Battle for the Z-Ring

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Battle for the Z-Ring Page 2

by Jeanette Lane

  The fireball struck Persian head-on, and the Classy Cat Pokémon raced off, its tail still smoking.

  Stoutland gave a gruff huff of approval, and Ash cheered. “That was awesome, Litten!”

  Litten gave Ash a little smile. Then it trotted over to Stoutland, and the older Pokémon looked proud.

  “I detect a happy ending,” Rotom Dex announced. “Except for you not catching Litten …”

  But Ash still felt it was a happy ending. He and Litten had an understanding.

  * * *

  The next day, Ash was in for a surprise. He, Pikachu, and Rotom Dex stopped by the ivy-covered cottage to drop off food for Litten and Stoutland. They had two full bags to share, but Litten and Stoutland weren’t there.

  Where could they have gone? Ash assumed that he must have done something wrong.

  Worried, Ash decided to visit the shopkeeper who was friends with Litten. “I feel like it’s my fault,” he told her.

  The woman studied Ash through her wire-framed glasses. “Pokémon are Pokémon, and people are people,” she said. “One being’s world isn’t exactly the same as the other’s. So don’t go blaming yourself. Litten’s living under the same Alolan sky as you.”

  Ash thought about her advice. He supposed he needed to try to see things from Litten’s point of view. He wondered if their paths would cross again.

  Just then, a stealthy black Pokémon with familiar red markings appeared at the shopkeeper’s fruit stand. “Litten!” the woman said. “I heard you moved.”

  Litten looked surprised to see Ash and Pikachu there. Had the three become friends, or was Litten still set on standing alone?

  Only time would tell, but it was clear that Ash had learned an important lesson about allowing Pokémon to be Pokémon. It was yet another step on his long journey.

  Huh?” Rotom Dex was absolutely confused. It was a school morning, and Rotom was ready to pester Ash until he finally got out of bed, but Ash was already awake. “What have you done with the Ash who sleeps late?” the device asked.

  “I can’t wait until I can use a Z-Move again!” Ash announced from his bed. “Which means I’m gonna have to get myself a Z-Crystal.” He got up and threw on his clothes.

  After Ash’s experience with Litten, he had decided to focus on his original goal for his time in the Alola region. He wanted to earn another Z-Crystal so he and Pikachu could master their very own Z-Move.

  Ever since he had seen Kiawe and Charizard do their Z-Move, Ash had been fascinated by the special skill. To do a Z-Move, a Pokémon Trainer needed to possess a Z-Ring, which was a kind of bracelet that Trainers usually earned only through a set of complicated tasks called the Island Challenge.

  To Ash’s surprise—and that of all his classmates at the Pokémon School as well—Ash had received a Z-Ring from the Island Guardian named Tapu Koko. No one knew why the mysterious Legendary Pokémon had given him a Z-Ring. The Z-Ring already had a powerful Z-Crystal inside.

  It was an awesome, unexpected gift, but the Z-Crystal had exploded after Ash’s first attempt to do the special Z-Move. Oddly enough, the crystal had shattered during Ash’s first battle with Tapu Koko.

  Now Ash needed to earn another one. He and Pikachu were ready to do whatever it took to take this next step on their journey together.

  At breakfast, Ash shared his plan with Professor Kukui.

  “A Z-Crystal?” his teacher asked.

  “Yeah,” Ash confirmed. “I want to get a whole lot stronger and then have a rematch with Tapu Koko.” In his mind, he pictured Tapu Koko. The Island Guardian was yellow, with a big orange crest on its head, wide wings, and bold markings that made it look like a warrior. “I can’t wait to try those Z-Moves again. Right, buddy?”

  “Pika, pika!” Pikachu was in full agreement.

  “You’re as fired up as if you were hit by a Blast Burn!” commented Professor Kukui.

  Ash nodded as he took a bite of breakfast. “I remember Kiawe saying that you can earn Z-Crystals by going through the Island Challenge.”

  “Well, that isn’t the only way, but it is the most certain way,” Ash’s teacher said. He seemed pretty excited about the topic, too. “The key to success is passing the grand trial of each of the islands’ kahunas.”

  Ash gulped down some milk. “So how do you do that?” he asked.

  Rotom Dex nudged his way in front of Professor Kukui. “I will answer that with pleasure! A grand trial is a battle between the Trainer and the island kahuna. If the Trainer wins, the kahuna acknowledges the Trainer’s worthiness.”

  “Whoa,” Ash said. “Sounds like fun!”

  “Fun?” the professor questioned, pushing Rotom aside. “You’re up against a kahuna, so if you’re overconfident, you can get yourself hurt! And—”

  “According to my data,” Rotom interrupted, “a grand trial is preceded by lesser trials that must be overcome first.”

  “Got it. First some little trials, then BOOM!” cried Ash.

  “All right, all right,” Professor Kukui said, seeing Ash’s enthusiasm. “I think we should go pay a visit to Hala. He is the kahuna of Melemele Island.”

  “Right!” Ash cheered.

  “Pika! Pika!” Pikachu exclaimed.

  Soon Professor Kukui, Ash, Pikachu, and Rotom were on their way. Little did they know that there was trouble brewing close by. A pack of Rattata and Raticate had devoured a whole crop of Pinap Berries.

  When the farmer and his dog came out to chase the pesky Pokémon away, the pack scampered out of the field and started to stampede across a nearby street. Then the Rattata and Raticate ran right in front of three Tauros who were pulling a heavy load on a trailer. The Tauros had to stop so fast, their cargo of lumber toppled over and blocked the entire road.

  When Ash and the others came across the scene, they had no idea what had happened. “What’s going on?” Ash wondered.

  “I’d say it was an accident,” Rotom Dex replied.

  “Attention!” Officer Jenny called out. “This road will be closed until the timber can be removed. Until that happens, please use a different route.”

  Ash frowned. He wondered what could have caused the accident. It was frustrating. He didn’t want any delays in his new plan to earn a Z-Crystal. Why did there have to be an accident on this road, on today of all days?

  Professor Kukui approached Officer Jenny and asked if she could tell them what had happened. The officer recognized him at once.

  “Professor Kukui!” she said. She then explained that the whole problem was the fault of the menacing Rattata and Raticate. Ash was amazed that Pokémon could be responsible for such a mess.

  “Are you a student at the Pokémon School?” Officer Jenny asked.

  “Yeah, my name’s Ash,” he replied.

  “Pika! Pika!” Pikachu put in.

  “This is my partner, Pikachu, and Rotom Dex,” Ash continued.

  “I’m Officer Jenny. Glad to be at your service.” She raised her hand to her head in a salute. “Actually, I’m a graduate of the Pokémon School, too.”

  Ash’s face lit up. “Wow! That’s so cool!” he exclaimed. Then the excitement of the crowd distracted him. Everyone was in awe of a massive Pokémon’s strength as it helped move the timber off the road and back onto the trailer. It was Hariyama. Ash hurried toward it. “You’re so strong! Those logs are like twigs to you!”

  Ash was amazed to see a man lift one of the logs. He had a broad white mustache and white hair that was pulled in a ponytail on the back of his head. The man wore a yellow robe with wide sleeves and a white belt tied in a large knot at his waist.

  “This gentleman is Hala,” Professor Kukui told Ash. “He is the island kahuna.”

  Thanks a lot, Kahuna Hala,” Officer Jenny said.

  “Of course,” the man responded. “It’s my job to solve any problems the island may encounter.”

  Ash stared in amazement. This man was the island kahuna? And he was there to help with the accident that had stopped Ash and Profess
or Kukui? Could it really be a coincidence?

  “I have a cleanup crew on their way here now,” Officer Jenny assured the kahuna, pointing to a pickup truck. “And there they are.”

  A group of four Machamp jumped from the back of the truck. They immediately formed an assembly line. Each Machamp used all four arms to pass two logs at a time. It took only a few minutes for them to load all the logs back on the trailer.

  “Thank you for all your cooperation,” Officer Jenny called out to the crowd.

  Ash took the chance to talk directly to the kahuna. He wanted to let him know of his plans. “I’m actually here for the Island Challenge,” Ash explained.

  “I’m well aware of that,” Kahuna Hala replied. “I’ve been waiting,” the older man continued, “so why don’t you and the professor come by sometime soon?”

  “We certainly will, sir!” Professor Kukui assured him.

  * * *

  The very next day, Ash and Professor Kukui showed up at Kahuna Hala’s home.

  “Oh, that was fast,” Hala said when he answered the door. “Please come in.” He gave Professor Kukui, Ash, Pikachu, and Rotom Dex a tour of his home. When they passed his office, Ash noticed a shelf where several Z-Rings were displayed.

  Hala noted that Ash had eyed the powerful rings. “Yes,” he confirmed. “The Z-Ring you are now wearing is one that I made.”

  Ash was shocked. He had not realized that Kahuna Hala crafted Z-Rings. “You made it?” he questioned. “But I got it from Tapu Koko.”

  Hala nodded solemnly. “I thought that might be the case. One day, I noticed that one of my Z-Rings could not be accounted for,” he explained. “Then I realized it was the work of Tapu Koko.”

  “Has something like that ever happened before?” Ash’s teacher asked, curious.

  “This is the first time Tapu Koko’s ever taken a Z-Ring, that’s for sure,” Hala answered with certainty. “It appears Tapu Koko has a strong interest in you, young man.”

  “Huh?” Ash was confused by Kahuna Hala’s comment.

  “I’m just talking to myself,” the kahuna responded. By this time, they had all settled down on the comfortable couches in the kahuna’s living room. The kahuna’s Hariyama joined them.

  Ash decided it was time to get down to business. “Kahuna, I’d like to get a Z-Crystal as soon as I can. I’ll need it for when I battle Tapu Koko again.”

  “Again?” Hala repeated. He paused for a moment. “Ash, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to answer a question for me.”

  “A question? For me?” Ash wondered what the older man meant.

  “I assume you now know that the people of this island have been troubled by a rash of wild Rattata and Raticate. Am I right?”

  “Yes, sir,” Ash answered.

  “If you were the person being asked to solve this problem,” Hala continued, “what would you do?”

  Ash couldn’t answer right away. Professor Kukui chuckled to himself, as if he knew that the kahuna would expect Ash to tackle this kind of challenge.

  “I know!” Ash declared. “I’d take Pikachu and Rowlet and challenge them all to a battle, then—”

  “My young Ash,” Hala interrupted. “Are you interested in learning why the Island Challenge was started so many years ago? You see, it wasn’t simply to make Trainers stronger in battle. It was to raise young people in such a way that they will love and protect the islands of Alola as well as the many people and Pokémon who inhabit them.”

  What Kahuna Hala said made Ash thoughtful. “Love all that’s here and protect it,” Ash murmured. Pikachu curled up on Ash’s lap.

  Hala looked seriously at Ash. “I want you to look for answers that won’t only lead to battle. We’ll talk about the Z-Crystal after I’ve heard what you come up with.”

  Ash closed his eyes and put his arms behind his head. He tried to figure out the Rattata and Raticate problem.

  “During my trial,” Professor Kukui shared, “I spent quite a long time thinking about Hala’s question, too.”

  “During your trial?” Ash asked.

  “Yeah,” Professor Kukui confirmed.

  Kahuna Hala laughed at that. He knew Ash must be surprised that he had also been in charge of the Island Challenge for Ash’s teacher. “Food for thought, huh?” He smiled. “Instead of rushing through things and answering right away, why not take your time and think it over?”

  Ash sighed and thought about Hala’s question some more.

  * * *

  The next day at Pokémon School, Ash was still thinking. In fact, he was thinking so much that his classmates were amazed.

  “Ash has been thinking about something for that long?” Mallow said. Her Pokémon partner, Bounsweet, was sitting on her shoulder.

  “Incredible,” Lana commented.

  Ash had his head down on his desk, and he was moaning in pain—the pain of thinking especially hard.

  Finally, Kiawe couldn’t take it anymore. “All right, please tell us what Kahuna Hala said.”

  Ash’s head was still down, and his eyes were closed. He looked depressed.

  Kiawe sighed. “We may even be able to help you out.”

  Ash’s eyes popped open.

  “All you have to do is let us know what he said,” Lillie assured him.

  Ash told them everything he knew about the Rattata and Raticate, and he explained that his solution could not include a traditional Pokémon battle.

  Lillie, who loved to research, suggested they learn more about Rattata and Raticate. “That information might give us a clue,” she offered.

  “I believe that’s my cue,” Rotom said, swooshing in. Ash grabbed hold of the device so he could see the screen better. His classmates gathered around his desk.

  Ash was surprised to see the differences in the Alolan form of the long-toothed Pokémon. Somehow, the Alolan forms of these Mouse Pokémon seemed more menacing and fierce.

  “Rattata and its evolved form, Raticate,” Rotom Dex began. “The Mouse Pokémon. A Dark- and Normal-type. When they band together, Rattata and Raticate steal food from people’s homes. Long ago, they came here to the Alolan islands aboard cargo ships, and eventually grew into the Pokémon we see today. The numbers of Rattata and Raticate grew so large that Yungoos and Gumshoos were brought in from a different region to chase them off.”

  “That’s it!” the group of friends cheered.

  I see,” Kahuna Hala said to Ash when he visited the very next day. “You’re saying if we ask Yungoos and Gumshoos to help us, we can all solve the problem together?”

  “Yes, sir!” Ash responded.

  “Now, that’s a thoughtful and wise answer. It’s my answer, too.”

  “All right!” Ash exclaimed. He wondered what would happen next.

  “Now, I must be honest and tell you my question was to test whether you had what it takes to go through the actual trial itself,” Hala explained.

  Ash was surprised to hear that. “Then I should be honest and let you know that I found the answer together with all of my friends,” he confessed. “I hope that wasn’t wrong.”

  “No, not at all,” Kahuna Hala responded. “When we are searching for life’s answers, we should always look to our friends for help. That in itself is a very important life lesson!”

  Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Then, shall we go?” Hala asked. He stood up and led Ash out the door.

  They soon arrived at the mouth of a great cave. Kahuna Hala paused in front of the cave and informed Ash of the plan, which had several stages. “There are many Yungoos and Gumshoos living in this cave,” he explained. “They are all very strong, but there is one Gumshoos who is so amazingly powerful. It is called the Totem Pokémon.”

  “Totem Pokémon?” Ash repeated.

  “Yes. There are several Pokémon in Alola who have that name. Most of them are following the lead of the Island Guardians, as they assist Trainers who undertake the Island Challenge.” Hala peered at Ash to see if the young Trainer was f
ollowing his explanation. “So, Ash, your trial is to take on the Totem Pokémon in a Pokémon battle and be victorious. Then, if you succeed, I want you to chase away the Rattata and Raticate with the aid of the Totem Pokémon.”

  As soon as he finished, Kahuna Hala stepped into the moss-lined tunnel that led to the cave.

  “But wait,” Ash said, running to catch up. “Why would Gumshoos team up with me?”

  “Never fear!” Hala said, striding ahead. “If you can earn the Totem Pokémon’s respect during your battle challenge, it will assist you in your time of need.” They stepped into a giant cavern. “I will be watching. I will be the referee during your trial.”

  Ash looked around at the great space. Lush plants grew down the walls of red rock. There were several tunnels that led deeper into the hillside. Misty sunlight streamed in through two openings in the cave ceiling.

  “It’s huge,” Ash said under his breath. For the first time, he wondered if he was prepared for this challenge.

  “Totem Pokémon Gumshoos.” Kahuna Hala’s deep voice echoed through the cave. “You have a trial goer! Do your duty and grant him his trial!”

  “I’m Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!” Ash’s voice sounded small after Hala’s announcement. “I’m asking you for a battle!”

  “I can hear something,” Rotom Dex said. Ash and Pikachu looked around, wary.

  Two Pokémon appeared from the large tunnels on the higher level.

  “Are they Totem Pokémon?” Ash asked. While they had sharp teeth and appeared to be fast and strong, they were not especially large.

  “No, Ash, they are not,” Hala said. “They’re the Totem Pokémon’s allies. You’ll still have to battle them, however. We shall now begin the Pokémon battles that make up this trial!”

  Ash sighed. While he would have to battle the two Pokémon before him, it would only be the first round. The Totem Pokémon would come later. “Is there any data?” Ash asked Rotom.

  “But of course!” Rotom answered. “Yungoos, the Loitering Pokémon. And Gumshoos, the Stakeout Pokémon. Both are Normal-types. Yungoos have sturdy fangs and jaws, and when they evolve into Gumshoos, they gain a certain tenacity and patience.”


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