Mens (english version)
Page 9
There was another habit that I had learned to appreciate. When I was less furious and I had some leisure time, I went to a spot set apart of the park, four benches to contour of a piazzetta with a fountain in perennial jet.
I had discovered by chance him, one day when I didn't bear out anymore the presence of the journalists the door of house; I was gone out and I had slipped in the park. You/they had followed me until there: they found me sat on a bench to contemplate the child from the arm amputated that it distributed water to the passerottis of passage.
For some they tried to approach me: it was gratifying to be there, immovable as only me I know how to do, listening to the questions first curious, then you surprise and finally disenchanted of that guys covered of television equipments.
Then I kept on returning us. There was almost never anybody and however who was it made him his/her facts.
Once I spent the whole day in the laboratory for of the tests. Deadly boredom. The evening they let me go and I almost reached the park of run: I had need to be for my account.
There was a person sat to a bench.
I drew near me with calm, not to upset her/it, but that didn't deign me of a look.
I sat far, to the opposite bench; the throw of the fountain separated us. I relaxed me and as of habit taken to look around me. My circular vision was nearly perfect, now; without effort I contemporarily observed in all the directions. I had also invented another exercise: I quickly modulated the gang of the electromagnetic frequencies that my eyes perceived, passing from the infrared ones to the radios so that and over, cyclically. In the brain it was formed me an unique image that summarized the whole ghost: the blackbird that peered at me from back a subject became a great deal more complex that for a normal human being, in a way that I would have found difficult to also explain to my doctors.
It was amusing.
«Good evening» it said a voice close to me.
Of surprise I was taken: the blackbird had absorbed my complete attention.
There was a girl to my side, you/he/she was moved by the bench in front of mine and is sat nearby hardly me.
Not I moved the head, forgetful of my good intention to turn me toward the interlocutor.
«Hi» I said me some annoyed.
«Then it is really her» it said the woman.
Quietly smiled. I scrutinized her with attention with the tones of the whole ghost. It didn't seem me to know her/it, but it didn't have the air of a snoop.
«You/he/she was seemed me to recognize her/it from the footstep» it added «but his/her voice some I cannot forget her/it.»
I still looked at her. You didn't fix me: as me, it held the head in all other direction. It was blind.
«My name is Threadbare» it said. «I wanted to thank her/it.»
Attended that I digested the thing. The voice that I felt, the dark glasses that covered some furrows around the eyes, recent wounds. the girl that The hads exchanged for my daughter in the business center.
«Certain» I answered, without tones. «How you/he/she has found me?»
You still smiled.
«I know a lot of things on her. It is enough famous.»
«Already» I did me.
«Thanks» it said her. «Really. There is perhaps a reason, dopotutto, for what has happened her. You/he/she has done down there a big good.»
I would normally have become infuriated. But with her I was not able. It had a condition similar to mine, imprisoned as it was of his/her own body, even if in reality it appeared solid as the rock. It pronounced his/her words as they were absolute truth. There were no spaces for my dissent and doesn't tell me way of replying.
«We see us, iron man» it surprisingly said.
It was not an offense. It was a simple verification. And it was also a strange regard: if we were still met there her you/he/she would not have seen me and I would have concerned her with my one hundred eyes.
It silently got up and it went with definite footstep, oscillating a thin white baton that first I had not noticed.
I remained for a certain time in loneliness, thinking about her. Strange girl. Then the whispers of the web became a call; additional functions had implemented me, lately: I was permanently connected, without need of subsidiary instruments. I could contemporarily sustain a telephone interview without sending sonorous to the outside of my body, to explore the net and to quietly chat with the neighbor of bench. To the beginning it was damnedly difficult: the mind you/he/she is done for reasoning in way seriale, one footstep at a time, in sequence. My brain was learning to bring before more mental operations in parallel.
Who looked for me? The communication asked for a contact audio-video: I sent an image of myself and I accepted the communication.
«Angel?» it said a voice interdict.
Never web-cam you/he/she had sent figure of more anxious interlocutor of mine, I knew him/it.
That voice didn't tell me nothing, however. When I translated the signals received in the image of the other one I started: the pale face of my smaller brother fixed me from the web.
«Dan» concluded, almost whispering.
I had not felt my brother for years, beforehand to become that that I was. You/he/she had never forgiven him to me, my survival: it refused to consider him relative of a car and it blamed me to subdue mine to a presence that had defined" an abomination." You/he/she had never told me him; you/he/she would not have been so hard when he/she anchors I was trapped in a sick body, neither you/he/she had ever had the intention to speak to me after the transplantation. I knew that you/he/she had quarreled with my daughter, respect to me, and that Daylight had lost the stirrups; when I asked her what you/they were said her traccheggiava, but a line of tension ploughed her the face and the answers they were few more monosyllabic.
It was amazing to see him/it. Something me it tightened him inside: I didn't remember the last time that I had spoken to him and I had not seen my nephews for a lot of time.
«Dan» I said stronger.
«Yes» it said him, timidly.
I was alarmed me.
«Something has happened? His/her children.»
Dan waved the hand.
«All normal» it did. «I wanted only to feel you.»
I stared at him/it with the greatest attention, exploring every centimeter of his/her face. It was nervous, certain, but there was also qualcos'altro. The emotion prevented me from understanding more.
«You are well?» resumptions. «I have felt some attack. It is terrible.»
«Dan» I said me; I liked to pronounce his/her name, I had not served him/it for a lot of time. «You are right, you/he/she has been horrendous.»
«You were there» it said. «Any. damage?»
Already. The cars are not hurt, they have damages. I mentally tightened the teeth that I didn't have.
«All to place» I answered. «I/you/they have reached done things there.»
Dan bent the eyes, as if that call the same costing great effort.
«I wanted only to feel you» it repeated. «Greet me Daylight and the boys.»
I was about to reciprocate the regard but the line he interrupted.
I remained there as stunned for quite a lot minutes.