Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3)

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Primal Paradox (Men of the Pack Book 3) Page 14

by Parker Skye

  Logan caught several muttered conversations in the crowd and realized his worst fears were confirmed. Not only was the planned shifter fight distasteful, but it was also highly illegal. Logan’s heart dropped when he saw the glowing red numbers hanging magically in the air above the ring. A time clock was slowly ticking down to zero underneath the notice.

  Tiger 10-1

  Opponent 50-1

  Double Death

  “What do the numbers mean?” Logan queried his alpha, fearing he already knew the answer. Alpha Leikos ran a hand across his mouth in apparent disgust.

  “Those are odds. Looks like the tiger, who I assume is Jude, is favored to win by ten to one. Don’t know what he’s going up against, though. The odds may change once his opponent is revealed,” the alpha said. Logan waited for the rest, but the alpha failed to continue.

  “What about the other part? The ‘death’ part. What does that mean?” Logan asked, his growing anxiety leaking out through his voice’s higher pitch. If Logan wasn’t bordering on terrified right then, he would have been mortified. The alpha exhaled and turned to meet Logan’s gaze directly. He put his hands on Logan’s shoulders as if preparing to hold him up for the blow he was about to deliver.

  “That means if one of them kills the other, the odds are doubled,” Alpha Leikos explained, more than a hint of sadness in his tone. Logan’s eyes flew open wide and he started to jerk away. He had to run to his mate. To find him. Protect him. He had to before his mate was hurt. Even worse, killed.

  His brain was on overload and Logan would have shifted then if the magics in the building hadn’t prevented it. He could sense every time his wolf tried to come forth, something in the air pushed his other half back down.

  The alpha’s hands didn’t budge, making Logan’s flailing for freedom look more like a fight between them than an alpha offering support for one of his pack. Just then the crowd went wild as someone entered the ring below. All eyes turned to focus on the man as he started to speak. Apparently another warlock, as the man’s voice magically amplified so it boomed through the room, drowning out the crowd’s growing murmurs of excitement.

  “In this corner, current leader in the South rankings, undefeated through seven battles, one resulting in death. The Tiger!”

  The crowd’s roar was deafening as Jude, shirtless and barefoot, wearing only an old pair of jeans climbed into the ring. Logan groaned at the sight of his mate, his golden face and chest still recovering from recent bruising. The empty look in his mismatched eyes struck Logan as the worst injury of all. When the crowd finally calmed to a dull roar, the announcer continued.

  “In this corner, new comer to the South, reigning champion of the Great Lakes district, undefeated through eighteen battles, twelve resulting in death. The Dragon!”

  If the cheers for Jude’s entry were a storm, the ones for his opponent were a hurricane. Logan could feel the crowd’s excitement as the surprise contender was revealed to be a definite ringer. The upper deck vibrated underfoot as the crowd pounded their fists down on the rails like a call for blood.

  When the other shifter climbed into the ring, Logan admitted he really didn’t look much larger or threatening than Jude. He was about the same height and muscular build, his skin only a darker burnished bronze. Despite his deceptive stance, though, Logan knew instinctively a tiger could never hold up against a dragon, no matter in which form they fought. Before he even realized he’d made the move, Logan pushed his alpha away and launched himself over the rail. His alpha’s hands barely missed grabbing his arm as he fell. Logan heard his brother’s anguished scream.

  “Logan, no!”

  He knew that sound would stay with him the rest of his life. Well…the few seconds he had left, it seemed. The announcer looked up and his mouth flew open comically just before Logan landed directly on top of him. Logan was hugely thankful for the warlock’s slightly doughy physique. He doubted the svelte Kai would have made much of a cushion.

  Logan rolled instinctively, rising in front of Jude’s corner. He knew he was putting himself in grave danger but couldn’t stop from trying to protect his mate. The dragon seemed briefly stunned, but then his expression morphed. Apparently he was even more excited by the challenge. The dragon’s human face appeared maniacal as it roared, the sound nothing near possible from a mere human. The harsh sound left Logan’s ears ringing. The dragon’s eyes began to glow red and Logan braced himself. Unconsciously, Logan reached around and felt for the handle of the gun he still had tucked in the waistband of his jeans. He swung the weapon free, pointed in the dragon’s general direction, and fired. He kept firing until he was squeezing the trigger on empty air.

  The crowd above the pit screamed and howled their displeasure at this violation of the rules. Logan stared unmoving, unable to fully digest what he’d just done. Suddenly, an arm was around his waist and he was lifted bodily from the floor. He found himself dangling over a shoulder, remembering fondly the last time his mate had used this move on him. Logan groaned, remembering how he’d pretended to hate it at the time. In fact, he’d secretly loved his mate’s show of strength. Logan never dreamed to be matched with someone that could top his strong nature, but somehow fate had seen fit to send him the perfect gift. Then Logan had gone and refused it. Unable to process anymore, Logan’s vision swam and the world went black.

  Chapter 24


  Jude was going to fucking kill Kai when this was all over, if he survived, he admitted to himself. A fucking dragon! Earlier in the evening, Jude had suspected he was being set up and, once again, his instincts had been right.

  That fucking warlock was going to regret his double-cross, Jude told himself. Jude just had to stay alive. He didn’t have to win; he just couldn’t let himself be killed. He’d eventually heal and then he’d track Kai down and take great pleasure in ripping him into small, bloody chunks very, very slowly.

  Jude looked overhead and found the warlock leaning on the nearest gangway railing, smirking down at him. Jude had seen that same look directed at Kai’s other victims so often that it was etched on his brain in permanent marker. Jude pointed one finger in the warlock’s direction, making sure Kai knew the message was for him alone. When Kai’s smile widened in response, Jude reversed his hand’s direction and drew his pointer finger across his neck in an unspoken promise. Kai laughed and waved goodbye.

  Jude forced his anger down, knowing his only hope was to redirect his anger at Kai at his current opponent instead. He promised himself if he made it through this, this was his last fight. He’d been a fool to walk away from his mate, no matter if Logan accepted him or not. Jude had run back to the devil he’d known trying to protect his mate from an unwanted claiming. Jude was done trying to distract his tiger with its love of blood and violence.

  Honestly, it didn’t seem to be working anymore anyway. With each fight, his tiger had grown more and more dissatisfied. Jude knew it was only a matter of time before his tiger forced the issue. Obviously, his true mate was too important to be set aside no matter how large the beast’s bloodlust could be. Even now Jude’s tiger paced just under the surface, kept suppressed by the magically-enhanced building. Jude felt the beast’s worsening frustration and feared it was well on the path to madness. His tiger’s angry ‘Mate Mate Mate’ echoed through Jude’s brain like a broken record.

  “Fucking shut up so I can get my shit together,” Jude silently pleaded with his inner beast. When Logan landed in front of him, cleverly using the chubby warlock announcer to break his fall, Jude finally understood what his tiger had been trying to tell him. Jude stood in shock as his mate stood in front of his corner, challenging the dragon with his mere presence. As fearsome as Jude knew Logan to be, a wolf was no match for a dragon, even if his opponent hadn’t already been a seasoned fighter.

  Maybe together, though, they could manage to get out of this alive, Jude decided. He didn’t give a shit about the rules anymore. This match had been rigged from the beginning and Jude was
n’t going to risk death now that his mate was in his grasp once again.

  Jude began to step up to Logan’s side, but before he could move an inch his mate pulled out a handgun and unbelievably emptied the entire clip into the dragon shifter. Jude wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all, but knew he didn’t have the time. The dragon’s wounds were no way fatal. They had better both be gone before the dragon gained consciousness.

  Jude tried to get Logan’s attention, yelling at his mate that they needed to run. Logan just stared as he kept firing the empty gun, his finger depressing the trigger over and over. Realizing his mate must be in shock, Jude threw Logan over his shoulder and ran for the door.

  The crowd above was roaring in outrage and apparently unwilling to let the evening go without a fight of some kind. Bodies rained down onto the first floor as a vicious battle began amongst the members of the crowd. Jude spared a single second to look for Kai, but couldn’t locate the warlock in the chaotic melee. Whether he was involved in the fight or had managed to slink away untouched as was his usual modus operandi, Jude didn’t know. It didn’t matter. Jude vowed he would get the asshole one day regardless. Kai could count on it.

  Jude pushed through the double doors and entered the tunnel that connected all the warehouse’s outbuildings. He took the first flight of stairs at random and soon found himself running between cars in the crowded lot, doing his best to reach the area outside the building’s magical field. If he could just get past the barrier, Jude could coax his mate to shift. Once in their fur, Jude knew they would have a much better chance of escape. Not only that, but they would be much more able to defend themselves if any of their enemies caught up.

  Just before he reached the tree line, a blue SUV pulled haphazardly to a stop blocking their escape. Jude pivoted and made to head the opposite direction when a familiar voice shouted frantically, causing Jude to halt in his tracks.

  “Jude! This way! Come on, Jude. They’re coming!” Jude told himself once again how lucky Ryan was to have Izzy for a mate. He turned back to the SUV and threw Logan bodily in the back. He climbed over Logan’s limp body, momentarily unconcerned at causing his unconscious mate further harm. Logan was tough. Jude knew he would heal.

  The back door slammed behind him and Jude secured Logan in place with a seatbelt. Before he had a chance to get settled himself, though, the vehicle rocked and Jude found himself thrown into the opposite door. Izzy spun the SUV in a tight circle and roared out of the lot. Jude looked up to find headlights following. Lots of headlights. And they were getting closer.

  “Fucking drive, Izzy! They're gaining on us!” Jude yelled. He placed a kiss on Logan’s still lips and climbed over console pulling himself into the copilot’s spot.

  “Turn left! Left! No your other left!” Jude yelled frantically as if the volume of his voice would make the vehicle magically go faster. Jude felt the SUV’s outer wheels leave the road’s surface as Izzy completed the sharp turn. Jude began to plan their escape if the vehicle actually rolled on its side. Jude held his breath, blowing it out in a rush when the wheels crunched back onto asphalt. Izzy crowed loudly obviously proud of his stunt driving skills.

  Jude looked back at their pursuers and saw the two lead cars hadn’t been so lucky. They’d apparently missed the turn until it was too late, one running up onto the curb and crashing into a tree. The other vehicle actually had rolled as the driver cut the corner too hard in an attempt to avoid the first. The bloated black SUV effectively blocked the road completely as it lay on its side, its wheels still spinning in the air fruitlessly.

  Chapter 25


  It was pitch black when Logan eventually opened his eyes. He briefly wondered if he was dead before he heard the heavy rumbling just over his shoulder. He doubted the afterlife snored. His mate’s welcome scent flooded his nostrils and Logan tried to turn over wanting to feel Jude’s face, even if he couldn’t see it.

  Unfortunately, the heavy weight across his waist and legs made movement impossible. Jude’s hand found its mate’s and twined their fingers together. Satisfied for the moment, Logan’s eyes fell shut again and he drifted back into dreams of the future.

  The next time Logan woke, he found himself once again naked on the banks of Silver Moon Lake. The sun was shining bright overhead just as it had before. Logan’s skin glistened with sweat as he was bathed in its steady warmth. Logan heard his brother shift at his side, clearing his throat. Logan turned his head, readying himself for a continuation of Ben’s lecture regarding Logan’s stupid life choices. Instead, he found Jude’s head turned toward him, a wide smile stretching his beautiful face.

  “Hey there,” Jude said.

  “Hey, yourself,” Logan answered. Logan looked around in confusion. “How’d we get here? Weren’t we just being chased by a mob in Dallas?”

  Instead of answering, Jude straddled Logan’s hips and grinned down at his mate. Logan put the thought out of his mind as Jude captured Logan’s mouth hungrily. A brief brush of firm lips soon morphed into a hard press. Logan moaned as Jude’s tongue forced itself inside his mouth, then set up a duel with his own. Logan’s cock throbbed as Jude ground his hips, making Logan wonder again what had taken him so long to accept this as his new reality.

  Any trace of Logan’s resistance dissolved when Jude dropped one large hand between them and forced their lengths together inside his fist. Logan was practically drowning in the unexpected pleasure; his precome joining with Jude’s to soothe the dry friction between them. Every thrust of Jude’s cock against his own was a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  When Jude finally released his mouth, Logan’s lips felt bruised and swollen. Jude’s mouth wasn’t done yet, though, as it latched onto the skin over Logan’s left collarbone and sucked hard. Logan knew the tiger was marking him and he vowed to wear the angry bruise proudly. When teeth replaced lips and bit down hard, almost breaking the skin, Logan could hold back no longer. He screamed his release on Jude’s name. Jude’s fist tightened and Logan’s mate shuddered on a groan, joining Logan in his pleasure. Warm, wet heat mixed with Logan’s own as it splashed across his belly like a fiery brand. Logan welcomed his mate’s heavy weight as it pressed him down into the sandy earth. His eyes closed of their own accord and, once again exhausted, Logan allowed himself to sink again into the black.

  When Logan was able to finally break free from the abyss of exhaustion that seemed intent on swallowing him whole, he found himself alone. Sunlight bathed across Logan’s chest and he scanned the room frantically. He was obviously in a hotel room, but had no memory of how he’d gotten there.

  “Was it all a dream?” Logan wondered. Logan launched himself from the rumpled sheets and ran to the bathroom mirror. There on his left collarbone was the evidence. A deep purple bruise. It throbbed slightly as Logan poked it with his index finger.

  “Shit. No denying it now,” Logan muttered to himself. He quickly showered, refusing to acknowledge the faint traces of dried semen he scrubbed from his belly button. Apparently Jude had mostly cleaned him up before leaving otherwise the evidence would have been undeniable.

  Logan leaned his head on the shower wall and closed his eyes. He didn’t know if he was more pissed with himself for losing control or with Jude for apparently abandoning him again. Logan let the warm water try to bathe away his storm of emotions, but Logan doubted even a tsunami would be effective in this instance. The fabric shower curtain shifted and Logan suddenly wasn’t alone. Jude’s warm front pressed all along Logan’s back. His strong arms wrapped around Logan’s waist. As soon as Logan’s brain caught up, his spine stiffened reflexively. Jude stepped back putting mere inches between them and let his arms fall to his sides.

  “Sorry. I thought you were okay with this now. With us,” Jude said. Logan was surprised at how calm the other man sounded. He knew if their roles had been reversed, Logan would have been pissed. Logan thumped his forehead repeatedly on the shower wall, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make his po
int that he was equally frustrated. Logan couldn’t just flip a switch and be gay all of a sudden. Even if Jude was truly his mate, Logan was still having trouble fully accepting how much his life would have to change.

  As quickly as he’d arrived, Jude was gone. Logan finished showering and stalled for time as long as he thought plausible. He looked at himself once more in the mirror, remembering the passion he’d felt with the other man earlier in the day. It no longer felt real, but the love bite on Logan’s collarbone was exactly where he’d remembered Jude’s mouth attacking in the dream. He shivered at the memory, running the towel roughly through his dark black locks. Logan pretended the cooling droplets racing down his back were the only things causing the goosebumps all along his flesh.

  Logan sighed deeply and realized he couldn’t hide in the bathroom forever. He tightened his towel around his waist and stepped back into the bedroom. Jude watched him from his perch on the bed, his expression both worried and hopeful somehow. Logan felt his wolf sit up and whine at sighting its mate again. Logan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His attempt at clearing his mind was thwarted by Jude’s familiar scent flooding his nostrils. Logan’s eyes flew open as he found himself flying through the air, landing with a thud on the bed. Jude’s hands ripped the towel away and started to make quick work at removing his own clothes. Logan pushed at Jude’s chest panicked.


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