to grasp for some sense of reason, he found himself speechless.

  Patty slid to sit next him, and placed her hand on his knee. “I’m sorry.” That was when Brandon heard her giggling, the last sound he wanted to hear at that particular moment. “I guess I’m lucky I already had a spanking tonight, huh?”

  Brandon raised his head, but simply looked straight ahead with steely eyes. He began slowly nodding his head up and down, and then began softly but repeatedly clasping his hands together. These were mannerisms that were not familiar to Patty, bur her instincts told her that they had something to do with the containment of anger.

  Finally, he turned his head slowly toward his wife. “What did you just say?”

  Patty was unnerved by his expression. “Oh golly, I just said, I was lucky that I’ve already been spanked. Joking, of course. I meant to be funny, you know… oops.”

  Brandon finally looked directly at her, but he had an unfamiliar, almost sinister thin smile. Slowly, he reached toward her and placed his large hand on her tiny shoulder, then tightened his grip.

  He again began to nod. “Yes, Babe. You have indeed already been spanked.”

  Hearing those words, Patty’s pulse quickened, her stomach clenched and the butterflies returned to her midsection. “However….”

  Patty’s anxiety rose nearly out of control.

  “There are levels of severity, you might say.”

  Patty felt a sensation of her blood turning cold. She began to attempt to free her shoulder from his grip. “Brandon, Honey, uh-uh. That’s just for play.”

  Brandon pulled her closer with little effort. “Babe, we are not playing now.”

  “No,” she protested. “I’m a school teacher! I’m twenty-five years old.”

  Brandon had drawn her next to his leg. “And you still have no sense of self-discipline about spending.”

  Patty sprung free of his grip and attempted to hop off the sofa but Brandon managed to grip her left wrist. He stood and pulled Patty around the sofa, then pressed her squirming waist against the top of the back.

  He pressed down on her back, bending her over. Her upper torso was facing down to the cushions, and her legs were dangling helplessly from the back.

  Patty began squealing at the comprehension of her obvious fate, but Brandon worked methodically, unfazed by the shouts of protest. What little of the shirt still covered her bottom was tossed up onto her back. Then her panties were taken down to end up once again as an unneeded and tiny bit of dainty fabric on the floor.

  The declarations of injustice continued until a loud sound similar to a gunshot filled the room. That was when Patty began struggling to comprehend how much impact a large hand one could endure on a recently spanked fanny.

  Pleas to stop were shouted and names were called, but the second time the hand landed with full force, the squeals changed to a higher octave. Five more times the hand landed in rapid-fire, and Patty burst into tears from the fiery assault on her already stinging bottom. Brandon hesitated, and applied five more, each generating shrieks.

  Brandon pulled her upright, and stood with his arms crossed while Patty glared at him while sobbing and furiously rubbing her bottom. She balled her hands into fists, stretched her arms straight down, and tried to talk. But she finally just stomped her foot, “Oh!” She stormed out of the room and into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

  Brandon stood alone in silence, convinced that he had just made the worst mistake of his life.

  Chapter 3

  Brandon woke early the next morning out of habit. Neither had anything scheduled for that day, as their classes did not resume un
til the following evening.

  He had stayed up for a while the previous evening and drank two more beers. He wanted to allow Patty the chance to try to fall asleep without him there, if she would be able to sleep at all under the circumstances. In his darker thoughts late in the evening, he questioned whether he would ever again go to sleep next to her.

  To his surprise, he woke that morning to find Patty asleep but curled up against him, her head on his upper arm. He tried to lie perfectly still, as he did not wish to wake her, and was unsettled as to what he would say to her.

  After a few minutes, he watched as Patty’s eyes fluttered and opened. She yawned and closed her eyes again, but spoke. “I did not sleep on my back as I normally do.” She went silent again, and then opened her eyes. “Sorry about the stereo.”

  He reached his arm around her neck. “Sorry about your ass.”

  She turned to snuggle against him. “Could you have possibly whacked me any harder?”

  Brandon took a moment to consider his response. “Probably not.”

  “Huh,” she muttered. “Honest answer. You really walloped me.”

  “Do I owe you an apology?”

  Patty turned away to roll over, and then reached for a small jar on her nightstand. She rolled back toward Brandon and handed him the jar.

  “You owe me a nice, gentle application of cold cream on my butt. One more coating should do it, but you can reach everything easier than I can. It’s the least you can do.”

  Patty turned onto her stomach. Brandon tossed the covers off and raised the tee shirt up to her shoulders, exposing her bare bottom. In spite of the cold cream she had applied the night before, Patty’s bottom was still a light shade of red. Two faint outlines of his hand were still visible.

  Brandon turned onto his side, scooped some of the cream onto his fingers, and began to slowly coat the pink patches on both cheeks. He applied the cream lightly. “Tell me if this hurts.”

  Suddenly, he realized that Patty was laughing. He thought of his words, and began to laugh along with her.


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