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Badge Boys

Page 11

by Caliente Morgan

  She slapped him on the rump. “Stop worrying if I liked it. You know damn well that I did.”

  She got up, feeling exhilarated, with a wink and a smile at Ivan who was looking so damn sexy laying there in all his male glory. If she were a painter, she’d have them pose.

  “Now, change positions, because I want you to come inside me. And I want to finish sucking Troy off. He has an incredible dick. It turns me on.” She leaned in and kissed Ivan. She had a clear understanding that she needed to be very equal in her attentions to them to keep them from flashing any jealousy. It was something they’d need to work on over time.

  “It’s the same as mine. We checked,” he answered when she let him. She had no doubt about that.

  There seemed to be an agreement that only Ivan could kiss her lips. Primary? She would have to think about that. It didn’t seem fair. She wanted to kiss Troy. Silly rule if it was one. She needed to know. Everything. All at once. Unreasonable or not. They had evidently developed some sort of rulebook. Annie didn’t like rulebooks.

  Troy was already moving into position on the other side of the bed, already hard. Or still hard. They both had incredible stamina.

  “Yes, ma’am,” they both said, laughing as they followed her orders. She tossed new condoms to them.

  She slid across the bed, let her head hang over the edge of the mattress, and left Ivan to open her legs in that sexy way he had of stroking her, adjusting her, and fitting himself at here entrance, right where she wanted him. He stroked her folds with his sheathed cock.

  Reaching for Troy’s hips, she pulled him into position at her mouth, right where she wanted him. She blew on the tip of his cock, licked him, and sucked the sheathed crown into her mouth. His moans excited her.

  Their motions were as synchronized as before. They knew how and when to touch her. Here. There. Her body became a keyboard. They were the skilled musicians. She was being a demanding glutton. But the high was incredible.

  Ivan’s cock had entered her pussy, slow and sure. He was mimicking the depth of his twin’s cock in her mouth. His hands stroking her flesh, keeping her excited, worshipping her. That was the word. Worshipping her.

  She felt worshipped. Adored. She had never thought of this in her life. It was incredible. Exciting. And God, they were skilled. Drop dead gorgeous.

  She increased the pressure of her tongue on Troy’s cock and heard him gasp and moan. She slid her fingers around him, stroked him gently and then wrapped her fingers tightly at the thick base of his cock, relaxed her throat and slid him in deeper, and proceeded to duplicate what she had done earlier to Ivan, hand-stroking him even as he slid in and out.

  Ivan was keeping up with her, plunging deeper and deeper until he hit home, and then thrusting in and out, keeping rhythm with Troy’s in and out motion in her mouth. Ivan had added his hand to expose her nub, past the excitement stage. She nearly bucked off the bed when he gently pinched and pulled her clit. She responded by gripping her legs around him, squeezing.

  She adjusted her head back and sucked Troy deeper. He leaned forward, the better to fondle her breasts. She stroked him until his legs were shaking, then moved faster and faster until at last both of the men came, taking her over with them. The intensity no longer scared her. She rode the wave, but she let herself cry out as Troy pulled out of her mouth just as Ivan was finishing. She let herself moan. Let herself feel the fireworks. She had climaxed even harder than she had before. Her body was shaking. She could feel the intensity of her inner muscles pulsing.

  When Ivan pulled out, she let her hand slide down to feel herself throb. She moaned.

  Annie knew her limits or thought she did. They had taken her way past her limits. They had made her boneless.

  All three of them collapsed on the bed. Ivan spooned her body into his.

  “God. I need a hot shower,” she managed. “Maybe a year in a hot tub.”

  “Wait a few minutes. I don’t think any of us can stand up very well,” Ivan replied, nuzzling her neck.

  “There are grab bars in the two showers.”

  “Hold these parties often?” Ivan asked, hugging her tightly.

  “Brat! Are you staying?” she asked.

  “Yes. But I need to get my phone. I go on call at midnight,” Ivan said.

  “Me, too,” mumbled Troy.

  “Then shower quickly and dry off and crash. You need sleep. I have two showers.”

  “Handy.” Two voices in unison. Cute.

  Annie was still basking in afterglow.

  Dear Lord. She’d need a nice long Jacuzzi bath while they were out. Check she wasn’t sore. With all the fluids her body had produced, hardly likely.

  How was this going to work? Because right now, she was rather enamored with the whole process. But no man or woman could keep that up every day. She’d be useless on the job. In her daily life. She likely tear up something.

  But they both turned her on so damn much. The way they moved. The way they spoke. The way they touched her. The way they felt inside her. Their cocks were identical, like the rest of them. They were both skilled lovers. Read her like a book as she was learning to read them.

  This wasn’t fun and games. They were all feeling their way along as to how this would work. She had no idea. But the thought of losing one of them terrified her. She was fully emotionally bound to both of them. It surprised her. Intrigued her.

  It had been an impossibly incredible adventure. She got up and joined Ivan in the shower. She wanted another kiss.

  She’d think about kissing Troy later.

  She didn’t like silly rules.

  She wanted everything from them. Everything.

  Everything equal.

  No jealously.

  Not unless they tried to bring another woman into the group.

  Chapter Seventeen

  A call-out came around two a.m. and both men responded. Annie hadn’t had the strength to get up. Ivan had told her to stay in bed. He’d lock up. He’d set the alarm.

  Within minutes, she heard the doors slam, and then cars start and drive away. They had left the sirens off until they were out of sight. She only detected a slight sound. Not the screaming thing she had heard when Troy had streaked off before.

  Alone. She was alone. She never felt alone. She just felt at home before this. The house had always been her sanctuary.

  Things were different. Their imprint was everywhere.

  She tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t. She got up. Changed the sheets. Started the washing machine. Drew a deep hot bath and fired off the jets. Slid in and soaked. No candles. She wasn’t interested in burning the place down.

  My, my, my. What have I done?

  Her arm, which she was keeping out of the water, was only a slight twinge. She was not taking any more pain pills. No. No. And no. An aspirin. Maybe. The jets were on low. Special soothing bubble bath foaming only slightly. She had learned to never put bubble bath not rated for a jetted tub into one because the bubbles would overflow the confines of the tub, the confines of the bathroom, and even reach the stairs.

  She thought back to what she had just done. Two men. Both of them skilled lovers. Capable lovers. Incredible lovers.

  Wow. That’s all she could think of to say. Speechless? How in heaven’s name did she get herself talked into doing that? How had she talked them into doing that? They had seemed to like her rather limited sexual skills. She had led a very sheltered life up to now. What a difference a week can make.

  And holy cow, but that was one helluva sex romp with those two hunks. Who knew that men with muscles could be so damn talented at making a woman feel so damn satisfied? No rough sex. They knew to the millimeter how hard to touch, pinch, roll, brush, pull on her flesh to raise her level of excitement. They knew where to touch. Certainly that could not be said about anyone she had dated before.

  Annie could swoon at the random thought of them standing there, side by side, naked, aroused, identical. They had no idea that just the sight of an
engorged, erect cock could stimulate her to a full-on orgasm. Her fluids were ready to gush all over again as she sat in the hot tub, remembering their bodies. Well, those two men could do that to her.

  Ah, but that’s what those jets were for. She could, if she hadn’t been so thoroughly wasted, come again with the aid of a water jet. Not set on high of course.

  She wanted to try other things with them. She thought she needed to find out what being primary was. Why hadn’t Troy kissed her on the lips? Because she felt a little let down that he hadn’t. He had looked like he wanted to.

  He wasn’t so cocky when they left. Had she just wrung them out?

  Did he like what they had done? He had seemed to.

  How were they different? Ivan had scored first. Ivan’s action spoke of affection. Troy? She didn’t know him well enough. He had wanted to have sex. But what did he feel? What did she feel about him?

  She’d never been a “sex for the sake of sex” kind of gal. She needed to be involved. Emotionally. Men didn’t need that, but women did. Perhaps because for women, their bodies were invaded.

  What if Troy didn’t feel anything? Was that going to be a problem? No. She knew deep down that Troy had baggage and so did Ivan. For that matter, so did she and she fully understood that. If anyone lived long enough, they would collect baggage. It came with life.

  The twins were too much alike for Troy not to be emotionally involved. If anything, he’d be tied into Ivan’s emotions. She hoped she was reading things right, because she rather thought Ivan felt a lot more than he verbally let on.

  She splashed in the water. This thing was too new. Still fragile. But she wanted this. Both of them. They had moved from guys she had met into the guys I want to keep around for a very long time.

  Then she laughed at herself. Now she was being possessive.

  Damn right. They are mine!

  She recognized a spurt of jealously at the thought of another woman sharing them. Guess she couldn’t scold them too much for feeling jealously.

  Still laughing at herself, she got out of the tub, dried off with her big towels, drained the tub and rinsed it. Donned a simple light nightgown. Killed the lights and crawled back into the freshly-made bed. Whatever, she needed sleep.

  She needed to trust that they would be just fine wherever they were. Whatever they were doing.

  She refused to allow herself to worry herself into an anxiety attack.

  If she was going to date a cop—make that two cops—she’d have to learn the ropes.

  These were brave, well-trained, experienced men. She would be disrespecting their profession if she constantly worried. A little worry was fine. She’d allow herself the occasional twinge.

  She pulled the covers up to her chin. After this adventure, she discovered that her bed felt incredibly empty. She made a note.

  Get a damn body pillow. The bed was empty.

  Chapter Eighteen

  There was a knock on the front door followed by the doorbell. FedEx? UPS? The mailman? No. The mailman shoved stuff into the teetering mailbox come Hell or high water. Last time he shoved a box in there, it had taken fifteen minutes to get it out.

  As for FedEx and UPS and all the other carriers, if her garage door was up, they just tossed the delivery toward the back of the truck. She would automatically play find the package before backing out.

  Front door. It wasn’t Ivan because he had a key. She had let him keep it.

  She saw the outline through the glass insert. Tall. Broad shouldered. Cop, if the bulge on the right side of the shadowy figure was a gun. That and the flash of blue fabric. The glass insert made everything cubic. She opened the door. There was a bulge in the front, too.

  “Troy. Come in.” She felt a spurt of excitement. It had been a few days. Voice messages and emails. Brief messages.

  She left him to close the door while she hurried back down to the lower level and her kitchen. He followed.

  “Is there a problem?” she asked, fetching her cup off the Keurig. It was her time of day for Chai Latte. Indulgence. She was doing a lot of indulging these days.

  “Ivan is still stuck at the station. He’ll be here soon enough.”

  Troy looked nervous. Uncertain. He shouldn’t. She had lavished her attention equally between them. Except for that one thing.

  She kissed Ivan. On the mouth. Deep soul draining sexy hot kisses. Subtle loving kisses. Stir her soul up and splay it out for the universe to see kisses.

  Kisses with Troy had been a peck on the shoulder. Except for when he went down on her. But no kisses on her mouth.

  “Is there a restriction on you kissing me? Do you two have some sort of code?” She heard herself blurt it out without thinking too much about it.

  Startled by her question he finally let it out. “Yeah. Should have told you. No kissing. Sort of a Pretty Woman thing. Where she tells him while he’s still her mark that she doesn’t do mouth kisses. Because that was reserved for her lover.”

  “Doesn’t that make it difficult?” Annie had to know. She was exceeding fond of Troy. Almost as fond of him as his twin. Almost. The difference was in fact extremely small.

  “It never has before.”


  “Damn it! You know why!” he exploded. Shoving away from her. Taking ragged breaths, shaking. He calmed himself down. “Because I—I love you, too. If it hadn’t of been for Bobby, you’d have had two escorts to the hospital.”

  “I love you. You should know that. Early days, but I love you both.” Annie marched right over to him, grabbed his face and planted a kiss right on his lips. Lips that were just like his brother’s.

  Troy wrapped his arms around her, held her close and proceeded to devour her mouth, his tongue plunging inside, stroking her flesh, tangling with her own tongue. She sucked it, gently, and felt him respond. Even with all the gear, his erection was not to be missed. Huge. Long and wide. Exactly like his brother’s. She caressed it lightly. Felt him tense up.

  “I want you so much,” he said, kissing her cheek, trailing down to her neck, and finally raining kisses down her shoulder. Somehow her neckline had been pulled apart to allow access. He managed to open the front of her tunic, exposing the fact she was braless. His hands caressed her breasts through her lace bra.

  Annie ran a finger lightly over the ridge of his cock. Paid attention to the tip. She pulled him back to her mouth and kissed him the same way she kissed Ivan while stroking that bulge.

  She felt his reaction. Felt she knew this man. Because she knew his twin. Found she cared for both of them. Found she wanted both of them. Again. If anything, this time she was even more aroused at the thought.

  She wanted this. Both of them at the same time. With the intensity she had found making love to one, what was she in for in the future making love to two at once? She was excited from head to toe just thinking about all this. Her body lit up. Sparks flew. Nerves ignited. She would burst into flame, and she was only kissing one.

  Out of her comfort zone. Way out of her experience. Bliss! Her panties were soaked. Oh yes, she wanted this. Troy had slipped his fingers inside her. She deliberately clenched on them.

  She was aware that the kitchen garage door had opened. Ivan had arrived.

  “Come on in, Ivan. We need to talk.”

  “Shit,” Troy said, turning around, dropping his hands to the counter.

  “Who made the rules?” she asked.

  Ivan looked angry for a moment, and then he just sagged. “We did. Sort of. Primary means you found the girl, she’s yours. And the other guy plays tag.”

  “Which is just fine for sport fucking,” Annie said. “This thing going on between us isn’t sport fucking, is it?”

  Both men were quick to deny that it was.

  “Because I need to know these rules and I need to have a say in them.”

  Ivan looked pained, just a little. “We were—were trying to avoid jealousy. We thought that it would work better. So many threesomes break up over jeal

  “Are you jealous that I kissed Troy?”

  “A little.”

  “Well, stop feeling that way. You act like I have no say.”

  “You have total control here. We said that. You don’t want something, just say so.” Ivan spoke, but Troy was shaking his head in agreement.

  “How about if I do want something?” Annie asked.

  “Just say so,” Ivan whispered.

  “Okaaaay. I want kisses, and touches, and fondling, and fucking and all the rest with both of you on an equal basis. Ivan, you can still be primary in case sometime in the future there are legal things to be considered. Otherwise, equality. Got it? I don’t want to do something you do not like. I don’t mean to upset you. But—I think I am coming to love both of you.”

  They nodded. “We can try.” There they were, in unison again. It was adorable. Or would be adorable if she wasn’t determined to establish what she expected.

  “I want this. Both of you. Crazy as it is, I loved being with both of you at the same time. It was incredible. I have no words. I want it again. I want that part of my life going forward. And I can tell you apart. You are two different people to me. And yet, the same, you’re one because you are so closely bonded.”

  She stopped a moment, watching Ivan. “I love you. A little differently than I love Troy but I love him, too. And kissing and touching and hugging and cuddling are all part of a relationship to me. Without those emotional bonds, it is simply fucking. I have vibrators for that.”

  She turned back to Troy. “I love you. There are times I will want to make love with you alone. There will be times I want to make love with Ivan alone. I love him. There will be those other times when all three of us can try to duplicate what we did before. I want to be able to kiss, caress, and fondle each of you. Without repercussions. Without restraint. Or it just won’t work.”

  She waited a heartbeat while the two men just stared at each other.

  “My rules,” she said. Then she waited. “No room for jealousy. No possessiveness, unless it’s someone trying to take me away from you. Or one of you away from me. Trying to break us up. You can do this. I doubt either of you lack self-esteem. ”


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