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Generation Gap

Page 6

by Carl Hamlin

  She could feel that the dress was halfway up her bottom, and she knew the paddle would be landing across her panties. In addition, she knew that was only the beginning. However, to her surprise, Brandon pulled the pleated hem of the thin silky dress down over her bottom. She knew that he was going to do this in stages. And she loved that thought.

  She could not wait to feel the first stinging whack from the paddle she had found and he had finished for her. She felt the paddle moving back and forth on her bottom as Brandon took aim, but she also knew he was trying to provide her with some extra titillation and sexual tension.

  The rubbing became circular and Patty could not help but giggle at the sensation. Then the paddle pulled away, and it returned with a sharp CRACK. The pain was significant, but Patty was convinced that Brandon was using calculated moderation. She found the sting delicious, but quite bearable. It hurt much, much less that his hand on her bare bottom during the stereo incident.

  The paddle landed once more, and she knew from those initial sensations, the sounds and stings, that this paddling was going to be quite enjoyable.

  He did not immediately spank her again, but resumed rubbing the paddle on her warm bottom. “Miss Perry, I hope this is having some effect on you.” Patty could detect a laugh.

  She could not keep from giggling as she responded. “Oh, Mr. Dutton, it’s definitely having some effects on me. Some you may never imagine.”

  The paddle drew away and returned with more force than before, and Brandon heard “Oooh.” But that was again followed by a stifled giggle.

  The paddle was again pressed up against Patty’s bottom, and the circular motions resumed. When she began to squirm, Brandon halted the motions. “Miss Perry, are finding that pleasurable?”

  Patty wiggled her bottom. “Very much so, Mr. Dutton.”

  Three fast and harder whacks generated cries of “Ouch” with each landing.

  “Stand up for a moment, Miss Perry.”

  Patty stood up to face Brandon, rubbing her bottom rapidly. Her face was bright red, and neither of them could contain the urge to chuckle.

  Brandon attempted to speak, but began to laugh, bringing Patty into another round of giggles.

  Brandon cleared his throat dramatically. “And just how are you tolerating your punishment so far Miss Perry?”

  Patty lowered her head and shuffled her feet in an exaggerated display of acknowledgment of her guilt. “Oh, this hurts so bad.”

  Brandon raised her chin to face him. “Do you understand you have to be paddled a lot more?”

  Patty took a big breath and sighed. She put her hands behind her back and swiveled back and forth. “I don’t think I can take any more. But…” she looked up at Brandon, blew a kiss and winked. “I’ll try to be brave and take my paddling.”

  Brandon nodded with approval, and then walked toward the desk. He reached to a shelf and took down a pillow he used to cushion his neck during long sittings at the computer.

  He placed the pillow on the edge of the desk. “Miss Perry……I want you to bend over this pillow and across the desk”

  Patty’s eyes grew as big as saucers, then smiled and wiggled as she walked toward the desk, and rubbed her hand over Brandon’s chest as she passed. She stepped up to the pillow, and then halted. She suddenly crossed her arms and displayed a pout of defiance.

  Brandon was ready to lose his composure. He was having a difficult time acting stern. “Now, what is your problem, young lady?”

  Patty looked straight ahead. “If I bend over that, my feet will barely touch the floor.”

  “And your objection is?”

  “My butt will be sticking up in the air all vulnerable!”

  “Yes, so? It will provide for a much more efficient paddling.”

  “And you’ll have this really good view of my butt.”


  She raised her chin and looked away. “Mr. Dutton, Sir, just think of how that will look.”

  “Oh, I am, Miss Perry, I am.” It was obvious that he found the idea quite pleasurable.

  “Having me in that position, it may cause you to have… thoughts.”

  Brandon began to break down, and then forced himself to summon up a booming, serious voice. “Bend over right now.”

  Patty turned toward him slowly, stuck out her tongue, then raised up on her tiptoes and leaned over the pillow. Her upper torso was now resting flat on the desk.

  Brandon was transfixed, as the beautiful dress was now not covering his target of his lovely wife’s bottom at all. “Miss Perry, did you just stick your tongue out at me?”

  A meek voice squeaked. “Maybe.”

  Brandon began patting the paddle against the middle of her blue silky panties. “And what should be the consequence for such a display of disrespect?”

  Patty turned slowly to look up at him, and arched her eyebrows. “I have no idea.” She blew a kiss, smiled and turned away.

  Brandon stepped closer and placed the paddle against the target. He heard Patty suck in her breath in anticipation.

  He drew the paddle away and watched her squeeze her eyes shut. However, he halted until he saw her relax her body and look around, and then brought the board down with a fiery smack.

  “Oh!” Patty looked up at him with a glare as she reached back and rubbed the sore spot. But she laughed and immediately stretched even farther across the desk resulting in her dress being pulled up onto the small of her back.

  Once again, the paddle was patting the increasingly warm bottom. His voice boomed. “Miss Perry, perhaps I should give you a good paddling.”

  The paddle rose and returned with more force that the one before, eliciting a high-pitched “Oh!” Then another followed, then yet another.

  Patty was shifting her weight from foot to foot, as she squirmed to deal with the discomfort. He was not whacking her with much force, but there had been enough to make the sting build, and the panties were no real protection.

  The paddle was once again being pressed up against the sore bottom. “Now, Miss Perry, I need to know if this paddling has been sufficient to make you change your behavior.”

  Patty looked up at him, bit her bottom lip and began drumming her fingers on the desk as if to consider the matter. She sighed and rested her chin on crossed forearms. “I know you have tried so hard to correct me. But I really don’t think you’ve changed my behavior yet.”

  Brandon began to laugh again. “Well, young lady, I have to do something to make this paddling more effective. Any ideas?”

  Patty shook her head in the negative, but winked and began wiggling the target.

  He reached for the swivel chair and sat down, so he was nearly face to face with Patty. There were tears building around the rims of the brown eyes that peered over the dark frames, but those same eyes were dancing with mischief and pleasure.

  He folded his hands and looked straight into her eyes as she still rested her chin on her arms, bent far over the pillow. Both struggled to maintain a façade of seriousness.

  Brandon spoke, and then halted to stifle a laugh. “We have options, one is to simply apply more whacks to the target. Agreed?”

  Patty nodded, but stuck her tongue out again.

  “Another is to apply the paddle to the target with greater velocity, thereby increasing the sting. Correct?”

  This time, Patty flashed him her middle finger.

  Brandon again began to lose his composure. “Third, and most critical, is to remove any remaining garments from the target, so that the paddle can achieve its objective of maximizing sting. Don’t you agree?”

  This time, Patty wiggled her bottom while also sticking out her tongue and pointing up both middle fingers.

  Now both were laughing. “Now, young lady, would you please recite those three options back to me?”

  Patty cleared her throat and tried to bring a serious expression to her blushing face. “Um, your first stupid idea was to give me some more whacks on my cute butt. Ouchie. Your secon
d dumb thought was to whack my exquisite bottom even harder. Double ouch. Then you came up with the brilliant idea to give whacks on my bare bottom, the greatest butt in town. Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie!”

  The entire conversation was making her entire midsection want to explode in orgasm.

  Brandon peered into those eyes. “I think I will opt for all three. What do you say to that?”

  Patty pressed her face lower on the desk. “You couldn’t paddle a canoe in a kiddie pool.”

  Brandon cleared his throat loudly, then stood and walked back to the side of the desk. He tapped the paddle several times. “Miss Perry, your attitude seems to be daring me to make these final swats much more painful.”

  Patty looked back at him in mock terror. “Oh that would be so, so unfortunate.”

  Patty felt his fingers slip beneath the waistband and begin to slowly pull the panties down from the quite red and warm bottom. He continued pulling them down until they dropped to the floor. That took her closer to the abyss.

  The discussion they had just had was nearly driving her out of her mind with desire. The mental stimulation was more powerful than she would have imagined, and combined with the lingering sting she so loved. The entire scenario was pushing her limits. On top of it all, she knew the most intense stings were still to come. And soon.

  She felt the deceptively cool surface of the paddle begin to rub her bottom with that maddening, circular pattern. Then she experienced the first application of the paddle to her bare bottom, one harder than any of the previous ones. Somehow, she managed to not make a sound. Then the intensity took a turn.

  WHACK. “Ouch!”

  WHACK. “Ouchie.”

  WHACK. “Ow.”

  POW. “Ah!”

  POW. “Ouchie!” A soft crying sound broke the quiet.

  POW. “Ow!” A soft sobbing was heard.

  Patty saw the paddle being placed on the desk in front of her, and then she saw Brandon’s hand return to show something else. It was the jar of cold cream. She watched in anticipation as the hands, inches from her now moist face, reached in front and unscrewed the lid. Next, she saw Brandon’s large fingers scoop out some of the cream.

  The soothing cream was soon being caressed into every square inch of the paddled bottom, but it was when those loving fingertips went to places never touched by the paddle, Patty spasmed and moaned loudly as Brandon brought her to an intense climax.

  The orgasm was so fevered that she nearly became disoriented, but once the quivering and fluttering was finished, she opened her eyes to see Brandon sitting on the chair once again, looking into her eyes.

  He reached for her hand and kissed it, then leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She sighed, and leaned toward him so they could kiss once again.

  She reached across the narrow desk and reached for his shirt, and began to unbutton it. He then began to unbutton the rest.

  “Hey, Babe, you have to be uncomfortable in that position by now.”

  “No, actually I’m fine. I have had a wonderful time. And now it’s your turn.” Patty winked and motioned for him to stand up. As soon as he did, she began unbuckling his pants and pulled the zipper down.

  She looked up. “Let’s not waste having me in this position. Get those clothes off, and get back there and have a good time.”

  Brandon leaned down and kissed her. “I love you Mrs. Dutton.”

  “I love you Mr. Dutton. Now go ahead and have at it. I’m not going anywhere.”

  It was eight in the morning when a naked Brandon brought a bed tray carrying toast, scrambled eggs and two cups of coffee to share with a still-naked Patty. Their midnight encounter, two hours after the memorable events in the office, had finally satisfied the cravings that seemed to have built up inside them of late.

  They talk a little but both were famished from all of their activity. They made short work of the breakfast, and then Patty rose, took the tray to the kitchen, and then made a trip to the bathroom.

  She returned to bed without dressing and snuggled up to Brandon. She ran her hand over his cheek and smiled. “Last evening…wow!”

  “Glad you enjoyed that.”

  Patty giggled. “Mr. Dutton, you were so good at all of that, I am so impressed.” She reached back to her bottom. “I was so paddled.”

  Brandon blushed. “I… I really enjoyed all of that, too.”

  “Especially that final part?”

  “That was good. My view was tremendous.”

  Patty sighed, then leaned over and kissed him. “I don’t think I ever before had a climax from doing it doggy-style. Of course, you were really going at it back there.”

  Both were quiet until Patty broke the silence. “That was such a great paddling. You did everything just right.” She hesitated. “I hope you’ll always be okay with doing that. It just sort of came out of nowhere for me. I must have already been wired that way.”

  Brandon sighed. “Anything I can do to make you enjoy our life together, I’m all for it. Remember, I’m really starting to enjoy it too. A lot.” He reached down and smacked Patty on the bottom. They discovered that they still had some work to do before finally getting out of bed for the day.

  Chapter 7

  It was six in the evening when Brandon called the house. Patty listened in disappointment as he related that the engine in their car had broken down as he went to drive home from work, and the mechanics felt it was beyond repair.

  He arrived home thirty minutes later when a tow truck driver brought him home. He was somewhat dejected to know that it was not logical to replace the engine in a car of its age, and that this development was going to affect their home buying plans.

  Patty gave him a long, tight hug. “Brandon, we can handle this so well, because your plans have been right on. We’ll get through this, and we will still get that house. Maybe a few months later than planned, but we’ll get there.”

  Patty had made plans to visit her parents that evening to help them with a computer problem, something for which she had a talent. But she called Lillian and told her that she could not drive over.

  Brandon knew what to expect from that call. He listened as Patty held her head in her hand as she deflected the expected and immediate pleas to allow the Perrys to give them money.

  Patty held her own, and explained that they had the money to buy a used car, and that it would just be a setback, not a crisis.

  The same statements were being made over and over, and Patty was on the verge of bursting into laughter. She did agree to borrow her parents’ extra car for a few days until they could select another used car.

  The conversation over, Patty and Brandon walked toward each other as they laughed, then kissed and walked to the sofa to watch a movie. They had found their way. Their life was content.

  The next day, Walter and Lillian brought the loaner car to Patty and Brandon’s house. Walter was satisfied that their stated plans were sound. As they talked, he listened to them discuss their approach to money and he knew that his daughter was going to be all right.

  Lillian, on the other hand, still wished to intervene.

  That evening, Walter was attempting to read in bed, but instead he watched and listened as his wife pleaded with him to take up her cause and try to change Brandon and Patty’s minds. She had initially headed to the bathroom to soak in the tub, but had turned around and decided to force the subject with her husband.

  “Please Lillie, don’t press this with her. Just let it go. They can make their own decisions.”

  Lillian made another lap around the room. She was as animated as he had seen her in many years. “Just try and stop me,” she declared.

  Walter sat in agitation as he watched one side of the conversation.

  “It’s me. I’m going to write you a check for a car.” She paused as their daughter protested. Though he could not make out her words, he could guess what Patty was saying.

  “But if you have to spend so much money on a car, it will set you back from buying
a house. Let us help,” Lillian begged.

  Finally his wife sighed deeply. “Okay, being independent is admirable, but this is just going to delay everything.”

  Walter shook his head.

  “Patricia Corrine, don’t be so stubborn and difficult.”

  Walter flashed a sign of a zipper closing the mouth, but Lillian waived it away.

  “But we love you… and Brandon. Don’t make life harder than it needs to be. Lots of our friends help their kids out. Believe me, it’s alright—”

  Obviously Patty continued to protest. Lillian attempted to justify her desire to help her only daughter. “I am proud of you for that but give yourself a break! You’ve done so much better lately. Declare yourself over it and loosen up a little.”

  Lillian was silent for a few moment. “But it’s not just about having a baby… no, I mean it! Oh, okay then. Just go to the bedroom and get your butt spanked. You seem to like that weird stuff. Go have a good time.”

  Lillian turned off her phone and began pacing the floor of the bedroom, while Walter reclined on the bed. He placed his book aside and stared at his wife, not wishing to believe what he had just witnessed.

  “Lillie, you have no business saying something like that. They will have a child when they want to have a child. And if our daughter has agreed to getting spanked in effort to keep some semblance of order in their marriage, then good for her. She seems to have finally settled down since she married Brandon. We have to face it. We never provided much discipline. We were too busy being modern parents, weren’t we? How many times have you commented on how she had matured since she married Brandon? One more thing, if being spanked by her husband turns her on, that just may result in our becoming grandparents one day. In any case, when it comes to our daughter’s personal life, just keep your mouth shut, Lillian.”

  He stood up abruptly and placed his hands on his hips while he glared at Lillian. “Patty has made so much progress. But as for you, I think you’re the one who needs to be spanked."

  She stood in stunned silence. “Did you actually mean what you just said?”


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