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Ryder (Sons of Sangue Book 6)

Page 17

by Patricia A. Rasey

  Ryder ran a hand through the hair at the top of his head.

  What a fucked-up situation.

  Using the story that the two of them had just arrived in Cabo San Lucas on their honeymoon, he’d been pleased when the hotel clerk upgraded them to one of the nicer, more spacious rooms. It was the best Ryder could do for Gabby under the circumstances. As it was, she had grown increasingly quieter the farther away they got from La Paz, worrying him.

  None of this could be easy on her.

  She could have refused his demand that she go with him and yet here she stood. Ryder reminded himself, no matter what the bastard had done, Raúl was still her flesh and blood and had saved her from a life of poverty. Surely, she loved the man.

  Gabby tossed her backpack onto the bed and began digging through it. She pulled out a floral sundress and a pair of panties. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  Without waiting for his response, not that he had one, she padded across the floor and entered the bathroom. He heard the lock snick into place, effectively shutting him out. Ryder couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking as he had done nothing more than defend her against her uncle’s goons. Yes, he had killed them, but they had given him little choice. Her uncle, on the other hand, deserved more than Ryder had given him. At least knocking his sorry ass out had bought them some time.

  Ryder hadn’t harmed Raúl, no matter how strong the desire to do so.

  Hearing the shower start, he pulled his cell from his pocket and called Grigore. He needed to know if the Tepes twins had made it to La Paz.

  “Where the fuck are you?” Grigore answered.

  “Hell of a greeting.” Ryder steeled his jaw, reminding himself that he had caused this mess. “I’m in Cabo San Lucas with Gabby. We’re safe for now. Viper and Hawk make it?”

  “A few hours ago.”

  “What’s the plan?”

  Grigore grumbled. “Finishing what you started.”

  Kane’s voice came on the line. “Ignore Wolf, Ryder. We got this. You just keep Gabriela safe.”

  “Do you know if Raúl is still at his estate?”

  “We’ve had men casing the place,” Kane said. “We haven’t had eyes on Raúl yet, but I’m betting he’s still in residence. The soldiers walking the grounds are far too alert for him not to be there. I think you’ve made the man nervous. We’re going to lay low today, keep an eye on the place and go in tomorrow. With any luck, the world will be wiped clean of this son of a bitch by this time tomorrow.”

  “Good luck and stay safe. Cara will have my ass if you don’t make it back.”

  Kane chuckled. “No doubt in that. Gabriela know what’s going on?”

  Ryder sucked in a deep breath and released it. “No. She only knows that I took out two of her uncle’s men because they tried to harm her.”

  “She know you’re a vampire?”

  “Fuck, no. I hypnotized her.”

  “Good,” Kane replied. “Lay low and keep her away from the public eye. We don’t need Raúl’s men recognizing her and complicating matters. We’ll take care of things here. We’ll be in touch when it’s finished.”

  “Great. I can’t wait to get the fuck back to Oregon.”

  “You’re leaving?” Gabriela exited the bathroom. Just fucking perfect. “Oregon? I thought you were from California?”

  Ryder stifled a groan. It figured she’d be the one woman on the planet who could take a quick shower.

  “Got to run. I’ll chat with you soon.”

  Ryder hit END on his phone and glanced at Gabby. Without makeup, hair wrapped in a towel, she looked young and innocent. Fuck if his dick didn’t harden at the sight. Wanting her wasn’t a problem. Honesty, though? Ryder shook his head and crossed the room, gripping her bare shoulders. The stellar sundress she’d donned hugged her every curve, barely covering her ass. Damn, but she was stunning, even with her hair in the towel. So much so, she robbed him of his breath.

  Moisture gathered in her eyes. “You lied to me?”

  “I am from California, ángel, or at least I was. I was a Devil, part of their MC, for a big part of the last decade.” Ryder opted for as much of the truth as he could. “Those fucks wanted me killed for being a snitch, only I didn’t die. So, I moved north to Oregon and joined a rival MC. That was before I came here looking for work.”

  “You said you couldn’t wait to get back to Oregon. Is that true? Are you leaving me in Cabo San Lucas?”

  He shook his head. “No, ángel. I wouldn’t leave you to fend off your uncle and his men on your own. I won’t head home until I know you’re safe.”

  “But you’re still leaving.” It was an accusation, not a question.

  He nodded, feeling like the biggest asshole. “I doubt your uncle will roll out a welcome mat for me now. I killed two of his men. You realize that, right? Your uncle will have me killed, Gabby. I can’t stay.”

  She lifted her chin. “Then I’ll go with you.”

  Ryder stepped away from her. “You belong here. Your uncle would never stop looking for you. Besides, we come from two very different worlds. I sleep in a small room at my MC’s clubhouse. I have no place I call home. We don’t have a pool unless you count the bathtub. And a view of the ocean? You can’t even hear the waves lapping the shore.”

  A tear slipped past her lashes. “I don’t care about all of that, Ryder. It’s just stuff.”

  “You say that now. But if I let you come with me, how long before you start missing your designer clothes and shoes? How long before you start to resent me for not being able to afford you any of that? Your uncle is the only family you have. Mexico is your home.”

  His chest pained him, right in the area of his heart, to know that he and the Sons were taking the only family she had from her.

  “I don’t need him.”

  “You say that now. Tell me, Gabby, why have you been so fucking quiet on the way here?”

  She drew her lower lip between her teeth and looked at the floor. He brought up her gaze by tipping her chin, refusing to let her hide the emotion in her eyes. Ryder wanted to see the truth, already knew what she’d say.

  “Because I was worried about him.”

  “Your uncle?”

  Ryder dropped his hold and she nodded, clasping her small hands in front of her, casting down her gaze again. Fuck! Just as he thought, she was never going to forgive him once tomorrow was over and the Sons headed back north. She’d be one rich woman, but her uncle would have gone the way of her father.

  “He was alive when I left him, Gabby. I swear that to you.”

  “I believe you. It’s just, I know he has to be worried about me and I have no way of letting him know I’m okay.”

  “He has to know I’d never hurt you.”

  “I’m sure, but it’s not the same as hearing it from me.” She looked at Ryder. “Can I use your phone, let him know he doesn’t need to worry? I want him to know I came of my own free will, Ryder. It might help should his men find us.”

  “You’re worried he’ll kill me?”

  Gabby stepped closer, placing her palm on his face. More tears slipped down her cheeks. “I know he will.”

  Just hearing that she worried about him spiked his need for her. Now was not the time and yet he couldn’t help the desire sluicing through him. Ryder drew her closer so there was no mistaking the hard evidence of his hunger trapped between them. He pulled the terrycloth white towel from her head. Soft brown curls tumbled about her shoulders. Never had she looked more beautiful. And never had he wanted her more.

  Slanting his lips over hers, he took possession, sliding his tongue into her mouth. The feel of her tongue against his spurred his craving. She tasted of fresh mint. Gabby threaded her fingers through his hair at the base of his skull, giving of herself. And although he knew he should stop, practice a little self-control for once since starting this fucking mission, he didn’t have it in him.

  Breaking the kiss, he quickly used the words to shadow his vampiric feature
s that were swiftly emerging. Once her eyes glazed over, he picked her up and carried her to the waiting bed. In his haste, he shoved the dress up her waist and pull down her panties. Ryder wasted no time tugging his shirt over his head and then releasing his cock. His jeans stayed low on his hips. He crawled between her legs and entered her in one quick thrust.

  Fuck, she felt like home.

  Covering her mouth with his, he made love to her, showing her with his body what his words could not. Telling her that he had fallen in love with her would only complicate matters. He’d not further violate her that way. Better for her to think he was an ass and took what he needed to get his job done than to know he loved her and had followed through with his mission anyway.

  * * *

  “You can’t keep me for-fucking-ever!” Mircea roared when Vlad entered the room. “I swear I’ve lost my damn patience with you. If I get out of here, I’ll fucking destroy everything you hold dear.”

  “Such language coming from you.” Vlad chuckled. “And that, dear brother, is the reason I cannot allow you to leave. Not until your mindset changes where my relatives are concerned.”

  “You’re a smug bastard. I’ll give you that.” Mircea narrowed his gaze. “But mark my words, Vlad, you son of a bitch … I will get out of here.”

  Vlad sat on the sofa, crossing a bare foot over his knee. He rested his hands on his thighs and smiled. “You know, we could get beyond all of this silliness if you would just call a truce.”

  “A truce?” His brother’s voice went up an octave. “You’re fucking kidding, right? You kidnap me and hold me against my will and you want a truce? Un-fucking-believable.”

  “I also gave you luxurious accommodations while you continue to drink through my collection of the finest wines, not to mention enough blood to sustain you. You have music, television, and books. What more could you possibly want?”

  “To get laid, for one thing.”

  Vlad chuckled again. “How long has it been?”

  “A couple of days.”

  His laughter cut short. “What do you mean only a few days? You’ve been here—”

  It was Mircea’s turn to laugh. “Thank you for the use of your servants. The petite one with the gorgeous red hair, is particularly good at giving head. Fuck, she looked fantastic on her knees while working my cock.”

  “My servants are not yours to toy with,” Vlad roared. He created a monster.

  “I’m a vampire, for crying out loud. Surely, you realize I wasn’t meant to go without, and yet you don’t provide me with that.” Mircea shrugged. “So, I helped myself.”

  Vlad supposed Mircea had a point. The last thing he needed was a sexually frustrated bastard on his hands, taking his needs out on his non-consensual staff.

  “I can’t have you forcing yourself on the women. That’s not what I pay them for.”

  Mircea rolled his eyes. “Tell me that you haven’t used them for your own sexual favors.”

  “They come to my bed willingly, you ass. I would never force a woman to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. I have no need to force anyone. You on the other hand—”

  “You have a fucking harem.” Mircea ignored his jibe altogether, knowing full well Vlad was the better looking of the two. “I would think you could spare a few.”

  “A harem? There are only a few here who grace my bed.”

  “Then loan me the redhead.”

  His ire heated at the thought of the tiny slip of a woman being harmed by his brother. Hell, Vlad had never used her, afraid that someone of his size might unintentionally hurt her. “The redhead you speak of, did you force her?”

  Mircea smiled and spread his arms wide. “No worries, dear brother. I hypnotized the entire event from her memory. She has no recollections of the fantastic blowjob she gave me.”

  And somehow, that seemed worse. Dear Lord, Mircea was an idiot. “You may use my staff only if they are like-minded. I’ll not have you forcing them to meet your needs, then hypnotizing the entire event from their minds. Am I clear? If not, I won’t allow my women staff members to come anywhere near your quarters.”

  Again, a roll of his eyes. Vlad was really beginning to think there was no saving this one.

  “Agreed?” he said with a little more force.

  “Yes, yes. Overdramatic as always.” Mircea sat in the chair flanking the sofa. “If it makes you feel better, the redhead has taken a liking to me. I didn’t have to force myself on her.”

  “Then why hypnotize her?”

  “To keep you from getting so fucking bent out of shape when she started gossiping about our dalliances. Besides, it was much more fun telling you myself and watching your theatrics.”

  “I should’ve allowed Kane to kill you when he had the chance.”

  Mircea yawned and stretched. “So you’ve said. Now, I tire of this conversation. Don’t you have something better to do?”

  Vlad shook his head and blew out a stream of air. “There is so much more I could be doing than babysitting your ass.”

  “Then. Let. Me. Go.”

  “Nice try, Mircea. But at this rate?” Vlad smiled. “Looks like you’ll be my permanent guest on the island.”

  Vlad stood and headed for the door. A vase crashed against the wall, just shy of hitting him. Glass tinkled to the marble floor. He sighed heavily before turning.

  “That was an expensive vase, you son of a bitch.”

  “Then let me out of here or you’ll need a fucking remodel of this entire room.”

  He raised a brow. “Need I put you in a room with nothing but four walls? Don’t tempt me, I’ll do it. I’m trying to make your stay comfortable, but for the life of me, I don’t know why.”

  “I’ll make sure you live to regret this, brother.”

  Vlad stuck the key into the door and unlocked it. “I’m sure you will,” he grumbled as the self-locking door slammed behind him.

  He really needed to come to a decision on what the hell to do with his brother. Mircea was starting to wear on his last fucking nerve.

  Chapter 19

  How the hell did she keep doing that? With Ryder’s hearing, she shouldn’t have been able to move without him detecting it. And yet this was the second time he had awakened to her giving him the slip. The slight click of the door closing brought him from his slumber. Fuck. He wiped a hand down his face. He must’ve been sleeping like the dead. Granted, he was in serious need of feeding. It wouldn’t be long before his skin tone took on a translucent look. His body already ached with the stirrings of the death chill.

  It had been four days since his last feeding. Much more and Gabriela might be questioning his appearance. Sitting up, he glanced around the room. The contents of her bag had been haphazardly scattered across the dresser. She must have been looking for something to wear. Ryder hadn’t given her a lot of time to pack, so he doubted she had much to choose from.

  After swinging his legs off the bed, he stood naked and padded to the bathroom, where he washed his face. A quick look in the mirror confirmed his need for blood. Hell, one look at him and Gabby might think he had come down with a bug.

  Glancing at the watch he wore on his left wrist, he saw it was half-past ten. After making love through most of the night, they had managed a few hours of sleep. Maybe Gabby had run out to pick up breakfast, sustenance that would do little for him. His wallet lay open next to her backpack. Thankfully, she had the foresight to use cash. He’d need to make his own excuses soon, take a leave and find a housekeeper, clerk, or hotel guest. At this point, any artery would do.

  If Ryder went too long without blood, the hunger would weaken him. He couldn’t allow his guard down with Raúl’s goons combing the country for them. Scrubbing a hand over his bearded jaw, he growled. Gabby should’ve awakened him, sending him for the food. He was obviously the less recognizable of the two.

  He needed to get dressed and go look for her.

  Ryder slipped on the jeans he had discarded the night before. After pulling his
T-shirt over his head, he stepped into his boots before making tracks for the door. Just as he opened it, Gabriela squealed, joggling the paper cups in her hand.

  “You scared me.”

  He frowned. “Where did you go?”

  “I just went looking for coffee, Captain Clueless.” She smiled, holding up the two cups.

  Ryder gripped her biceps and pulled her into the room. He did a quick sweep of the hallway, seeing she hadn’t been followed, before closing the door with his foot.

  “You should’ve sent me, Gabby. We can’t take any chances. You’re too recognizable.”

  “You worry too much, Ryder. I didn’t even leave the hotel. I found a quaint little shop in the lobby and no one paid me any mind.” She handed him a cup of the brew. He could scent the rich flavor. “I thought you might need a little caffeine following last night. Speaking of, you’re looking a little ashen. Are you feeling okay?”

  Ryder set the cup on the desk and ran a knuckle down her cheek. He had never seen anyone more gorgeous, even someone fresh out of bed.

  Don’t get too fucking used to it. She’s not yours to keep.

  “I’m fine. Just a lack of sleep, thanks to you.”

  Gabby’s grin turned naughty. “I know a way we can pass the time today, if you’re up for it.”

  “Cards? Movies?” He laughed. Just the thought of playing with her had him semi-hard. “Not that I don’t want to take you up on your offer and toss you on that mattress, but I need to go out. I’ll bring you back breakfast. Any requests?”

  “A yogurt and some fresh fruit maybe? We know we could call room service, if you’d like?”

  “I need to take a look around, Gabby.”


  “I need to do a quick check of the hotel and surrounding grounds, maybe circle a few blocks. I have to make sure your uncle’s men aren’t snooping about. If so, you could’ve been seen. Besides, the sun might do me some good, help my pastiness.” He winked. “While I’m gone, lock the door and throw the deadbolt. Don’t answer for anyone. Not even housekeeping. Am I clear?”


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