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Samhain Island (Episode One)

Page 10

by Taylor, Thomas

  “Huh?” Tremaine said, “Why?”

  “I can’t…” she trailed off, looking at Tremaine with wide eyes. She brought a hand to her chin, “Not right now.” Hannah rushed down the hallway. Tremaine called after her and followed her to the space in the auditorium where the club congregated. Miss Vargas was standing at the front, checking off the students as they entered.

  Tremaine sat next to Hannah in the front. Hannah didn’t move away. She smiled, and brought her hair back behind her ear, “How’d you do without me?”

  “Hannah, what’s wrong?” Tremaine looked up to Hannah’s face. Her eyes were bloodshot, “Have you been…”

  “It’s just,” Hannah looked up to Vargas, and noticed she wasn’t paying attention. She gulped and said in a low voice, “Zac and René are going to experiment on that thing today.”

  “And you don’t like it?”

  Hannah shook her head, “Not at all! I wanted to skip school to watch but they wouldn’t let me, and that led to an argument. How am I suppose to become a hunter like them when they don't let me do anything?”

  Vargas looked over at the girls, dropping her arms. She came over to Hannah and said in a small voice, “You should not be discussing these matters at school.”

  “What am I suppose to do? My brothers yelled at me, and I’m venting to my friend,” Hannah snapped, her sweet demeanor gone. Tremaine made a face, disgusted that the thing Hannah was upset over was not being able to harm Skyler.

  Tremaine curled her fists into her skirt, and shook her head, “What the hell, Hannah?”

  “W-What?” She said in a pathetic tone.

  “You’re… you’re upset about not getting to hurt someone?” Tremaine raised her voice. She laughed from utter shock, “What… why?”

  “Something,” Hannah corrected.

  Tremaine breathed heavily and uncurled her fists. She turned her head completely to Hannah and said, “Screw you.”

  Vargas heard what she said and whipped her head around. It didn’t help that her teacher was also a hunter. Miss Vargas pointed to the backstage doors and said, “Miss Boppel, go down there and cool off. Now.”

  Tremaine gathered her bag and stormed off down the stairs, leaving a shocked Hannah in her wake. She slammed the backstage doors and walked into the empty girl’s dressing room. She locked herself in the small half-bathroom within, sat on the toilet cover and brought her legs up. She wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face in her knees.

  How the hell am I going to do this? Tremaine thought as she silently cried. He’s going to be… God knows what… and it’s my fault. Tremaine lowered her legs. I should probably apologize to Hannah or buy her a latte or something. She shook her head; she had too much pride and too much anger in her right now. She heard someone enter the dressing room with a click-clack of heels. She sat up straight and listened.

  “Miss Boppel?” It was Miss Vargas, “Are you in here?”

  “Hold on,” Tremaine walked out of the bathroom.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Tremaine crossed her arms. “It’s none of your concern.”

  “Are you upset about Sky?”

  “Like you’d care. Just leave me alone.”

  “He told me you were trying to save him,” Miss Vargas walked over to a set of mirrors. They all ranged in size and shape. She flipped through them and stopped when she found a medium sized mirror with a red frame and broken glass.

  “Why would he tell you that?”

  “Because of this,” She took the mirror out from the bundle.

  Tremaine walked closer to the teacher, “What are you doing?”

  Miss Vargas walked to the only exit to the room. She locked the door and stood in front of it. Tremaine’s heart quickened, and her body went stiff.

  “Calm down, dear,” Miss Vargas said, holding the mirror towards her. She balanced it on her hips.

  “Well, then, why are you locking the freakin’ door!?” Tremaine motioned to the entrance with her hand.

  “If I leave the door unlocked in the basement, you can go in and get him,” Vargas said in a low voice, “I’ll keep my associates distracted.”

  “What?” Tremaine said. “What are you talking about?”

  “Sky, of course,” the teacher said. “I promised I would help him. It is my duty, after all.”

  Tremaine looked up to Miss Vargas. She wasn’t smiling; her face was completely serious. Vargas stared down at her reflection.

  “I will only tell you this once,” Vargas said, “I’ve been trying to get Sky free for the past twenty hours. I can’t do it alone, for if I did, I would be risking my identity, and my well being if I were caught. I know what you’re going to ask, and I’ll answer it now; I am with the hunters to make sure they stay in line. I can’t risk that relationship either. I have to make sure they don’t hurt anyone.”

  Tremaine snorted, “So what you’re saying is that you’re a monster, just like Sky?” She scoffed and folded her arms, “Yeah, yeah… okay.”

  “Did you… read the online journal I suggested for this club?” Miss Vargas tilted her head. Tremaine nodded. “Did you ever read the entry on cracked mirrors?”

  “Uh, yeah. Like, monsters who masquerade as humans… when they’re standing in front of a cracked mirror, their true reflection can be seen.”

  “I’m impressed. Come here,” she ordered. Tremaine swallowed, and slowly walked over. With every step, she grew more anxious. She stood beside the teacher, and instead of looking at the mirror, she looked up. Vargas noticed her hesitation and chuckled. “I’m not that scary. Look down at the mirror.”

  The mirror was cracked like she said. Instead of seeing the reflection of a human woman with dark hair and brown eyes, she saw a pearl-white skeleton. It had Vargas’s clothes, but her hair was absent. Tremaine couldn't stop staring at the empty and seemingly endless eye sockets. She backed away.

  “Is it proof enough?” Vargas asked.

  Tremaine nodded and swallowed.

  She placed the mirror against the wall. “Now… Sky told me he promised you immortality if you helped him?”

  “You spoke to him?”

  “Right after you left.” Miss Vargas said, “Tremaine. I know this is a lot to ask, but you’re the only human who can assist me with Sky. I can’t allow Zac and René to cut away at him with their so-called ‘experiments,’ but I also can’t allow me, or anyone like me, to go into the St. Charles mansion to help Sky,” Vargas frowned, and hugged herself. “It would be like a mouse wandering into a lion’s den.”

  “So, because I have nothing to lose, that’s why you want me to go in and help?” Tremaine grumbled, “Yeah, okay. Nothing like risking incarceration, a criminal record, a grounding from my parents… and to top it off my friendship with Hannah would be over,” Tremaine held out her arms, “I mean, I’m risking at least somethin’.”

  “If one of my human friends were to do it and get caught, they’ll be arrested. Zac and René will put two and two together and realize that the person that tried to break into their house was my friend, and… I-I know it’s a lot to ask,” Miss Vargas said, “But Sky said you seemed really set on helping. And immortality.”

  Tremaine paced around. If I get caught, I get in trouble, but if I don’t… then I might be able to be immortal. Tremaine remembered reading about all of the benefits. A long age span, increased strength, unable to die of injury being among her favorite pros. She stopped walking and said, “Fine.”

  “Good,” Miss Vargas said. “If Sky is on the second floor, then the walkout basement door will be locked, which means we’ll be out of options. That means, you turn away and go home, and I’ll find an alternative myself.”

  “Okay,” Tremaine said. “Then what if he’s in the basement?”

  “If he’s there, he’ll be in the room to your right. That’s their makeshift lab space,” she explained, “Get Sky, and leave immediately.” She bent down a little to be at Tremaine’s eye level, “There
’s no time to get his jacket or any of his stolen items. Just go.”

  Tremaine nodded again.

  “You can leave. I’m dismissing you early,” Vargas waved off, “Three thirty is when I’ll leave the door unlocked and the house alarm off. Remember, if it’s locked, turn around and leave.”

  “Alright,” Tremaine said.

  “Oh, and one last thing,” Vargas went over to the door, “Tell anyone about me not being human…” she narrowed her eyes to the student, “and it will not be pretty for you.” She smiled, “Buenas tardes.”

  Vargas left the dressing room. Tremaine didn’t notice that her whole body is shaking. She leaned against the dressing table, steadying herself. She exited out of the back doors.

  Hannah and Miss Vargas walked into the St. Charles mansion through the kitchen door. Zac was in the kitchen, sautéing some vegetables. Hannah paused her walking and made eye contact with her older brother. She frowned and left the kitchen. Zac rolled his eyes and looked at Vargas as she entered.

  “Melodramatic, I swear,” Zac said as he stirred some squash.

  “She’ll get over whatever you guys were arguing about,” Miss Vargas agreed. She didn’t know what went down between the siblings, and she didn’t want to get into it. Her main focus now was helping Sky. Vargas went over to the stove and stood next to Zac. “What are you cooking?”

  “Just a late lunch,” Zac said. “René and I have been down in the basement all day.”

  “How is the…?”

  “Unconscious,” Zac lowered the heat of the burner. “Has been since noon. René helped me with some medical things, considering it’s not my specialty. He’s down there now, cleaning up.”

  Vargas was about to ask more information but stopped herself. She straightened her posture, and told him, “I would like to see him for myself.”

  “Sure,” Zac shrugged and turned his attention back to his work. Vargas turned to the basement and went down the stairs. Miss Vargas walked on the end of her feet, making sure her heels never touched the floor. She couldn’t have René hearing her.

  She silently unlocked the door, and then hastily typed in the code to the security system by it to disable the alarm. She went back to the stairs and then paused. She looked at the door of the makeshift lab. I should probably check on Sky, she decided. Just to make sure he’s okay, and to avoid suspicion.

  She walked into the room and saw Sky on the metal table. He was unconscious like Zac said. René was in his hospital scrubs, washing some medical equipment. He turned around when Vargas entered the room.

  “Oh, hey,” he said in a hushed tone. “Come in.”

  Vargas walked into the room and saw Sky on the metal table. He was unconscious like Zac said. There were bags under his closed eyes, and bandages wrapped around his upper arm, his lower arm, and his hand.

  “He looks like hell,” Vargas commented. “Do you have something against his left arm, René?”

  “I like to work in one particular area. Look at this,” Vargas walked over to René’s side. He brought up the bandage that was on Sky’s forearm. Underneath was a one-inch scar. “I made that incision four hours ago. It’s already healed. Isn’t that amazing?”

  Vargas held back a criticizing comment. Considering she was older then Samhain Island itself, she knew all about non-human biology. She looked at the bandage above the forearm, and pointed to it, “What did you do there?”

  “Skin sample,” René said.

  “You guys are so cruel,” Vargas said. “I hope that’s the extent of it.”

  “Hey, don’t look at me,” René said, bringing his hand up to his chest, “Zac’s the one who told me to cut off his finger.”

  “Wait, what?” Vargas said. “Zac didn’t tell me about that.”

  “Oh, uh…” René glanced at Sky’s hand, and then back at Miss Vargas, “Don’t worry, he was asleep when I did it.”

  “Is it back on?” She looked over at his bandaged hand. She shook her head and shivered. “Horrible. Just horrible.”

  “What, Vanessa?” René shrugged, “He wasn’t answering any questions. What were we suppose to do?”

  She glanced at the analog clock on the counter. It was three-fifteen. She only had a few minutes until Tremaine arrived. She ordered, “Come on, I want to talk to Zac about this. It’s overly brutal.”

  “Don’t talk so loud, I still need to put his finger back on while he’s out,” René said, looking down at Sky. He crossed his arms, “Why do I need to go with you?”

  She grabbed his wrist, and led him out of the room, “Just come with me.”

  Tremaine cursed as the snow kept falling. It started this morning and didn’t relent. She dressed in a light leather jacket and a decorative scarf. It was enough fabric to keep her warm to and from school, but not enough to keep her alive while trekking through the woods behind the St. Charles house. She had to come home and change, maybe gather some more supplies.

  There was a line at the counter in Video World. Danny was out on the floor, going around the various aisles and talking to customers. He approached his daughter, smiling widely, “Tremaine! Can you believe it?”

  She started to take off her outerwear, “There’s seven people in here, tops.”

  “Don’t be so negative,” Danny sighed. He held up a clipboard with membership forms, “We’re hosting a special today. If you sign up today for a video store membership, you get a discounted rate for three months!”

  “Well, that’s nice,” Tremaine shrugged. “I’m going to go over to Hannah’s today.” It wasn’t a lie exactly.

  “Uh, no!” Josey shouted from behind the counter. She was still dealing with customers as she said, “We’re busy!”


  Josey said, “I need you to pull videos!”

  “I have a test tomorrow,” Tremaine added, looking between Josey and Danny, “Hannah and I were going to study together over at her house.”

  Danny looked over at his wife, “It’s fine, Josey. I’ll go behind the counter and do that.”

  Josey nodded and helped the customers at the counter. Tremaine dismissed herself and went upstairs. She went up to her loft and changed her clothing. She layered her attire and tied up her combat boots. She took her black parka and a satchel from her closet and tossed them on her bed. She wrapped her neck in a scarf and placed a hat on her head. She took the parka and gloves and put them in the foyer to the apartment.

  She carried the satchel into the kitchen. She tossed some food in, along with a small blanket that took up most of the space in the bag.

  She zipped up her parka and put on her gloves. She silently left from the outside entrance to the apartment. She looked up at the empty tower with the bullet hole in the glass and frowned. She needed to go.

  Tremaine felt like she walked the entire town by the time she approached the street where the St. Charles estate sat. The hill didn’t help either. She folded her arms together as she traveled through the forest of their neighbors. Eventually, she came across the back yard of the St. Charles’s estate.

  She ran across the yard, constantly ducking by the shrubbery, and backed herself against the wall of the walkout basement. She prayed no one was in the basement except for Skyler.

  She tested the handle of the door. It turned all of the way. She gulped, and opened the creaky door. She slid her body into the small gap she had parted and closed it behind her. She crept throughout the basement, finding no one there. She heard voices above her and then started to shake. She brought her hands to her face, and crouched, waiting for the dread to end.

  Tremaine stood and continued through the basement, and went to the first room in the hallway off of the common room. She gulped, Am I following Miss Vargas’s directions? This is the right way, right?

  She knew she was right when she saw Sky lying on a metal table, unconscious, and strapped down. She cringed, and trembled out of pure fear of what became of him. She took a deep breath and went into the room. She shook Sky, and he sti
rred. She went in front of him as he began to wake up, paying no mind to the bandages on his hand.

  “Tremaine?” Sky asked, his head turning toward her, “I… what are…”

  “Shut the hell up,” Tremaine angrily whispered as she struggled with one particular strap that was stuck. She snapped her head up to the ceiling when she heard footsteps above her. She pulled harder at the strap, but it wasn’t budging.

  “Tremaine,” Sky said as Tremaine worked on the straps, “I can’t feel my left arm. I can’t move it. It's still there, right?”

  “That’s not my issue right now,” she said. She pulled with all of her body weight, and eventually managed to get it undone. Unfortunately, this caused her to slam against the counters with her own force. She had caught herself before she tumbled to the floor but accidently caused a few petri dishes to fall off of the counter. They clamored against the floor.

  Tremaine ran to the door until she heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. She cursed and stepped back. She looked to the counters and opened one of the far off cabinets in the corner. To her luck, it was empty, and she could just fit in.

  “Sky,” she whipped her head around and redid the strap she unfastened. “Pretend you’re asleep.”

  Tremaine hid in the cabinet. She heard the lab door open and numerous footsteps. They came closer to her.

  “All I’m saying is that you guys take things too far,” It was Miss Vargas’s voice. “Do you hear what I’m saying?

  “Jesus, Vanessa, stop worrying,” Zac’s voice was closer. Tremaine quivered. “Look, he’s fine! I mean, except for his finger. We’re going to put it back if it attaches to itself.”

  “You don’t even know if it will go back on!”

  She heard the clinking of metal, and then another voice. It was René, “How the hell did these dishes fall?”

  “Who cares,” Miss Vargas said. “You probably stacked them up so high that they toppled over.” More footsteps, this time closer, “Come on, let’s go back upstairs.”

  “Hold on,” Zac opened up the cabinet next to where Tremaine was hiding. She nearly gasped when she was suddenly engulfed in light. She shrunk her legs back when she saw Zac’s hand. He shoved the dishes onto a cabinet shelf. Tremaine was relieved when he closed the door. When she heard footsteps ascending the steps, she cautiously stepped out of the cupboard.


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