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Human Surrender: Five Dark Sci-Fi Alien Romance Novellas

Page 44

by Renee Rose

  The anguish he felt must have shown on his face. She went on, trying to reassure him.

  “Our whole crew can do what she did. We call it ‘checking out.’ The rest of us practice regularly, but none of us are as good as Cass.”

  When he saw her lying there on the floor of the bridge, motionless, Rom swore they were too late after all. She was covered in blood, and so was Ryn. Surely such a small Earther couldn’t have any left inside her.

  Aliya rushed to Cass’s side, gently prying Ryn’s hands away.

  “You’ve done a good job. Kept her calm. Relaxed.” She sealed the artery swiftly then patched the wound in Cass’s neck. “I’ll connect the smaller blood vessels and repair the rest of the damage back in the medical lab.”

  Aliya gave Ryn a searching look. “You must have a very strong connection with her.”

  Ryn took a shaky breath, sat back on his haunches. “We have Bonded,” he replied simply.


  Rom strode onto the bridge of the Gemini. He was anxious to get underway. His ship had been tethered to the Luna for almost a month as together they retraced the route the pirates had taken. Today, they’d delivered the last of the kidnapped aliens back to their home planet. The ten Cephaians Magnus had taken prisoner were settled in comfortable quarters on the Gemini, ready for the long voyage home.

  The Luna’s second-in-command, Mandy, appeared on the communication console. “It has been an honor to complete this mission with you. The inhabitants of Earth and all the other worlds invaded by those pirates owe you both a debt of gratitude. The females they captured, including myself and my fellow crew members—we owe you our lives.”

  To mark the solemn occasion, he and Ryn stood before the console in full battle regalia. A salis made from the silver hide of a norendaal stag hung low around the hips. Chests bare, decorated only with the symbol of their rank, a medallion crafted of rare tanzium set in a wide leather collar. Deep blue cloaks fastened to the collar and flowed down their backs. Each of them wore gleaming platinum cuffs around both wrists, extending halfway up the forearm, strong enough to deflect the sharpest broadsword.

  Rom inclined his head slightly to acknowledge the compliment. “We did our duty as Cephaian warriors.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take the remaining prisoners back to stand trial before your Tribunal?”

  “We left that decision to our females. They said they’d had the satisfaction of seeing the fallen bodies of the Earthers who wronged them. They felt it was only fair that the other worlds harmed have the right to see justice done for their people. We delivered two of the surviving pirates to every planet whose females they kidnapped. The last two will accompany you back to Earth. You and your crew deserve justice as well.”

  “And what of you? What about justice for Rom and Ryn?”

  Cass must have told her crew about Zara. Ryn glanced over at him before answering.

  “Our thirst for vengeance has been satisfied.”

  Mandy and the rest of her crew had no idea what happened on the bridge that day. Magnus had been alive when Rom returned after carrying Cass to the medical bay. Still alive and begging the brothers for mercy. Mercy he’d never shown to Zara.

  He took a long time to die.

  Mandy held out her hands, palms facing upward. “Blessings and peace to all creatures in the Universe.”

  They repeated the formal salutation, used throughout the Universe as both a greeting and farewell, and signed off. Ryn gave the order to break the link between the ships, handed over control of the Gemini to one of the androids, and turned to his twin.


  Rom nodded. “Oh yes. I’ve been ready for a long time.”

  Side by side, they strode down the corridor to their sleeping compartment.

  Cass stood at the window, watching her ship pull away. His heart soared. She looked healthy and strong—and beautiful. She’d modified one of her other gowns to mirror the one Ryn tore apart to staunch the bleeding when Magnus stabbed her. A deep, rich blue, the color of andrite. The skirt hugged her body and flowed to the floor. It had the same slit all the way up one thigh. From the waist, two bands of fabric, barely wide enough to cover her breasts crossed in front and tied around her neck, leaving her shoulders and the rest of her torso bare.

  Her golden hair was down, flowing around her shoulders in soft waves. Hiding the scar on her throat.

  We have to get her an andrite necklace to match that dress. Ryn’s voice sounded rough with need.

  A necklace, yes. But it doesn’t have to match the dress. She’ll never have that one on long enough for it to matter, he shot back.

  She turned when they came in and gave them a dazzling smile.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to say good-bye?” Ryn asked.

  “I already said my good-byes. To my crew and to the Luna. I’m looking forward now. Six months’ leave! I’ve never had more than three days off in a row since I started at the Academy. And then another six months on Cephaia, doing research and collecting data about your world. I’m still not sure how you managed to arrange that.”

  “Your Federation transferred you to our command for an interplanetary tour of duty,” Rom replied. “A goodwill gesture between our worlds. But you have the dates wrong. You’re serving the six months’ duty, now, on the Gemini. Your leave begins when we arrive back on Cephaia.”

  “Even better! I can simply enjoy my time on Cephaia.”

  We intend to see that you do, Ryn growled in his head.

  Her eyes widened, and Rom knew she’d sensed his twin’s growing arousal. He summoned his best military tone.

  “Cassidy Randall, do you accept your posting as an officer under our command on the Gemini?”

  She straightened her shoulders and saluted. “Yes, sir.”

  “Your acceptance is acknowledged. Now, prepare to be punished.”


  Ryn took over. “We’ve waited a month for this, and we don’t intend to wait a minute longer. You disobeyed a direct order and stole Cephaian property when you took off on your solitary mission. As commanders of the Gemini, we have the authority to impose and carry out whatever sentence we decide is appropriate for criminal behavior occurring on our ship.”

  Rom narrowed his eyes. His voice had a bite to it.

  “Get your ass over the edge of the bed and pull up that skirt. Now.”

  Chapter Eleven


  “You can’t be serious.” Her voice rose. “I saved your mission, not to mention the lives of all those females!”

  “That insubordination just earned you an additional punishment,” Rom announced. “I suggest you obey the order immediately, before you find yourself in even more trouble.”

  He turned to his brother. “Ryn, get the harness. It seems our culprit needs a reminder of who is in charge here.”

  Her breathing quickened. Equal parts of anxiety and arousal. “No. You can’t. You wouldn’t.”

  “We can and we will.” Rom crossed his arms. “Now, will you assume the position for discipline, or do we have to tie you down?”

  Every breath she took drew more of their attar into her lungs. She hadn’t been around them for most of the last month. Aliya was like a mother hen, never allowing anyone more than a few minutes with her while she recuperated. Now, being so near to them both again, the twins’ pheromones did their magic.

  Pulse racing, Cass went to the bed. Laid her head on the mattress. Reached behind her with both hands and slowly pulled her gown up to her waist, baring her bottom.

  She’d imagined this meeting for days. Ever since she awoke from the suspended animation Aliya put her in. She dressed for it today with special care, in a replica of the gown that made her feel desirable. Sexy. But in all her fantasies, she’d never imagined it would begin this way.

  Ryn came up behind her. He slid his hands between her thighs and spread her legs wide apart. The wild thrill she’d grown to crave began where his hands tou
ched her body. Ran up the insides of her legs to send her pussy into spasms. She shuddered, and his hand cracked down on her bottom.

  “Do not move.”

  His masterful tone was enough to set her off again. She fought to stay motionless as his fingers spread apart her rear cheeks, exposing her most private parts to their gaze.

  Rom came over to the side of the bed carrying the harness. He poured a scented oil into the palm of one hand and wrapped his fingers around the long phallus, rubbing it all over the surface. While Ryn held her apart, Rom teased her bottom hole, massaging and probing with his oiled fingers until she was panting. She whimpered as he slid the tip past her tight sphincter.

  Being in this submissive position, having one powerful male spreading her bottom cheeks apart while the other slowly inserted a hard object in her made her hotter than she’d ever been. She clawed the mattress as he relentlessly worked it deeper. She could feel his palm against her bottom, holding it in place while Ryn tightened the straps of the harness around her waist and between her legs.

  Rom took off his cloak and his salis and lay across the bed in front of her, naked except for the leather collar and the wide cuffs around his wrists. He took one of her hands and wrapped it around his cock, already hard.

  “This punishment will be different from the others,” he growled. “Your refusal to obey orders put you in harm’s way and took you away from us for weeks. Our bodies longed for you. Ached for you. So now you’ll take care of this cock. Stroke it and lick it and suck it to my satisfaction, while Ryn spanks your ass for being so stubborn and willful. And you’d better do a good job.”

  Ryn’s big hand cracked down on her bottom. Her pussy flooded.

  Rom guided her hand up and down his shaft as he went on. “If I tell him you’re not pleasuring me well enough, Ryn will spank you harder.”

  She felt another hard whack. Ryn’s hand drove the phallus deeper into her tight rear channel at the same time the hot lick of fire danced across her bottom. Cass moaned. She hadn’t been spanked, hadn’t even been touched by them for a month. It was all too much. She wanted more.

  Rom guided her head between his legs. Starved for the taste of him, of them, she opened her mouth. Oooh yes. Musky, salty, his pheromones sizzled on her tongue. Rom groaned and buried his fists in her hair, shoving her head down. Cass sucked hard, taking him deep in her throat. All the while, Ryn was smacking her bottom. Driving the heat to her core.

  Lost in the wicked sensations, she hardly realized it when they exchanged places. Not until she tasted Ryn. She’d always been able to tell them apart. Normally his scent, his taste was less intense. This time, there was a dark edge to it. She could taste his anger and frustration, all the fear he’d suffered over her, as though he’d channeled it into his attar. She could taste the depth of his despair when he thought she’d die.

  Rom gave her ass a stern whack, and she crumpled. Tears pouring down her face, she thrust her bottom back, welcoming the heat, the sharp sting. She deserved this spanking. They cared for her, cared about her. They wanted to keep her safe, and she’d acted recklessly. For the first time, she realized how terrified they both were when the knife plunged into her neck. She’d been scared, too, but she knew her actions had saved them. She’d been betting she could save herself, too.

  They didn’t know what she was capable of. Rom and Ryn thought they were watching her die in front of them at Magnus’s hands. They thought they’d lost her, just like they lost Zara. She opened her mind, sent her thoughts to them the way Ryn had sent his thoughts to her.

  I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t know how much you cared.

  Their reaction stunned her.

  Ryn pulled her head away from his cock. He twisted so his body was lengthwise on the bed to her left. Rom stopped the spanking, pulled her into his arms and stretched out on her right, putting her between them.

  “We have cared about you for a long time now,” he murmured. “Ever since you began Bonding with us. Now it’s grown into something more. We love you, Cass.”

  Rom bent his head, touched his lips to hers. She suddenly realized despite all the wicked things they’d done, they’d never kissed her.

  He began softy, gliding his tongue over her lips, coaxing her mouth open. She gave a little sigh, closed her eyes, and settled into his arms. Her eyes flew open again when Ryn’s lips roamed over her left breast. His mouth fastened over the nipple, drawing it into his mouth. A bolt of lust shot to her clit, as though an invisible wire carried a current of heat straight from one to the other.

  Ryn sucked her nipple the way he’d sucked the little nub between her legs. When she opened her mouth to gasp, Rom took his kiss to the next level. He captured her mouth, fucking it with his tongue the way he’d fucked her pussy.

  Cass opened wider. Caught the tip of his tongue and sucked on it. Rom growled, thrusting his tongue in farther while he seized both her wrists and pulled her hands over her head. A savage thrill rocked her at the feeling of powerlessness. Dimly, she felt Ryn move lower, unbuckle the harness around her waist.

  She let out a whimper when he began working the phallus out of her ass. Twisting it back and forth, sliding it back in a little before withdrawing it another inch. Arousing a savage need she never knew she had. When he pulled it out all the way, she felt so empty she wanted to beg him to fill her with it again.

  Rom backed off from the kiss, resting on one elbow and leaning back to look into her eyes. Ryn ran his lips up her torso, along the hollow of her throat, stopping just short of taking his turn at kissing her.

  “We want you to be our Mate,” Ryn said.


  “We love you, Cass. We want to share you always, give and take pleasure as one. Will you Mate with us?”

  “You mean like be a couple? Except this would be a trio.” Nerves had her giggling at that. Nerves or the intoxicating effect they always had on her.

  “Mating means we take you together.”

  Rom’s low voice sent a shocking image into her head. Her pussy clenched then flooded. He made a rumbling noise deep in his chest when he caught the scent. “Our cocks want to bury themselves in you. One sheathed in the velvet heat of your pussy while the other claims your hot, tight ass.”

  “Both of you at once? You’re so big! I… I can’t,” she stammered, even as her body screamed Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes .

  “You can,” Ryn said.

  “And you will,” Rom declared, setting off a vicious hunger that began in her pussy and flowed to her ass, aching to be filled again.

  He rolled onto his back and pulled her over on top of him. Pressed the tip of his cock to her dripping slit. She shifted, straddled his body. Rom sank his fingers into her stinging bottom cheeks and thrust his hips up. Cass gave a little cry as his hard, hot shaft rammed into her. He tightened his grip, tilted her ass upward, and spread her cheeks apart.

  Her pussy contracted all along the length of his cock, a wild wave that left her acutely aware of every inch of him. Ryn got into position behind her, rubbing the head of his cock against the tight pucker of her bottom hole. She gasped, writhing madly. But, impaled as she was on Rom’s shaft, the only thing her gyrations did was to work the head into her virgin ass.

  She moaned as it stretched her sphincter. Relentlessly penetrating her while Rom held her hips immobile in an iron grip. Ryn slid a hand under her, found her little pearl, and started stroking it. His other arm snaked around her waist, pulling her against him.

  Rom reached up to cup her breasts, rolling the nipples back and forth between his fingers. She whimpered as the current of heat flowed through her again, straight to her clit, pulsing under Ryn’s fingers. Rom started pumping his hips up and down. Each time he withdrew, Ryn’s cock slid in a little farther. Pussy and ass filled, clit swollen and throbbing, Cass let go. Surrendered to the tsunami roaring toward her. She threw back her head and let out a wild scream.

  They began. One pulling back while the other thrust d
eep. Picking up the rhythm until she couldn’t see, couldn’t hear. The universe shrank. All that was left were the hard cocks inside her and the dual voices whispering in her head.

  We love you, Cass. Come for us. Now.

  She soared. Spun out of control then exploded. Beneath her, Rom’s body stiffened. His cock started to pulse, and she felt the hot spurts as he shot his cum. Her pussy convulsed around him. She climaxed again, instantly.

  She never came down. Ryn’s release began when his brother’s ended. He moved faster, sliding in and out of her ass, his fingers on her swollen clit a sweet torment. He gave a final thrust and flooded her. Still at the peak of ecstasy, she orgasmed once more then collapsed on Rom’s chest with both cocks still inside her.


  Cass stood on the bridge and watched the planet draw closer and closer. Her new home. First a shimmering ball in the black void. Then becoming a mass of color. Vast expanses of blue as vivid as the seas of Earth. Huge patches of green, dark where the forests lay and lighter where semi-tropical swamps bordered the inland lakes. One enormous area showed up in shades of ocher and cream and every hue of brown, from golden-bronze to deep-chocolate. The desert where Zara’s body lay.

  She sent a silent prayer to Cephaia’s Sacred Ones. Thank you for my Mates. They fill my life with unimaginable bliss.

  Then she smiled and murmured another prayer. One meant for a single Soul. Thank you, Zara, for setting them free from their Bond with you and giving them to me. I pray I will learn to cherish and care for them as well as you did. You will always be in their hearts, and I am forever in your debt. Though you were with them only a short time, you taught them how to love.

  About Kallista Dane

  USA TODAY bestselling author Kallista Dane's erotic romances have hit #1 on Amazon in Sci-Fi and Western Erotica as well as making the bestselling lists in BDSM and Contemporary Romance. She loves telling stories about strong, independent women and the hot Alpha males who appear in their lives to deliver a firm spanking when they expect it least and need it the most.


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