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Badge Boys

Page 9

by Caliente Morgan

  “At the same time?” she asked. “Not one watching and the other one doing?”

  “At the same time. Or sometimes watching. Mostly both. It can overwhelm a woman. It’s a lot going on at once. On the other hand, she usually has some incredible orgasms.”

  “I’ve had some incredible orgasms with just you.”

  “I know.” A smile tugged at his lips. Smug.

  “What do you get out of it? Do you have incredible climaxes too?” she asked.

  “We are identical twins. We sense each other’s state of mind. Our physical state. So his excitement stimulates mine and visa versa. Ramps everything up a notch or two.” Or three or four. “Results in an incredible orgasm for all of us.”

  “So, winners all around?” she asked.

  “That’s about it.”

  “Can I think about it?”

  She was already thinking about it. He could tell. She found it a bit—titillating. He knew. He looked at the pill bottle.

  “I am taking two half pills or less a day. I will be off them tomorrow. Don’t blame the meds. Both of you turn me on. Because he is you and you are him. My reaction to him I resisted at first because it startled me. I’ve never, ever thought of doing something like that. Now I want to know.”

  “Do you want to spend time with him alone? Get to know him first?” He didn’t sound like he liked that idea. He didn’t feel like he liked the idea. Did they need to do that?

  Images paraded in his head. Good God but those were the pictures that had haunted him all day. Her naked on sheets. His hands and mouth on her. His cock in her. Mouth. Pussy. Anyway she’d allow. A few of those, distracting images had been of Troy and him together on the bed, taking her at the same time. Four hands, two cocks, wringing every ounce of climax from her body as they emptied theirs.

  He tried to focus. Because he was getting hard again. Once with her wasn’t enough. Twice wasn’t enough. He wasn’t sure anything would ever be enough.

  He was glad he had managed to eat some pizza. God give me strength.

  “Is that what you want?” she was asking.

  What if she wasn’t ready? Or was she?

  “No. Yes. I don’t know. I’m feeling a little bit possessive,” he said, swallowing hard.

  “Then, you aren’t interested in doing that?” Her face said she wasn’t sure how to react to that.

  “I am. I just need to be sure Troy gets my feelings. This isn’t about you. We’ve had this situation before. It isn’t perfectly equal. We share. But not all the time. The woman calls the shots as to when. Most of the time, it is one on one.”

  “Was your almost-wife into it?”

  “Yes. And yes, we had done a threesome with her. Several times in fact. She took it outside the basic three. Found someone else to be with. Non-cops. She didn’t like the interruptions. Bad timing for a call-out.” He usually felt punched in the gut when he thought about it. Not now. The memory was sharp, and it wasn’t. Had he really moved past that blow?

  “And Troy’s wife?”

  “She had outright refused. It isn’t something you can force someone into. She’s gone through a number of men since she left. Turns out she’s hooked on meth. She follows whomever is her supplier at the moment. Troy hadn’t seen any evidence of that problem when they were together. None of us had. We are trained to spot a tweeker. We never spotted it. We think it was something she got into when she went into postpartum depression. We keep track of her regardless. In case she wants to come back for the kid.”

  “Wait a minute. I forgot Troy has a kid.”

  “We have a kid. He’s visiting the grandparents at the moment.”

  “Ah. When you said shared, you meant everything. ”

  “I want my own kids, too,” he said. “Eventually.”

  “So do I. Just not at the moment.”

  “We would make beautiful babies.” He had no idea where that had come from. He had just needed to say it.

  She blushed. He watched the heat flare up in her face. “I would like that. Eventually,” she answered. “Staking a claim?”

  He nodded. What could he say? He was in new territory here. The idea of permanence was too soon. Or was it? She was in his blood now. In his brain. He resented her clothing. It was hiding her. He wanted her naked. He wanted to take her again. God help him. The image of her lips encircling his cock flashed into his brain and fired off every arousal neuron he had. He was hard as a rock. That fast. If Troy hadn’t been on the way—.

  Annie went to the pizza box, got out several slices, and proceeded to zap them in the microwave.

  One at a time. Thirty seconds. Pizza was fine if you didn’t over-zap it.

  He came up and put his arms around her while she re-heated supper. Kissed her hair. “I have fallen for you. I don’t know how. I know when. When I first stepped into the crime scene. You were friendly fire. One kick-ass woman. You knocked me senseless.”

  “You made a pretty strong impression on me. I think I fell for your beautiful body, your lovely long, wide, hard cock, and the perfect way you can wring an orgasm out of me. That was after I fell for your eyes, your swagger, and your rather nice ass.”

  She spun around in his arms and gave him a whack on the backside.

  He bent her back over his arm and leaned in to nip at one of her nipples through the fabric of the caftan, which was slippery. “You know what? I’ve been neglecting these. Let’s eat pizza naked.”

  “Let’s wait for Troy.”

  “Oh, yeah. Right.” Damn. Or not.

  There was a cop-knock on the kitchen door. That preemptive beat they all used. He watched her bite her lip.

  “You didn’t relock the side door,” she said, scrambling upright and pushing him back.

  “Ooops.” He zipped up. He had left his shirt off. Thought better of it and grabbed his tee.

  “Answer one question. Would a threesome destroy the incredible connection we have? I don’t want to destroy...this,” she asked.

  “No. I would always be first with you and I would always watch out for you. But don’t rush into anything. You set the pace. Remember that. You are always in control.”

  “I hate to see a man who looks so much like you be so—uncomfortable.”

  “He’s apt to be uncomfortable no matter what you do. I spent the day with a hard-on. I’ll be sporting another soon enough. He’ll find someone to play with if you aren’t interested. Don’t worry about him. Don’t let that affect your decision.”

  He wasn’t kidding. He was on the way to be hard as a rock. He’d have a heart attack at this rate.

  “I don’t want him to have to find someone. I am interested. He’s you. Or, at least as close as possible. How could I not be?”

  She went to the garage to let Troy in and to secure the side door. “Takes a key,” she told him in passing.

  Her caftan had a low neckline. It barely covered anything. It was pulled lower as a result of the foreplay. Her nipples were perky. She had tomato on her chin. She had grabbed a slice.

  She smelled of sex. The room smelled of pizza and sex. She stretched and let her perky, aroused nipples poke forward on display.

  Troy had just got an eyeful. Ivan found he was just a little bit on edge.

  She had checked on him to watch his reaction. Oh yeah. She had. Troy was very much interested. Ivan knew Troy was because he was.

  Annie probably smirked all the way to the side door. The sexy witch knew exactly what she was doing.

  If anything, Ivan was more turned on than ever.

  Still busy with the sticky lock, Annie sang out. “I have control, “I am in charge.” She looked up at her reflection in the glass of the side door. “I really want to experience this. God damn but those two men light my fire.”

  Ivan heard her because he had followed her into the garage. Watched her. “You light ours.”

  Still smirking, she went past him and back inside. “We shall see about that.”

  He came in and checked the level in th
e wine bottle.

  “No more meds,” she said and put the bottle away. Next prescription recycling day she’d add it to the other expired stuff. Little by little she was trying to take back her medicine cabinet. Left alone, they tended to accumulate stuff. She left them alone and headed for the downstairs bathroom.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Troy glanced over at Ivan. “What’s up?” He had tripped over his feet coming in, looking up in time for Ivan to give him a stare.

  “She’s thinking. She’s asking about—” Ivan had a hard time saying it. Did he want this? Yes, he did. It was fast, but she wasn’t some young thing. She was a woman who knew her own mind. She must have been thinking about this.

  “Thinking?” Troy asked.

  “About a shared experience.” Ivan swallowed.

  “Jesus. You told her? I would have thought it would take longer. We’ve never moved this fast. Too soon?”

  “She wants—both of us,” he managed to finish.

  “And you? You’re all right with this. Really?”

  “Yeah. This isn’t a one-night stand. I—can’t stop thinking about her. Day and night.”

  “I know. I was wondering if you had realized it yet. She drove right over you and set the brake. I saw it start. I had to get Bobby out of there. But I already knew before I left the crime scene.”

  “I don’t know. I just know—I know I never want to lose her. I am starting to rethink—my house—hers. Which? Would she move in with me? Will she want me to move in here? I just know leaving to go home causes me anxiety. I told her I wanted kids. Me! It just came blurting out. This is—new. I’ve never had quite this reaction to anyone. I don’t know which direction to run in.”

  “Whoa. That serious?” Troy asked.

  “Yes. Way serious. She sucker-punched me the first time I looked at her. I didn’t see it coming.”

  “You’ve already been to bed with her.” It was an accusation.

  “Yes, I have. More than once. It was incredible. It is incredible. Don’t ask. I haven’t wrapped my head around this. I really haven’t.”

  “You’ve had sex in the kitchen.”

  “Oh yeah. Her idea.” Or had it been his? Oh, yes. She had been teasing him.

  “I will respect the boundaries. She got to me, too. You ever don’t want her, I’ll be in line.”

  “Never happen.” Ivan’s gut twisted. The thought of losing her had his insides tied in knots. Did she feel like this? The mere thought of Troy with Annie without him caused another flare of jealously to rip through him.

  He’d never felt jealous with Troy before. Never. Not like this anyway. This was way beyond the usual childhood jealousies, like arguing over who got served ice cream first or who mom loved best. Way beyond.

  “I didn’t do a thing. I swear.” Troy held out his hands. “Just looked. With your reaction to her, how could I not?”

  “Your body gave you away. That’s what she said anyway.”

  “I never acted on it. I knew I was picking up your reaction to her. She’s got you twisted up. Hell, she’s got me twisted up.”

  “I’ve never felt this. Possessiveness, I guess that’s what it is. Possessive. Jealous. Protective. It’s all jumbled up in my head.” Ivan paced, his energy throbbing through him. He couldn’t sit still. He wanted her. Here. Now. Where he could see her. Touch her. He knew she was giving him space.

  “We’ve had a few women who turned us both on before. I remember a few wild and crazy nights,” Troy observed.

  “I’ve never felt like this. Not even with Janie. Janie was our first real experiment with trying something permanent. But it didn’t work. If she had gone through with the wedding, it would have been a messy divorce.” Ivan shuddered. “This thing with Annie... It’s visceral. I can’t stop thinking about her. Want to be with her. It physically hurts.”

  “How do the bigamists handle multiple wives?” Troy asked.

  Ivan knew Troy was picking up the anxiety. He was a mirror to anything Ivan felt, including the hot flare of desire that he’d been fighting. He wanted to be back inside of her. Her mouth. Her pussy. Her hands on his naked skin. His mouth tasting her. He forced himself to stop thinking like that.

  Was it him or was he picking up on Troy’s reaction.

  “How would anyone understand multiple husbands?” Ivan replied.

  “Bet she would.”

  “I don’t want to rush her. Damn but she’s a drug to my system. A damn addiction.”

  “What is she doing?” Troy asked, looking around the room.

  “Waiting for us to stop talking.” Ivan pointed to the door into the bathroom. He heard the hinge squeak.

  “I want her,” Troy said. “I really want her. Are you seriously okay with that?”

  Ivan looked at his twin. “Yes. I am. I think. I’m trying to be. Your being here already amped me up. Again. This could be the death of me. I need a steak.”

  “No way,” Troy clapped him on the shoulder, “You’re just slightly spent. We can have steak later. Eat some pizza.”

  With that, Try grabbed a slice, rolled it up, and made it vanish. Ivan, laughing, grabbed a slice and copied him.

  The pizza challenge was irresistible. Harmless one-upmanship.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Okay, boys, pizza time,” Annie said, bursting into the room like little miss innocent.

  She wore a slinky silk nightgown and the mismatched robe. Still barefoot. That robe was loose. Untied. That nightgown was thinner than the caftan and showed a lot more. Perky breasts. Pert nipples. Rippling fabric that shifted and slid when she moved. She felt very sexy with her messed up hair and the fuck-me red lipstick she had added.

  Take that, boys.

  “I am keeping it messy.” She returned to warming up the slices. Zapping them just right. She added slices to the covered pile already heated. Already cooling. Took a hot slice and made a big deal of dribbling cheese into her mouth. Licked her lips. Used her fingers on the sauce. Sucked her finger. She was fully aware of two pairs of eyes focused on her every move. She had to fight hard not to giggle.

  Oh, this was going be fun!

  Ivan stopped pacing and tore off his T-shirt. It hadn’t even been tucked in. “Don’t want to get pizza on my uniform. It’s a bitch to get out.”

  Troy put his belt on the kitchen counter next to Ivan’s, and added his uniform shirt. “Me, neither. Hate having to remove stains. The dry cleaner bill is high enough.”

  “Pizza sauce on a vest is not to be thought of,” Troy said as he tore open the Velcro straps. The vest joined his shirt. “T-shirts are hard to keep white.”

  Ivan had followed him step by step, except for the jumpstart he had been given. Annie noted the cocky competitive attitudes. Troy had it more than Ivan. But Ivan knew what he was doing, besides displaying a large bulge, one her fingers wanted to reach out and stroke. She was damned fond of that cock.

  Ivan unzipped. “The pants need to be kept out of harm’s way. I’m on call later.”

  Troy took off his pants. They had both kicked off their boots. They were fun to watch. They moved in unison, like some damn ballet.

  She didn’t say anything but she was getting wet just watching them bend and move, watching all that muscle, the flex of their abs, the biceps. Not to mention the chest hair, not too much, the Lord had done them just right. Hair that arrowed down to the source of all pleasure, and all problems. Let’s not forget the fabulous backsides. She was fond of those backsides. Those thighs. The way they moved.

  How serious did they take this competiveness?

  Annie kept slowly heating the pizza slices while watching the men play one-upmanship. Along the way, her robe had come fully untied. Actually, the slick fabric wouldn’t stay tied so she really expended little effort. The boys had evidently decided this was on.

  She was getting excited thinking about it. The pizza had her undivided attention for the moment. She was hungry. She finished her slice. Took a freshly zapped one out of the oven an
d began to repeat the process.

  They were keeping ahead of her.

  Their shorts, the regulation tight-whitey briefs, were all they had left on their bodies. Good thing the fabric stretched.

  She licked the sauce off her lips.

  Two Adonis-type, alpha guys at once? Because they had obviously reached a decision without saying a word. They were doing that secret language thing again.

  She focused on Troy playing follow-the-leader. Was that what they meant by one being the primary?

  Her fluids were sufficient to start trickling down her thigh. She could smell her own musk, even over the scent of the pizza.

  “Your shorts can be bleached,” she said, stopping them from stripping them off. “No penises in the pizza plate.” She laughed out loud at her own joke. Troy snorted.

  “Even if I roll mine in pizza sauce?” Ivan asked.

  “Even if,” she retorted.

  Bad man! Pizza sauce. Now if he had rolled himself in chocolate...She ran her hands down her body. Shrugged out of the robe. Smoothed out the nightgown. It was the kind not meant to be slept in. She rolled her head and shoulders, because it made her breasts jiggle. One of her straps fell down her arm. She made no move to pull it back up. Marilyn Monroe couldn’t have done it better.

  Annie picked up a plate of two pizza slices, went to her drink fridge, grabbed a soda, popped it open, and then sashayed to the family room sofa. She was dressed, just barely. Less dressed since she had dropped her robe. They noticed. Not a lot left to anyone’s imagination. She had put on panties, the very skimpy not truly functional panties. A thread held them to her. A barely there scrap of fabric. They were black and were very visible under the white nightgown. Oh yes. Clearly visible. Two pairs of eyes knew exactly what she was wearing. And what she was not wearing.

  It was heady intoxication.

  The two brothers picked up the other two plates, grabbed beers, and followed her. They sat down on either side, leaving enough room between them to allow her to have her supper. Close enough for them to stare at her breasts now so blatantly on display. The top of the gown had shifted so that only the spaghetti straps covered her nipples. Or tried to. Ivan was on her right. Troy was on her left.


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