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River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2)

Page 12

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  Pulling away from me he turned and walked through to the kitchen. I followed him.

  He pulled a chair out and flopped down into it, “Wow, I’m pooped.” He said, “I missed you tonight.”

  My heart spiked at his admission. I smiled at him, “I missed you too – I love watching you dance – and I love talking to you during your breaks.” I just love you…

  He nodded, “Me too – are you gonna join me tomorrow night?”

  I nodded eagerly, “Yeah, definitely.” I said. Wild horses couldn’t stop me.

  “Is Jake home this weekend?” he asked.

  I shook my head, “No,” I replied sulkily. Jake had called again about an hour ago while he was out with his colleagues to some club so he was shouting at his end but he could hardly hear my replies. We gave up in the end and texted each other instead, which was not only frustrating but I got the impression he’d done it on purpose to avoid an argument when he told me he wasn’t coming back at the weekend.

  River raised an eyebrow, “No?” he asked incredulously, “Why not?”

  I shrugged, “Apparently they’ve got some fancy dinner to attend. The bosses are trying to grow the company or something and the other interested party wants to meet all of the employees.” It sounded like a total load of bollocks to me and I was beginning to think he was just interested in one of his colleagues – but then I reminded myself that just because I was finding it hard to keep my hands off my roommate, didn’t mean my boyfriend was as bad as I was…

  River shrugged, “Oh, right – I guess that makes sense – and I’ve got the weekend off… Wanna do something together?”

  Holy shit. Why did everything sound like an innuendo? I looked up at him. He was looking back at me with those intense green eyes and I couldn’t say no – I didn’t want to say no but this was definitely becoming a dangerous game… “Yeah,” I finally said, “Let’s do it – where are we going?”

  He grinned and shrugged, “I know a few places.”

  Chapter 31 – Perfect Day


  Buzz and Seth would definitely be telling me that this was a bad idea. They would both be telling me to forget all about Jodie Sutton and to find a guy to have a knee trembler in the bathroom with to get it out of my system – but random hook-ups no longer held any appeal for me. I wanted a proper boyfriend – I wanted Jodie and I was pretty sure he felt the same way about me too…

  Throwing caution to the wind – and easing my conscience by telling myself we were just two friends spending the weekend together – I decided to treat Jodie to a full weekend experience in and around my city. It meant driving quite a way from where we lived (since my house was totally out in the sticks) but that was fine with me. It also reminded me that Jodie loved my car and so I offered for him to drive us there.

  “Are you sure?” he asked me, his beautiful blue eyes all big and bright with glee.

  I grinned and nodded, “You’re not gonna crash her, are you?”

  He shook his head, “Course not.” He said, “Oh, man – this is so awesome – thank you!”

  He threw his arms around me and planted a big kiss on my cheek. I could just turn my head and this could become something else entirely.

  He pulled back slightly from me to look me in the face. I stared back at him, heart pounding and my breathing coming out in little gasps. Being around the same height and roughly the same build our noses lined up with each other perfectly. We were staring into each other’s eyes, both a little breathless and unsure what the next move was. It should have been for him to unravel himself from me and to step away… but he wasn’t moving and neither was I.

  I blinked and then looked at his mouth. His lips looked so soft. I knew they would feel amazing against my own – hell, they’d been against my own and various other places while we were drunk a few weeks back but I couldn’t exactly recall the way it had all felt apart from knowing that it had to have been amazing...

  He leaned in a little closer. Oh God… this was it. The moment it was all going to change… “Where are the keys?” he whispered.

  I huffed a nervous laugh. “In the kitchen drawer.” I said, grabbing his hand, “Come on – I’ll show you.”

  Valiantly ignoring the huge boner going on in my boxer shorts, I pulled him into the kitchen and rummaged in the drawer for the keys. I handed them to him, avoiding eye contact. I’d been so damned sure he was going to kiss me back there and I felt a little embarrassed about it now.

  He took the keys from my hand. “You’re blushing.” He whispered.

  I nodded, “Yeah, I’m not all that great at the whole doing something nice for someone thing – I find it a bit hard.”

  He smiled, “You’re better at it than you think.” He said, “Come on – let’s get this show on the road.”


  Jodie was a really good driver and he treated my baby with all the respect she deserved.

  We pulled into a multi-story car park in the city centre and then walked through the massive shopping centre to the older part of the city where all the boutique shops were.

  Just as I’d been when I first found them, Jodie was enchanted with the area, “Oh, wow, River.” He said, turning to me with shining eyes, “This place is amazing.”

  I nodded, “I know, right.” I agreed delightedly, “and there’s the best little coffee shop up here that does the most amazing hot chocolate – shall we?”

  He nodded. Slipping his hand into mine he squeezed it, “This is like the best first date ever.” He said with a grin.

  I wanted to keep his hand in mine all day – but it still wasn’t the best idea in this part of the city – and, I had to keep reminding myself, he wasn’t mine to hold hands with anyway.

  We got to the coffee shop and the girl behind the counter smiled at us in welcome, “Hey, guys,” she said, “What can I get you?”

  I ordered us both a hot chocolate while Jodie went off to find somewhere for us to sit.

  “Do you want the full works with the cream and marshmallows?” she asked.

  I grinned at her, “Well, what do you think?” I asked.

  She giggled, “You’re adorable.” She said, “Your boyfriend looks a bit like my brother.”

  It sounded so perfect but I was about to correct her. To tell her that he wasn’t my boyfriend, just my friend.

  Jodie appeared at my side at that very minute, “Is that so?” he asked, “Well, who do you think my boyfriend looks like?”

  She cocked her head to one side for a minute, studying my red face. “Ummm,” she pondered, “I think he looks a little bit like Alex Pettyfer…”

  Jodie’s eyes widened, “Oh, my God – you’re so right.” He agreed enthusiastically, “It’s been bugging me for weeks…”

  I shook my head, chuckling, “Get your drink.” I said, giving his arm a gentle shove, “And stop trying to embarrass me!”

  He grinned at me, “I’m not trying to embarrass you.” He said, “I genuinely agree with her.” He winked at the girl, who blushed and giggled again.

  We found the table he’d picked and sat down together. Jodie looked at me, “I’m sorry.” He said.

  I frowned at him, “What for?”

  He looked at me sheepishly, “For embarrassing you – I would never want to upset you.”

  I waved my hand in the air dismissively, “Hey, I’m not upset – Alex Pettyfer is hot.”

  He chuckled, “Not as hot as you on that podium dude – every guy in the place is sporting wood because of you.”

  I shook my head, “It’s all fake.” I muttered, “All of it – none of them actually care about me.”

  He frowned, “You what?”

  I shrugged, aware that I sounded like I was whining about something that most guys would kill for. “They just see the body – and that’s fine, because that’s all I want them to have – but I’m sick of the one-night-stand life. I want more.” I want you…

  He nodded, stirring his hot chocolate. “I understand.�
�� He said softly, “You need someone that sees what I see.”

  Oh God. Yes I did. “And what do you see?” I asked, trying my best not to flirt.

  He smiled, “The whole person – the damaged bits and all – and I still think you’re amazing.” He said softly.

  I swallowed. He really did see everything, this guy. “Wow,” I said quietly, “Thanks, man.”

  He reached across the table and took my hand in his, “I just wish I’d met you sooner.” He whispered.

  I nodded. Looking up at him, at the way he was looking at me, I knew what he meant. He wished he’d met me before he met Jake. I wished exactly the same thing. “Me too.” I said.

  We finished our drinks in near silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

  Jodie finally spoke, “Where next?”

  I shook off my melancholy thoughts and smiled, “Well, I figured shopping was as much your thing as it was mine?”

  He grinned and nodded, “Of course.” He agreed.

  I grinned back, “So we’ll hit the shops and then shall we get something to eat?”

  He nodded, “Sounds like a plan.” He said.

  As we neared the city centre, it became apparent that a funfair had arrived, along with the Christmas market. I turned to Jodie, “Want to go on the merry-go-round?”

  He laughed, “I take it you want to go on the merry-go-round?”

  I nodded, grinning like a little kid, “I always loved it when I was a kid – before…”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to it, “Two tickets please.” He said to the surly looking guy on the booth.

  “That’ll be ten pounds, lads.” He said.

  I gaped at him, “Ten pounds?” I asked, “Jeez, that’s a bit bloody expensive isn’t it?”

  He grimaced and nodded, “Yeah, I know.” He said, rolling his eyes, “The council’s increased the rates for us to hire the site – we have to make it back somehow.”

  I looked at Jodie, “It’s too much.” I said, “You don’t get enough money to waste it on me.”

  Jodie shook his head, “I don’t care how much it costs,” he insisted pulling me forward, “– if you want to go on, we’re going on.”

  The guy in the booth looked at us, “Are you gonna buy a ticket or what?” he asked in a bored voice.

  I shook my head as Jodie nodded, “Yes,” he said to my “No.”

  The guy laughed, “I’d listen to your boyfriend if I were you.” He said to Jodie, “It’s a right rip off.”

  Jodie’s jaw dropped, “This is your business you’re dissing, dude.” He said, “I tell you what – charge us half.”

  He looked around to check where his boss was and then nodded his head, “It’s not my business,” he said, “I’m just the hired help and what the hell – it’s Christmas. Half’s better than none, right?” he flashed us both a grin.

  I chuckled, “Fine.” I said handing over a fiver.

  We chose a pair of fine looking horses next to each other and waited while the ride filled up with little kids and their parents.

  “That’s the second person today who thought we were a couple.” Jodie said.

  I nodded, “I know.” I said, smiling at him, “I guess we must compliment each other.”

  He nodded, “I think you’re right. We do.”

  The day passed perfectly. We bought a bag of candyfloss, giggling at each other for getting it all over our faces and then we had a go on the hook-a-duck, which Jodie turned out to be really good at. He won a hideous looking fake minion and carried it around until he saw a little kid crying because her dad couldn’t win her a minion, no matter what he did.

  Jodie approached the rather frantic looking father. “Excuse me, mate.” He said, “I just won this minion – my boyfriend doesn’t want it – he’d prefer a diamond earring.” He grinned from ear to ear, “So if your daughter would like it – it’s all yours.”

  The guy beamed at him in relief, “Seriously?” he said, “Are you sure?”

  Jodie nodded, “absolutely.” He said, “You have a good day – and a great Christmas.”

  He ambled back over to me, “Problem solved.” He said with a grin.

  I nodded, watching the little girl jumping up and down and hugging the minion for all she was worth. Jodie had just totally made her day. What a wonderful human being he was. “Look at that.” I said, “She’s adorable.”

  He nodded, “Yeah,” he said, “her dad was pretty cute too.”

  Jodie’s phone started ringing then, making me jump and reminding me strongly that Jodie wasn’t actually mine – but my best friend’s boyfriend. I was just the stand in for today…

  “Hey babe.” Jodie wandered away from me to talk to Jake and I had to remind myself that that was fine. He wasn’t mine. I had no claim on him whatsoever.

  He walked back over to me with a bit of a frown on his face.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  He shrugged and nodded, “I guess.” He said, “He was out with that Steve guy again.”

  “Steve?” I asked. It was the first time he’d ever been mentioned to me.

  Jodie let a big sigh go, “I’m probably just being stupid…”

  I raised an eyebrow, “Are you worried that he’s cheating on you?”

  He shook his head, “No… I don’t know, maybe.” He rubbed his eyes and dragged his hands through his hair. Wow, he really was stressing over this, “I don’t know – he’s always with him…”

  I shrugged, “He could probably argue that you’re always out with me.” I said to point out that it was probably nothing for him to worry about – just two guys enjoying each other’s company.

  His reply, therefore, kind of floored me, “Yeah, and that’s what worries me,” he muttered, “I’m only just managing to keep my hands off you.”

  I gazed at him, “Dude.” I said softly, “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  He blushed, “I’m sorry,” he said, “Please, just ignore me. I’m just sounding off because I’m scared that he’ll find someone better.”

  I shook my head, “He’d be a total fool if he did find someone else – he’s never gonna find anyone better than you.”

  Jodie sighed, “I’ve kind of lost my appetite for shopping now.” He said, “Shall we make tracks back home?”

  I smiled and nodded, “Sure – we could go to the Malt Cross pub in the village – it’s lovely at this time of year – it’s got a real fire and everything.”

  Jodie nodded enthusiastically, “Oh, that sounds great – I’ll buy you dinner.” He said happily.

  We arrived back home just as it started snowing outside. “Oh, wow – it’s snowing.” Jodie said, “And it’s settling! This is so fucking cool, it never snows where I live!”

  I chuckled. He was like a kid at Christmas. “What are you doing for Christmas – you and Jake I mean – are you staying with me or going back to see your folks?” I was really hoping they’d be staying. There was nothing more depressing than sitting on my own all day Christmas waiting to go to work just to dance with some faceless dude for something to do to remind me that I was actually alive.

  He blinked, “Uh, well – I was assuming we were staying here – Jake’s working for most of it – the firm doesn’t close for long over the Christmas period so he’s got Christmas Day and Boxing day but he’s back straight after.”

  I smiled, “Then we’ll get a turkey and all the trimmings and have a real family Christmas.”

  He nodded enthusiastically. “How far is it to the pub?” he asked as we skidded around the corner.

  “Just around this corner – look.” I pointed to the thatched roofed cottage that was stood right in front of us and heard Jodie’s soft little “oh” as he looked at it.

  “What a lovely building.” He murmured, “I love it.”

  I nodded, “Me too – it’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  We crossed the road, careful not to slip on the settling snow and stamped our way inside.

  Brenda, the landlady looked up and smiled, “Ah, hello River.” She said, “How are you?”

  I smiled, “I’m good, thanks.”

  Brenda had been kind enough to give me a job when I first arrived in the village and she’d also told me about Studs and Steel opening and needing dancers even before Rob had. Her nephew frequented the nightclub on a regular basis and although I’d never hooked up with him, I knew him pretty well. He was a nice guy.

  She put two pints of beer on the bar, “And is this your young man?” She asked, smiling at Jodie in a friendly way.

  I shot Jodie an alarmed look and was about to deny it when Jodie grinned and extended his hand, “Jodie Sutton.” He said, “It’s really nice to meet you.”

  Brenda blushed like a girl and giggled, “Nice to meet you too.” She said, “I was beginning to think that River was never going to settle down.”

  I picked up Jodie’s pint and handed it to him, “Shall we sit over there?” I asked nodding towards the fire.

  He nodded enthusiastically, “See you later, Brenda.” He said as I manoeuvred him over to the chairs by the fire.

  “Stop encouraging her.” I said with a laugh, “She’ll have us married by the end of the night!”

  Jodie chuckled, “She’s adorable.” He said, “And she obviously thinks a lot of you.”

  I nodded, “She’s a nice woman.” I agreed. I sat down and took a sip of my beer. It was absolutely perfect.

  Jodie took a drink of his too and sighed happily, “She knows how to keep beer.” He said.

  I nodded, “Totally.”

  Jodie picked up the menu and shuffled around the table to sit next to me as we perused it. “Ooh,” Jodie said, “Hunters Chicken – I’m having that.”

  I chose the sausage and mash with onion gravy and minted mushy peas and Jodie went up to the bar to order. I sat admiring the way his jeans hung off his hips. Damn he was gorgeous – and belonged to Jake. Not to me. It was becoming my new mantra – it was the only way I was able to keep reminding myself.

  He came back from the bar with another two pints.


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