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Human Surrender: Five Dark Sci-Fi Alien Romance Novellas

Page 15

by Renee Rose

  And oh how it continued.

  Over and over, Pike rained down slap after slap against the entire surface of my exposed skin. I tried to wiggle away to no avail, and was only rewarded for such an action by a harder spank to my ass. The palm of his hand felt the same as if he were using a solid piece of wood or metal. Such strength. Such sting. Such mortifying pain.

  Silently I begged him to stop. Hoping somewhere deep inside he could read my mind and know how terribly sorry I was. I should have never tested him like that in the head. I should have never for one second have forgotten that he is my captor and my life was fully in his hands. I was a prisoner, not a guest.

  Spank after spank, fire erupted from the depths of my ass and sizzled its way to the surface. Tears fell freely from my eyes and wheezing grew louder against the choking belt that Pike still held firmly against my neck.

  “Would you like me to remove the belt?” he asked while still continuing to spank with fury.

  I nodded my head, as it was the only thing I could do.

  “Very well. But I am not done with it yet.” He paused in the blistering punishment and removed it from my neck. The rush of air that entered my body the moment the pressure released made my head spin with the intensity of oxygen my body so desperately hungered for.

  I remained on my belly, absolutely still. I didn’t want to give him any reason to continue on and just prayed that he viewed my lack of movement as complete defeat. He was the victor in this battle. I was merely a fallen soldier hanging on by a thread. My prayers were not answered, however, when I felt the lash of leather crack against my already punished ass.

  I screamed out in pain, but more out of shock than agony. “No,” I rasped, barely having a voice.


  Pike whipped me with the belt again, and although I wanted to turn around and fight him from doing so, I knew I had no choice but to lie there and take it. I reached for my pillow with both of my hands and squeezed tight as the next blow came down harder than the one before.

  “Are you a soldier or a slave?” he asked again as he licked me with the harsh sting of leather again.

  “Slave,” I answered between clenched teeth.

  “To who?” he asked as he whipped me again.

  “To you!” I cried. “To you!”

  “To who, what?” He cracked the belt against me again, this time to the spot where my ass met my thighs. “Call me sir!”

  “I am your slave, sir. I am yours,” I said as I struggled for air. Between a still sore throat, and the belt lashing, I could barely squeak the words out.

  “Good girl,” he said as he tossed the belt to the side of the bed. He replaced the belt with the palm of his hand and began caressing my flesh that burned at the most gentle of touch.

  I hissed in response.

  “Remember that, slave. Your survival will depend on you understanding that you are no longer a soldier. You lost that title the moment the lifeblood left your body. You are a Pallid Slave, and as long as you are on this ship, you are my slave.”

  I nodded between ragged breaths.

  “Never question. Never disobey. Never for one second act like the trained soldier you once were. You are a captured slave now. Nothing more.” He dipped his finger between the juncture of my thighs and collected the juices of my heated sex on his fingertips and brought them to my nose. “Do you smell your arousal?” He raised them to my eyes. “Do you see how wet you are?” He brought his fingers to my mouth and pressed them past my lips. “Do you taste it?”

  He forcibly swirled his fingers along my tongue, giving me no choice but to suck his fingers into my mouth, tasting my own musky essence. I had never been this aroused, let alone known what it smelled like, looked like, or tasted like. I stared into his eyes and licked his fingers clean.

  “You like discipline, you like pain.”

  I shook my head with his fingers still invading my mouth. “No,” I mumbled against his fingers.

  “Yes,” he argued with a slight smile. “Your body betrays you.”

  Fuck. How could this be? I hated him. I hated everything about it…and yet I wanted his finger to return to my pussy and rub my clit. I wanted his touch. I wanted it more than anything. I hungered. I craved. I needed. My ass burned, my neck throbbed, but my soul burned for more. I wanted it again. Choke me, beat me, and please oh please fuck me.

  He said I would remember right now forever. Forever I would remember.

  Pulling his fingers away from my mouth, Pike put his face right up to mine. So close that I could feel his breath against my lips. “I will not tolerate. I will not forgive. Where my brother may care, I do not. My brother may be nice; I am anything but. My brother possesses everything that I do not. Remember that.”

  He pressed his mouth to mine in what I thought would be a kiss, but instead, he pulled my bottom lip in between his teeth and bit hard.

  “Do not make me teach you another lesson,” he warned as he turned and walked out of the room, leaving me with the taste of blood in my mouth.

  Chapter Five

  I didn’t even bother getting dressed again. It didn’t matter. I had no dignity left. It had literally been choked and beaten out of me. The worse part wasn’t the pain. It was the fact that I laid there in bed feeling remorse. Sadness that Pike had left me. I wanted his touch. I wanted him to claim what I would willingly give. Rejection hurt far worse than the welts on my ass.

  “Please go away,” I whispered as I heard Cross enter the room. I knew it wasn’t Pike, and the knowledge that he hadn’t returned to offer any form of comfort, or even more discipline stabbed at my heart.

  “Truth?” Cross walked to where I laid completely nude. “Are you all right?”


  He sat down on the edge of the bed and reached for my hand. Even though I was completely naked, he didn’t seem to notice. He only stared into my eyes. “What did Pike do?”

  “Why do you care?”

  “I do.”

  I held my stare with his and allowed the tears to fall. “Why didn’t you stop him? If you care, why did you let him come in here and do what he did?” I swiped at my tears and turned to my side, facing my back to him. “You didn’t hear me cry out?”

  “I heard you.” His voice was so quiet. So sad.

  “And yet you did nothing.”

  Cross sighed loudly. “There are things about my brother and me that you don’t understand. We are Lifeblood Twins.”

  “I too was a Lifeblood Twin. Don’t act like I know nothing about it.”

  “Then you understand the yin and yang of our bond. If he is bad, then I am good. If he is mean, then I am nice. If he is stronger, then I am weaker. It is the way.”

  I rolled back on my back to look at him and hissed when my punished flesh made contact with the bed. “Yes. I understand that one twin is stronger in one trait than the other twin. But not to that extreme.”

  Cross reached out and rubbed his fingertips along my neck. Tracing the sore areas on my skin the belt had caused. “It is to that extreme with Pike and me. It always has been. We don’t share traits. Either he has it, or I do.”

  “That’s not possible,” I argued.

  “It is. No matter how hard I try to be strong, Pike is always stronger. And I don’t think it is possible for Pike to feel anything in his heart but darkness. I carry all the light, while he is blanketed in black.”

  I studied Cross’s expression and took in how sad his confession made him. “So he is evil, and you are good? Is that what you are telling me?”

  “Yes. I believe so. I am gentle; he is rough. I love; he hates.”

  “Is he never kind?”

  “Never. But he is my twin and together we will always be.”

  That much I understood. The bond between a Lifeblood Twin could never be broken, no matter what. Even though Trinity was dead, I could still feel her presence strongly inside of me, although it faded a little bit more every single day that passed.

s stood up and walked toward the door. “I will be right back.”

  He left me there, naked on my back staring up at the ceiling. I continued to cry. I felt such pity for myself, something I had never felt before. I had nothing. I had no one. I had no reason to go on. My life was on a time clock ticking away as it was.




  Every tick brought me closer to the moment that I would arrive at Canary, and it was just a matter of time until I mutated and died in the mines. So why go on? Why wait? Why sit back and make the journey to death? Maybe it was time to join my sister now. On my own terms.

  Looking around the room, I noticed the chain that had been tossed to the floor. I could strangle myself. I looked up for some way to hook the chain to the ceiling. I could try to hang to my death. Would Pike feel anything at all if he walked in and found me dead by my own hand? Probably not. He would only feel anger for losing his bounty. No pay for dead merchandise.

  The door to my room slid open again when Cross reentered. He came to my bedside with a metal jar in his hand. “Roll over. Let me rub this on you so won’t have any marks. It burns like hell, but within the hour, you will be good as new.”

  I paused for a moment, considering if I even cared about the pain radiating from my ass and neck. Did I want to keep the pain? It was mine. With the pain, at least I felt something besides the numbness of my heart.

  “Truth, roll over,” he said again as he pushed my lifeless body over so I laid on my stomach. I didn’t care anymore. What did anything matter?

  Trinity, I’m coming, I silently said. I’m coming soon.

  “I know you feel lost,” Cross said as if reading my mind. “As if you have no hope at all.”

  I remained silent, waiting until Cross left so I could end it all.

  “I didn’t mean to make you feel that going to Canary was certain death. It isn’t. I can see you are a strong woman. I’m sure you can survive and figure out a way to change your situation. Not everyone dies. Not everyone gives up.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I mumbled into my pillow.

  Cross’s fingertip traced the welts of my ass with a cold cream and I cried out. The burn!

  “Stop!” I screamed. “Whatever that is, is blistering my skin!” I bucked up and tried to fling him off of me, but Cross held me firmly in place.

  “It will go away soon. Allow it to soak in.”

  “No! It hurts!” The ointment hurt far worse than the belting itself. “Get it off me!” I began to sob, no longer owning a single ounce of strength. “Please. I can’t take anymore.”

  Cross gathered me into his arms and cradled me against his chest. “Shh,” he soothed as he dipped his fingers into the jar again and ran them along the rawness of my neck. “It will all be gone soon. Shhh.”

  I just cried. Hollow. Burning. Alone.

  “I’m here,” Cross said as he tried to ease all the feelings of despair. “I’m here.”

  “It feels like fire, Cross. I hurt,” I cried as I pressed my face into his comforting chest.

  Cross stroked my hair, placing soft kisses onto my forehead. “I know. I can make it better. I can take away the pain if you choose.” Cross pulled away enough to look at me. “My lifeblood can help soothe your pain. If we connect, if I’m inside of you, my love can completely steal the pain from your body...if you allow me to take you.”

  I had heard that the light of lifeblood could have healing powers when engaged in intimacy, but at the same time, that was all believed to be a myth.

  “Your gold—”

  “Heals,” he interrupted. “The only way I know how to make it work is by being inside of you.” He ran his hand along my burning flesh. “Let me take it all away.”

  I nodded. “Yes, please! Take me, Cross. I want to feel you inside of me,” I begged. I wanted to be relieved of the excruciating pain which coursed through my body, but more than anything else, I wanted to feel Cross’s cock buried deep within me. Something had been awoken inside of me via the pain of the punishment by Pike’s hand. My needs, my desire, my lust all bubbled to the surface, begging for satisfaction. This was what I had wanted from Pike. And I would also finally feel the power of lifeblood once again. Not mine, not my sister’s, but regardless, I would feel it once again.

  Cross glared into my hunger-filled eyes and softly began to speak. “I will have you tonight, Truth. I will take you and make you mine. Completely.”

  I could feel the lust-induced power begin to take over. His voice echoed, his face blurred. Gold light emanated from his body, and a heat burned between our connecting flesh. My eyes rolled back in my head for a moment while the spell took over my entire being.

  He lowered me onto my back, careful not to cause any more pain to my punished ass. I could feel his light touch along the surface of my skin. Unable to open my eyes and too weak to move, I had no choice, but to succumb to the sense of feel alone. The cloak of darkness my eyelids provided heightened every stroke and every glide of his warm touch. The sound of his zipper lowering and his own clothes being removed, tortured me with the need to see him nude before me.

  “Cross,” I moaned.

  “Yes, Truth. In moments, you will feel nothing but pleasure. Nothing but intense sexual need.” Cross placed a trail of soft kisses along my stomach. “Relax, Truth. Submit, yield, relinquish your body and soul to me.”

  His hands moved along the soft mounds of my breasts, gently massaging my fiery skin. He lowered his mouth to one of my hardened nipples and began to trace his tongue along the tip. I moaned as the inferno slowly eased from my body. Cross continued to lick as his hand caressed my pussy. Two fingers trailed down the wet folds before finding my welcoming entrance. He pressed his fingers inside, causing a gasp to escape my lips. The gold lifeblood from just his fingers sent a surge of healing power through me. I wanted more! I wanted his cock—so full of light.

  “Release the pain. Allow me to remove it from your body,” Cross coaxed.

  I kept my eyes closed as I tried to concentrate on the sensual feeling of his fingers moving in a rhythmic motion inside my quivering pussy. I moaned with delicious agony, but slowly the moans became ones of pleasure.

  He worked his fingers in and out of my cunt while slightly nipping at my breast in his mouth. When I moaned even louder, he moved his lips to my neck, kiss by kiss, lick by lick.

  Sucking at my earlobe, Cross whispered, “Do you want to feel my cock buried deep inside of you? Do you want to feel the orgasm I give you course through every muscle of your body? Taking away the pain my brother caused you?”

  I tried to reply but was unable to speak. I could only moan and thrust my hips into his hand which was still deep within my pussy.

  He lowered his mouth down my torso until he pressed his lips to my awaiting clit. Taking it within his lips, he sucked the remaining pain from my body. I finally opened my eyes and looked down to find Cross staring up at me from between my legs.

  “I see in your eyes the pain is gone.” He sucked on my clit some more, causing me to arch my back in need. “Now, it is time to feel nothing but pure bliss.”

  He moved his fingers in and out of my pussy while sensually licking circles around my clit. He added a third finger to join the others, stretching me to the fullest.

  “Oh yes, Cross!”

  My impending orgasm built. Stronger than what I could have ever fantasized. A wave of ecstasy was working its way through my body, getting closer to the crash.

  “Your taste, your smell…I, I had no idea,” Cross mumbled between sucking my weeping pussy.

  I began to shake, losing my mind to the delirium of what this man and his lifeblood were doing to my body. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I screamed as the orgasm rocked every inch of my soul.

  Cross softly kissed his way back up to my neck, savoring every part of my body along the way. His breath was hot against my ear as he whispered, “I want to feel myself pressing inside of you. I want to feel you wrapped around my cock.
God, I want you!”

  He rubbed his hardness against the wet lips of my pussy causing electricity to shoot through my body. He continued to rub sensually up and down, taking pause to circle the tip of his cock along my throbbing clit. Every touch, every movement brought on a wave of ecstasy like nothing I had ever experienced.

  “Oh! Please, please fuck me! I need to feel you pressed deep within me. Please,” I begged between moans.

  Cross positioned the tip of his penis at my opening and slowly massaged the outer edges. Each teasing movement drove me closer to the impending orgasm waiting to escape my body.

  “Come for me first, Truth. I want to hear another orgasm scream from your lips,” he commanded. “I want you to come once more before I take you completely.”

  Simply hearing the seductive order from one of my captors was all I needed to allow the release. The smoothness of his cock up against my soft folds only added to the wave after wave of pleasure exploding from my body. I thrust my hips hard against Cross’s, straining desperately to force his cock inside me. I would have done anything at that moment to just feel him and his light deep within my core.

  Cross smiled as he pressed his lips to mine. “Good. Very, very good.”

  He positioned his body so he was driving his hard cock into my pulsating pussy before the climax was over. His thrusting continued the frenzy. Driving the orgasm to a new level, Cross fucked me with a fervor like nothing I could have envisioned. My body melted to his. My core clung to his wanton energy. Plunging deeper, Cross’s cock stretched my tight pussy to the maximum. My pussy stung, my body ached, but euphoria conquered all.

  Cross flipped me over onto my stomach in one fluid motion. He pulled my hips up so I was positioned on all fours. His roughened palm pressed between my shoulder blades, causing my upper body to rest against the bed. My ass was now up and angled in full display, begging for me to be fucked from behind.


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